Recent advancements in viral hydrodynamics afford the calculation of the transport properties of particle suspensions from first principles, namely, from the detailed particle shapes. For coronavirus suspensions, for example, the shape can be approximated by beading (i) the spherical capsid and (ii) the radially protruding peplomers. The general rigid bead-rod theory allows us to assign Stokesian hydrodynamics to each bead. Thus, viral hydrodynamics yields the suspension rotational diffusivity, but not without first arriving at a configuration for the cationic peplomers. Prior work considered identical peplomers charged identically. However, a recent pioneering experiment uncovers remarkable peplomer size and charge heterogeneities. In this work, we use energy minimization to arrange the spikes, charged heterogeneously to obtain the coronavirus spike configuration required for its viral hydrodynamics. For this, we use the measured charge heterogeneity. We consider 20 000 randomly generated possibilities for cationic peplomers with formal charges ranging from 30 to 55. We find the configurations from energy minimization of all of these possibilities to be nearly spherically symmetric, all slightly oblate, and we report the corresponding breadth of the dimensionless rotational diffusivity, the transport property around which coronavirus cell attachment revolves.
Method . | Peplomer population . | Hydrodynamic interactions . | Capsid shape . | Peplomer shape (beads) . | Peplomer charge distribution . | Reference . |
Analytical | Spherical | 1 | Uniform | 1 | ||
Analytical | Np = 74 | Spherical | 3 | Uniform | 2 | |
Analytical | Np = 74 | Ellipsoidal | 1 | Uniform | 3 | |
Molecular dynamics | Np = 26 | Spherical | 1 | Uniform | 5 | |
Analytical | Np = 74 | Spherical | 1 | Uniform | 17 | |
Analytical | Np = 74 | Spherical | 1 | Nonuniform | This work |
Method . | Peplomer population . | Hydrodynamic interactions . | Capsid shape . | Peplomer shape (beads) . | Peplomer charge distribution . | Reference . |
Analytical | Spherical | 1 | Uniform | 1 | ||
Analytical | Np = 74 | Spherical | 3 | Uniform | 2 | |
Analytical | Np = 74 | Ellipsoidal | 1 | Uniform | 3 | |
Molecular dynamics | Np = 26 | Spherical | 1 | Uniform | 5 | |
Analytical | Np = 74 | Spherical | 1 | Uniform | 17 | |
Analytical | Np = 74 | Spherical | 1 | Nonuniform | This work |
Name . | Unit . | Symbol . |
Angular frequency | ω | |
Augmented energy functional | ||
Bead friction coefficient | M/t | ζ |
Complex viscosity | M/Lt | |
Dielectric permittivity | ϵ | |
Element for Kronecker delta | ||
Kinetic molecular energy per molecule | kT | |
Length of the spike of each peplomer | L | |
Mass | M | m |
Mean value of charge distribution | e | |
Minus the imaginary part of the complex viscosity | M/Lt | |
Molecular weights of the peplomer protein trimers | M/mol | Mp |
Nearest bead center-to-center distance | L | L |
Number of dumbbells per unit volume | n | |
Point charge | e | Q |
Real part of the complex viscosity | M/Lt | |
Relaxation modulus | M/L | G(s) |
Relaxation time of rigid dumbbell | t | λ 0 |
Relaxation time of solution | t | λ |
Rotational diffusivity | Dr | |
Rotatory diffusivity | ||
Shear rate amplitude | ||
Solvent viscosity | M/Lt | ηs |
Time difference | t | |
Total electrostatic energy | E | |
Translational diffusivity | Dtr | |
Viscosity, zero-shear | M/Lt | η 0 |
Zero-shear first normal stress difference | M/L |
Name . | Unit . | Symbol . |
Angular frequency | ω | |
Augmented energy functional | ||
Bead friction coefficient | M/t | ζ |
Complex viscosity | M/Lt | |
Dielectric permittivity | ϵ | |
Element for Kronecker delta | ||
Kinetic molecular energy per molecule | kT | |
Length of the spike of each peplomer | L | |
Mass | M | m |
Mean value of charge distribution | e | |
Minus the imaginary part of the complex viscosity | M/Lt | |
Molecular weights of the peplomer protein trimers | M/mol | Mp |
Nearest bead center-to-center distance | L | L |
Number of dumbbells per unit volume | n | |
Point charge | e | Q |
Real part of the complex viscosity | M/Lt | |
Relaxation modulus | M/L | G(s) |
Relaxation time of rigid dumbbell | t | λ 0 |
Relaxation time of solution | t | λ |
Rotational diffusivity | Dr | |
Rotatory diffusivity | ||
Shear rate amplitude | ||
Solvent viscosity | M/Lt | ηs |
Time difference | t | |
Total electrostatic energy | E | |
Translational diffusivity | Dtr | |
Viscosity, zero-shear | M/Lt | η 0 |
Zero-shear first normal stress difference | M/L |
Name . | Symbol . |
Amplitude, mean value, and variance | |
of normal distribution | |
Aspect ratio | c/a |
Capsid-sphere | |
Coefficient in Eqs. (19) and (20) | a |
Coefficient in Eqs. (19) and (20) | b |
Coefficient in Eqs. (19) and (20) | ν |
Augmented Lagrangian | |
Charge | qi |
Electrostatic energy | |
Wales's electrostatic energy | Ew |
Electrostatic energy relative to Wales's energy | F |
Deborah number, oscillatory shear | |
Principal moment of inertia | |
Normal distribution | f |
Probability distribution function | |
Sphere on which peplomers lie | |
Total number of beads | N |
Total number of peplomers | Np |
Weissenberg number |
Name . | Symbol . |
Amplitude, mean value, and variance | |
of normal distribution | |
Aspect ratio | c/a |
Capsid-sphere | |
Coefficient in Eqs. (19) and (20) | a |
Coefficient in Eqs. (19) and (20) | b |
Coefficient in Eqs. (19) and (20) | ν |
Augmented Lagrangian | |
Charge | qi |
Electrostatic energy | |
Wales's electrostatic energy | Ew |
Electrostatic energy relative to Wales's energy | F |
Deborah number, oscillatory shear | |
Principal moment of inertia | |
Normal distribution | f |
Probability distribution function | |
Sphere on which peplomers lie | |
Total number of beads | N |
Total number of peplomers | Np |
Weissenberg number |
Quantity x . | Equation . | Figure . | Parameters of the normal distribution . | ||
. | . | . | A . | μ . | σ . |
Q | Eq. (2) | Fig. 3 | 0.1153 | 41.586 | 3.5251 |
Eq. (31) | Fig. 5(b) | 0.6082 | −6.3755 | 0.6423 | |
I 1 | Fig. 7 | 3.0800 | 158.22 | 0.1310 | |
I 2 | 3.9447 | 158.56 | 0.1007 | ||
I 3 | 3.0926 | 158.91 | 0.1304 | ||
Eq. (11) | Fig. 11 | 1.5296 | 3.1644 | 0.2669 | |
Eq. (16) | Fig. 12 |
Quantity x . | Equation . | Figure . | Parameters of the normal distribution . | ||
. | . | . | A . | μ . | σ . |
Q | Eq. (2) | Fig. 3 | 0.1153 | 41.586 | 3.5251 |
Eq. (31) | Fig. 5(b) | 0.6082 | −6.3755 | 0.6423 | |
I 1 | Fig. 7 | 3.0800 | 158.22 | 0.1310 | |
I 2 | 3.9447 | 158.56 | 0.1007 | ||
I 3 | 3.0926 | 158.91 | 0.1304 | ||
Eq. (11) | Fig. 11 | 1.5296 | 3.1644 | 0.2669 | |
Eq. (16) | Fig. 12 |
In this paper, we depart from the said transport tradition of using the rotatory diffusivity, , and frame our results in terms of the rotational diffusivities, Dr, of coronavirus particles.
A. Kinematics
B. Energetics
C. Equilibrium equations
In the Euler–Lagrange equation [Eq. (29)], the first term on the left-hand side is the total dimensionless electrostatic force exerted on the ith bead by all the remaining beads. For an equilibrium, this electrostatic force is balanced by the second term in Eq. (29), , which is the dimensionless reactive force between the capsid and ith bead required to satisfy Eq. (24), that is, to maintain contact of that bead with the capsid. Therefore, the term , in Eq. (29) is a measure of the interaction between the capsid and i the bead. Notably, if all the peplomer beads are positively charged, they will repel each other. Therefore, for equilibrium, the electrostatic interaction between the peplomer beads and the capsid must be attractive to counter the repulsive forces between the beads. In this respect, we follow Refs. 12 and 29, wherein a Lagrange multiplier is used to represent the adhesive reaction between a semiflexible polymer and a rigid spherical substrate.30 as well used Lagrange multipliers to describe the adhesive reaction between a generalized surface and confined semiflexible polymers. Another example of this approach appears in the work of Ref. 31, who introduced a Lagrange multiplier to predict adhesive reactions.
For each value of i in the vector equation [Eq. (29)], there are three scalar equations. Thus, Eq. (29) yields scalar equations. We solve a total of equations, equilibrium equations in Eq. (29), and Np constraints in Eq. (24), simultaneously to determine unknowns, scalar components of Np position vectors in , and Np in scalar Lagrange multipliers ρi, . We use the Levenberg–Marquardt Algorithm from the fsolve package of MATLAB to solve the system of equations with error tolerance to determine the energy minimizing configuration for given values of charges.
Since Q is integer-valued, we next abstract from Fig. 1 the formal charge distribution line spectrum of coronavirus peplomer protein trimers. We give this in Fig. 3, from which we glean Eq. (2), as we must. Whereas Fig. 3 and its companion [Eq. (2)] tell us the charge heterogeneity, these are silent on how these peplomer charges will arrange themselves over the coronavirus surface. In this work, we examine 20 000 possible arrangements of number Np = 74 of peplomers, which we call states. For a given state, we randomly draw , charges from the discrete, integer-valued bin of charges in the interval with probability as per experimental measurement,14 as shown in Fig. 3. Next, we follow the energy minimization method of Sec. IV C to determine the minimum energy configuration of that state. We repeat the process of randomly drawing , charges from the discrete, integer-valued bin 20 000 times and determine the energy minimizing configuration of each state. Figure 4 illustrates one such energy-minimized state, with color coding for the formal charges. Although considering a larger number of states than 20 000 will give us a more comprehensive understanding of the effect of charge heterogeneity, we restrict our attention to 20 000 states due to computational cost limitations. We expect that the practically chosen number of states is large enough to derive meaningful conclusions.
Equations (35) and (36) are the main results of this work. Recall that the rotational diffusivity is the transport property around which coronavirus cell attachment revolves. From Eq. (36), we learn that through its heterogeneity of peplomer formal charges [Eq. (2)], even if all capsids are spherical, and all of these with Np = 74, the coronavirus attacks with a distribution of rotational diffusivities. We find Fig. 12 to be intrinsically beautiful.
We began this paper by distinguishing two forms of higher energy coronavirus peplomer arrangement arising for fixed peplomer population: (i) those caused by the heterogeneity of charge from one peplomer to the next and (ii) those caused by local energy minima at a uniform charge (less probable than the lowest energy configuration33,34). In this paper, we focused on the former romanette because this charge heterogeneity has been recently observed and quantified experimentally (Fig. 1. of Ref. 14 reprinted as Fig. 1). For the romanette (i), we have examined the lowest energy (and thus the most probable) configuration for each of 20 000 random charge arrangements (see one of these in Fig. 4). By contrast, romanette (ii) would involve examining lower probability arrangements (higher energy and local energy minima) arising for any fixed charge arrangement (be it with or without33,34 charge heterogeneity). Romanettes (i) and (ii) yield multiplicities of relaxation time, thus multiplicities of coronavirus transport properties. We leave the intriguing problem of the relaxation time distribution implied by romanette (ii) for another day. In this paper, we calculate the transport properties of coronavirus suspensions from the first principles, namely, from the detailed particle shapes. For this, we approximated the shape by beading (i) the spherical capsid and then (ii) the radially protruding peplomers (see gray and colored beads of Fig. 4, respectively). Following the general rigid bead-rod theory, we assigned Stokesian hydrodynamics to each bead position. Our work, called viral hydrodynamics, thus then yields the suspension rotational diffusivity equation [Eq. (36)], but not without first arriving at a configuration for the cationic peplomers. From the general rigid bead-rod theory, we learn that the transport properties depend upon the macromolecular moments of inertia. By transport properties, we mean the rotational diffusivity, the relaxation time [Eq. (11)] upon which the rotational diffusivity depends, and the complex viscosity equations [Eqs. (18)–(20)]. In this work, we considered 20 000 randomly generated possibilities for cationic peplomer arrangements with formal charges ranging from 30 to 55 [Eq. (2)]. We find the configurations from energy minimization of all of these possibilities to be nearly spherically symmetric (Figs. 7 and 8), all slightly oblate, and we report the corresponding breadth of the dimensionless relaxation time distribution in Fig. 11 and Eq. (35) and rotational diffusivity in Fig. 12 and Eq. (36), the transport property around which coronavirus cell attachment revolves. In this paper, exploiting the general rigid bead-rod theory, we carried the pioneering experiments on peplomer formal charge heterogeneity through to what this implies about the rotational diffusivity, and specifically about its heterogeneity. From Fig. 12 and Eq. (36), we learn that the coronavirus attacks with a distribution of rotational diffusivities. In this paper, we have neglected the interferences of velocity profiles of nearby peplomers.17 We call these interferences hydrodynamic interactions. We leave the exploration of how formal charge distribution of coronavirus peplomer protein trimers is affected by hydrodynamic interactions for future work. We would account for such hydrodynamic interactions following the method of Sec. II of Ref. 10 with [Eq. (8) of Ref. 10]. Our work is silent about the charge distribution over the surfaces of individual peplomers, recently quantified by molecular dynamics simulation (see Fig. 2. of Ref. 18). We leave this intriguing task for the future. Docking coronavirus with a receptor site requires not just one but two adjacent peplomers to align and attach. For this probability, see Eq. (1) of Ref. 1. This has yet to be calculated for peplomers charged identically, and our work is silent on how this probability would be affected by the recently measured peplomer formal charge heterogeneity. We leave this daunting task for another day.
This research was undertaken, in part, thanks to support from the Canada Research Chairs program of the Government of Canada for the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Tier 1 Canada Research Chairs in Rheology, and in Physics of Fluids. This research was also undertaken, in part, thanks to support from the Discovery Grant program of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) (A. J. Giacomin), Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship (M. A. Kanso), and the Mitacs Research Training Award (A. J. Giacomin and M. A. Kanso). V. Chaurasia and E. Fried gratefully acknowledge support from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University with subsidy funding from the Cabinet Office, Government of Japan. We are grateful to the anonymous referees for helping us improve the manuscript.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
Author Contributions
Vikash Chaurasia: Conceptualization (equal); Data curation (lead); Formal analysis (lead); Resources (equal); Software (lead); Validation (lead); Visualization (lead); Writing – original draft (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal). Mona Kanso: Project administration (lead); Writing – original draft (equal). Eliot Fried: Conceptualization (equal); Funding acquisition (equal); Supervision (equal). Alan Jeffrey Giacomin: Conceptualization (lead); Funding acquisition (equal); Investigation (equal); Methodology (equal); Resources (equal); Supervision (lead); Validation (equal); Writing – original draft (lead); Writing – review & editing (equal).
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.