Thermal convection driven by an internal heat source in a two-dimensional enclosure filled with viscoplastic fluids is investigated numerically. Two vertical side walls of the cavity are isotherms with the same low temperatures, while the horizontal walls are adiabatic and insulated. An exact Bingham model is applied in the constitutive equation for the viscoplastic fluid. A lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is developed to solve the introduced non-dimensional macroscopic equations, and the derivations of the LBM are presented and discussed. The implemented LBM is validated against previous studies of internal natural convection. The effects of the Rayleigh–Roberts number, the Prandtl number, the aspect ratio of the cavity, and the inclined angle of the enclosure on the yielded/unyielded parts are investigated and reported. The maximum (or critical) Bingham (Bn) and yield (Y) numbers for the studied parameters are investigated through the defined Nusselt number. The results are depicted by the contours of isotherms, streamlines, yielded/unyielded zones, vorticity, and horizontal and vertical velocities. In addition, the temperatures and velocities in the middle of the cavity as well as the Nusselt number are shown and discussed. It was revealed that the maximum (or critical) yield number is independent of Rayleigh–Roberts and Prandtl numbers same as external natural convection. The values of the critical yield number decrease gradually as the inclined angle rises counterclockwise. However, the critical yield number enhances with the increase in the aspect ratio although the augmentation is not linear and steady.
The study of natural convection due to internal heat sources was considered to reveal the earth-mantle convection process.1 For the internal heating source (Qi), a modified Rayleigh number was suggested which is also called “Rayleigh–Roberts number” (RR) after the theoretical study of Roberts,2 following the experimental investigation of Tritton and Zarraga.3 The temperature difference due to the applied internal heat source is calculated by , where k is the thermal conductivity, L is the characteristic length, and Qi is a constant uniform volumetric energy source.4
External natural convection of viscoplastic fluids, using various analytical, experimental, and numerical models, has been studied widely, in the past two decades. Some of the significant previous studies based on imposed boundary conditions are Rayleigh–Bénard convection, different isotherm temperatures on the walls of enclosures and channels, and applying heat fluxes on boundaries in cavities.6–12 However, internal natural convection of viscoplastic fluids, which considers the internal heating (and/or cooling) sources, has not been studied yet, based on our best knowledge.
Here, the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is used to simulate and study natural convection due to internal heating in an enclosure filled with viscoplastic fluids. The LBM is a robust mesoscopic technique to study a wide range of fluid flows and heat transfer problems.13–20 To solve this problem, we developed and applied a modified LBM which we introduced and utilized in several isothermal, thermal, and solutal viscoplastic problems before.21–25
The structure of the paper is arranged in this manner: in Sec. II, the problem statement, the dimensional and non-dimensional governing equations, and different non-dimensional parameters are indicated and explained. The implemented LBM equations to solve the governing equations including the imposed algorithm are defined and discussed in Sec. III. In Sec. IV, the results are demonstrated and analyzed for various considered non-dimensional numbers and their effects on the fluid flow, heat transfer, and yielded/unyielded sections. The main and new findings are noted and determined in Sec. V. In Appendix B, it is shown how the implemented LBM can recover the non-dimensional continuity and momentum equations. In Appendix C, the Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy (CFL) condition is assessed in the introduced LBM by defining the requirement relations. Appendix D demonstrates how the non-dimensional equations are obtained from the presented LBM energy distribution relations.
Internal natural convection of viscoplastic fluids in an enclosure with the width of W and the height of H is studied (see Fig. 1), using the exact model of Bingham. All lengths have been scaled with W. The aspect ratio of the enclosure is defined by A = H/W. An inclination of against the horizontal line is applied to the cavity. The only applied external acceleration is gravity, and the Oberbeck–Boussinesq approximation is applied for density change. A volumetric uniform heating rate (Qi) is induced through the enclosure, which drives the convection. Isotherm low temperature is imposed on the vertical sides, while the horizontal walls are adiabatic.
A. Dimensional macroscopic governing equations and boundary conditions
B. Non-dimensional macroscopic parameters
C. Non-dimensional governing equations
To solve the non-dimensional macroscopic equations, a non-dimensional lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is implemented, following the proposed method of So et al.,26 which we developed in various problems of viscoplastic fluids.23–25 The dimensional equations and proofs of the applied methods are explained and discussed in detail in our previous study.21–25 Here, the equations and relations of the LBM are presented, and, in Appendixes A–D, we show how the presented non-dimensional lattice Boltzmann equations can satisfy the derived non-dimensional macroscopic equations.
A. Recovering the non-dimensional continuity and momentum equations using the LBM
B. Recovering the non-dimensional energy equation using the LBM
C. The applied algorithm
The lattice Boltzmann equations (LBEs) of and are broken into two parts (streaming and collision) by the splitting method as
In this current LBM, the boundary conditions can be applied directly by the non-dimensional macroscopic values. The boundaries and initial values are utilized for the first non-dimensional macroscopic values of , and then, the initial amounts of the equilibrium distribution functions and are found.
The initial values of the distribution functions ( and ) are calculated through the collision part.
With and , the new distribution functions ( and ) are found in the streaming part.
- Using and , the updated macroscopic parameters [ ] are determined as
With the renewed quantities [ ], the corresponding new equilibrium distribution functions become updated ( and ).
The updated distribution functions and are achieved in the collision part.
- The convergence criteria ( ) for different main parameters are written as
In the present study, there is the opportunity to apply different boundary conditions directly, using the macroscopic variables similar to macroscopic numerical methods. So, we do not need any extra distribution functions for boundaries and the macroscopic boundaries just need to be written in the code straightforwardly. It is discussed in detail in Refs. 21–25.
A. Validation and numerical characteristics
. | . | . |
1/25 | 12.2 | 120 |
1/50 | 2.94 | 283 |
1/75 | 0.51 | 480 |
1/100 | 0.28 | 692 |
1/150 | 0 | 1109 |
. | . | . |
1/25 | 12.2 | 120 |
1/50 | 2.94 | 283 |
1/75 | 0.51 | 480 |
1/100 | 0.28 | 692 |
1/150 | 0 | 1109 |
. | 1/50 . | 1/100 . | 1/150 . | 1/200 . | 1/250 . |
En | |||||
290 | 720 | 1200 | 1950 | 3022 |
. | 1/50 . | 1/100 . | 1/150 . | 1/200 . | 1/250 . |
En | |||||
290 | 720 | 1200 | 1950 | 3022 |
It confirmed that the grid size ( = = 1/200) ensures a grid-independent solution as demonstrated. In all calculations, we set the time step of and the CPU of Intel(R)-Core(TM)i7-7700 is used.
B. The effect of Rayleigh–Roberts number
Figures 4–6 display the isotherms and yielded/unyielded zones for various Bingham and Rayleigh–Roberts numbers at Pr = 1, A = 1, and . It is seen the stagnant unyielded areas in the corners of the cavity are generated in small Bingham numbers in all studied RRs. Three main other zones are shaped in the middle of the cavity and in parallel to the vertical walls. The enhancement of Bingham number expands the mentioned primary unyielded parts. The isotherms illustrate the convection process weakens (it could be observed with a constant isotherm in the middle of the enclosure in various RRs) gradually as Bingham number rises. Figure 7 exhibits the patterns of streamlines (ψ), horizontal velocity ( ), vertical velocity ( ), and vorticity (ω) at Bn = 0.1, A = 1 and , and Pr = 1 in various RRs. The contours demonstrate the small values and close to zero values of velocities are generated in the corners and the middle of the cavity. In addition, the vertical velocities reveal the reason for the unyielded zones in parallel to the vertical sides, which are formed in the center of the two vertical velocities circulations in the left and right sides.
Figure 8 shows the Nusselt number drops steadily as Bingham number rises in different RRs. The maximum (or critical) Bingham number, which represents the full unyielded condition in the cavity and the Nusselt number is equal to one with the dominant conduction process, is enhanced by the increase in RR number. The maximum Bingham numbers are = 0.4, 1.3, and 4 for RR = , and 105, respectively, at Pr = 1, A = 1, and . It was observed that the slope of the decrease in the Nusselt number due to the rise of Bingham number is steep at and around 90% of the dissipated Nusselt number is obtained in this part. Figure 9 reveals the maximum (or critical) yield number for all considered Rayleigh–Roberts numbers is the same ( ), which is a similar trend that was reported in external natural convection in previous studies.8–10
C. The effect of Prandtl number
Figure 10 shows how the unyielded zones enlarge as the Prandtl number increases from Pr = 0.1 to 100 in a fixed Bingham number of Bn = 0.1 at RR = 105, A = 1, and . Figure 11 illustrates the influences of Bingham numbers on the non-dimensional temperature at and vertical velocity at for RR = 104, Pr = 0.1, A = 1, and . It shows the convection process is weakened by the increase in the Bingham number where the curve forms of velocity and temperature in the middle of the cavity become linear steadily.
Figure 12 displays the Nusselt number in different Prandtl, Bingham, and yield numbers at RR = 105 and A = 1, and . It indicates that the rise of Prandtl number enhances the Nusselt number in Newtonian fluid (Bn = 0), but, interestingly, the maximum Bingham number ( ) drops by the increase in Prandtl number. For Pr = 0.1, 1, 10, and 100, the critical Bingham number is and 0.15; respectively. This figure proves the maximum yield number is independent of Prandtl number where for various studied Prandtl numbers. It shows that the Nusselt number increases against the augmentation of Prandtl number in various studied yield numbers.
D. The effect of Eckert (Gebhart) number
Figure 13 illustrates the effect of Eckert number between Ec = 0 and 0.001 on isotherms, streamlines, and yielded/unyielded zones at Pr = 1, A = 1, RR = 105, and . The contour of isotherms in the left side represents Ec = 0, and the right one belongs to Ec = 0.001. The isotherm line of demonstrates the decrease in the convection process by the presence of the Eckert number as it starts moving from the centerline toward the sides. This phenomenon also is depicted in the streamlines. It is observed the unyielded parts expand slightly when the Eckert number rises from Ec = 0 (the green lines) to Ec = 0.001 (the red lines). To observe the influence of Eckert number on the convection process and its viscous dissipation process, the non-dimensional temperature in the middle of the cavity ( ) for different Rayleigh–Roberts numbers at Pr = 1, A = 1, and is demonstrated in Fig. 14. It shows the maximum value of the dimensional temperature (θmax) due to the viscous dissipation increases significantly, which generates lower Nusselt number.
E. The effect of the enclosure aspect ratio
To see how the aspect ratio of the enclosure affects the convection process and unyielded parts, two cases of A = 0.5 and A = 2 are investigated to cover both scenarios of A <1 and A >1. Figures 15 and 16 depict the isotherms and yielded/unyielded zones in different Bingham numbers of Bn = 0.2 and 0.4 at Pr = 1, , and RR = 105 for A = 0.5 and 2, respectively. At A = 0.5, the unyielded parts are formed in the center of the enclosure, but at A = 2, a pattern like A = 1 for unyielded parts is seen where three separate zones are produced, one in the center and two symmetric ones parallel to the side walls. In both aspect ratios, the stagnant unyielded parts are generated in the corners and in the middle of the horizontal walls. The isotherms show the convection process becomes weaker where the isotherms of and 0.11 move away from the top horizontal walls at A = 0.5 and 2. Figure 17 displays the Nusselt number at A = 0.5 drops compared to A = 1 generally in all considered Rayleigh–Roberts numbers. The Nusselt number decreases gradually as the Bingham number rises. However, this decline is not linear and similar to A = 1 and the most reduction in the Nusselt number is observed at . From the comparison between Figs. 17 and 8, it is clear the maximum (or critical) Bingham number falls due to the decrease in the aspect ratio from A = 1 to 0.5. The percentage of this drop in all RRs are nearly the same, and it is approximately . The yield number in Fig. 18 can approve this trend clearly where it shows the unique maximum yield number for all RRs are dropped by the same percentage of , compared to the value at A = 1, which is presented in Fig. 9. Figure 19 depicts the Nusselt number enhances in all Bingham numbers at A = 2 compared to A = 1 and the maximum Bingham numbers in RRs become nearly double. The unique maximum yield number in Fig. 20 demonstrates this trend where it rises by 205.5% ( ) compared to the one at A = 1.
F. The effect of the enclosure inclined angle
To observe the effects of the inclined angle on isotherms and yielded/unyielded zones, they are evaluated in two angles of and at Pr = 1, A = 1, and RR = 105 in Figs. 21 and 22. They illustrate that the symmetric shape of unyielded zones disappears with the inclined angle's rise since the symmetric shapes of velocities and streamlines are changed due to the inclination. The size and value of the secondary circulation of streamlines diminish, and the unyielded zone is formed in this part of the cavity. So, the left side of the enclosure is filled with solid material due to the increase in the Bingham number. However, the unyielded zone still grows in the right half of the enclosure and corners the same as the inclined angle of . Figures 21 and 22 demonstrate the increase in the Bingham number causes the isotherms to move to the side walls, which is a sign of the diminish in the convection process. Figures 23–26 show the Nusselt number drops as the inclined angle increases from to 80° for all studied RRs. Further, the maximum Bingham and yield numbers decrease steadily with the increase in the inclination angle. It was observed there is a unique single value of the maximum yield number for all studied Rayleigh–Roberts numbers for each angle where they are and for and , respectively. In other words, the maximum yield number declines by 20% and 60% for and 80° against the value at .
Natural convection driven by a uniform internal heat source in a cavity filled with viscoplastic fluids are studied motivated by its application in process of the earth's mantle convection.5 The constitutive equation is defined by an approach so-called the exact Bingham model, which recovers the Bingham model without any simplification. To solve the non-dimensional governing equations, a lattice Boltzmann method is developed based on the proposed method of So et al.26 which we introduced and implemented in different non-Newtonian fluids, validated against previous studies into isothermal and thermal viscoplastic fluids.21–25 The LBM code also was validated by previous studies into internal natural convection in a cavity and demonstrated a good agreement. We can summarize our findings as
At Pr = 1, A = 1, and , the maximum (or critical) Bingham number was obtained at = 0.4, 0.13, and 4 for RR = 104, 105, and 106, respectively.
As it was reported in external natural convection8–10 in cavities (which the yield number is constant in all studied Rayleigh numbers), it was observed the internal convection follows the same pattern and the maximum yield number is independent of number. The critical yield number for Pr = 1, A = 1, and was found at = .
At A = 1, the unyielded zones are expanded in the center and close to side walls with the increase in the yield number, while stagnant points are generated in the corners.
The convection process becomes weakened as the yield (or Bingham) number enhances, and this weakness is demonstrated through the isotherms and velocities in the middle of the cavity.
It was displayed by the Nusselt number that the highest part of the decrease in the convection process (around 90%) is achieved in the first half of the maximum Bingham and yield numbers ( and ).
Similar to the observed trend in the external natural convection of viscoplastic fluids,8–10 the maximum (or critical) yield number is independent to Prandtl number and it is = at A = 1, and .
The maximum Bingham number drops steadily as Prandtl number rises from Pr = 0.1 to 100. However, the Nusselt number in different yield numbers augments regularly due to the increase in Prandtl numbers.
The convection process diminishes with the addition of significant value of Eckert (Gebhart) number (Ec = 0.001) in the energy equation (which can only be observed in large amount of the length characteristic such as the convection layer in the earth's mantle convection). In addition, the unyielded zones expand slightly due to the rise of Eckert (Gebhart) number and the convection process drops.
The decrease in the aspect ratio from A = 1 to 0.5 causes the Nusselt number to decline generally. The maximum Bingham number and the maximum yield number rise as the aspect ratio enhances. The general trend was also mentioned in the external natural convection in previous studies.9,10
It was demonstrated there is a unique number of the maximum yield number for any studied aspect ratios. It is = and = for A = 0.5 and A = 2, respectively. If we compare the of the aspect ratios against the value at A = 1, it drops by 20% at and increases by 205.5% at A = 2, accordingly.
The rise of the inclined angle from to 80° causes the maximum Bingham (and Yield) numbers to decrease and the convection process weakens. It was observed the maximum yield number for all studied Rayleigh–Roberts number is a single specific number in various inclined angles as reported in the external natural convection. For example, at A = 1, the maximum yield number is declined to = and = for and , respectively.
The symmetric shape of the unyielded zones is changed, and the locations of the unyielded parts in the cavity are altered due to the rise of the inclined angle counter-clockwise. These alterations become stronger as the Rayleigh–Roberts number and the inclined angle enhances. In other words, the strengthen of the buoyancy term in the x direction due to the inclined angle expands the unyielded zones rigorously in the left side of the cavity in the counter-clockwise rotation.
In future studies, the combination of internal and external natural convection of yield stress fluids for differentially heated walls and Rayleigh–Bénard convection will be studied. Further, the mixed convection due to the internal heat source for viscoplastic fluids will be evaluated and reported.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
Author Contributions
Gholamreza Kefayati: Conceptualization (equal); Data curation (equal); Formal analysis (equal); Funding acquisition (equal); Investigation (equal); Methodology (equal); Project administration (equal); Resources (equal); Software (equal); Supervision (equal); Validation (equal); Visualization (equal); Writing – original draft (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal).
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
- A
Aspect ratio of the enclosure ( )
- Bn
Bingham number ( )
- c
Specific heat capacity
Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy (CFL)
- e
Unit vector
- f
Non-dimensional density distribution function
Non-dimensional equilibrium density distribution function
- F
Non-dimensional discrete body force term
- g
Gravity acceleration vector
- g
Non-dimensional energy distribution function
Non-dimensional equilibrium energy distribution function
- G
Non-dimensional discrete source term in the energy distribution functions
- H
Height of the enclosure (m)
First Rivlin–Ericksen tensor
- k
Thermal conductivity (W/m K)
- Kn
Knudsen number
- L
Characteristic length (m)
- Nu
Nusselt number
- p
Pressure (Pa)
- Pr
Prandtl number ( )
- RR
Rayleigh–Roberts number ( )
- Qi
Internal volume heat source ( )
- T
Total stress tensor (Pa)
- t
Time (s)
- x, y
Cartesian coordinates (m)
- u
Velocity in x direction (m/s)
- U
The buoyancy velocity scale (m/s)
- v
Velocity in y direction (m/s)
- W
Width of the enclosure (m)
- Y
Yield number
Greek letters
Temperature (K)
Temperature difference (K)
Discrete non-dimensional lattice velocity
- β
Thermal expansion coefficient
Inclined angle
Extra stress tensor (Pa)
Yield stress (Pa)
Lattice spacing in x direction (m)
Lattice spacing in y direction (m)
Time increment (s)
- ρ
- η
Dynamic viscosity (Pa s)
- χ
Parameter for the stability control in LBM
- ε
Small parameter represents Knudsen number
Shear rate
Non-dimensional relaxation time
Viscoplasticity constraint tensor
Second invariant of the extra stress tensor (Pa)
Stream function
- A
Aspect ratio of the enclosure ( )
- Bn
Bingham number ( )
- c
Specific heat capacity
Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy (CFL)
- e
Unit vector
- f
Non-dimensional density distribution function
Non-dimensional equilibrium density distribution function
- F
Non-dimensional discrete body force term
- g
Gravity acceleration vector
- g
Non-dimensional energy distribution function
Non-dimensional equilibrium energy distribution function
- G
Non-dimensional discrete source term in the energy distribution functions
- H
Height of the enclosure (m)
First Rivlin–Ericksen tensor
- k
Thermal conductivity (W/m K)
- Kn
Knudsen number
- L
Characteristic length (m)
- Nu
Nusselt number
- p
Pressure (Pa)
- Pr
Prandtl number ( )
- RR
Rayleigh–Roberts number ( )
- Qi
Internal volume heat source ( )
- T
Total stress tensor (Pa)
- t
Time (s)
- x, y
Cartesian coordinates (m)
- u
Velocity in x direction (m/s)
- U
The buoyancy velocity scale (m/s)
- v
Velocity in y direction (m/s)
- W
Width of the enclosure (m)
- Y
Yield number
Greek letters
Temperature (K)
Temperature difference (K)
Discrete non-dimensional lattice velocity
- β
Thermal expansion coefficient
Inclined angle
Extra stress tensor (Pa)
Yield stress (Pa)
Lattice spacing in x direction (m)
Lattice spacing in y direction (m)
Time increment (s)
- ρ
- η
Dynamic viscosity (Pa s)
- χ
Parameter for the stability control in LBM
- ε
Small parameter represents Knudsen number
Shear rate
Non-dimensional relaxation time
Viscoplasticity constraint tensor
Second invariant of the extra stress tensor (Pa)
Stream function
The introduced relations in the Eqs. (A1) are imposed over the entire flow domain (including both yielded and unyielded sections).
Finding the solutions of velocity and the viscoplasticity constraint tensor to reveal the yielded/unyielded regions. There are no singularities due to as
- The two unknown vectors of and should be defined, which requires a connection between these two vectors. It is proved that there is a relation between them using a simple projection operation ( )6,23 aswhereand
is the projection operator defined so that if and otherwise. Note that in the context of Eq. (A2), the tensor and it is symmetric. Further, the tensor must be dimensionless for is also dimensionless. is a value, which can be defined by non-dimensional parameters based on our studied case and problem. The iterations will continue to reach the convergence point based on our desired accuracy. It should be noted that the boundary between the yielded and unyielded regions is shaped between and .