This article was originally published online on 9 February 2022 with an error in the first paragraph in column 2 on page 12 and in Ref. 6. The paragraph on page 12 should have started with “Though our work is mainly driven by curiosity, its applications have not escaped our attention. For instance, we….” Reference 6 is correct below.

6A. J. Giacomin and M. A. Kanso, “General rigid bead-rod macromolecular theory,” in Recent Advances in Rheology: Theory, Biorheology, Suspension and Interfacial Rheology, Chapter 2, edited by D. De Kee and A. Ramachandran (AIP Publishing, Melville, NY, 2022), 26p.

All online versions of the article were corrected on 10 February 2022; the article is correct as it appears in the printed version of the journal.