A theory is developed concerning the onset of interfacial instabilities at the liquid—liquid interface between two solvents when they are mutually immiscible and when a third species, the solute, is diffusing across the interface. The analysis made involves solving the linearized hydrodynamic equations of motion for an idealized model with appropriate boundary conditions at the interface. The interface becomes unstable and turbulence at the interface develops under certain conditions which depend upon the densities of the solutions, the strength of the frictional forces between solute and solvents, concentration gradients, and the direction and rate of diffusion of the solute. The effects of surface tension and viscosity are considered. Some experimental results pertaining to the instability are cited.
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April 1963
Research Article|
April 01 1963
Effect of Diffusion on Interfacial Taylor Instability
L. Witten
L. Witten
RIAS, Baltimore, Maryland
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Phys. Fluids 6, 535–542 (1963)
Article history
June 01 1962
R. H. Aranow, L. Witten; Effect of Diffusion on Interfacial Taylor Instability. Phys. Fluids 1 April 1963; 6 (4): 535–542. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1706769
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