This is a fundamental study of the phenomenon of natural convection in the region formed by a vertical warm wall rising above a cold horizontal wall, or in the region between a cold vertical wall extending downward from a warm horizontal surface. The study consists of scale analysis, numerical simulations, and an asymptotic solution of the low Rayleigh number limit. The scale analysis predicts the persistence of a single cell in the corner region, regardless of Rayleigh number. The cell migrates toward the corner as the Rayleigh number RaH increases: the flow rate and the net heat transfer rate vary as Ra1/7H. The scale analysis is verified qualitatively and quantitatively by means of numerical experiments in the range RaH =103–107, Pr=0.7–7, H/L=1–4, where Pr is the Prandtl number and H/L is the height/length ratio of the corner region. Additional numerical simulations are presented for cases where one or both walls have uniform heat flux; in these cases, the heat transfer rate shows nearly the same behavior as when the corner walls are both isothermal. The asymptotic solution for the RaH→0 limit shows that the flow field is relatively insensitive to whether the wall temperature varies continuously or discontinuously through the corner point.
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October 1985
Research Article|
October 01 1985
Natural convection in a differentially heated corner region
Shigeo Kimura;
Shigeo Kimura
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27706
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Adrian Bejan
Adrian Bejan
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27706
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Phys. Fluids 28, 2980–2989 (1985)
Article history
January 09 1983
April 26 1985
Shigeo Kimura, Adrian Bejan; Natural convection in a differentially heated corner region. Phys. Fluids 1 October 1985; 28 (10): 2980–2989.
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