Particle simulations of the expansion of a collisionless plasma into vacuum are presented. The cases of a single‐electron‐temperature plasma and of a two‐electron‐temperature plasma are considered. The results confirm the existence of an ion front and verify the general features of self‐similar solutions behind this front. A cold electron front is clearly observed in the two‐electron‐temperatures case. The computations also show that for a finite electron‐to‐ion mass ratio, me/mi, the electron thermal velocity in the expansion region is not constant, but decreases approximately linearly with ξ=x/t, where x is distance and t is time. A self‐similar solution, derived from the relation Ten1−γe=const, where Te is the electron temperature, ne is the electron density, and γ is a constant (instead of the isothermal assumption made in earlier theories), yields a linearly decreasing ion acoustic speed, c≃c0−(γ−1) ξ/2, and comparison with computer simulation results show that the constant γ−1 is proportional to (Zme/mi)1/2, where Z is the ion charge number.
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July 1979
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July 01 1979
Collisionless plasma expansion into a vacuum
J. Denavit
J. Denavit
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, University of California, Livermore, California 94550
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Phys. Fluids 22, 1384–1392 (1979)
J. Denavit; Collisionless plasma expansion into a vacuum. Phys. Fluids 1 July 1979; 22 (7): 1384–1392.
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