The thermal equilibrium properties of an intense relativistic electron beam with distribution function f0b=Z−1bexp[−(H−βbcPz−ωbPϑ) /T] are investigated. This choice of f0b allows for a mean azimuthal rotation of the beam electrons (when ωb≠0), and corresponds to an important generalization of the distribution function first analyzed by Bennett. Beam equilibrium properties, including axial velocity profile V0zb(r), azimuthal velocity profile V0ϑb(r), beam temperature profile T0b(r), beam density profile n0b(r), and equilibrium self‐field profiles, are calculated for a broad range of system parameters. For appropriate choice of beam rotation velocity ωb, it is found that radially confined equilibrium solutions [with n0b(r→∞) =0] exist even in the absence of a partially neutralizing ion background that weakens the repulsive space‐charge force. The necessary and sufficient conditions for radially confined equilibria are ω−b<ωb<ω+b for 0⩽ (2ω̂2pb /ω2cb) (1−f−β2b) ⩽1, and 0<ωb<ωcb for (2ω̂2pb/ω2cb) (1−f−β2b) <0. Here, ωcb=eB0/γb mc is the relativistic cyclotron frequency, ωpb= (4πn̂be2/γbm)1/2 is the on‐axis (r=0) plasma frequency, f=n0i(r)/n0b(r) = const is the fractional charge neutralization, βbc= (1−1/γ2b)1/2c is the mean axial velocity of the beam, and ω±b= (ωcb/2) {1±[1−(2ω̂2pb/ω2cb) (1−f−β2b)] 1/2} are the allowed equilibrium rotation frequencies in the limit of a cold electron beam(T→0) with uniform density n̂b.
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July 1979
Research Article|
July 01 1979
Thermal equilibrium properties of an intense relativistic electron beam
R. C. Davidson;
R. C. Davidson
Science Applications Inc., Boulder, Colorado 80302
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Han S. Uhm
Han S. Uhm
Plasma Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
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Phys. Fluids 22, 1375–1383 (1979)
R. C. Davidson, Han S. Uhm; Thermal equilibrium properties of an intense relativistic electron beam. Phys. Fluids 1 July 1979; 22 (7): 1375–1383.
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