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First observations on wall plasma expansion and x-ray flux in foam hohlraum at 100 kJ laser facility
1 March 2025
ISSN 2468-2047
EISSN 2468-080X
Fundamental Physics at Extreme Light
X-ray transition and K-edge energies in dense finite-temperature plasmas: Challenges of a generalized approach with spectroscopic precision
Matter Radiat. Extremes 10, 027201 (2025)
Inertial Confinement Fusion Physics
First observations on wall plasma expansion and x-ray flux in foam hohlraum at 100 kJ laser facility
Lu Zhang; Zhiwei Lin; Longfei Jing; Jianhua Zheng; Qiangqiang Wang; Sanwei Li; Zhurong Cao; Yunsong Dong; Bo Deng; Liling Li; Hang Li; Yulong Li; Huabing Du; Xiayu Zhan; Xibin Xu; Gao Niu; Wei Zhou; Longyu Kuang; Dong Yang; Jiamin Yang; Zongqing Zhao; Yongkun Ding; Weiyan Zhang
Matter Radiat. Extremes 10, 027401 (2025)
High Pressure Physics and Materials Science
Investigations of key issues on the reproducibility of high-Tc superconductivity emerging from compressed La3Ni2O7
In Special Collection:
High Pressure Science 2025
Yazhou Zhou; Jing Guo; Shu Cai; Hualei Sun; Chengyu Li; Jinyu Zhao; Pengyu Wang; Jinyu Han; Xintian Chen; Yongjin Chen; Qi Wu; Yang Ding; Tao Xiang; Ho-kwang Mao; Liling Sun
Matter Radiat. Extremes 10, 027801 (2025)
Erratum: “Enhanced ion acceleration using the high-energy petawatt PETAL laser” [Matter Radiat. Extremes 6, 056901 (2021)]
D. Raffestin; L. Lecherbourg; I. Lantuéjoul; B. Vauzour; P. E. Masson-Laborde; X. Davoine; N. Blanchot; J. L. Dubois; X. Vaisseau; E. d’Humières; L. Gremillet; A. Duval; Ch. Reverdin; B. Rosse; G. Boutoux; J. E. Ducret; Ch. Rousseaux; V. Tikhonchuk; D. Batani
Matter Radiat. Extremes 10, 029901 (2025)
The acceleration of a high-charge electron bunch to 10 GeV in a 10-cm nanoparticle-assisted wakefield accelerator
Constantin Aniculaesei, Thanh Ha, et al.
Investigations of key issues on the reproducibility of high-Tc superconductivity emerging from compressed La3Ni2O7
Yazhou Zhou, Jing Guo, et al.
Platform for laser-driven X-ray diagnostics of heavy-ion heated
extreme states of matter
P. Hesselbach, J. Lütgert, et al.