By considering an arbitrary two-qubit state, it is shown that the Fisher information is intrinsically linked to the geometric discord which allows a measure for quantum correlations beyond entanglement. The complex amplitude of oscillations of the probability density function is upper bounded by the geometric discord which subsequently results in the Fisher information being bounded by the geometric discord. This gives an experimental observable which can be used to quantify quantum correlations beyond entanglement. This observable can be used to witness quantum correlations in an interferometry experiment, and provide another avenue for quantum technologies to continue to develop.
The link between quantum mechanics and measurement has been a widely debated topic since the advent of quantum theory. Specifically, the paradox proposed by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen (EPR)1 led to far reaching philosophical discussions about the interpretation of quantum theory. This debate was laid to rest by the experiments on Bell states2 which confirmed the violation of the Bell inequalities3 which proved that quantum mechanics appears to have non-local features.
Furthermore the notion of quantum correlations was believed to exist only in the form of quantum entanglement (QE). QE originally was the inspiration for the EPR paradox and was widely believed to be equivalent to any form of quantum correlation. This notion was disproved when quantum discord was introduced at the start of the 21st century by two independent papers.4,5 Quantum discord shows that a system can have zero entanglement, and yet quantum correlations still persist. This has led to wide range of theoretical research in the past twenty years by attempting to understand how to classify these correlations, and importantly how to witness, and then make use of them.
The techniques for classifying quantum correlations are beginning to widen into the realm of classical information theory. This is to be expected, since the definition for quantum discord relies on the Shannon entropy, and when discussing quantum measurements, the von-Neumann entropy. Subsequently, this has been extended to classical Fisher information (FI) and in more recent times, quantum Fisher information.6 The link between these classifications, and whether they are useful for witnessing quantum correlations beyond entanglement remains an active area of research.
However, for all of this intensive research, experimentally witnessing quantum correlations remains a challenge. In particular, much of the literature focuses on witnessing entanglement,7–9,10 and the literature that includes quantum discord is typically focused on few distinguishable particles,11,12 although there have been claims to witness quantum discord through Aharanov–Bohm oscillations.13 This paper looks to extend upon a similar route, by providing a different witness for quantum correlations for a general two-qubit scenario. The main benefit of this research is the experimental convenience and simplicity.
It is important to first introduce the different definitions of quantum correlations beyond entanglement for clarity, and further reveal current theoretical methods for quantum metrology. This will allow direct comparisons with the results of this paper and the standard approaches.
When the quantum mutual information equals the maximal classical mutual information, the quantum discord is zero. This is the definition of a classical state with no quantum correlations. This is possible if and only if there exists a projective measurement that does not disturb the state, i.e., ρ′ = ρ.
3.1. Fisher information
One of the main tasks in quantum information theory is to measure quantum correlations experimentally. The main task in metrology is to optimize measurements to obtain the best estimate of an unknown parameter defining interaction between the probe and its environment. The tasks are in fact related to each other as it will be shown below.
The Fisher information measures sensitivity of the distribution function to the change of the parameter to be estimated.
Our claim is that the upper bound of the FI is proportional to the discord.
The proposed protocol has obvious benefits of experimental ease, and could be used to further confirm quantum correlations beyond entanglement. Furthermore, this also highlights the benefits of using FI in terms of quantum metrology. Whilst this method slightly differs to the previous uses of FI and QFI, it is distinct in that it can quantify quantum correlations beyond entanglement.
The Fisher Information in application to interferometry defines the precision of the detection of an unknown parameter. For a qubit this parameter is the energy distance between two eigenenergies of the qubit usually associated with the effective magnetic field acting on a quantum two-level system. The FI depends on both the magnetic field (to be detected) and the final projective measurement performed on both qubits: the target (unitary evolving) and the control ones both sharing some quantum state. The task of detection requires optimization: minimization over the direction of the magnetic field (the intruder is trying to hide his local operation on the target system) and maximization over the global measurement (the observer prefers to make the most precise measurement). These two competing optimizations define the success of the detection. The figure of merit is the Fisher Information which governs the precision (Cramer-Rao bound).
We have demonstrated that there is an upper bound for the FI which is proportional to the geometric discord of the state used for detection. Classical (zero-discord) states are unable to reliably detect intrusion and subsequently the proper chosen local unitary operation on the target qubit can be hidden (undetected). Using discordant states guarantees the observation of intrusion by some optimal global measurement on both, the target and the control, qubits. This figure of merit can be used to quantify the discord of the quantum state.
The limitations to this theory are due to this only being valid for a two-qubit system. For future work, the approach will be extended to include multi-particle systems and, in particular, indistinguishable particles as this is the case in solid-state experiments. Whilst entanglement has been shown for indistinguishable systems, our approach provides a natural platform for the extension of the research to a description of indistinguishable qubits and their quantum discord.
This paper provides a general link for any two-qubit state between the Fisher Information of interferometric metrological problems and the geometric discord of the states used for detection. We analyzed the situation when intrusion into target subsystem (applying local unitary evolution) is intended to be hidden from observation while the final global measurement on both subsystems is optimized to make the detection possible. This problem is formulated as a competing optimization of the FI over the unitary operator, UA, (minimization) and the global projective measurement, Π, (maximization). It has been shown that classical FI, defining metrological precision, is bounded by the discord of the states used for detection purpose, and, therefore, can be used as a measure for quantum correlations beyond entanglement for a two-qubit system. This has immediate experimental application via interferometry, and thus should readily be realizable.
This work was supported by the Leverhulme Trust Grant No. RPG-2019-317.