12 May 2022 is the 90th birthday of an outstanding theoretical physicist and remarkable person Mark Yakovlevich Azbel (05/12/1932, Poltava, Ukraine–03/31/2020, Tel Aviv, Israel). To celebrate this event and to honor the scientific work of Mark Azbel the journal “Low Temperature Physics” is publishing these two special issues (Nos. 5 and 6).

On behalf of the Editorial Board of the journal, we thank Azbel’s friends, colleagues, former students as well as all other researchers who kindly agreed to contribute to the issues.

Mark Yakovlevich Azbel was born on May 12, 1932 in the ancient Ukrainian city of Poltava in the family of physicians Yakov Aharonovich Azbel (1909–1990) and Cecilia Isaakovna Azbel (maiden Slobodkina, 1908–1951). In 1941, after the outbreak of war with Germany, the family was evacuated to the Siberian city of Novosibirsk and returned to Ukraine (Kharkiv) in 1944. He was enrolled in the 36th boy school, one of...

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