We have used the method of Wannier functions to calculate the frequencies and profiles of spin waves localized in one-dimensional magnonic crystals due to a gradient in the bias magnetic field. This localization of spin waves is analogous to the phenomenon of Bloch oscillations of quantum-mechanical electrons in crystals in a uniform electric field. As a convenient yet realistic model, we consider backward volume magnetostatic spin waves in a film of yttrium-iron garnet in a bias magnetic field comprising spatially uniform, cosine and gradient contributions. The spin-wave spectrum is shown to have the characteristic form of a Wannier–Stark ladder. The analytical results are verified using those obtained using numerical micromagnetic simulations. The physics of spin-wave Bloch oscillations combines the topics of magnonic crystals and graded magnonic index — the two cornerstones of modern magnonics.
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August 2020
Research Article|
August 01 2020
Wannier-Stark ladder spectrum of Bloch oscillations of magneto-dipole spin waves in graded 1D magnonic crystals
E. V. Tartakovskaya;
E. V. Tartakovskaya
Institute of Magnetism NAS of Ukraine and MES of Ukraine
, Kyiv 03142, Ukraine
a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected]
Search for other works by this author on:
A. S. Laurenson;
A. S. Laurenson
University of Exeter
, Stocker Road, Exeter, EX4 4QL, United Kingdom
Search for other works by this author on:
V. V. Kruglyak
V. V. Kruglyak
University of Exeter
, Stocker Road, Exeter, EX4 4QL, United Kingdom
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a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected]
Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 46, 984–990 (August 2020)
Low Temp. Phys. 46, 830–835 (2020)
Article history
June 19 2020
E. V. Tartakovskaya, A. S. Laurenson, V. V. Kruglyak; Wannier-Stark ladder spectrum of Bloch oscillations of magneto-dipole spin waves in graded 1D magnonic crystals. Low Temp. Phys. 1 August 2020; 46 (8): 830–835. https://doi.org/10.1063/10.0001550
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