FeSe, the simplest iron-based superconductor, reveals a variety of puzzling properties and features that could hold a key for the pairing mechanism in this family of superconductors. In particular, it’s complex electronic band structure differs essentially from the DFT calculated one in a specially way called the “red-blue shift” and, in addition, drifts anomalously with temperature. Here we study this band structure evolution in Fe(Se,Te) crystals and reveal essential downdrift of all the hole-like bands with increasing temperature, which is opposite to the “red-blue shift” expectation. We show that this drift cannot be described by temperature-dependent contribution to quasiparticle self-energy within the Fermi-liquid concept but could result in charge redistribution between the bulk and topological surface states. If such a scenario is confirmed, one can tune the topologically non-trivial bands near the Fermi level with temperature, potentially allowing temperature-induced crossover between different Fermi surface topologies.
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November 2019
Research Article|
November 01 2019
Temperature induced shift of electronic band structure in Fe(Se,Te)
Yu. V. Pustovit;
Yu. V. Pustovit
Kyiv Academic University
, Kyiv 03142, Ukraine
and Institute of Metal Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
, Kyiv 03142, Ukraine
Search for other works by this author on:
A. A. Kordyuk
A. A. Kordyuk
Kyiv Academic University
, Kyiv 03142, Ukraine
and Institute of Metal Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
, Kyiv 03142, Ukraine
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E-mail: [email protected]
Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 45, 1381–1386 (November 2019)
Translated by AIP Author Services
Low Temp. Phys. 45, 1172–1177 (2019)
Article history
September 24 2019
Yu. V. Pustovit, A. A. Kordyuk; Temperature induced shift of electronic band structure in Fe(Se,Te). Low Temp. Phys. 1 November 2019; 45 (11): 1172–1177. https://doi.org/10.1063/10.0000123
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