This article was published in English in the original Russian journal. Reproduced here with stylistic changes by AIP.

The Conference was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Ilya Lifshitz, who was a founder of the school of Condensed Matter Theory in Kharkiv

This issue of Low Temperature Physics contains the selected plenary talks presented on the International Conference “Statistical Physics 2006. Condensed Matter: Theory and Applications (CMPT06),” September 12–15, 2006, Kharkiv, Ukraine. The Conference is the follow-up of the “Statistical Physics 2005,” Lviv, August 2005, in the renewed tradition of conferences on statistical physics and related topics, established in Ukraine in the early 1970s. The Conference was convened at the B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, one of the leading research centers of the field.

The Conference was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Ilya Lifshitz, one of the...

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