The critical magnetic fields for the system PdHx (Dx) have been measured over the interval of superconducting hydrogen (deuterium) concentrations x = 0.77–1.00 at temperatures 0.35–11 K. The transition to the superconducting state was detected simultaneously by the change in resistivity and in the differential magnetic susceptibility. It was shown that PdHx is a type II superconductor for x < 1, but becomes a type I superconductor for x = 1. The coefficient of the electronic specific heat γ was calculated from the measured Hc2(T) dependence according to the formula . The critical magnetic field corresponding to the superconducting transition determined by the resistance method was associated with the existence of surface superconductivity.
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March 1984
This content was originally published in
Soviet Journal Low Temperature Physics
Research Article|
March 01 1984
Critical magnetic fields in the superconducting system PdHx (Dx)
V. B. Ginodman;
V. B. Ginodman
P. N. Lebedev Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow
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L. N. Zherikhina
L. N. Zherikhina
P. N. Lebedev Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow
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Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys. 10, 128–133 (1984)
V. B. Ginodman, L. N. Zherikhina; Critical magnetic fields in the superconducting system PdHx (Dx). Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys. 1 March 1984; 10 (3): 128–133.
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