This paper aims at determining the optimum tilt angle for south facing flat-plate solar collectors in Iran. Solar radiation on a horizontal surface was estimated by applying an empirical method and employing meteorological data from 80 selected cities. A mathematical model was used for estimating the solar radiation at different tilt angles. Daily, monthly, seasonally, bi-annually, and yearly optimum tilt angles and solar radiations were determined for 80 selected cities. Recommendations were made on the optimum tilt angle adjustment for different places in the country in order to benefit the best solar radiation available. The averaged benefits of annual solar radiation for 80 cities were 21.3% for daily, 21% for monthly, 19.6% for seasonal, 19.3% for bi-annual, and 13.3% for yearly adjustments compared with the radiation on the horizontal collector. Based on these results, adjusting tilt angles, at least twice a year, is recommended. Optimum tilt angles for cloudy sky cities with a low clearness index are lower than those for cities at the same latitude angle having a higher clearness index. In addition to latitude angle, the climate conditions are also important for determining the optimum tilt angle.
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January 2012
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February 22 2012
The optimum tilt angle for flat-plate solar collectors in Iran
Farzad Jafarkazemi;
Farzad Jafarkazemi
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, South Tehran Branch,
Islamic Azad University,
P.O. Box 1584743311, Tehran, Iran
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S. Ali Saadabadi;
S. Ali Saadabadi
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, South Tehran Branch,
Islamic Azad University,
P.O. Box 1584743311, Tehran, Iran
Search for other works by this author on:
Hadi Pasdarshahri
Hadi Pasdarshahri
2Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Tarbiat Modares University
, P.O. Box 14115-317, Tehran, Iran
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: [email protected].
J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 4, 013118 (2012)
Article history
November 01 2011
January 24 2012
Farzad Jafarkazemi, S. Ali Saadabadi, Hadi Pasdarshahri; The optimum tilt angle for flat-plate solar collectors in Iran. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 1 January 2012; 4 (1): 013118.
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