The concept of floating photovoltaic (FPV) power plants that are recognized as an alternative solution for PV power plants installed on land has been developed recently. The dominant reason for this is the fact that FPV power plants occupy inactive surfaces, which is specifically significant in the case of large power plants. Additionally, a promising concept of rotating floating photovoltaic power (RFPV) plants which brings significant improvements in production has been analyzed in literature. Conversely, reflectors were used in many studies for increasing the production of PV panels installed on land. This paper proposes the improvement of large RFPV power plants by using aluminum reflectors. The conceptual solution presented in this paper, which is based on perennial meteorological data, indicates that the proposed solution enables the increase in the annual electricity production of up to 25% in comparison with classical solutions for RFPV power plants. Also, an economic analysis, which takes into account additional financial investments for reflectors, was carried out. The obtained results have shown that the proposed concept of an RFPV is cost-effective.
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November 2020
Research Article|
December 16 2020
Efficiency increase analysis of large RFPV power plants using reflectors between PV rows
Vladan Durković;
Vladan Durković
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro
, Montenegro
School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade
, Serbia
a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected]
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Željko Đurišić
Željko Đurišić
School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade
, Serbia
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a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected]
J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 12, 063703 (2020)
Article history
June 29 2020
November 23 2020
Vladan Durković, Željko Đurišić; Efficiency increase analysis of large RFPV power plants using reflectors between PV rows. J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 1 November 2020; 12 (6): 063703.
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