In this work, recommended values for the electrical resistivity as a function of temperature from the cryogenic region to well beyond the melting point are given for bulk pure copper, gold, palladium, and silver. In addition to the total electrical resistivity values for the solid state, intrinsic electrical resistivity values are presented from cryogenic temperatures to the melting point. The values are corrected for the change in geometry due to thermal expansion. The recommendations are based on theoretical considerations and on the experimental data found in the open literature. That available experimental data together with information pertaining to the specimen characterization and measurement conditions are included in this work. The methods of data evaluation and other considerations used in arriving at the recommendations are described. For the solid state, an interpolation scheme is given to aid in the determination of values between those supplied in the tables; for the liquid state, equations are given.
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October 1979
Research Article|
October 01 1979
Electrical resistivity of copper, gold, palladium, and silver
R. A. Matula
R. A. Matula
Center for Information and Numerical Data Analysis and Synthesis, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47906
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J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 8, 1147–1298 (1979)
R. A. Matula; Electrical resistivity of copper, gold, palladium, and silver. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 1 October 1979; 8 (4): 1147–1298.
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