The thermodynamic and spectroscopic properties of the oxygen fluoride species have been reviewed. Recommended thermochemical tables are given for five gaseous oxygen fluorides: OF, OFO, FOO, FOF, and O2F2. Sufficient information is not available to generate thermochemical tables for any condensed phase species. Annotated bibliographies (over 600 references) are provided for all neutral oxygen fluorides which have been reported in the literature. There are needs for additional experimental and theoretical data to reduce the uncertainties in the recommended values for these five species. Of all the species mentioned in the literature, many have not been isolated and characterized. In fact, some do not exist. Throughout this paper, uncertainties attached to recommended values correspond to the uncertainty interval, equal to twice the standard deviation of the mean.
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March 1996
Research Article|
March 01 1996
NIST‐JANAF Thermochemical Tables for Oxygen Fluorides
M. W. Chase
M. W. Chase
Standard Reference Data Program, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899‐0001
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J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 25, 551–603 (1996)
Article history
October 13 1995
December 18 1995
M. W. Chase; NIST‐JANAF Thermochemical Tables for Oxygen Fluorides. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 1 March 1996; 25 (2): 551–603.
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