This compilation of data on the and of in the condensed phase is a cumulative document and includes the following earlier published work on this subject: ‘‘Heat Capacities and of in the Condensed Phase,’’ E. S. Domalski, W. H. Evans, and E. D. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 13, Suppl. 1 (1984) and ‘‘Heat Capacities and of in the Condensed Phase, Volume II,’’ E.S. Domalski and E.D. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 19, 881–1047 (1990). In addition, the literature through 1993 has been searched and the pertinent data reported has been included in Volume III. The latter volume provides data on 5332 individual entries for 2503 discrete for which over 2200 articles have been examined, evaluated, and referenced. In addition to values for the and at 298.15 K, for solid/solid, solid/liquid, and in some instances, solid/gas and liquid/gas are tabulated as encountered in the articles examined and evaluated.

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