A very extensive literature survey of all available phase diagram and thermodynamic data has been carried out for all 40 possible common‐anion binary systems (AX‐BX) and all 30 possible common‐cation binary systems (AX‐AY) involving the alkali halides (A,B =Li,Na,K,Rb,Cs; X,Y=F,Cl,Br,I). A critical analysis and evaluation of these data have been performed with a view to obtaining a ‘‘best’’ evaluated phase diagram and a set of ‘‘best’’ evaluated thermodynamic parameters for each system. To this end, a computer‐assisted coupled analysis of the phase diagram data and the thermodynamic data for each system has been employed. Mathematical expressions for the thermodynamic properties of all known phases have been obtained which are consistent with the measured thermodynamic properties and phase diagrams as well as with established thermodynamic principles and theories of solution behavior. The parameters of these expressions are reported here and have been used to generate the computer‐calculated diagrams in the compilation.

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