Understanding the dispersive properties of photonic crystals is a fundamental and well-studied problem. However, the introduction of singular permittivities and damping complicates the otherwise straightforward theory. In this paper, we study photonic crystals with a Drude–Lorentz model for the permittivity, motivated by halide perovskites. We demonstrate how the introduction of singularities and damping affects the spectral band structure and show how to interpret the notion of a “band gap” in this setting. We study a one-dimensional model for which we present explicit solutions.
Photonic crystals present a variety of interesting and useful wave transmission properties and have become ubiquitous in wave physics. Even very simple photonic crystals, such as those composed of periodically alternating layers of non-dispersive materials, can display exotic dispersive properties. As a result, they are able to support band gaps: ranges of frequencies that are unable to propagate through the material.25 These band gaps are the fundamental building blocks of the many different wave guides and wave control devices that have been conceived. Notable examples include flat lenses,20 invisibility cloaks,17 rainbow trapping filters27 and topological waveguides.11
When working at certain electromagnetic frequencies (which often includes the visible spectrum), it is important to take into account the oscillatory behaviour of the free electrons in a metal. This behaviour leads to resonances at characteristic frequencies and gives metals a highly dispersive character (even before the introduction of macroscopic structure, as in a photonic crystal). Several different models exist to describe this behaviour. Most models are variants of the Lorentz oscillator model, whereby electrons are modelled as damped harmonic oscillators due to electrostatic attractions with nuclei.15 A popular special case of this is the Drude model, in which case the restoring force is neglected (to reflect the fact that most electrons in metals are not bound to any specific nucleus, so lack a natural frequency of oscillation). Many other variants of these models exist, for instance by adding or removing damping from the various models, cf. Ref. 21 or Ref. 14, and by taking linear combinations of the different models, as in Ref. 22.
A key feature that unites dispersive permittivity models is the existence of singularities in the permittivity. The position of these poles in the complex plane, which correspond to resonances, are one of the crucial properties that determines how a metal interacts with an electromagnetic wave. In conventional Lorentz models the poles appear in the lower complex plane.15 The imaginary part of the singular frequency is determined by the magnitude of the damping, and the singularities accordingly fall on the real line if the damping is set to zero. In the Drude model, the removal of the restorative force causes the singularities to fall at the origin and on the negative imaginary axis.
A particularly important example of dispersive materials, that are central to the motivation for this study, are halide perovskites. They have excellent optical and electronic properties and are cheap and easy to manufacture at scale.16 As a result, they are being used in many applications, including optical sensors,10 solar cells24 and light-emitting diodes.28 The dielectric permittivity of halide perovskites has been shown to depend heavily on excitonic transitions, leading to a permittivity that has symmetric poles in the lower complex plane.16
There is a range of methods that can be used to capture the spectra of photonic crystals. For one-dimensional systems, explicit solutions typically exist and transfer matrices are particularly convenient. These were used for Drude materials in Ref. 23 and for undamped Lorentz materials in Ref. 14, for example. In multiple dimensions, studies often resort to numerical simulation (for instance with finite elements). A valuable approximation strategy is a multi-scale asymptotic method known as high-frequency homogenisation,9 which can be extended to approximate the dispersion curves in dispersive media.26
In this work, we will study photonic crystals composed of metals with permittivity inspired by that of halide perovskites, in the sense that it has symmetric poles in the lower complex plane. After setting out the Floquet–Bloch formulation of the periodic problem in Sec. II, we will study the one-dimensional periodic Helmholtz problem in Subsection II D. In Sec. III, we retrieve the dispersion relation which characterizes the halide perovskite system and in Sec. IV, we show how its properties depend on the characteristics of the dispersive permittivity (namely, being real or being complex and having poles either on or below the real axis).
A. Initial Helmholtz formulation
B. Periodic formulation
C. Floquet–Bloch theory
In order to study the problem (2.7), we will make use of Floquet–Bloch theory.13 Let us first give certain definitions which will help with the analysis of the problem.
A function is said to be κ-quasiperiodic, with quasiperiodicity κ ∈ Y*, if e−iκ·xf(x) is Λ-periodic.
The solutions to (2.8) typically take the form of a countable collection of spectral bands, each of which depends continuously on the Bloch parameter κ. The goal of our analysis is identifying and explaining the gaps between the spectral band. At frequencies within these band gaps, waves do not propagate in the material and their amplitude decays exponentially. As a result, they are the starting point for building waveguides and other wave control devices.
For real-valued permittivities, it is straightforward to define band gaps as the intervals between the real-valued bands.
(Band gap for real permittivities). A frequency is said to be in a band gap of the periodic structure with real permittivities if it is such that (2.8) admits non-trivial solutions only for purely imaginary Bloch parameter κ.
We are interested in materials for which the permittivity takes complex values, corresponding to the introduction of damping to the model. We elect to keep the frequency as a real number but allow the Bloch parameter κ to take complex values. In which case, the imaginary part of κ describes the rate at which the waves amplitude decays as it propagates in space. This choice is made for mathematical convenience (as will become clear below) and can be understood as encoding the attention of a wave propagating through the system as a function of space rather than time. It should be noted that it is also quite common to do the opposite and force κ to be real while allowing ω to be complex valued. This was done, for example in Refs. 3 and 26, and corresponds to viewing the attenuation as a function of time rather than space. Different conventions are typically adopted by different communities. For the one-dimensional problems considered in Sec. II D, it is clear that both approaches are mathematically equivalent.
In the real-valued case, it is clear that κ belongs to the Brillouin zone Y* (which has the topology of a torus, due to the periodicity in κ). When κ is complex valued, its real part still lives in Y* but its imaginary part can take arbitrary values. Thus, κ lives in a subset of the complex plane that is isomorphic to . This can be thought of as a “generalised” Brillouin zone; this idea has been used to describe the spectral convergence of non-Hermitian systems in Ref. 2.
When there is damping in a system (characterized by a complex permittivity) and the frequency ω is chosen to be real, the Bloch parameter κ will typically have a non-zero imaginary part. As a result, it is less clear how to distinguish between spectral bands and band gaps. Nevertheless, we can understand a band gap as a region of frequency space in which the wave experiences attenuation beyond the material damping alone, due to the geometric structure. In which case, the imaginary part of κ will experience a local peak. With this in mind, we make the following definition of a band gap for a system with complex material parameters.
(Band gap for complex permittivities). We define a band gap for complex permittivities to be frequencies for which (2.8) admits a non-trivial solution with quasiperiodicity that is such that is in a neighbourhood of a local maximum.
We will study the problem in the one-dimensional setting. In one dimension, the problem is easier to manipulate and we are able to retrieve explicit expressions. Hence, we can get a variety of results concerning the characteristics of the quasiperiodic system. In particular, our main goal is to obtain the dispersion relation, an expression which relates the quasiperiodicities with the frequencies , and study its properties.
D. One dimension
A. Analytic expression
Using the boundary conditions (2.11), we can obtain the dispersion relation for the one-dimensional problem. This is a well-known result, that first appeared in a quantum-mechanical setting12 and has since been shown to describe a range of periodic classical wave systems also Refs. 1 and 19. We include a brief proof, for completeness.
The dispersion relation (3.5) can be used to plot the dispersion curves. For a given frequency ω, ρ(ω) can be calculated to yield the right hand side of (3.5), which can subsequently be solved to find κ. This is shown in Fig. 3. Since ɛ(ω) is complex valued, κ will generally take complex values. We plot only the absolute values of both the real and imaginary parts; as we will see below, this is sufficient to characterise the full dispersion relation. Notice also that .
B. Properties of the dispersion relation
The dispersion relation (3.5) describes the behaviour of the periodic system and reveals the relationship between the quasiperiodicities , the frequencies and the permittivity ɛ(ω) of the material. We can use it to derive some simple results about the dispersion curves. The first thing to understand is the symmetries of the dispersion curves.
(Opposite quasiperiodicities). Let be a complex quasiperiodicity satisfying the dispersion relation (3.5) for a given frequency . Then, the opposite quasiperiodicity, i.e., −κ, satisfies the same dispersion relation.
It is with Lemma 3.3 in mind that we are able to plot only the absolute values of the imaginary parts in Fig. 3 and the subsequent figures.
1. Real and imaginary parts
2. Imaginary part decay
From (3.15), we obtain a result on the decay of the imaginary part of the quasiperiodicity κ as ω → ∞. We will first state some preliminary results, before proving the main theorem.
Using these results, we will describe the behaviour of the imaginary part κ2 of the quasiperiodicity as the frequency tends to infinity, i.e., ω → ∞.
The decay predicted by Proposition 3.7 is shown in Fig. 3. Due to the damping in the model, the imaginary part has discernible peaks at the first few gaps, but then decays steadily to zero at higher frequencies.
As mentioned before, the dispersion relation of the halide perovskite particles leads to dispersion curves which are not trivial to understand in terms of the traditional viewpoint of band gaps. In order to understand the behaviour, we will examine each distint feature of the halide perovskite permittivity, to understand the effect it has on the spectrum of the photonic crystal.
In particular, we will begin with the simplest case when the permittivity is real and constant with respect to the frequency ω. Then, we will introduce a dispersive behaviour to the permittivity by adding singularities at non-zero frequencies. We will initially suppose that these poles lie on the real axis and will study the behaviour close to these regions. Finally, we will study the effect of introducing a complex permittivity, corresponding to damping. Taken together, these results will allow us to explain the spectra the halide perovskite photonic crystal.
A. Constant permittivity
Crucially, the dispersion curves shown in Fig. 4 consist of a countable sequence of disjoint bands in which κ is real valued. Between each band there is a band gap, defined in the sense of Definition 2.3, in which κ is purely imaginary, corresponding to the decay of the wave. The occurence of κ being either purely real or purely imaginary is the mechanism behind Lemma 4.1. As we will see below, when we add singularities or damping to the model, the band gap structure is less straightforward to interpret.
B. Singular permittivity with no damping
Let . Then, we use x ↓ y when x → y and x > y. Similarly, we use x ↑ y when x → y and x < y.
Then, close to a permittivity pole, the following holds.
Let ω* denote a pole of the permittivity ɛ(ω) given by (4.3), i.e., . Then, for δ > 0, the intervals [ω* − δ, ω*) and (ω*, ω* + δ] contain infinitely many disjoint sub-intervals, denoted by and , i = 1, 2, …, respectively, that are band gaps.
We note that for the neighborhood of the form ω ∈ (ω*, ω* + δ] for δ > 0, the proof remains the same with the slight change of taking the limits as ω ↓ ω*.□
In addition to the occurrence of a countable number of band gaps close to the pole, in Fig. 5, we observe that there is an interesting behaviour of the imaginary part of the quasiperiodicity κ as the frequency approaches a permittivity pole. In fact, we see that close to a pole, becomes arbitrarily big. This due to the resonance occurring here and is strongly related to the existence of infinitely many band gaps close to the pole. Actually, it is a corollary of Theorem 4.2.
Let and be the associated quasiperiodicity satisfying the dispersion relation (3.5) and let f(ω) be the function defined in (4.4). Let denote a pole of the undamped permittivity ɛ(ω), given by (4.3). Then, for all K > 0, there exists δ > 0, such that for all p ∈ [−K, K], there exists ωp ∈ [ω* − δ, ω*) such that . That is, takes arbitrarily large values as ω ↑ ω*. The same result holds as ω ↓ ω*.
C. Complex permittivity
It is noticeable in Fig. 6 that, although the introduction of damping has distorted the curves (compared to those for the undamped system in Fig. 4), there are still intervals of frequency in which behaviour reminiscient of a band gap will be observed. That is, in Figs. 6(a)–6(c) there are regions where the imaginary part of the Bloch parameter has clear peaks. As a result, a wave propagating through the system will experience stronger attenuation at these frequencies. This is due to effects from the periodic structure of the material, on top of the damping in the materials parameters, so it makes sense to refer to these regions as band gaps, as per the Definition 2.4.
In Fig. 6(d), the material damping is sufficiently large that its effect dwarfs any attenuation due to band gap effects. As a result, there are only minimal fluctuations of in the corresponding regions and no local maxima. Hence, in the sense of Definition 2.4, there are no band gaps when the damping is too large. This aligns with what would be experienced in practice, in settings where the material damping is so large that any damping due to band-gap effects cannot be observed.
In many ways, the spectrum we obtain in this setting appears to be similar to the actual halide perovskite particles, as plotted in Fig. 3. Indeed, all of the results proved in Subsection III B hold, with the exception of the imaginary part decay. In fact, the converse is true, as made precise by the following result.
D. Discussion
The analysis in this section can be used to understand the dispersion diagram for the halide perovskite photonic crystal that was presented in Fig. 3. There are two crucial observations. First, we saw in Sec. IV B that the introduction of singularities in the permittivity led to the creation of countably infinitely many band gaps in a neigbourhood of the pole, when the pole falls on the real axis. However, this exotic behaviour is not seen in Fig. 3, due in part to the introduction of damping causing the poles to fall below the real axis. This effect can also be exaplined in terms of the results in Sec. IV C, where we saw that the introduction of damping to a simple non-dispersive model smoothed out the band gaps. The behaviour shown in Fig. 3 is a combination of these phenomena.
We have used analytic methods to understand the dispersive nature of photonic crystals fabricated from metals with singular permittivities. In particular, we considered a Drude–Lorentz model inspired by halide perovskites that has poles in the lower complex plane. For a one-dimensional system, we characterised the effect that each feature of this model has on the dispersion relation. In particular, we showed that the introduction of singularities leads to the creation of countably many band gaps near the poles, whereas the introduction of damping smooths out the band gap structure.
The work of K.A. was supported by ETH Zürich under the Project No. ETH-34 20-2. The work of B.D. was funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council through a fellowship with Grant No. EP/X027422/1.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
Author Contributions
Konstantinos Alexopoulos: Formal analysis (equal); Investigation (equal); Methodology (equal); Visualization (equal); Writing – original draft (equal). Bryn Davies: Conceptualization (equal); Funding acquisition (equal); Methodology (equal); Resources (equal); Software (equal); Supervision (equal); Visualization (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal).
The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in Zenodo at http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8055547. No other data were generated in this project.