As a direct continuation of Zwart [J. Math. Phys. 64(10), 101701 (2023)], which is built on the work of Müger and Tuset [Indagationes Math. 35(1), 114 (2024)], we reduce the Mathieu conjecture, formulated by Mathieu [Algèbra Non Commutative, Groupes Quantiques et Invariants, edited by Alex, J. and Cauchon, G. (Société Mathématique de France, Reims, 1997), Vol. 2, pp. 263–279], for Sp(N) and G2 to a conjecture involving functions over with . The proofs rely on Euler-style parametrizations of these groups, a specific version of the KAK decomposition, which we discuss and prove.
In 1997, Olivier Mathieu conjectured the following statement.
(Ref. 9). Let G be a compact connected Lie group. If f, h are complex valued finite-type functions such that ∫GfPdg = 0 for all , then ∫GfPh dg = 0 for all large enough P.
Just one year after the publication of Mathieu’s paper, Duistermaat and van der Kallen5 proved Mathieu’s conjecture for all abelian connected compact groups. Although the conjecture is still an open problem for any non-abelian group, some attempts were made. Dings and Koelink4 approached the conjecture for SU(2) by expressing the finite-type functions in terms of explicit matrix coefficients. Influenced heavily by this, Müger and Tuset10 reduced the Mathieu conjecture for SU(2) to a conjecture about certain Laurent polynomials. In 2023, this author proved,14 inspired by papers such as Refs. 2 and 12, that a similar reduction can be done for SU(N) and SO(N) to a conjecture regarding Laurent polynomials which also allow for complex square roots.
This paper is a direct continuation of Ref. 14 where we apply the same arguments to the infinite family of groups Sp(N) with and the exceptional group G2. As in Ref. 14, this can be achieved by using a generalization of the Euler decomposition which we will call the Euler angles. This decomposition is a more intricate version of the KAK decomposition, a well-known decomposition for connected Lie groups. The decomposition will be proven and applied to the groups Sp(N) and G2.
After having found the Euler angles, the finite-type functions of Sp(N) and G2 are considered, and we will reduce the Mathieu conjecture to a similar conjecture to that of Müger and Tuset in Ref. 10 and Zwart14 with a different weight function. To be more precise, any finite type function of Sp(N) or G2 reduces to a function which can be written as where is a multi-index where for each i, for some , and is a polynomial in x1, …, xk and . Assuming these functions satisfy certain conjectures, the Mathieu conjecture is proven for Sp(N) and G2. In Sec. II we will focus on the group Sp(N), while in Sec. III the group G2 will be considered. The final part of the paper is dedicated to proving the generalized Euler angles we use throughout this paper, with the corresponding explicit description of the Haar measure in this parametrization.
A. The Euler angles decomposition of Sp(N)
In this paper we will discuss Mathieu’s conjecture on Sp(N) and G2 with . We start by recalling Mathieu’s conjecture. To do so, we first introduce the notion of a finite-type function.
(The Mathieu Conjecture9). Let G be a compact connected Lie group. If f, h are finite-type functions such that ∫GfPdg = 0 for all , then ∫GfPh dg = 0 for all large enough P.
This section is dedicated to the Lie group Sp(N), while Sec. III is dedicated to G2. This document is a direct continuation of Ref. 14, and we assume the reader is familiar with the techniques used there, for we will apply them throughout the paper.
In a similar fashion as in Ref. 14, we wish to apply some form of KAK decomposition to our groups in such a way that we can reduce the Mathieu conjecture. As already hinted in Ref. 14, the generalized Euler angles are an example of a more general decomposition, which is stated below in Theorem 2.3. This theorem is key to the rest of the paper, and will be applied to both Sp(N) and G2. We will prove the theorem in Appendix A to keep this section focussed on Sp(N).
The rest of the section will be dedicated to applying Theorem 2.3 to the group Sp(N). To do that, we first recall the definition of the compact symplectic group Sp(N).
This is an orthonormal basis for as can easily be checked. With that, we get the following lemma.
This can be seen by the fact that SU(N) × U(1) ≃ U(N) as manifolds by sending (A, z) ↦ A · diag(z, 1, …, 1) with inverse . Using that x ↦ eix with x ∈ [0, 2π] is a diffeomorphism on the interior of the hypercube, and in this parametrization, gives the corollary.□
With this corollary, we get the following lemma which parametrizes Sp(N). We will call this the Euler angles parametrization or the Euler angles decomposition of Sp(N).
This mapping is surjective onto Sp(N) and is a diffeomorphism on the interior of the hypercube onto its image which is Sp(N) up to a measure zero set.
Note that we chose the variables that go over the symmetric space K/M to have a ∼ above their letters for bookkeeping, while the variables going over elements in K or A are without a ∼. This notation is kept throughout the paper.
B. The Mathieu conjecture on Sp(N)
For more details regarding the finite-type functions on SU(N), we refer to Ref. 14. In a similar way as in Ref. 14, we have the following proposition.
We note that Proposition 2.10 gives a sum of products of (possible roots of) polynomials, in a similar way as in Ref. 14. Let us give a name for these kind of polynomial.
Note that in Ref. 14, we called these functions SU(N)-admissible functions.
It is clear from Proposition 2.10 that is a -admissible function. Motivated by Refs. 10 and 14, we make the following conjecture.
Assume Conjecture 2.13 is true. Then the Mathieu conjecture is true for Sp(N).
A. The Euler angle decomposition of G2
Next, we shift our focus to G2. The structure of this section will be the same as before: we first find an Euler angles decomposition and then translate the Mathieu conjecture to a conjecture on for some . However, G2 is not by definition defined as a closed subgroup of for some n. Although that is not a necessity to apply Theorem 2.3, we will do so to make much of the calculations actually computable. For that, we make extensive use of Ref. 3 which gives an explicit embedding of G2 into and a way to do the Euler angles decomposition.
The group G2 can be seen as the set of automorphisms on the octonions.1 Let be the set of octonions. We can see as a 8-dimensional vectorspace over , the spanning vectors being e0, …, e7 where e0 corresponds to the real unit, and ej to imaginary units for all j = 1, …, 7. There exists a natural multiplication on which we will not need for our purpose. For more information on the octonions we refer to Ref. 1. However, it is known1 that G2 can be seen as the automorphism group of . Since A is invertible and is linear, it must leave e0 fixed and can only permute e1, …, e7. Therefore one can consider G2 as a closed subset of .
Since the Lie algebra of automorphisms on an algebra A is the set of derivations on A, the Lie algebra should therefore be the set of derivations on . One can compute these, and the generators are given in Appendix B.
So to apply Theorem 2.3, let us first describe the Euler angle decomposition of K. The Euler angle decomposition on can be described as follows.
B. The Mathieu conjecture on G2
One might wonder why we chose to write the dependencies of in f in the way we did, i.e., why we chose a sum over instead of when the integrals that come up in Proposition 3.4 are completely different. For in the end, the choice of over should not change the finite-type function. The idea is to write those parameters as eikx only if the Jacobian J is independent of x, and keep the rest as sinl(x)cosm(x). This way the subsitutions are easily done.
In the same spirit as in Sec. III B, we see that is a -admissible function. To solve the Mathieu conjecture on G2, we assume the following conjecture.
Assume Conjecture 3.6 is true. Then the Mathieu conjecture is true for G2.
The author would like to thank Michael Müger for the continued help with the project, and the valuable discussions. He also wishes to thank Erik Koelink for the suggestion of looking at these two specific groups, and the valuable support.
Conflict of Interest
The author has no conflicts to disclose.
Author Contributions
Kevin Zwart: Conceptualization (lead); Data curation (lead); Formal analysis (lead); Funding acquisition (lead); Investigation (lead); Methodology (lead); Project administration (lead); Resources (lead); Software (lead); Supervision (lead); Validation (lead); Visualization (lead); Writing – original draft (lead); Writing – review & editing (lead).
Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were created or analyzed in this study.
In this section, we prove Theorem 2.3. For completeness we restate the theorem. The proof is based on Refs. 7 and 8.
Let us now assume that for all , i.e., . Using a similar argument as in Knapp (Ref. 8, Theorem 7.36) we get that the equality exp(Ad(k)2H) = exp(2H) requires Ad(k)H = H.
Since , using (Ref. 6, Lemma VII.2.2) there exists an s ∈ W(U, K) such that Ad(k)H = s · H, where is the analytic Weyl group. Since H lies in the positive Weyl chamber, the only reflection satisfying s · H = H is s = 1. So Ad(k) = 1, which means that .
Going back to the definition of k, we thus see that k2 = k1k with . In other words k2M = k1M. It is them immediate that l1 = l2 and therefore we find that f is a bijection on . Note that and differ only by a measure zero set.
Note that f is smooth. This can be seen by first noting that the map given by (k, H) ↦ Ad(k)H is smooth. Hence by the universal properties of the quotient, the map , given by (kM, H) ↦ Ad(k)H, is also smooth. Therefore we see that the map is a smooth map, and multiplication is smooth, hence f is smooth.