We study non-smoothness of the fundamental solution for the Schrödinger equation with a spherically symmetric and super-quadratic potential in the sense that V(x) ≥ C|x|2+ɛ at infinity with constants C > 0 and ɛ > 0. More precisely, we show the fundamental solution E(t, x, y) does not belong to C1 as a function of (t, x, y), which partially solves Yajima’s conjecture.
The main theorem of this paper is the following, which claims that E(t, x, y) is generically nowhere C1.
Suppose that d ≥ 3 and that V(x) satisfies Assumption 1.1. Then, for any and r1, r2 > 0, there exist , satisfying |x0| = r1 and |y0| = r2, such that the fundamental solution of (1.1) does not belong to C1 near (t0, x0, y0).
Moreover, we can obtain the following proposition which is (almost) stronger than Theorem 1.2.
Here denotes the inner product of a Hilbert space , and we suppose is linear with respect to the first entry and anti-linear with respect to the second entry.
The smoothness of the fundamental solution is related to the growth rate of V. Fujiwara (Ref. 2, Theorem 1.1) has given the construction of the fundamental solution E(t, x, y) with the classical orbit if V is at most of quadratic growth, which shows that E(t, x, y) is smooth with respect to (x, y) for any t ≠ 0 small enough as a corollary.
On the other hand, Yajima (Ref. 12, Theorem 1.2) has studied that if V is super-quadratic and the spatial dimension is one, then E(t, x, y) is not smooth anywhere with respect to (t, x, y). The proof is given by the estimates of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of H. Yajima has conjectured that the same result as in Yajima (Ref. 12, Theorem 1.2) is true even for higher dimensional cases.
As a first step for generalization of Yajima’s result, we treat the case that V is spherically symmetric with the dimension d ≥ 3. We use the unitary equivalence of H = −Δ + V to ⨁n,mHnm, where the operator Hnm is defined on (0, ∞) (see Lemma 2.3), and the estimates of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions which are shown by the same way as in Ref. 12. Our main theorem partially solves Yajima’s conjecture. In the case that d = 2, the projection of H onto the subspace of spherically symmetric functions is unitarily equivalent to on L2((0, ∞)) (see Sec. 2). The potential is not bounded from below near 0, which requires additional argument of self-adjoint extensions. We shall discuss the two-dimensional case in the forthcoming paper.
For a Schrödinger operator −Δg on a complete Riemannian manifold (M, g), the smoothness of the fundamental solution depends on whether M is compact or not. Kapitanski and Rodnianski (Ref. 3, Theorem I–III) has studied that E(t, x, y) is not smooth if M is the circle. Taylor (Ref. 8, Sec. 1) has mentioned that E(t, x, y) is not smooth if M is the sphere. Yajima (Ref. 12, Remark 4) has pointed out that E(t, x, y) is not smooth if M is the bounded interval [0, π] with the Dirichlet condition. Taira (Ref. 7, Remark 3.3) has studied that E(t, x, y) is not smooth if M is compact. When M is non-compact, Doi (Ref. 1, Theorem 1.5) has studied the smoothness of the fundamental solution in terms of the wave front set. Taira (Ref. 7, Theorems 1.1) has given a sufficient condition under which E(t, x, y) is smooth.
We introduce some notation. For sets U and V, we write U ⋐ V if U is relatively compact with respect to V. We write , where suppf denotes the support of f. For an open interval I, we denote the Sobolev space on I of order by Hk(I) = {f ∈ L2(I)∣f(m) ∈ L2(I) for m = 1, …, k}. We denote by the closure of in H1(I). We denote the Schwartz space by . For any , the Fourier transform of f is defined by .
In the following, space dimension d is larger than or equal to 3. We call a function Y on spherical harmonic of degree n if Y is the restriction to of a homogeneous harmonic polynomial of degree n. We denote by the space of spherical harmonics of degree n. The following lemma is well-known [for more details and proofs, see Stein and Weiss (Ref. 6, Sec. 2 in Chap. IV) or Yajima (Ref. 13, Sec. 13 in Chap. 4)].
Let be the Laplace-Beltrami operator on . Then:
for .
If (d, n) ≠ (3, 0), Hn is essentially self-adjoint on . In particular, the domain of its closure is the maximal domain {g ∈ L2((0, ∞))∣Hng ∈ L2((0, ∞))}. If (d, n) = (3, 0), H0 is essentially self-adjoint on , and the domain of its closure is .
Weyl’s limit point-limit circle criterion (Ref. 5, Theorem X.7) implies that Hn is essentially self-adjoint on if and only if Hn is in the limit point case at both 0 and ∞. It follows from Ref. 5 (Theorem X.8) that Hn is in the limit point case at ∞ for any (d, n), since the potential of Hn is bounded from below. Reference 5 (Theorem X.10) implies that Hn is in the limit point case at 0 if and only if the coefficient of r−2 is not smaller than , i.e., (d, n) ≠ (3, 0). Thus we have the assertion in the case (d, n) ≠ (3, 0).
We denote the above-mentioned self-adjoint extensions by the same symbols.
A. Asymptotic behavior in bounded regions
The next lemma gives a lower bound of |Cλ| in the previous lemma. The assertion is proved by the same way as in Ref. 12 (Lemma 3.2) and we omit the proof.
B. Gaps of the eigenvalues
Let λn,0 < λn,1 < ⋯ be the eigenvalues of Hn. We show that the gap λn,l+1 − λn,l of eigenvalues increases polynomially with respect to λn,l.
The proof of the above lemma is found in Ref. 12 (Lemma 3.3), for which we use.
We show the Proof of Proposition 3.4 in the rest of this section. Note that it has been proved for the case d = 3, see Titchmarsh (Ref. 9, p. 151).
C. Asymptotic behavior of eigenfunctions
D. Proof of Proposition 3.4
Suppose that λn,l is the l + 1th eigenvalue of Hn and that fn,l is the real valued eigenfunction for λn,l.
By Lemma 3.7, it suffices to show that mn,l = l for sufficiently large l, which follows from counting the zeros of fn,l in (0, ∞) by two different methods.
We easily see [e.g. Ref. 9 (Sec. 5.4)] that fn,l has l zeros in (0, ∞), since fn,l is the l + 1th eigenfunction of Hn. On the other hand, we can find that mn,l is the number of the zeros of fn,l, which concludes the proof. In the rest of the proof, we show that.
Let and (note that ). Then
fn,l has no zeros in [T, ∞).
fn,l has mn,l − p zeros in [r0, T).
fn,l has p zeros in (0, r0).
(i) is proved by contradiction. If there exists a zero of fn,l in [T, ∞), fn,l and are positive (or negative) on the right side of the zero. Since , fn,l is convex (or concave). Hence fn,l tends to ∞ (or −∞). This contradicts that fn,l ∈ L2((0, ∞)).
The proof is divided into four steps.
We remark that the Proof of Lemma 3.5 implies with some , where , and η(ζ) is the solution of (3.15). Since ζ([r0, T)) = [ζ(r0), 0), the number of zeros of fn,l(r) in [r0, T) is same as that of zeros of η(ζ) in [ζ(r0), 0).
We show.
, and mn,l − p → ∞ as l → ∞.
Let ɛ = inf{maximal values of |η2(ζ)| in (−∞, 0)}. Then ɛ > 0 holds.
- Sincethe definitions of mn,l, p, r0 show thatSince as l → ∞, mn,l − p → ∞ also holds.
is proved by in (−∞, 0) and the asymptotic behavior (3.18) of .
η2 is concave (resp. convex) if η2(ζ) > 0 (resp. η2(ζ) < 0) since η2 solves . Hence this and (2) imply ɛ > 0.
Step 3. Let S = {ζ ∈ [ζ(r0), 0)∣|η(ζ)| < ɛ/3}. Then η(ζ) is monotone on each segment of S. In fact, for large l by (3.17), and thus (3.20) implies η′(ζ) ≠ 0 for ζ ∈ S. Moreover, we note that.
- If ζ is between ζ(r0) and , Step 2 impliesfor sufficiently large l.
- Since fn,l is bounded and a(r)−1 → 0 as r → T,Therefore each segment of S, except the one of the form (−a, 0), has exactly one zero, and the number of segments of S \ (−a, 0) is same as that of zeros of η2 in thanks to (3.17).
Step 4. The number of the zeros of in is mn,l − p for large l [Ref. 9 (Lemma 7.9b)]. Thus, since in (−∞, 0), has exactly mn,l − p zeros in , which concludes the proof of (ii).
is proved by the same argument as above, noting that has p zeros in (0, r0) [the number of the zeros of is p in by Ref. 9 (Lemma 7.9a)].
The authors would like to thank the referee for helpful comments. The authors would also like to thank Fumihito Abe, Ryo Muramatsu and Kouichi Taira for helpful discussions. K.K. was partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant No. 22K03394. Y.T. was partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant No. 23K12991. The authors appreciate useful comments made by the referee.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
Author Contributions
Keiichi Kato: Writing – original draft (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal). Wataru Nakahashi: Writing – original draft (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal). Yukihide Tadano: Writing – original draft (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal).
Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were created or analyzed in this study.
Since , we show φ±(r) = a(r)η±(ζ(r)) ∈ H2((1/2, ∞)) with . We easily see that φ± are H2 away from r = T, since η± solve (3.12) on {ζ ≠ 0}. Thus it suffices to show that φ± and are continuous at r = T and that is L2 near r = T, which imply that φ± are H2 near r = T.
Estimate of I2.
Estimate of I1.
Estimate of I3.