We prove the necessary and sufficient condition for the removability of the fundamental singularity, and equivalently for the unique solvability of the singular Dirichlet problem for the heat equation. In the measure-theoretical context the criterion determines whether the h-parabolic measure of the singularity point is null or positive. From the probabilistic point of view, the criterion presents an asymptotic law for conditional Brownian motion.
Problem : Is u∗ ≡ 0 in Ω or in Ω? Equivalently, is the fundamental singularity at removable or nonremovable for Ω?
Note that the Problems are equivalent for various γ. Indeed, the heat equation is translation invariant so that solving the problem when the pole of the fundamental solutions is (0, 0) is equivalent to solve the problem when the pole is at (γ, 0) for any .
Problem : Is in or in ? Equivalently, is a fundamental singularity at ∞ removable or nonremovable for ?
Problem can be formulated in without any change. Indeed, the parabolic Dirichlet problem for the heat equation is uniquely solvable in any open subset in a class . Therefore, given arbitrary open set , the solution of the parabolic Dirichlet problem in Ω can be constructed as a unique continuation of the solution to the parabolic Dirichlet problem in . Moreover, the latter is independent of the boundary values assigned on ∂Ω−∩{t = 0}, since ∂Ω−∩{t = 0} is a parabolic measure null subset of ∂Ω−. This implies that the Problem is equivalent for Ω and Ω−. Otherwise speaking, the fundamental singularity at ∞ is removable for if and only if it is removable for Ω−.
The full solution of the Kolmogorov Problem for arbitrary open sets Ω (or Problem ) is presented in Ref. 1. A new concept of regularity or irregularity of ∞ is introduced according to whether the parabolic measure of ∞ is null or positive, and the necessary and sufficient condition for the Problem is proved in terms of the Wiener-type criterion for the regularity of ∞.
In the probabilistic context, the formulated problems and are generalizations of the Kolmogorov problem to establish asymptotic laws for the h-Brownian processes.4
A. Overture: Kolmogorov–Petrovsky-type test for the removability of the fundamental singularity
The result is local. The removability of the fundamental singularity is dictated by the boundary of the domain near the singularity point. Precisely, it is defined by the thinness of the exterior set near the singularity point .
The removability of the singularity is locally order-preserving. Precisely, if for some δ > 0 we have Ω1 ∩ {0 < t < δ} ⊂ Ω2 ∩ {0 < t < δ}, then removability of the fundamental singularity for Ω2 (or non-removability for Ω1) implies the same for Ω1 (or Ω2) (Lemma IV.2, Sec. II C).
Remarkably, in the particular case γ = 0, Theorem I.3 coincides with the celebrated Kolmogorov–Petrovski test.2,3
Being a generalization of the Kolmogorov problem, the Problems , , and their solution expressed in Theorems I.2 and I.3 has far-reaching measure-theoretical, topological and probabilistic implications in Analysis, PDEs and Potential theory. The goal of this section is to formulate three outstanding problems equivalent to the Problems and . Since the problems and are equivalent via the Appell transformation, without loss of generality we are going to formulate the problems in the framework of the Problem . The equivalent formulation can be pursued in the framework of the Problem by replacing the triple with singularity point at through the triple with the singularity point at ∞ respectively.
A. Unique solvability of the singular parabolic Dirichlet problem
Consider a singular parabolic Dirichlet problem(PDP) (2). The solution of the PDP can be constructed by Perron’s method (or the method by Perron, Wiener, Brelot, and Bauer).4,5 Let us introduce some necessary terminology.
−∞ < u ≤ +∞, u < +∞ on a dense subset of Ω;
u is lower semicontinuous (l.s.c.);
for each regular open set U ⊂ Ω and each parabolic function , the inequality u ≥ v on ∂U implies u ≥ v in U.
A function u is called a subparabolic if −u is a superparabolic. We use the notation for a class of superparabolic functions. Similarly, the class of subparabolic functions is .
A function u = v/h is called a h-parabolic, h-superparabolic, or h-subparabolic in Ω if v is parabolic, superparabolic, or subparabolic.4
We use the notation [respectively ] for a class of all h-superparabolic (respectively h-subparabolic) functions in Ω.
Equivalently, we can define a generalized solution of the PDP (2):
Again, note that the unique solution of the PDP (2) is constructed by prescribing the behavior of the ratio at .
The elegant theory, while identifying a class of unique solvability, leaves the following questions open:
Would a unique solution of the h-PDP still exist if its limit at were not specified? That is, could it be that the solutions would pick up the “boundary value” without being required? Equivalently, would a unique solution of the PDP (2) still exist if the limit of the ratio of solution to h at is not prescribed? In particular, is the fundamental singularity at removable?
What if the boundary datum f (or g/h) on ∂Ω, while being continuous at , does not have a limit at , for example, it exhibits bounded oscillations. Is the h-PDP [or PDP (2)] uniquely solvable?
Example II.2 demonstrates that if , the answer is negative and arbitrary constant C is a solution of the h-PDP, Ch is a solution of the PDP (2), and the fundamental singularity at is not removable.
The positive answer to these fundamental questions is possible if Ω is not too sparse, or equivalently is not too thin near . The principal purpose of this paper is to prove the necessary and sufficient condition for the non-thinness of near which is equivalent to the uniqueness of the solution of the h-PDP [or PDP (2)] without specification of the boundary function (or ratio of the boundary function to h) at .
Furthermore, given bounded Borel measurable function , we fix an arbitrary finite real number , and extend a function f as . The extended function is a bounded Borel measurable on ∂Ω and there exists a unique solution of the h-PDP, and the unique solution of the PDP (2) is given by (25). The major question now becomes:
How many bounded solutions do we have, or does the constructed solution depend on ?
B. Characterization of the h-parabolic measure of singularity point
Hence, the following problem is the measure-theoretical counterpart of the Problem 1:
Given Ω, is the h-parabolic measure of null or positive ?
In light of the measure-theoretical counterpart of the removability of the fundamental singularity, we introduce a concept of h-regularity of the boundary point .
is said to be h-regular for Ω if it is an h-parabolic measure null set. Conversely, is h-irregular if it has a positive h-parabolic measure.
Hence, Theorem I.2 establishes a criterion for the removability of the fundamental singularity in terms of the necessary and sufficient condition for the h-regularity of .
∞ is said to be -regular for if it is an -parabolic measure null set. Conversely, ∞ is -irregular if it has a positive -parabolic measure.
In fact, in the particular case with , it coincides with the concept of regularity of ∞ introduced in Ref. 1. Theorem I.3 presents a criterion for the removability of the fundamental singularity at ∞ in terms of the necessary and sufficient condition for the -regularity of ∞.
C. Boundary regularity in singular Dirichlet problem
The notion of the h-regularity of is, in particular, relates to the notion of continuity of the solution to the h-PDP at .
In particular, if g/h has a limit at , (41) means that the limit of the ratio at exists and equal to the limit of g/h.
We now reformulate the main results of Theorems I.2 and I.3 in a broader context as a solution of the equivalent Problems 1–3.
For arbitrary open set the following conditions are equivalent:
Similarly in the context of the -PDP the main results read:
For arbitrary open set the following conditions are equivalent:
A. Historical comments
The major problem in the Analysis of PDEs is understanding the nature of singularities of solutions to the PDEs reflecting the natural phenomena. It would be convenient to make some remarks on the analysis of singularities for the Laplace and heat equations, as well as more general second-order elliptic and parabolic PDEs. The solvability, in some generalized sense, of the classical DP in a bounded open set , with prescribed data on ∂E, is realized within the class of resolutive boundary functions, identified by Perron’s method and its Wiener6,7 and Brelot8 refinements. Such a method is referred to as the PWB method, and the corresponding solutions are PWB solutions. Paralleling the theory of PWB solutions, the DP for the heat equation in an arbitrary open set is solvable within the class of resolutive boundary functions. We refer to Refs. 4 and 5 for an account of the theory. Wiener, in his pioneering works,6,7 proved a necessary and sufficient condition for the finite boundary point xo ∈ ∂E to be regular in terms of the “thinness” of the complementary set in the neighborhood of xo. If the boundary of the domain is a graph in a neighborhood of x0, the Wiener criterion is entirely geometrical. A key advance made in Wiener’s work was an introduction of the concept of capacity - sub-additive set function dictated by the Laplacian for the accurate measuring of the thinness of the complementary set in the neighborhood of x0 for the boundary regularity of harmonic function. Formalized through the powerful Choquet capacitability theorem,9 the concept of capacity became a standard tool for the characterization of singularities for the elliptic and parabolic equations. The question of removability of isolated singularities for the linear second-order elliptic and parabolic PDEs was settled in Refs. 10–13. The Wiener criterion for the boundary continuity of harmonic functions became a canonical result driving the boundary regularity theory for the elliptic and parabolic PDEs. In 1935, Petrovsky proved a geometric necessary and sufficient condition for the regularity of the characteristic top boundary point for the heat equation in the domain of revolution2 (see also Refs. 14). In the same paper, he also presented an elegant solution of the Kolmogorov problem (see Sec. I, Problem ) for the special domain of revolution (see also Ref. 3). The results formed the so-called Kolmogorov–Petrovsky test for the asymptotic behavior of the standard Brownian path as t↓ 0 and t↑ + ∞, and opened a path for the deep connection between the regularity theory of elliptic and parabolic PDEs and asymptotic properties of the associated Markov processes.15 The geometric iterated logarithm test for the regularity of the boundary point for an arbitrary open set with respect to heat equation is proved in Ref. 16. Paralleling the Wiener regularity theory, Wiener’s criterion for the regularity of the finite boundary point for the heat equation was formulated in Ref. 17 along with the proof of the irregularity assertion. The problem was accomplished in Ref. 18, where the long-awaited regularity assertion was proved. As in its elliptic counterpart, the concept of heat capacity was a key concept to extend the Wiener regularity theory to the case of heat equation.5 However, the major technical difficulty in doing so was connected to the nature of singularities of the fundamental solution of the Laplace and heat equations. The former is an isolated singularity for the spherical level sets of the fundamental solution, while the latter is a non-isolated singularity point for the level sets of the fundamental solution of the heat equation. To complete the Wiener regularity result at finite boundary points for the heat equation, the major technical advance of paper18 was a proof of elegant boundary Harnack estimate near the non-isolated singularity point of the level sets of the fundamental solution to the backward heat equation. The result of18 was extended to the class of linear second-order divergence form parabolic PDEs with C1-Dini continuous coefficients in Refs. 19 and 20.
In Ref. 21 it is proved that the Wiener test for the regularity of finite boundary points concerning second-order divergence form uniformly elliptic operator with bounded measurable coefficients coincides with the classical Wiener test for the boundary regularity of harmonic functions. The Wiener test for the regularity of finite boundary points for linear degenerate elliptic equations is proved in Ref. 22. The Wiener test for the regularity of finite boundary points for quasilinear elliptic equations was settled due to Refs. 23–25. Nonlinear potential theory was developed along the same lines as classical potential theory for the Laplace operator, for which we refer to Ref. 26.
To solve the DP in an unbounded open set, Brelot introduced the idea of compactifying into , where ∞ is the point at ∞ of .27 The PWB-method is extended to the compactified framework, thus providing a powerful existence and uniqueness result for the DP in arbitrary open sets in the class of resolutive boundary functions. The new concept of regularity of ∞ was introduced in Ref. 28 for the classical DP, and in Ref. 1 for its parabolic counterpart. The DP with bounded Borel measurable boundary function has one and only one or infinitely many solutions without prescribing the boundary value at ∞. The point at ∞ is called a regular if there is a unique solution, and it is called irregular otherwise. Equivalently, in the measure-theoretical context, the new concept of regularity or irregularity of ∞ is introduced according to whether the harmonic measure of ∞ is null or positive. In Ref. 28 the Wiener criterion for the regularity of ∞ in the classical DP for the Laplace equation in an open set with N ≥ 3 is proved. In Ref. 29 it is proved that the Wiener criterion at ∞ for the linear second-order divergence form elliptic PDEs with bounded measurable coefficients coincides with the Wiener criterion at ∞ for the Laplacian operator. The Wiener criterion at ∞ for the heat equation is proved in Ref. 1. Remarkably, the Kolmogorov problem (see Sec. I, Problem ) is a particular case of the problem of uniqueness of the bounded solution of the parabolic Dirichlet problem in arbitrary open set in without prescribing the limit of the solution at ∞. Hence, the Wiener criterion at ∞ proved in Ref. 1 presents a full solution to the Kolmogorov problem.
The new Wiener criterion at ∞ for the elliptic and parabolic PDEs broadly extends the role of the Wiener regularity theory in mathematics. The Wiener test at ∞ arises as a global characterization of uniqueness in boundary value problems in arbitrary unbounded open sets. From a topological point of view, the Wiener test at ∞ arises as a thinness criterion at ∞ in fine topology. In a probabilistic context, the Wiener test at ∞ characterizes asymptotic laws for the Markov processes whose generator is a given differential operator. The counterpart of the new Wiener test at a finite boundary point leads to uniqueness in a Dirichlet problem for a class of unbounded functions growing at a certain rate near the boundary point; a criterion for the removability of singularities and/or for unique continuation at the finite boundary point: let be an open set, and x0 ∈ E be a finite boundary point. Consider a singular Dirichlet problem for the linear second order uniformly elliptic PDE with bounded measurable coefficients in a class O(|x − x0|2−N) as x → x0. In Ref. 29 it is proved that the Wiener test at x0 is a necessary and sufficient condition for the unique solvability of the singular Dirichlet problem, and equivalently for the removability of the fundamental singularity at x0. In a recent paper30 an appropriate 2D analog of this result is established. Let be a Greenian open set, and x0 ∈ ∂E be a boundary point (finite or ∞). Consider a singular Dirichlet problem for the linear second-order uniformly elliptic operator with bounded measurable coefficients in the class O(log |x − x0|) if x0 is finite, and in a class of functions with logarithmic growth, if x0 = ∞. In Ref. 30 it is proved that the Wiener criterion at x0 is a necessary and sufficient condition for the unique solvability of the singular Dirichlet problem, and equivalently for the removability of the logarithmic singularity. Precisely, in Ref. 30 the concept of log-regularity (or log-irregularity) of the boundary point (finite or ∞) is introduced according as if log-harmonic measure of it is null or positive, and the removability of the logarithmic singularity is expressed in terms of the Wiener criterion for the log-regularity of x0.
The goal of this paper is to establish a necessary and sufficient condition for the removability of the fundamental singularity, and equivalently for the unique solvability of the singular PDP. In this paper, we prove the Kolmogorov–Petrovsky-type test. We address the proof of the Wiener-type criterion in the forthcoming paper.
From the formula (46) it follows that The Appell transformation is a homeomorphism between and , where denotes the class of all superparabolic functions in Ω. A simple approximation argument can be used to demonstrate that the hypothesis C2(Ω) can be removed.4
Function u is h-parabolic (or h-superparabolic) in open set if and only if u(A−1(x, t)) is -parabolic (or -superparabolic) in .
- is a solution of the h-parabolic Dirichlet problem in if and only if is a solution of the -parabolic Dirichlet problem in with boundary function f(A−1), i.e.(48)
is h-regular for if and only if ∞ is -regular for .
Problems and are equivalent, i.e. u∗ ≡ 0 if and only if .
- Let be an open set, and u be h-parabolic function on Ω, i.e.where v is a parabolic function in Ω. Considering the Appel transform of v = uh we havewhich implies that u(A−1(x, t)) is -parabolic function in AΩ. On the other side, let be an open set, and u be -parabolic function on Ω, i.e.where v is a parabolic function in Ω. Considering the inverse Appel transform of we havewhich implies that u(A(x, t)) is h-parabolic function in A−1Ω. The presented proof applies to smooth superparabolic functions without any changes. Using the standard smoothing, the proof is extended to h- and -superparabolic functions as well.
The next lemma expresses the fact that the property of h-regularity of the singularity point is local and order-preserving.
If , then
Let , and Ωδ ≔ Ω ∩ {t<δ}, δ>0. Then if and only if for some (and equivalently for all) δ > 0.
If , then
Let , and . Then if and only if for some (and equivalently for all) δ > 0.
for .
It is easy to see that on Ω1, where
The “only if” claim is trivial. To demonstrate the “if” claim, note that since ∂Ωδ ∩ {t = δ} is a parabolic measure null set for Ωδ, we have
A. Proof of theorem I.2
in Ωn;
∀ϵ > 0 there exists a number T < δ such that ∀t0 < T and for arbitrary sufficiently large n we have .
Indeed, the existence of such a family implies that , for all large n. passing to the limit n↑ + ∞ it follows that u∗(x, t0) ≤ 2ϵ. From the maximum principle, it follows that u∗(x, t) ≤ 2ϵ for all t > t0. Since ϵ > 0 is arbitrary, the assertion of the theorem follows.
We have in Ωn, w1(x, n−1) = 0, and as n↑ + ∞, t↓ 0. Therefore,
We have
in Ωn, since and in Ωn.
Hence we proved that the divergence of the integral (15) implies the h-regularity of for Ω provided that additional assumptions (66)–(68) are satisfied. Note that the assumptions (66)–(68) are satisfied for all functions in (16). Therefore, we completed the proof of h-regularity of and removability of the fundamental singularity for domains (18) with ϵ ≤ 0.
To prove the second assertion, first note that since , we have C1(t2n) = C(t2n) and C1(t2n−1) = C(t2n−1). Therefore, assuming that C(t2n) ≠ C(t2n−1) would imply that C1(t2n) > C1(t2n−1). Since C1 is a continuous function for some ϵ ∈ (0, t2n−1 − t2n) we have C1(t2n−1) < C1(t2n + ϵ). Let C1(t2n + ϵ) = C(θ). Obviously, we must have θ ∈ [t2n + ϵ, t2n−1) and C1(θ) = C(θ). However, this is a contradiction with the fact that , which proves the second assertion of (90).
Let us define now a new function ρ1 with the following properties:
ρ1(t) = ρ(t) for ,
ρ1(t) = |log(C(t2n)t)|3 for .
for ;
In the complementary set the function is chosen as sufficiently large continuous function with the property that all the estimations of the function w/h from (69) in the proof given above remain valid when the function ρ in the integrand is replaced with .
To estimate the function in Ω as t↓ 0, the time integral in (n−1, t) is split into two parts over and . The estimation of the first one is identical to the presented proof, for the assumptions (66)–(68) are satisfied on . Due to property (2) of the function the second integral remains bounded and accordingly does not affect the leading asymptotic of given via the divergent integral (100). Precisely, we establish (72) and (77)–(80), where the integral term in expressions (78) and (79) is replaced with . This completes the proof of the h-regularity of without assumptions (66)–(68).□
Theorems I.3 follow from the Lemma IV.1 (iv) and the mapping (44).
B. Proof of theorems III.1–III.4
According to the Definitions II.4, II.5, and formulae (34) and(39), Theorem I.2 and I.3 are equivalent to the Theorems III.2 and III.4 respectively.
The equivalence (1) ⇔ (2) in Theorems III.1 and III.3 follows from the formulae (29), (31), (37), and (38).
The equivalence (2) ⇔ (3) in Theorem III.3 with γ = 0 is proved in Ref. 1 (see Lemma 2.3, p. 472). Applying Lemma IV.1 (4), the equivalence (2) ⇔ (3) in Theorem III.1 with γ = 0 follows. Applying the translation x ↦ x + γ, the equivalence of (2) ⇔ (3) in Theorem III.1 with γ ≠ 0 easily follows. Applying Lemma IV.1 (iv) again, the equivalence (2) ⇔ (3) in Theorem III.3 with γ ≠ 0 follows.□
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
Author Contributions
Ugur G. Abdulla: Conceptualization (equal); Formal analysis (equal); Investigation (equal); Methodology (equal); Project administration (equal); Validation (equal); Writing – original draft (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal).
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