Although the concept of the uniform electron gas is essential to quantum physics, it has only been defined recently in a rigorous manner by Lewin, Lieb and Seiringer. We extend their approach to include the magnetic case, by which we mean that the vorticity of the gas is also held constant. Our definition involves the grand-canonical version of the universal functional introduced by Vignale and Rasolt in the context of current-density-functional theory. Besides establishing the existence of the thermodynamic limit, we derive an estimate on the kinetic energy functional that also gives a convenient answer to the (mixed) current-density representability problem.
Following Ref. 1, we view the uniform electron gas (UEG) as a continuous system of (interacting or not) electrons with prescribed constant density everywhere. In the non-interacting case, one can readily write down the ground state of the UEG via a fully occupied Fermi sphere. One can consider the classical UEG by neglecting the kinetic energy of the electrons.1
In contrast, the Jellium is a continuous system of interacting electrons in a constant neutralizing potential.2 In the classical case, it was recently shown that the Jellium and the UEG energies are the same.3 In the quantum case, the problem is still open. We will solely focus on the UEG in this article.
Reference 1 pioneered the use of universal density functionals of density-functional theory (DFT) as a theoretical tool in quantum statistical mechanics, namely for the definition of the UEG. In a later article,4 the same authors established an even more elegant (and equivalent) definition of the UEG, and we will restrict ourselves to this latter approach.
When magnetic fields are present, the situation is much more delicate.5 Even the noninteracting UEG is more difficult to analyze in the magnetic case,6–8 although the ground state can be given exactly. The celebrated Laughlin wave function has also received attention from the mathematics community,9,10 which is a rather precise trial state (with almost constant density in the thermodynamic limit) for the Jellium in a constant magnetic field.
A. States
In the first half of this section, we will fix the particle number . For simplicity of notation, we disregard spin in this work. The N-particle fermionic Hilbert space is the antisymmetric power (endowed with the usual inner product), where is the one-particle Hilbert space. Note that .
B. One-particle quantities
The following theorem is based on,11–13 the proof may be found toward the end of the paper.
Suppose that γ is fermionic one-particle density matrix composed of sufficiently smooth orbitals. Then the following hold true.
for all .
for all , hence .
Part (ii) of Proposition II.1 implies that the support of jp is contained in the support of ρ, in particular, the quotients and are meaningful on suppρ. Moreover, if τ ≡ 0 in some ball, then by (i), ρ is constant and jp ≡ 0 on that ball.
C. Gauge transformation
D. Representability
Whether any can be represented with a Slater determinant such that ρΦ = ρ and (the determinantal density-current N-representability problem) is still not settled completely. The following result gives a partial answer, however.
(Lieb–Schrader18). Let d = 3 and suppose that and set . Then the following holds true.
- (Zero vorticity) If ν = 0, then there exists a Slater determinant , such that ρΦ = ρ, andfor some constant CN > 0.
- If N⩾4, then there exists a Slater determinant , such that ρΦ = ρ, . Moreover, if there is a δ > 0 such that the growth conditionshold true, then ‖∇Φ‖ < ∞. Here, we have set .
Moreover, Ref. 18 also exhibits an example (ρ, jp) in the case N = 2 (and of course ν ≠ 0), when there is no C1-solution to the representability problem. Unfortunately, the restriction N⩾4 and the fact that no control over the kinetic energy is retained in (ii) renders the preceding result inapplicable to us.
The following theorem establishes mixed representability under different assumptions, now for general .
E. Definition of the grand-canonical current-density functionals
In this section, we define the current-density functionals relevant to our study. These are well-known in CDFT, but we will also employ them in the definition of the uniform electron gas. In this section we restrict ourselves to the physically most relevant 3D case.
By replacing the N-particle Hilbert space with the corresponding Fock space, the next result follows along similar lines as the one in Ref. 21.
Let . Then the infima in the definitions (8) of the Vignale–Rasolt functional F and the kinetic energy functional T are both attained.
The grand-canonical Levy–Lieb functional F(ρ) (no paramagnetic current density argument) and the kinetic energy functional T(ρ) is defined similarly to F(ρ, jp) and T(ρ, jp), only without the constraint on in the infimum.
By convexity and time-reversal symmetry, we find . Hence, as desired. The proof of the relation between the kinetic energy functionals is similar. □
A. The magnetic uniform electron gas
This section is devoted to the precise definition of the various energetic quantities of the 3D uniform electron gas (UEG) with constant density and constant vorticity.
Recall that the vorticity of the ground state of the noninteracting UEG in a constant magnetic field B0 is ν0 = −B0. Physically, we can generate a constant vorticity ν0 in the noninteracting UEG by subjecting it to an external magnetic field −B0. Moreover, linear response theory suggests the same holds true to the first order in the interacting case5. Instead of referring to the external magnetic field, we will simply demand the UEG to have constant density and constant vorticity.
A function such that suppη ⊂ B1, and will be called a regularization function. Note that this is a slightly more general definition than the one in Refs. 1 and 4, where it is required that a regularization function be radial. We also introduce the notation ηδ(x) = δ−3η(δ−1x).
The following theorem is the main result of the paper.
Unfortunately, we cannot offer a definition of the classical UEG in the magnetic case, akin to Ref. 1 in the nonmagnetic case. The reason is that jp uses the phase of the wavefunction in an essential way, and we have no obvious classical probabilistic interpretation of that.
B. Upper bound on the kinetic energy functional and representability
In this section, we describe a technical tool that is needed in the Proof of Theorem III.1, but it is also of independent interest mainly because it improves previous results on the (mixed) representability problem for density-current density pairs (see Sec. II D).
Using the method of Proof of Theorem 3 in Ref. 4, we obtain the following.
Fix such that . Let and suppose that v admits a decomposition v = ∇g + w, where , , .
The inequality (12) is not gauge-invariant, to see this, take v(x) = (0, x1, 0) (Landau gauge) and (symmetric gauge), with and some appropriate ρ. Then Dav = Daw, Dsv ≠ 0 but Dsw = 0. Clearly, w = v and g = 0 is also a possible choice. The lack of gauge invariance in (12) solely comes from the presence of the symmetric derivative Dsw, which we discuss below. The utility of the formulation of Theorem III.2 is that with a proper choice of gauge, we can hope to make Dsw vanish.
The condition (6) of Theorem II.4 is easily seen to imply (up to a gauge) via the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality. We also note that for v = 0, we exactly recover the statement (and proof) of Theorem 3 in Ref. 4, since that construction actually yields a state γ with . Based on the kinetic energy of the ground state of the noninteracting electron gas, we conjecture that the optimal constant in 3D is C3 = 1.
The first term on the r.h.s. of the preceding equation (with w = wγ)—which we call the strain term—is not necessarily finite for H1-regular γ. However, if we assume that γ is H2-regular (and the gauge function has ), then it is not hard to show that the strain term is finite. Recall that the eigenstates of the magnetic Schrödinger Hamiltonian are in H2. Although Theorem III.2 does not provide the complete solution to the mixed density-current N-representability problem (it also does not provide an H2-regular γ without further assumptions, sadly), it seems to provide weak enough assumptions that any practically relevant (ρ, jp) pair verifies it. That being said, it is our belief that the presence of the strain term is only an artifact of the method of the proof of both Theorem II.4 and Theorem III.2. It remains a challenge to devise a gauge-invariant analogue of (12).
With this notation at hand, we can provide an upper bound on the kinetic energy functional T(ρ, jp).
For any , we have E(ρ, jp)⩽r.h.s. of (12).
In fact, for a quasi-free state Γ, the Coulomb energy of Γ minus D(ρΓ) is always nonpositive.
The rest of the paper is the devoted to proofs. Since Ref. 4 explains technical details in a rather complete manner, we will avoid repetition whenever possible.
A. Proof of Theorem III.2
- Step 0. First, define the ground-state one-particle density matrix ft(x − y) of the noninteracting uniform electron gas of density t⩾0, whose translation-invariant kernel is given byIt is immediate that ft is Hermitian and in the sense of operators. Also, its density is ft(0) = t. Moreover, ∇xft(x − y)|y=x = ∇yft(x − y)|x=y = 0. Furthermore, the kinetic energy density is also constant
- Step 1. As the first derivative of ft vanishes on the diagonal, this state has zero paramagnetic current density. We would like to construct a state which has a constant paramagnetic current density proportional to a fixed vector . To achieve this, we simply shift the Fermi sphere by u. More precisely, we consider the translation-invariant kernel , whereClearly, is Hermitian and in the sense of operators. Its density is , but nowTherefore, this state has paramagnetic current density(13)as desired. Further, the kinetic energy density is again constant, but has an additional term
- Step 2. We are now ready to construct a fermionic one-particle density matrix γ with prescribed density ρ(x) and paramagnetic current density of the form jp = ρv. Let us first assume that v = w. Following,4 we define24where the weight function is smooth, and satisfiesand is also smooth and satisfiesThese will be determined later in the proof. Then we have(14)andFurthermore, we findas required. Next, we compute the kinetic energy density,since the sum of the first order derivatives of cancel on the diagonal, see (13). Here, using the first two relations of (14), we haveMoreover,The last term vanishes because , by hypothesis. In summary,To optimize η, we simply follow Ref. 4 because there are no mixed terms containing both η and θ. The last term can be bounded byClearly, it is enough to consider radial θ(u) = θ(r) for the optimization of the prefactors involving θ, where r = |u|. After switching to spherical coordinates, we obtain that withthe bound (∗)⩽δρ(x) + C(δ)ρ(x)|Dv(x)|2 holds true. The functionis admissible, and has(15)Hence,with the choice δ = |Dv(x)| and .In summary, we end up withwhich completes the proof for v = w.(16)
- Step 3. For the general case v = −∇g + w, we apply the gauge transformation g on γ to get . Proposition II.2 together with (16) (where v is replaced by w) giveswhich finishes the Proof of Theorem III.2.
B. Further bounds
We start by recalling a simple version of the magnetic Lieb–Thirring inequality, which can be used to derive a gauge invariant bound. Let and denote the corresponding magnetic Sobolev space as , see Ref. 25.
Using this, the usual Lieb–Thirring kinetic energy inequality can be cast in a gauge-invariant form.
C. Transformation properties
In this section, we discuss the behavior of the density functionals under various transformations of the density-current density pair.
In ordinary DFT, the Levy–Lieb functional is invariant under isometries. In CDFT, we have the following transformation rule.
Fix and . Let T(x) = Rx + a be an isometry for some R ∈ O(3) and . Let be a bounded domain with barycenter 0, and let η be a regularization function.
- The following formula holds true:Further, the same relation holds with E replaced by T.
The relation holds true. Moreover, the formula is also valid if e is replaced by τ and exc.
D. Decoupling lower bound
The following trivial observation shows that jp behaves the same way as ρ with respect to localization. Let γ be a one-particle density matrix and fix 0⩽χ⩽1, where , and define γ|χ = χγχ. Then and , where we used the fact that χ real-valued.
This implies that we may proceed exactly as in Refs. 1 and 4. We do not, however, discard the kinetic energy term for the bound on E(ρ, jp), as it will be required to cancel the gauge terms in Theorem IV.10. Consequently, we have
E. Decoupling upper bound
The rest of the proof is analogous to that of Proposition 1 in Ref. 4. We note that in the construction of the trial state Theorem II.5 is used. □
Next, we state a similar bound for the indirect energy defined in 9.
F. Energy per volume in a tetrahedron
We now prove that the thermodynamic limit for the indirect-, and the kinetic energy density of the uniform electron gas defined in Sec. III A exists when the domain is taken to be a tetrahedron.
(Convergence rate for tetrahedra). Fix and . Let η and be regularization functions. Let and denote the liminf and the limsup of as ℓδ → ∞ and δ/ℓ → 0.
- For ℓ/δ sufficiently large, we have
- We have for all ,
- If , then
- The thermodynamic limitexists and is independent of the choice of the regularization function η.
By omitting the Coulomb interaction, we find the following.
Fix and . Let η and be regularization functions. Let and denote the liminf and the limsup of as ℓδ → ∞ and δ/ℓ → 0.
- For Cδ⩽ℓ, we have
- We have
- The thermodynamic limitexists and is independent of the choice of the regularization function η.
G. Proof of Theorem III.1
The proof is very similar to the one in Ref. 4. Let {ΩN} be a sequence of domains such that |ΩN| → ∞, |∂ΩN + Br|⩽Cr|ΩN|2/3 for r⩽|ΩN|1/3/C and δN/|ΩN|1/3 → 0, δN|ΩN|1/3 → ∞.
The proof for the kinetic energy per volume is very similar. The limit for is obtained by subtracting from and taking the limit term-by-term.
H. Further proofs
Proof of Proposition II.1.
Part (ii). Follows from the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality. □
A.L. and M.A.Cs. acknowledge funding through ERC StG REGAL under Agreement No. 101041487. M.A.Cs. is grateful to Mathieu Lewin and Giovanni Vignale for helpful discussions. A.L., M.A.Cs. and E.I.T. acknowledge funding from RCN through the Hylleraas Center under Agreement No. 262695. E.I.T. acknowledges funding from RCN under Agreement No. 287950. A.L. and M.A.Cs. also received partial funding from the Norwegian Research Council through Grant Nos. 287906 (CCerror) and 262695 (CoE Hylleraas Center for Quantum Molecular Sciences).
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
Author Contributions
Mihály A. Csirik: Writing – original draft (equal). Andre Laestadius: Writing – original draft (equal). Erik I. Tellgren: Writing – original draft (equal).
Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were created or analyzed in this study.
Note that this state reduces to the cited one by taking v ≡ 0 and θ = δ0.