After arguing why the Batalin–Vilkovisky (BV) formalism is expected to find a natural description within the framework of noncommutative geometry, we explain how this relation takes form for gauge theories induced by finite spectral triples. In particular, we demonstrate how the two extension procedures appearing in the BV formalism, that is, the initial extension via the introduction of ghost/anti-ghost fields and the further extension with auxiliary fields, can be described in the language of noncommutative geometry using the notions of the BV spectral triple and total spectral triple, respectively. The construction is presented in detail for all U(2)-gauge theories induced by spectral triples on the algebra . Indications are given on how to extend the results to U(n)-gauge theories for n > 2.
In this article, we aim to present a possible approach to the problem of providing the Batalin–Vilkovisky (BV) formalism with a noncommutative geometrical description or, from the symmetrical perspective, to finally encoding this formalism in the language of spectral triples. The connecting point between the BV formalism on one side and noncommutative geometry on the other is the notion of gauge theory: indeed, the BV construction was initially discovered as a method to eliminate the divergences appearing in the path integral when this was applied to quantize theories endowed with a gauge symmetry. The strength of this approach lies in the fact that this compensation of the divergences is performed in a way that still allows us to keep track of all the relevant physical information of the initial theory (cf. Sec. III). On the other hand, the noncommutative geometry also presents a strong connection with gauge theories via the notion of spectral triples: indeed, while spectral triples can be viewed as a kind of noncommutative generalization of the classical and commutative concept of spin manifolds, they also have the property of naturally encoding a gauge theory. In other words, a spectral triple defines not only some kind of geometrical space but also a gauge-symmetrical physical theory (cf. Proposition II.7). As a consequence, because gauge theories are structurally part of the notion of spectral triples, the noncommutative geometry calls for a coherent description of the BV formalism in this context and, vice versa, a novel geometrical approach to the BV formalism could contribute to a better understanding of the mathematical content of this construction, initially developed to solve a problem occurring in a completely physical context.
In the following, we focus on the case of gauge theories induced by a finite spectral triple. As it will be clarified in Sec. II, finite- and infinite-dimensional spectral triples have an analogous structure and encode a gauge theory in the exact same way. However, when looked from the perspective of the BV construction, the methods applied for the introduction of ghost fields and the extension of the initial theory to a new BV-extended theory are pretty different if considered in the context of gauge theories on finite-dimensional affine varieties, as the ones induced by finite spectral triples, or for theories on manifolds, as in the more general context of spectral triples on infinite-dimensional algebras. However, as briefly mentioned in Sec. II, while at a first sight, focusing on the case of finite spectral triples might appear restrictive from a physical point of view, it is actually quite general and pretty interesting in the context of noncommutative geometry: indeed, many results have shown how the gauge content of relevant physical models can be entirely encoded in suitable finite spectral triples (cf. Refs. 1–3).
The construction will be presented in detail for the class of U(2)-gauge theories induced by spectral triples on the algebra , and this will bring to the introduction of the notions of the BV spectral triple and total spectral triple. These two concepts will permit us to describe not only the extension of the initial gauge theory via the introduction of ghost/anti-ghost fields but also its further extension with auxiliary fields in a coherent way in terms of a suitable spectral triple. Moreover, this approach will reveal a possible noncommutative geometrical interpretation of the key elements entering the BV construction, such as the ghost sector, the ghost degree, and the parity of the ghost fields. Finally, the construction of these two new spectral triples will also be coherent and consistent with the need of also including in the picture the two cohomological theories of BV and BRST complexes, allowing us to relate these two complexes to other cohomological theories naturally appearing on the noncommutative geometrical side. The details regarding these cohomological aspects will soon be presented in a paper devoted to analyze this specific part of the construction.
In detail, the structure of this article is given as follows: in Sec. II, we briefly recall the key notions and constructions from the noncommutative geometry, while in Sec. III, we describe the classical BV construction in the context of finite gauge theories, from the introduction of ghost/anti-ghost fields to the construction of the induced BV/BRST cohomology complexes. After these more introductory parts, we prove how the BV-extension process can be formalized in the language of spectral triples: in Sec. IV, we introduce the notion of BV spectral triples, which encodes in the structure of a real spectral triple both the extended configuration space and the extended action, which has to be a solution of the classical master equation. Section V is devoted to the gauge-fixing process and explains how the introduction of auxiliary fields, which are needed to define a gauge-fixing fermion, can also be described within the setting of the noncommutative geometry. In particular, the process of adding the auxiliary fields can be seen as a further enlargement of the BV spectral triple. The result is the construction of a so-called total spectral triple, which contains all fields/ghost fields and auxiliary fields, such that the induced cohomology is quasi-isomorphic to the BV complex. To conclude, in Sec. VI, we briefly summarize our approach and give indications on how we expect that the construction could extend to the general case of U(n)-gauge theories induced by spectral triples on the matrix algebras .
The notion of a spectral triple plays a key role in the contemporary noncommutative geometry, in particular, when the study of this field is approached not only from a purely mathematical perspective but it is actually investigated looking at its relation with mathematical physics and gauge theories, in particular. Indeed, few years after its foundation,4,5 the noncommutative geometry revealed to be a novel mathematical setting for an alternative way of thinking the structure of spacetime:6 it is in this context that the notion of the spectral triple was first introduced, with the purpose of modifying the usual mathematical description of the spacetime as a Riemannian manifold by making it slightly noncommutative.
If the spectral triple is the notion that encodes the underlying physical spacetime, the spectral action principle7 is what allows us to enrich the induced physical theory with an action functional and, hence, with a dynamics. This gave origin to a very fruitful line of research that arrived to the key result obtained by Chamseddine, Connes, and Marcolli1,8 of deriving the full Standard Model of particles, with neutrino mixing and minimally coupled to gravity, from purely noncommutative geometrical objects, that is, from spectral triples. Since then, many other results were obtained (cf. Refs. 2 and 3), in the perspective of formally going beyond the Standard Model, following a completely mathematical and coherent approach, within the framework of the noncommutative geometry. These achievements contributed to reinforce the idea that the intrinsic relation of the noncommutative geometry with gauge theories makes this mathematical field a very promising setting for the study of gauge theories and any constructions related to them, having the notion of the spectral triple playing a fundamental role. In this paper, we will apply this perspective to the BV formalism. However, before entering into the details, we briefly recall the main notions we will be using for our construction.
Let be an involutive unital algebra, be a Hilbert space, and be a self-adjoint operator with a compact resolvent. Then, the triple is a spectral triple if the algebra can be faithfully represented as operators on and the commutators [D, a] are bounded operators for each . A spectral triple is finite if the Hilbert space and, hence, the algebra are finite dimensional.
As anticipated, the notion of the spectral triple can be seen as a noncommutative generalization of the classical commutative concept of geometric space: as proved by Connes in his celebrated reconstruction theorem,10 there is a correspondence between, on one side, commutative spectral triples endowed with a real structure J and a grading map γ and, on the other hand, compact oriented Riemannian spin manifolds. Clearly, conditions have to be satisfied by these extra structures J and γ. However, the key point is that if we consider a spectral triple constructed on a non-commutative algebra , we obtain an entirely new class of purely noncommutative spaces. This is what allows us to see spectral triples as a noncommutative generalization of the classical notion of manifolds.
Because in what follows, the notions of the real structure and of KO-dimension will play a relevant and physically motivated role; we briefly recall their definitions.
the action of satisfies the commutation rule: , and
the operator D fulfills the first-order condition: [[D, a], Jb*J−1] = 0.
When a spectral triple is endowed with such a real structure J, it is said to be a real spectral triple and denoted by .
A. Spectral triples and the induced gauge theories
Classically, a gauge theory is described in terms of connections on a principal bundle, where the structure group of the bundle is the Lie group describing the gauge symmetry of the physical theory. However, next to this approach in the classical and commutative setting of the differential geometry, the notion of gauge theory can be reduced to simply encode the idea of having a physical theory that is invariant under the action of a local group of symmetry. This notion, which is precisely stated in Definition II.4, naturally appears in the context of the noncommutative geometry: indeed, each spectral triple, according to this notion, inherently induces a gauge theory. Even though here we restrict to the context of a finite spectral triple, the statement of Proposition II.7 is still valid in a more general context for any kind of spectral triple. This classical property of spectral triples proves their strong and deep relation with gauge theories and the world of quantum field theory.
In order to be able to associate with any given spectral triple a naturally induced gauge theory, we still have to introduce a notion of action in the context of the noncommutative geometry. Actually, there are two definitions of action functionals associated with a spectral triple: while the spectral action, introduced in Ref. 7, is the only natural additive spectral invariant of the noncommutative geometry, the fermionic action1,11 is defined on a subspace of the Hilbert space and can depend on the real structure.
Note: In the finite-dimensional setting, a family of suitable functions f is given by the polynomials in and the trace operator coincides with the standard trace of matrices. Once again, the definition of spectral action has been stated for the case of a finite spectral triple because this is the context we are interested in analyzing. The definition is also meaningful in the more general setting of infinite-dimensional spectral triples, taking into consideration that conditions have to be imposed to ensure that the operator considered is actually a trace-class operator.
We conclude by recalling the classical result (cf., for example, Ref. 9) on how to construct, for a finite spectral triple , the induced gauge theory (X0, S0) with gauge group .
The Batalin–Vilkovisky (BV) construction finds its original motivation in the context of the quantization of a gauge theory (X0, S0) via the path integral approach.12 In particular, this formalism wanted to address the problem of the appearance of divergencies in the path integral due to the presence of local symmetries for the action functional S0: indeed, in this context, the action of the gauge group on the configuration space and the gauge invariance of the action functional S0 determine the presence of orbits of critical points of the action S0 in the configuration space X0. It is precisely the appearance of the critical points in orbits and not as isolated points what prevents to treat these theories using the classical perturbative approach and calls for another perspective on the problem.
The BV formalism can be described as a cohomological approach to the study of the gauge symmetries. However, recently, other points of views have been added to the purely cohomological one and the BV formalism has, then, been widely investigated approaching it from different mathematical perspectives: using techniques from the differential geometry, in a series of papers,13–15 Cattaneo, Mnev, and Reshetikhin considered the case of gauge theories over a spacetime with boundary, while Gwilliam, first with Costello16 and then with Haugseng,17 followed a more algebraic approach, describing the BV construction in terms of ∞-categories, and, finally, Fredenhagen and Rejzner18,19 addressed the topic using techniques from functional analysis.
Despite all these different mathematical descriptions, at the origin of this sophisticated construction, one would always find a pioneering idea of Faddeev and Popov:20 given an initial gauge theory (X0, S0), the divergences in the path integral can be eliminated by the introduction of auxiliary (non-existing) fields, suggestively called ghost fields.
Note: In what follows, the term fields are reserved to the initial fields in X0, while ghost fields are used to identify the extra fields introduced by the BV construction. Analogously, anti-fields are specifically used for the anti-particles corresponding to the initial fields, while the anti-ghost fields are the ones corresponding to the ghost fields.
A. The BV-extended theory
Although the basic idea is the same, the method to perform this extension varies depending on if we are considering either a finite- or infinite-dimensional gauge theory: in particular, if the latter requires a more involved mathematical structure to describe the corresponding extended configuration space, the finite-dimensional context presents cases where we are forced to introduce new independent variables in any degree, and hence, we have to consider an infinite number of ghost fields. Because in the following we will focus on gauge theories induced by finite spectral triples and, hence, defined on affine configuration spaces, we only present the BV construction for this class of theories, referring to Ref. 25 for a detailed description of the construction in the infinite-dimensional setting.
The method used to explicitly determine the collection of ghost fields to introduce in the initial configuration space is based on the Koszul–Tate resolution:26 a procedure is described in Ref. 27, which uses the whole Koszul–Tate resolution, ensuring the gauge-invariance of the resulting extended theory, while in Ref. 28, we explained how to select a finite number of ghost fields, which reflects the complexity of the gauge symmetry of the theory and, hence, determines an exact solution of the classical master equation as extended functional . Based on that result, even though it is not explicitly required in the notion of extended theory, in what follows, we will consider pairs with a finite level of reducibility.
An extended theory , with for being a -graded and finitely generated -module, is reducible with a level of reducibility L = k − 1 ⩾ 1 if . Otherwise, if L = 0, the theory is called irreducible.
B. The auxiliary fields and the gauge-fixing process
Given an extended configuration space , a gauge-fixing fermion Ψ on it is a regular function , that is, a regular function depending only on fields/ghost fields, of total degree −1 and, hence, odd parity.
Thus, the new gauge-fixed theory is obtained by imposing the gauge-fixing conditions on both and . In order words, is defined to be the Lagrangian submanifold determined by replacing every anti-field/anti-ghost field with the partial derivative of Ψ with respect to the corresponding field/ghost field φ. Similarly, is the restriction of the action to .
To conclude, in order to be able to implement a gauge-fixing procedure on a BV-extended theory , additional auxiliary fields have to be introduced, determining a so-called total theory (Xt, St). These auxiliary fields are introduced in pairs so that they are trivial from a cohomological point view. Finally, the number and type of auxiliary pairs are determined by the level of reducibility of the extended theory so that the corresponding gauge-fixed action St|Ψ determines a proper solution of the classical master equation, property that ensures that all the physically relevant quantities of type (3.3) are invariant with respect to the choice of gauge-fixing fermion Ψ. In addition to the references quoted above, some details on the gauge-fixing procedure for finite-dimensional gauge theory can also be found in Ref. 32.
C. The BV/BRST cohomology complexes
Note: the fact that the pair defines a cohomology complex is an immediate consequence of the bracket {, } being of degree 1, with of degree 0, and satisfying the graded Jacobi identity in addition to solving the classical master equation. We also remark that this complex is two-sided. Hence, explicitly computing its cohomology groups could require involved computations. This is why we believe that inserting the BV construction in the framework of the noncommutative geometry and, hence, relating the BV complex to other cohomological theories already well-studied in the context of spectral triples could contribute to a better understanding of this interesting complex. While in this article we focus on describing the two extension processes and the gauge-fixing procedure in this new framework via the notions of BV spectral triple and total spectral triples, the part regarding the cohomological aspects will be presented in detail in another article currently in preparation.
As the extended theory , the total theory (Xt, St) also naturally induces a cohomology complex, which by construction is quasi-isomorphic to the BV complex. However, once the gauge-fixing process has been implemented, a natural question arises: how does this process reflect at the level of the induced cohomology complex? Is there a residual BRST-symmetry on (Xt, St)|Ψ that induces a new cohomology complex? The answer to this question is always positive if we consider the theory on-shell, that is, if we suppose that the equations of motion ∂(St|Ψ)/∂φi = 0 are satisfied for all (cf. Ref. 33). However, an explicit computation shows that if we restrict the operator to the algebra of regular functions on the gauge-fixed configuration space, this might still satisfy the coboundary condition also off-shell depending on the explicit form of the action (cf. Ref. 32). Hence, it is meaningful and physically relevant to consider what is called the BRST cohomology complex.
Note: The gauge-fixing procedure determines a reduction of the configuration space and, hence, the generators for cochain spaces. In particular, there are classes of models, among which the one we are interested in, for which the BRST complex turns out to be a one-sided complex. The fact of having only generators of non-negative degree simplifies the computation of the cohomology groups, whose relevance and physical meaning in any strictly positive degree still have to be fully understood.
To summarize, we can describe the BV construction as a process made of few steps, where the first is the extension of the initial gauge theory (X0, S0) via the introduction of ghost and anti-ghost fields. Once obtained the extended theory , one can analyze the induced BV cohomology complex. The next step in the construction is the introduction of auxiliary fields, which are essential to be able to perform a gauge-fixing procedure: after having obtained the so-called total theory (Xt, St), one performs the gauge-fixing procedure and finally determines and maybe computes the corresponding BRST complex.
Starting from this section, we demonstrate how the noncommutative geometry and the language of spectral triples can be used to provide the BV construction with a novel geometric interpretation. In particular, we will focus on the two extension processes present in this construction via ghost/anti-ghost fields first and then with the auxiliary fields. Some preliminary results were already presented in Ref. 42, mostly concerning the introduction of the notion of BV spectral triples. However, here, we slightly modify this notion to include the extra information about the ghost degree of the generators in the Hilbert space : indeed, keeping track of these degrees is crucial to be able to directly associate with the BV spectral triple a cohomology complex and, more, in general, to extend our preliminary result to include all the steps that enter the BV construction.
A. The model
B. BV spectral triple: The aim
The goal is to determine a new spectral triple such that
it contains all the ghost/anti-ghost fields appearing in ;
the induced fermionic action coincides with the BV action .
The reason why we expect that extending the initial gauge theory via the introduction of ghost/anti-ghost fields enforces, at the level of the corresponding spectral triple, the introduction of a real structure JBV has to be searched in the different nature of two structures: while the spectral triples are naturally defined in a complex setting, the bosonic fields we consider are actually real. Hence, the need of a real structure in the BV spectral triple. Similarly, we foresee that it would be the fermionic action, instead of the spectral action, to play a role because of the appearance of Grassmannian/fermionic fields in the extended action . Moreover, because the algebra of local gauge symmetries is closed, the extended action is expected to be linear in the anti-fields/anti-ghost fields (cf. Ref. 25), which allows us to search for a linear operator DBV, inducing the fermionic action, instead of having to consider multi-linear objects. Finally, we expect that the new ghost/anti-ghost fields appear at the level of the Hilbert space , which is what plays a role in the fermionic action, while the algebra remains unchanged.
Hence, as a consequence of the above observations, we have to describe the following:
how to extend the initial Hilbert space to a new , which includes all the ghost/anti-ghost fields, keeping track of their ghost degree. Hence, we are looking for a method to directly obtain the information about the type and number of ghost fields to introduce by looking at the initial spectral triple ;
how to define a self-adjoint operator DBV such that the induced fermionic action, added to the initial action S0, would give a solution to the classical master equation.
By solving the two points listed above, we would lift the BV-extension mechanism from the algebraic geometric context to the framework of the noncommutative geometry, having as advantage the possibility of skipping the construction of a (partial) Tate resolution for the Jacobian ring J(S0) and the application of a recursive algorithm to determine the extended action as an approximate solution of the classical master equation (cf. Ref. 27)
C. The Hilbert space
How can we determine the ghost sector for the extended theory just by looking at the initial spectral triple? The key idea is that the type and number of these ghost fields would reflect the type and number of symmetries appearing in the initial action S0.
the presence of three independent symmetries among pairs of variables xa is responsible for the introduction of three independent ghost fields of ghost degree 1, which we denote by Ci for i = 1, 2, 3;
the presence of the single symmetry involving all three variables xa determines the introduction of a single ghost field of degree 2, denoted by E.
D. The real structure JBV
E. The linear operator DBV
The expression of the self-adjoint linear operator DBV acting on the Hilbert space is completely determined by implementing the following observations:
The BV action SBV is linear in the anti-fields/anti-ghost fields due to the algebra of symmetries being a classical Lie algebra and, hence, being closed already off-shell.
SBV is a regular function in , that is, it has total degree 0 and bosonic parity.
Because the ghost field E and the corresponding anti-ghost field E* are the variables of highest and lowest ghost degrees, respectively, the algorithm stops before and, hence, the operator DBV depends neither on E not on E*.
As explicitly requested in the definition of extended theory (cf. Definition III.2), the extended action , restricted to the initial configuration space X0, should coincide with the initial action S0. In other words, the operator DBV cannot contain blocks, which both depend and act on the initial fields xa for a = 1, …, 4, that is, it cannot contribute new terms only depending on the initial fields.
- There are two different types of blocks appearing in DBV, given by the following linear operators:andwhere α(pi) is an Hermitian, traceless 2 × 2-matrix, whose expression in terms of the Pauli matrices is given bywhere the notation pi is used to generically denote a ghost/anti-ghost field, to be determined in agreement with the other conditions imposed on the operator DBV. We stress that Ad is a derivation of , while Ab is an odd derivation given in terms of the anti-commutator. Explicitly, in terms of the orthonormal basis (4.2) for , the linear operators Ad and Ab have the following form as 4 × 4-matrices:(4.8)(4.9)
The criterion to determine which linear operator between Ad(p) and Ab(p) is inserted in a block is to look at the parity of the variables involved. Indeed, due to the condition imposed on the action of being bosonic, there are only two possibilities for the parities of the variables in the vectors and in the matrix DBV: either they are all bosonic or two of them are fermionic and only one is bosonic. Then, we assign the operators Ad and Ab to these two cases as follows:
fermionic-bosonic-fermionic ⇝ Ad, bosonic-bosonic-bosonic ⇝ Ab.
While all the criteria listed above are somehow related to the conditions imposed to the extended action or are consequences of the parity rules for the ghost/anti-ghost fields, if one would try to explicitly construct the operator DBV step by step by enforcing these conditions, one would actually note that there would still be the freedom to put a sign in front of the operators Ad(pi) and Ab(pi). To fix this remaining freedom, one simply requires that none of the contribution to the induced fermionic action cancels out. Requiring this implies having to add a minus sign in front of the operator Ad(pi) when it appears in the off-diagonal part of DBV, with the pi fields being of bosonic parity. Summarizing, implementing the above conditions, one can prove the following proposition.
The proof is obtained as an immediate consequence of the implementation of conditions (1)–(5): the block structure in (4.10) is due to DBV being a self-adjoint operator and to the linearity condition in (1), which determines the appearance of a zero block in the top-left corner. Then, because the BV action does not depend on E/E* as required in (3), the first line in R and the first element on its second line are 0. The appearance of an anti-diagonal dependence on the variables C and x is due to the condition imposed on the degree of the action in (2), while the choice between the operators Ad and Ab in each block is determined by (5). For what concerns the matrix S, its top-left corner is zero due to condition (4), while the diagonal dependence on x*/C* and the zeros appearing in the bottom-right corner are again due to the degree condition in (2). We only observe that there is some remaining freedom related to the choice of the coefficients in front of the operators Ad(x) and Ab(x). While other choices could still give an induced fermionic action, which, added to S0, solves the classical master equation, our choice of the factors 1/2 is motivated by the form we previously obtained for the BV action SBV for our model of interest.□
Note: Explaining why the two operators entering the expression of DBV have exactly the form described in (4.8) goes beyond the purpose of this article. However, naturally what plays a role in determining the entries of these matrices is precisely the type of symmetries appearing in the initial action functional S0. In other words, these matrices are the ones encoding the SU(2)-symmetry appearing in (4.6), and hence, they enter the DBV operator for any U(2)-gauge theory. However, a more refined structure had to be considered in the case of other types of symmetries appearing in the more general context of U(n)-gauge theories for n > 2.
F. The algebra
To complete the definition of the BV spectral triple, we still have to determine the algebra . However, as previously observed, we anticipate that the BV construction would only act by enlarging the Hilbert space to and the operator to DBV, in addition to requiring the introduction of a real structure, while the algebra was expected to stay unchanged. On the other hand, it can also be proved that the choice of is optimal: indeed, is the largest unital subalgebra of the algebra of all linear operators on that satisfies the commutation rule and first-order condition of Definition II.3.
We conclude this section by stating our main theorem: the method described above to associate, to a given initial finite spectral triple , a corresponding real spectral triple , with mixed KO-dimensions 1 and 7 (mod 8) accomplishes our goal of encoding the construction of a BV extension for our U(2)-gauge theory all within the framework of the noncommutative geometry. In other words, the spectral triple is the BV spectral triple associated with the initial triple .
In the above definition, in order to be able to perform the sum appearing in the expression for the extended action , we are implicitly identifying the functional Sferm with its representation as a polynomial in the algebra .
In this section, we also prove how the second extension process entering the BV construction, namely, the introduction of auxiliary fields in the BV-extended theory , can be inserted in the framework of the noncommutative geometry and described using the language of spectral triples. This goal will be achieved by the introduction of the notion of total spectral triples. The interesting aspect to underline is that both these spectral triples, that is, the BV and the total spectral triple, present the same structure. This coherence confirms that the approach we suggest to insert the BV formalism in the framework of the noncommutative geometry has an intrinsic consistency.
A. The total spectral triple
The introduction of the auxiliary pairs is just a technical step, which only depends on the type and number of ghost fields introduced in and is not affected by other characteristics of the model. More precisely, what plays a key role is the so-called level of reducibility of theory, whose precise definition has been stated in Definition III.3. Knowing the level of reducibility of the theory, one can determine the minimal list of auxiliary pairs by applying the following theorem.
This theorem was first proved inductively by Batalin and Vilkovisky (cf. Refs. 22 and 23). In addition, we refer to Ref. 30 for an extended explanation of the reason for enforcing the condition of being a proper solution of the classical master equation imposed on the gauge-fixed action.
B. The Hilbert space
As just recalled, we first have to determine the level of reducibility of our theory. This can be done immediately by looking at the graded structure of , finding in our case L = 1. Hence, according to Theorem V.1, we have the following:
- The three ghost fields Ci generating the term determine the appearance of the summandsin , which corresponds to three trivial pairs with
- The ghost field E embedded in the algebra as the generator of determines the introduction of two trivial pairs (A1, k1) and (A2, k2) with
Even though at this point the fact that the three auxiliary fields Bi should be embedded in as the term while the three fields hi as might appear arbitrary, one can check that this choice is the only one that would allow us to comply with the requirement of having an induced auxiliary action Saux with real coefficients.
C. The real structure Jt
D. The operator Dt
E. The algebra
Similarly to what done for the construction of the BV spectral triple, we choose to be the maximal algebra that completes the triple to a real spectral triple, satisfying all the commutation/anti-commutation requirements and the first order condition.
The proof of this lemma is analogous to the one given in Lemma IV.3: also, in this case, the statement can be verified either with a direct computation or using the tool of the Krajewski diagrams.43□
In the above definition, we are implicitly identifying the functional Sferm with its representation as a polynomial in the algebra . Similarly, the extended action can also be seen as an element of the same algebra.
All this allows us to conclude that not only the process of including in an extended theory the required pairs of auxiliary fields but also the concept of gauge-fixing fermions perfectly fit in the framework provided by the noncommutative geometry: in particular, using the notion of spectral triples, we obtain a (noncommutative) geometric interpretation of the BV construction, where the appearance of the new phenomenon of a mixed KO-dimension is a sign of the two natures of the ghost fields introduced in the model, part of which are bosonic and part fermionic.
In this article, we reported about our approach to the problem of trying to include the BV construction in the world of noncommutative geometry. In particular, focusing on gauge theories induced by finite spectral triples, here, we proved how both the extension procedures appearing in this construction can be described as further enlargements of the spectral triples, with ghost/anti-ghost/auxiliary fields entering the Hilbert space and the self-adjoint operators DBV/Dt determining the extended action /the total action St, respectively, as their induced fermionic actions. At this point, the natural question to ask regards the BV/BRST cohomology complexes and how they enter this framework. These questions have already found an answer, which will be presented in detail in an paper currently in preparation and completely devoted to explain all the details. However, briefly, the idea is that this BV spectral triple has been constructed in such a way that it naturally induces a cohomology complex within the language of noncommutative geometry. The key result is that this complex coincides with the BV complex induced by the extended theory . Moreover, similarly, the total spectral triple also induces such a complex, which is quasi-isomorphic to the BV complex. Finally, after having performed the gauge-fixing procedure, the BRST complex also finds its description in terms of a cohomology complex naturally appearing in the context of NCG. All this allows us to conclude that the approach we presented here provides a coherent and consistent description of the whole BV construction, from the introduction of ghost fields to the computation of the BRST complex, in terms of the key objects in noncommutative geometry, namely, in terms of spectral triples and the cohomology theory they determine. A last remark to do concerns the extension of the construction presented here to the general case of U(n)-gauge theories induced by spectral triples on the algebra for n > 2: the reasons why we focused on the n = 2 in this article have to be searched on the increasing complexity of computing the BV extension of a generic U(n)-gauge theory for n > 2. This construction required the use of more advanced tools from algebraic geometry and the invariant theory and will be described in detail in an article currently in preparation. However, there are no particular phenomena appearing when we pass to consider an higher dimensional gauge theory. Similarly, on the side of finite spectral triples, we also have that their structure does not change at the increase of the dimension of the algebra. Hence, the approach presented here is expected to straightforwardly extend to the entire class of U(n)-gauge theories induced by spectral triples on the algebra , concluding the quest for a noncommutative geometric description of the BV construction, at least for the case of gauge theories induced by finite spectral triples.
Conflict of Interest
The author has no conflicts to disclose.
Author Contributions
Roberta Anna Iseppi: Conceptualization (lead), Formal analysis (lead), Investigation (lead), Writing – original draft (lead), Writing – review & editing (lead).
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