We describe the extremal translation invariant stationary (ETIS) states of the facilitated exclusion process on Z. In this model, all particles on sites with one occupied and one empty neighbor jump at each integer time to the empty neighbor site, and if two particles attempt to jump into the same empty site, we choose one randomly to succeed. The ETIS states are qualitatively different for densities ρ < 1/2, ρ = 1/2, and 1/2 < ρ < 1, but in each density region, we find states that may be grouped into families, each of which is in natural correspondence with the set of all ergodic measures on {0,1}Z. For ρ < 1/2, there is one such family, containing all the ergodic states in which the probability of two adjacent occupied sites is zero. For ρ = 1/2, there are two families, in which configurations translate to the left and right, respectively, with constant speed 2. For the high density case, there is a continuum of families. We show that all ETIS states at densities ρ ≤ 1/2 belong to these families and conjecture that also at high density there are no other ETIS states. We also study the possible ETIS states that might occur if the conjecture fails.

A facilitated exclusion process, sometimes called a conserved lattice gas, is a model of particles moving on a lattice, usually Zd or a finite portion of it with periodic boundary conditions, in which a particle can jump to a neighboring (empty) site only if another of its neighboring sites is occupied (by a facilitating particle). Many variations of such models have been studied in both the physics and mathematics literature, with (i) different values of the dimension d; (ii) implementations of the dynamics in either continuous time, in which each facilitated particle attempts to jump independently at a certain rate (or equivalently, in a finite system, with random sequential updating), or discrete time, in which all facilitated particles attempt to jump simultaneously, at integer times; and (iii) for d = 1, various distributions, symmetric, partially asymmetric, or totally asymmetric, governing the choice of target site (for d ≥ 2, we are aware of studies only of the symmetric distribution). For the one-dimensional case in continuous time, see Refs. 14 for symmetric dynamics, Refs. 59 for totally asymmetric dynamics, and Ref. 10 for the general (symmetric and partially or totally asymmetric) case. For the one-dimensional case in discrete time, with totally asymmetric dynamics, see Refs. 11 and 12. For the higher dimensional case in discrete time, see Refs. 13 and 14. Reference 4 studies, in continuous time with symmetric dynamics, the intermediate case in which the lattice is a ladder with two infinite rows.

In this paper, we consider the case of symmetric discrete-time dynamics on the one-dimensional lattice Z; so far as we know, we are the first to do so. (In Remark 1.1, we review briefly, for comparison, the situation for one-dimensional continuous time dynamics10). We find a variety of interesting phenomena that do not occur in the continuous-time d = 1 model and have not been reported in studies of the higher-dimensional discrete-time version.

The configuration space of our model is X={0,1}Z; if η is a configuration in X, then we say that a site i with η(i) = 1 is occupied by a particle, and a site with η(i) = 0 is unoccupied or empty. The (stochastic) dynamics is defined as follows: if ηt is the configuration at time t, tZ, then each particle in ηt with exactly one occupied neighboring site attempts to jump to its unoccupied neighboring site; the jump takes place unless two particles attempt to jump on the same site, in which case one of them is chosen at random to succeed, with each choice equally likely. ηt+1 is the resulting configuration.

Our goal is to classify the states—probability measures on X—which are translation invariant (TI) and stationary for the Facilitated Simple Symmetric Exclusion Process (F-SSEP) dynamics, the TIS states. Every TIS state is a convex combination of the extremal TIS (ETIS) states, that is, of the TIS states that are not proper convex combinations of others, so it suffices to find the ETIS states. The ETIS states need not be extremal TI (ETI)—i.e., ergodic under translations—but since the particles are neither created nor destroyed, extremality in the class of TIS states suffices to guarantee (see Lemma 2.4) that each ETIS state will be supported on the set Xρ of configurations having particle density ρ for some ρ with 0 ≤ ρ ≤ 1, that is, satisfying


We will say that a TI state has densityρ if it is supported on Xρ. [Note that this condition implies that for each iZ, the expected value of η(i) is ρ but is, in fact, a stronger statement.]

It is convenient to consider also a second particle system on Z, again evolving in discrete time: the symmetric stack model (SSM). (To our knowledge, this model has not been considered elsewhere.) In this model, there are no restrictions on the number of particles at any site so that the configuration space is X̂=Z+Z, where Z+={0,1,2,}. We denote stack configurations by boldface letters, and to distinguish explicit stack configurations from F-SSEP particle configurations, we will use italics for the former so that for nX̂, we might have n(0) = 2. To specify the evolution of the SSM, let us say that the stack at site i is short if n(i) ≤ 1 and tall otherwise. Then, in the transition from nt to nt+1, either zero or one particle moves along each bond ⟨k, k + 1⟩, either to the left or to the right: if the stacks at k and k + 1 are both short, then no particle moves on the bond; if one is short and one tall, then a particle moves from the tall to the short stack; and if both are tall, then a particle moves from one to the other in a randomly chosen direction, with each direction equally likely.

For the SSM, we again speak of TIS and ETIS states and, for ρ̂<, of states of density ρ̂, where the latter are those supported on X̂ρ̂, the set of SSM configurations of density ρ̂, defined in parallel with (1.1). If the expected value of n(0) is finite in a TI state on X̂, then we say that the state is regular. A TI state on X is called regular if it gives zero probability to the configuration η for which η(i) = 1 for all i.

The SSM is connected with the F-SSEP through a substitution mapϕ:X̂X: if nX̂, then ϕ(n) is obtained by replacing each n(i) with a zero followed by n(i) ones. (Such a mapping has also been used to relate exclusion and zero range processes; see, e.g., Refs. 15 and 16.) In  Appendix A, we show that this substitution, and members of a large class of similar substitutions, gives rise to a bijection of the regular TI or ETI states of the models related by the substitution. Moreover, we show there that for the particular substitution ϕ above, the bijection Φϕ of the regular TI states is also a bijection from the regular TIS or ETIS states of the SSM to those of the F-SSEP. Thus, for the question of interest here—the nature and classification of the TIS states—the F-SSEP and SSM are essentially equivalent, and we can and will pass freely from one to the other. Note that if n has density ρ̂, then ϕ(n) has density ρ=ρ̂/(1+ρ̂); correspondingly, Φϕ carries regular SSM states of density ρ̂ to regular F-SSEP states of density ρ.

Recall now that each regular ETIS state is associated with some density ρ in the F-SSEP or equivalently ρ̂=ρ/(1ρ) in the SSM. The classification of the ETIS states of the models is qualitatively different in the three density regions 0 ≤ ρ < 1/2, ρ = 1/2, and 1/2 < ρ < 1 or, equivalently, 0ρ̂<1, ρ̂=1, and 1<ρ̂<. The states in the first two of these regions are, of course, all regular.

Consider first the low density region. The set of ETIS states of the SSM with 0ρ̂1 is precisely the set of ETI states supported on F̂X̂, the set of frozen SSM configurations for which every stack has height zero or one (note that, in fact, F̂=X). For the F-SSEP, the corresponding result is that the ETIS states are the ETI states supported on the set F of frozen F-SSEP configurations: those in which no two adjacent sites are occupied and, hence, no particle jumps are possible.

When ρ̂=1 in the SSM (ρ = 1/2 in the F-SSEP), there are two families of ETIS states in each model; these describe patterns moving to the left or to the right, respectively, with speed 1 in the SSM and speed 2 in the F-SSEP. In the SSM, the left-moving family consists of all ETI states supported on X̂left, the set of configurations in which no stack has height more than 2, a stack of height 2 can be followed only by one of height 0, and a stack of height 0 can be preceded only by one of height 2. Similarly, the right-moving family consists of the ETI states on X̂right, the spatial reflection of X̂left. Two states belong to both families: the state μ̂(1) (which is also one of the low-density states of the previous paragraph) supported on the single configuration in which all stacks have height 1 and the state μ̂(2) supported with equal probability on the two configurations in which stacks of height 0 and 2 alternate. The left- and right-moving families in the F-SSEP are obtained from those of the SSM via the map Φϕ.

All TIS states in the high density region of the SSM, 1<ρ̂, are supported on X̂*X̂, the set of configurations for which no two adjacent sites both have short stacks. On X̂*, the dynamics preserves the parity of each stack height so that if for σX, we let X̂σ*X̂* be the set of configurations n for which n(i) has parity (−1)σ(i), then each X̂σ* is invariant for the dynamics. (In these circumstances, we call σ a parity sequence.)

Let e be the parity sequence with e(i) = 0 for all i so that X̂e* is the set of configurations for which each stack height is even and there are no adjacent zeros. For each ρ̂e1, we find an ETIS state μ̂e(ρ̂e) on X̂e* of density ρ̂e, which we conjecture to be unique: if ρ̂e=1, then μ̂e(ρ̂e) is the state μ̂(2) described above, while if ρ̂e>1, then μ̂e(ρ̂e) is a Gibbs state for an interaction that is simply a one-body potential together with the constraints—hard-core and evenness—implicit in X̂e*. Further, for each such ρ̂e, we obtain from μ̂e(ρ̂e) a family of regular ETIS states on X̂* and show that if the conjecture mentioned above holds, then these are all such states. Specifically, for each ρ̂e1 and each ETI state λ on X, there is an ETIS state μ̂(ρ̂e,λ) for the SSM; μ̂(ρ̂e,λ) has the distribution of η + σ (pointwise addition), where η has distribution μ̂e(ρ̂e), σ has distribution λ, and η and σ are independent. Note that if λ has density κ, then μ̂e(ρ̂e,λ) has density ρ̂e+κ. The corresponding families for the F-SSEP are obtained via the map Φϕ.

Remark 1.1.

A discussion of the TIS states of the continuous-time version of the model, generalized to include an asymmetry in the jumps, was given in Ref. 10. The asymmetry is controlled by a parameter p ∈ [0, 1]: a particle at site iZ jumps to site i + 1 (respectively, i − 1) with rate p (respectively, 1 − p), provided that site i − 1 (respectively, i + 1) is occupied and site i + 1 (respectively, i − 1) is empty. For ρ < 1/2, the TIS states are, as for the current model, just the TI states supported on F, but for the continuous-time model, it was possible to determine the limiting state μ̲ when the initial state μ0 is Bernoulli; rather surprisingly, μ̲ is independent of p. (μ̲ is also11,12 the limiting state, with initial state μ0, under totally asymmetric discrete-time dynamics.) For ρ = 1/2, the unique TIS state is supported with equal probability on the two configurations in which occupied and empty sites alternate. For each ρ > 1/2, there is again a unique TIS state, the Gibbs state for a particle system in which the only interaction is an exclusion rule forbidding adjacent empty sites; the uniqueness was established via a coupling of the model with the usual asymmetric simple exclusion process.

We here introduce some further notation and provide some simple results for the F-SSEP and SSM models, often speaking in terms of the F-SSEP with the understanding that parallel notation will be used, and similar results hold, for the SSM. Let us mention several pieces of general notation: for any sets A and B, function f: AB, and measure λ on A, we let f*λ be the measure on B with (f*λ)(C) = λ(f−1(C)); moreover, if B=R, we let λ(f) = Af dλ denote the expected value of f under λ. When CB, we let 1C: B → {0, 1} denote the indicator function of the set C. If S is a finite set, then |S| denotes the size of S.

Recall from Sec. I that the configuration spaces for these models are X{0,1}Z and X̂Z+Z, respectively, with ηX and nX̂ denoting configurations. For ηX and j,kZ with jk, we let η(j: k) = (η(i))jik denote the portion of the configuration η lying between sites j and k (inclusive). We will occasionally use string notation for configurations or partial configurations, writing, for example, η(0:4) = η(0)⋯η(4) = 01101 = 01201. τ: XX (or τ̂:X̂X̂) denotes the translation operator: if ηX, then (τη)(i) = η(i − 1); if f is any function on X, then τf(η) = f(τ−1η); and if μ is a (Borel) measure on X, then τ acts on μ via τ*.

It will sometimes be convenient to associate to each F-SSEP configuration ηX a height profile hη:ZZ, which, in the usual convention, rises by one unit when η(i) = 0 and sinks by one unit when η(i) = 1. Specifically,


We do not introduce height profiles for SSM configurations.

From the somewhat informal description of the dynamics of the models given in Sec. I, it is straightforward but tedious to specify, for a configuration ηX and a measurable subset AX, the transition kernel Q(η, A) of the F-SSEP Markov process, or similarly the kernel Q̂(n,B) for the SSM model. We omit the details. A measure μ on X is stationary if μ = μQ; here, (μQ)(A) = XQ(·, A) [we also write μQn ≔ (μQn−1)Q for n ≥ 2].

In the remainder of this paper, we will consider primarily regular (see Sec. I) states on X and X̂; the sets of regular TI, ETI, TIS, and ETIS states for the F-SSEP are denoted by M(X), M̄(X), Ms(X), and M̄s(X), respectively. We write similarly M(X̂), etc., as well as M(A), M(Â), etc., for AX or ÂX̂ TI sets. As a consequence of the results of  Appendix A (see also the discussion of Sec. I), we have immediately the following theorem:

Theorem 2.1.

There exists a bijection,Φϕ:M(X̂)M(X), arising from the substitution mapϕdefined in Sec. 1I, which satisfiesΦϕ(M̄(X̂))=M̄(X),Φϕ(Ms(X̂))=Ms(X), andΦϕ(M̄s(X̂))=M̄s(X). Φϕcarries states of densityρ̂to states of densityρ̂/(1+ρ̂). Moreover, ifÂX̂is TI, then there is a similarly defined bijection fromM(Â)toM(A), etc., whereAis the minimal TI subset ofXcontainingϕ(Â).

Remark 2.2.

It is clear that one may also define, in a straightforward way, models with a fixed number of particles moving on a finite ring under either the F-SSEP or SSM dynamics. These models will play a role in Secs. IV and V B.

Since we are studying stationary states, it is natural to introduce the set of space–time F-SSEP configurations X2={0,1}Z2={(ξt(i))(t,i)Z2}; a state μM(X) that is stationary for the dynamics induces a “path measure” on X2, invariant under vertical translation, which we denote Pμ. X̂2 and P̂μ̂ denote the corresponding SSM quantities.

In Secs. IIIV, we will describe all ETIS states for the two models. As indicated in Sec. I, these fall into certain natural groups, which we will call λ-families. In this context, we write L for the set of ergodic TI measures on X [in fact, L=M̄(X), but the special role that this space plays here motivates a special symbol].

Definition 2.3.

A λ-family is a collection of ETIS states for either the SSM or the F-SSEP, which is bijectively equivalent (with a “natural” bijection) to L. We think of L as indexing the λ-family, and let λL denote a typical index. We will typically write F̂* and F* for λ-families for the SSM and F-SSEP, respectively, with * being a subscript distinguishing the various families and with F*=Φϕ(F̂*). Ψ̂*:LF̂* and Ψ*=ΦϕΨ̂*:LF* are the corresponding indexing bijections.

Certain simple spatially-periodic configurations and related states, some already mentioned in Sec. I, will play a special role in our discussions. Let n(1),n(2)X̂ be the configurations with n(1)(i) = 1 and n(2)(i) = (1 + (−1)i) for all i; in Sec. I, we introduced the states μ̂(1),μ̂(2)M(X̂) defined by μ̂(1)=δn(1), μ̂(2)=(δn(2)+δτn(2))/2. The corresponding states μ(1) = Φϕ(μ(1)), μ(2) = Φϕ(μ(2)) are given by


where η(1)X is the period-two configuration with η(1)(1:2) = 10 and η(2)X is the period-four configuration with η(2)(1:4) = 1100. It is easy to check directly that μ̂(1) and μ̂(2) are ETIS states for the SSM, as are μ(1) and μ(2) for the F-SSEP.

We conclude this section with three general results; we state these for the F-SSEP, but the obvious translations to the SSM also hold. Recall from Sec. I that we say that a state μM(X) has density ρ if it is supported on the space Xρ [see (1.1)].

Lemma 2.4.

Every ETIS stateμM̄s(X)has a definite densityρand satisfies eitherμ(F) = 0 orμ(F) = 1.

Take μMs(X); it suffices to show that μ is a convex combination of states in Ms(X) with a definite density ρ and for which F has probability 0 or 1. Let ν = r*μ; here, r:XR, r(η)limN(2N+1)1i=NNη(i), is defined μ-almost everywhere by the ergodic theorem. ν is just the distribution of the density with respect to μ. Then,17 there exists a unique regular conditional probability distribution (μρ)ρ[0,1] for μ such that μρ has density ρ and for any measurable AX,
Since F is invariant under the dynamics, i.e., Q(η, F) = 1 for ηF, we see that if we further write μρ=μρF+μρX\F, we obtain, after normalization of μρF and μρX\F, the desired representation. More details are given in Ref. 10.■

We next give a lemma which shows that a connected portion of an F-SSEP configuration, other than possibly a single 1 at some site, cannot be frozen unless the entire configuration is.

Lemma 2.5.

LetμMs(X)satisfyμ(F) = 0. Suppose thatIZis an interval, thatθ ∈ {0, 1}I, and that either |I| ≥ 2 orI = {i} andθ(i) = 0. Then,Pμ({ξX2for all t,ξtI=θ})=0.

We remark that the possibility I=Z, θ(i) = 1 for all i, an apparent counterexample to Lemma 2.5, is forbidden by the regularity of μ.

Proof of Lemma 2.5.

Let A, B, CX2 denote the sets of space–time histories ξ such that, respectively, ξt(0) = 0 for all t [we write ξt(0) ≡ 0], ξt(−1:0) ≡ 01, and ξt(−1:0) ≡ 11, and such that in each case ξt(1) changes infinitely often as t. We show that Pμ(A) = Pμ(B) = Pμ(C) = 0; using the translation invariance of μ, translation invariance in time of Pμ, and reflection invariance of the system (although the latter is not really needed), one sees easily that this implies the result.

First, we observe that if ξX2 satisfies ξt(0) ≡ 0 and s is such that ξs(1) = 1, then, Pμ-a.s., ξt(1) = 1 for all ts and so ξA. Thus, Pμ(A) = 0. Next, suppose that ξt(−1:0) ≡ 01; if ξs(1) = 1 for some s then, Pμ-a.s., ξs+1(−1) = 1, a contradiction. Thus, Pμ(ξB) = 0. Finally, if ξC, we define (τk)kZ+, with 0 ≤ τ0 < τ1 < ⋯, to be the non-negative times satisfying ξτk(1)=0; τk are well defined on C. Now, ξC implies that ξτk+1(0)=1, and this is possible only if ξτk(1:3)=11011, and moreover, Lk occurs, where Lk is the event that when two particles attempt at time τk to jump to site 1, it is the leftward jump that succeeds. Given C, the Lk are independent events, each with probability 1/2, so that Pμ(C) = 0.■

Finally, we give a result showing that non-frozen TIS states cannot have too large a local density of 0’s.

Lemma 2.6.

Suppose thatμMs(X)satisfiesμ(F) = 0. Then, we have the following:

  • μ-a.s., no configuration contains three consecutive 0’s.

  • μ-a.s., the height profilehηof the configurationηdoes not increase by more than two units over any interval.


  • Elementary analysis of the dynamics shows that, Pμ-a.s., if ξX2 satisfies ξt(i) = ξt(i + 1) = ξt(i + 2) = 0 for some t,iZ, then also ξt−1(i) = ξt−1(i + 1) = ξt−1(i + 2) = 0. It follows that ξs(i) = ξs(i + 1) = ξs(i + 2) = 0 for all st and, by the invariance of Pμ under time translations, for all s. The conclusion follows from Lemma 2.5.

  • Suppose that the conclusion is false. By translation invariance, we may assume that for some (necessarily odd) positive integer j, μ(Aj) > 0, where Aj = {ηhη(j) = 3}. We take j to be the minimal value for which this holds. By (a), j > 3, and minimality of j implies that if ηAj, then a.s. η(1:j) = 00(10)(j−3)/20. Now, by Lemma 2.5 [as in (a)], Pμ(B) > 0, where B = {ξX2ξ0Aj, ξ−1Aj}. On the other hand, if ξB, then elementary analysis shows that, Pμ-a.s., some translate of ξ−1 belongs to Aj for some j′ < j [for example, if j = 9, then ξ−1(1:j) must be one of 1100(10)20, 00(10)2011, 110 010 011, or 000 111 000]. This contradicts the minimality of j.■

In this section, we describe all TIS states of low density (ρ < 1/2 for the F-SSEP, ρ̂<1 for the SSM). We first show that all ETIS states for the F-SSEP are frozen.

Lemma 3.1.

LetμM̄s(X)have densityρ < 1/2. Then,μ(F) = 1.

By Lemma 2.4, it suffices to show that μ(F) > 0. However, if μ(F) = 0, then for any k > 0,
by Lemma 2.6(b). Since k is arbitrary, 2ρ − 1 ≥ 0.■

To describe all low-density states, we introduce FlowM̄(F), the set of ETI states supported on F, and F̂lowM̄(F̂). Since F̂=X, F̂low=M̄(X)=L, and thus, F̂low is indeed a λ-family (see Definition 2.3), with indexing map Ψ̂low the identity. One checks easily that Φϕ(F̂low)=Flow so that Flow is also a λ-family, with indexing map Ψlow = Φϕ. Note that μ̂(1)F̂low has density 1 and μ(1)=Φϕ(μ̂(1))Flow has density 1/2, but that otherwise the states in F̂low and Flow have densities less than 1 or less than 1/2, respectively.

Theorem 3.2.

(a) The set of ETIS states for the F-SSEP with densityρ < 1/2 isFlow\{μ(1)}, and (b) the set of ETIS states for the SSM with densityρ̂<1isF̂low\{μ̂(1)}.


For (a), note that the inclusion FlowM̄s(X) is trivial, while conversely every state in M̄s(X) with density less than 1/2 belongs to Flow by Lemma 3.1. By virtue of Theorem 2.1, (b) is an immediate consequence of (a).■

Finally, we ask the following question: If the F-SSEP is started in an initial state μ0, which is a Bernoulli measure with density ρ < 1/2, what is the final distribution of frozen configurations? As discussed in Remark 1.1, in earlier work, we answered this question for several other facilitated exclusion processes, finding a common limiting distribution μ̲. For the current model, the limit is different (see below), but beyond that we have only a partial description.

Let μt = μt−1Q, t = 1, 2, …, be the state at time t, with μ0 as above, and for ηX, let Sη={iZη(i2:i)=000}.

Theorem 3.3.

The limiting measureμ = limtμtexists and satisfiesμ({0 ∈ Sη}) > 0. Under the conditional measureμ(·∣0 ∈ Sη),Sis a renewal process.

Let P̃ be the path measure on X̃2={0,1}Z+×Z obtained from the initial state μ0 and the F-SSEP dynamics. Elementary analysis shows that if ξX2 satisfies ξt(i − 2:i) = 000, then P̃-a.s. also ξs(i − 2:i) = 000 for 0 ≤ st. However, for all iZ,
Moreover, P̃(Bi)=q2(1ρ)3, with q being the probability that for an initial measure under which the configuration on N{iZi>0} is distributed as a Bernoulli measure with density ρ but all other sites are empty, no particle crosses the ⟨0, 1⟩ bond at any time during the evolution.

Next, we show that q > 0. Let At be the event that for all L ≥ 1, there are in the configuration ξt at most L/2 particles on sites 1, 2, …, L. A standard gambler’s ruin computation18 shows that μ0(A0) = (1 − 2ρ)/(1 − ρ). Now, when At holds, no particle can cross the bond ⟨0, 1⟩ at the next time step from the L = 1 condition. Moreover, AtAt+1. Thus, qμ0(A0) > 0.

To establish the existence of μ, and, in fact, a stronger result, the P̃-almost sure existence of η ≔ limtξt, one shows from P̃(Bi)>0 that for any L > 0, P̃k,lLBkBl=1. For ξBkBl, simple considerations of the system in a finite region then imply that limtξt[k+1,l3] exists, P̃-a.s. For more details, see the Proof of Lemma 3.6 of Ref. 10.

Since μ is the distribution of η under P̃, we must show that Sη is a renewal process under the conditional measure P̃(0Sη). Now, from (3.2), we have that iSη iff ξBi, and if we condition on 0Sη, that is, on B0, then what happens to the left of site −2 is independent of what happens to the right of site 0. Thus, if, under this conditioning, we label the points of Sη sequentially as (sk)kZ, with s0 = 0, so that ξt(sk − 2:sk) = 000 for all t and k, the differences sksk−1 are independent.■

Let us condition on 0Sη and adopt the notation of the previous proof. Then, either s1 = 1, an event with (conditional) probability 1 − ρ, or s1 ≥ 4; in the latter case, η(−2:s1) = 000 σ 000, with σ being any string that begins and ends with 1 and contains no substrings 11 or 000. To complete the description of μ, one would need to find the distribution of these σ (and hence of s1s0); we have only partial results in this direction. However, one finds easily that, for example, μ(η(1:6) = 01101∣0 ∈ Sη) = ρ2(1 − ρ)4; on the other hand, with μ̲ as introduced in Remark 1.1, μ̲(η(1:6)=011010Sη)=2ρ2(1ρ)4,10–12 establishing the difference of μ and μ̲.

In this section, we describe all ETIS states of density 1/2 for the F-SSEP or density 1 for the SSM. We first show that for such a state in the F-SSEP, the height profile hη [see (2.1)] is a.s. confined to a strip of height at most two. For ηX, we let Δ(η) = supi<j|hη(j) − hη(i)|.

Lemma 4.1.

IfμM̄s(X)has densityρ = 1/2, then,μ-a.s., Δ(η) ≤ 2.


By Lemma 2.4, we may assume that either μ(F) = 0 or μ(F) = 1. Now, μ(1) is the only TI state of density 1/2 supported on F, and it satisfies the conclusion of the lemma. Consider then the case μ(F) = 0. By Lemma 2.6(b), hη(j) − hη(i) ≤ 2 for i < j, so by translation invariance, it suffices to show that for any j > 0, hη(j) ≥ −2 μ-a.s.; moreover, it suffices to verify the result for each ergodic component of μ.

Suppose then that μ is ergodic but that for some j > 0, which we take to be minimal, μ{ηhη(j)3}>0. Then, from Lemma 2.6(b) and the minimality of j, also μ{ηη(0)>supi>0hη(i)}>0, and with ergodicity, this implies that, μ-a.s., hη has a negative overall slope. However, this is inconsistent with μ having density 1/2.■

We can now classify the states in M̄s(X) with density 1/2. Consider a general η with Δ(η) ≤ 2; a portion of a typical height profile [with Δ(η) = 2] is shown in Fig. 1. As indicated there, we may partition η into left-moving (L), right-moving (R), and transition (T) regions, where T denotes a maximal region in which pairs of 0’s alternate with pairs of 1’s, L a region between two T regions having the form (10)k for some k ≥ 1, and R a region between two T regions having the form (01)k, k ≥ 1.

FIG. 1.

Portion of a typical height profile, showing left-moving, right-moving, and transition regions. The curve plotted is the linear interpolation of the integer-valued height function of (2.1); it rises to an empty site and falls to an occupied one.

FIG. 1.

Portion of a typical height profile, showing left-moving, right-moving, and transition regions. The curve plotted is the linear interpolation of the integer-valued height function of (2.1); it rises to an empty site and falls to an occupied one.

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The naming of these regions reflects the fact that a configuration in which only L and T (respectively, R and T) regions appear translates to the left (respectively, right) at velocity 2 under the dynamics: if ηt is such a configuration, then ηt+1 = τ−2ηt (respectively, ηt+1 = τ2η). We will see below that all TIS states are supported on such configurations. The two simplest examples of such states, μ(1) and μ(2), were defined in (2.2); μ(1) may be viewed as supported on configurations with a single L, or equivalently a single R, region, and μ(2) is supported on configurations consisting of a single T region.

It is straightforward to work out further rules for the evolution of the configurations with Δ(η) ≤ 2. Such configurations cannot contain the pattern 11 011, and hence, the evolution is deterministic. Boundaries between regions usually move with velocity 2, L|T and T|L boundaries move to the left and R|T and T|R boundaries move to the right. However, if R and L regions are separated by a T region that is a single pair of 0’s, R|00|L, then both boundaries are stationary. If in the resulting T|R|00|L|T situation the L region is shorter than the R region, then the (left-moving) L|T boundary will eventually reach the 00|L boundary, at which time the L region will disappear and the 00 and T regions amalgamate into a single T region; the situation is similar when the R region is shorter or the two regions are the same length.

Following these ideas, one easily sees that, on a ring, any initial configuration evolves to one in which either no L region or no R region occurs. No such conclusion is possible when the ring is replaced by Z, but similar considerations do imply the following: For any configuration η with Δ(η) ≤ 2, the minimum size δ = δ(η) of a maximal uniform block—a maximal right block, a region of the form T|R|T|⋯|T|R|T preceded and followed by L regions, or a maximal left block, defined in a parallel way—must increase if δ < , within a time proportional to δ. From this, it follows that any TI stationary state for ρ = 1/2 must be supported on configurations with δ = , i.e., on configurations consisting of a single maximal uniform block or of a maximal right block adjacent to a maximal left block. However, the set of configurations of the latter sort must have probability 0 in any TI state.

Rather than filling in the straightforward details of the argument just sketched, we now give a different and shorter (though perhaps less intuitive) argument. Let Xleft (respectively, Xright) denote the set of configurations ηX with Δ(η) = 2, which contain no R (respectively, no L) region. By convention, we suppose that Xleft and Xright contain η(1) and τη(1) (see Sec. II); then, XleftXright consists of η(1), η(2), and their translates. Recall also the spaces Xρ, X̂ρ̂, X̂left, and X̂right, defined in Sec. I.

Theorem 4.2.

  • Whenρ = 1/2, M̄s(Xρ)=M̄(Xleft)M̄(Xright).

  • Whenρ̂=1, M̄s(X̂ρ̂)=M̄(X̂left)M̄(X̂right).

Before giving the proof, we explain how the ETIS states of the theorem are organized into the λ-families of Definition 2.3. Consider first M̄s(X̂)=M̄(X̂left)M̄(X̂right); here, M̄(X̂left) and M̄(X̂right) are λ-families that we denote, respectively, F̂left and F̂right. The substitution map ϕleft:XX̂ given by 1 → 20, 0 → 1 gives rise to an indexing bijection Ψ̂left=Φϕleft:LF̂left, and similarly, we obtain Ψ̂right:LF̂right from ϕright, the substitution map sending 1 → 02, 0 → 1. The indexing maps for Fleft=M̄(Xleft) and Fright=M̄(Xright) are Ψleft=ΦϕΨ̂left and Ψright=ΦϕΨ̂right or can be obtained directly from the substitution maps 1 → 1100, 0 → 10 and 1 → 0011, 0 → 01, respectively. Note that F̂leftF̂right={μ̂(1),μ̂(2)} and FleftFright={μ(1),μ(2)}.

Proof of Theorem 4.2.

  • Since the F-SSEP dynamics on Xleft or Xright is simply left or right translation, respectively, clearly M̄(Xleft)M̄(Xright)M̄s(X). Suppose conversely that μM̄s(X). Since μ is an ETIS state and Xleft and Xright are invariant under the dynamics, it suffices to prove that μ(XleftXright) = 1, i.e., that the set of configurations η that have Δ(η) = 2, and contain both L and T regions, has measure zero.

    We first show that, μ-a.s., no configuration contains the string 010010 (corresponding to regions R|T|L with T having just two sites). Let E be the event that sites 1 and 2 both belong to an R region and that η(1:2) = 01. Then, from the dynamical rules,
    However, μη(1:2)=1101=μη(1:2)=0100, since the density of left and right ends of R regions must be the same, so that, with the stationarity of μ, (4.1) implies that μη(1:4)=010010=0, as claimed.

    Now, if μ(XleftXright) < 1, then there is a minimal k such that μη(1:4k+6)=0100(1100)k10>0. From the claim above, k > 0. However, if ξt(1:4k + 6) = 0100(1100)k10, then ξt+1(3:4k + 4) = 0100(1100)k−110, contradicting the minimality of k.

  • (b)

    By (a) and Theorem 2.1 (using Â=X̂left and Â=X̂right), we have


Most of our discussion of the high density region, ρ > 1/2 for the F-SSEP or ρ̂>1 for the SSM, will be carried out for the SSM. We first obtain a reduction of the configuration space of the model to the space X̂*X̂, the set of configurations for which no two adjacent sites both have short stacks (see Sec. I). Note that any extremal TI state in X̂e* must have density ρ̂e satisfying ρ̂e1. For future reference, we also note that Hϕ(X̂*) is the set of F-SSEP configurations that do not contain any of the substrings 000, 0100, 0010, and 01 010.

Theorem 5.1.

Every TIS state for the stack dynamics with densityρ̂>1is supported onX̂*; equivalently, every TIS state for the F-SSEP dynamics with densityρ > 1/2 is supported onH.


It is convenient to work primarily in the stack model. We observe first that since 00 in the stack model corresponds to 000 in the F-SSEP model, Lemma 2.6 implies that every μ̂Ms(X̂) with density ρ̂>1 assigns zero probability to the set of all configurations containing the substring 00.

Now, we suppose that μ̂Ms(X̂) has density ρ̂>1 and is such that configurations containing the string 10 occur with nonzero probability under μ̂, and derive a contradiction; we may assume that μ̂ is ergodic. For (t,i)Z2, let Et,iX̂2 be the event that mX̂2 satisfies mt(i:i + 1) = 10; then, for mEt,i, we know from Lemma 2.5 that there must a.s. exist times t0 and t1, with t0t < t1, such that mEs,i for t0s < t1 but mEt01,i and mEt1,i. Then, elementary consideration of the dynamics, using the fact the 00 does not occur, shows that necessarily mt01(i1:i)=10, i.e., the 10 string cannot be “created” at sites (i, i + 1) but rather “moves” there from sites (i − 1, i). However, such a string cannot vanish, since μ̂ is stationary and, hence, the density of 10 strings is constant in time, and again simple considerations show that necessarily mt11(i:i+2))=102 and mt1(i+1:i+2)=10. The conclusion is that, P̂μ̂-a.s., 10 substrings persist throughout time, moving to the right in the sense that there exist times t0 < t1 < t2 < ⋯ such that mt(i + k:i + k + 1) = 10 for tkt < tk+1.

A similar analysis applies to 01 strings, except that these move to the left. However, we claim that μ̂ cannot give positive density to both 10 and 01 strings. For if it did, both would occur with positive frequency in the same configuration, by the ergodicity of μ̂, and would then “collide”, that is, the configuration 101 would occur with positive frequency (1001 is ruled out because 00 is) and then neither could continue to move without the destruction of the other, a contradiction. Thus, we may assume, without loss of generality, that μ̂ supports a positive density of 10 substrings but that, μ̂-a.s., 01 strings do not occur.

Now let k be the minimal positive integer such that μ̂(Ak)>0, where Ak{nX̂n(1:2)=10 and i=1kn(i)>k}; such a k exists because ρ̂>1, and we have assumed that μ̂(n(1:2))=10)>0. From the fact that 00 and 01 do not occur, it follows that if ntAk, then nt(1:k) has one of two forms: (i) nt(1: k) = 102(02)p1qx, with x ≥ 2, or (ii) nt(1:k) = 10(20)py, with y ≥ 3; here, p and q are non-negative integers. We show that each of these cases leads to a contradiction.

If (i) holds, then one checks, by considering various special cases, that with probability at least 1/2 either (i.a) neither nt+1(1:2) = 10 nor nt+1(2 : 3) = 10, contradicting the possible evolution of a 10 pair as discussed above or (i.b) τ−1nt+1 lies in case (i) of Ak−2, contradicting the minimality of k. For example, if p = q = 0 so that k = 4 and nt(1:4) = 102x, then nt(2 : 3) = 12 with probability 1/2 [case 1.a)], while if q ≥ 2 , then nt+1(2:k − 2) = 102(02)p1q−22 so that τ−1nt+1Ak−2 [case (1.b)].

Suppose then that (ii) holds. If p = 0 then, as in case (i.a), the 10 disappears, and if p ≥ 1 and y ≥ 4, then τ−1nt+1Ak−1; each of these outcomes contradicts our assumptions. If p ≥ 1 and y = 3, then we must consider an additional site and so write nt(k + 1) = z. If z ≥ 2, then, with probability 1/2, nt+1(2:k) = 102(02)p−13 and so τ−1nt+1Ak−1. Finally, if z = 1 or z = 0, then nt+1(2:k) = 102(02)p−11z′ with z′ ≥ 2, so that τ−1nt+1 lies in Ak but falls under case (i), and this is a contradiction by the analysis of the previous paragraph. For this last step, we need to observe that if z = 0, then necessarily nt(k + 2) ≥ 2, since neither 00 nor 01 can occur in nt.

To complete the proof, we must show that, μ̂-a.s., the string 11 cannot occur in n. However, as for the initial analysis of 10 above, if mX̂2 satisfies mt(i:i + 1) = 11, then, P̂μ̂-a.s., there must be a time t0t with mt0(i:i+1)=11 but mt01(i:i+1)11, and it is easy to see by considering various possible values of nt01(i1:i+1) that this cannot happen.■

In the remainder of Sec. V, we study the ETIS states of the SSM considered as a process with state space X̂*. Theorem 5.1 justifies this choice for states with density ρ̂>1. Moreover, the state μ̂(2) introduced in Sec. I was shown in Sec. IV to be an ETIS state of density ρ̂=1 for the SSM; μ̂(2) is supported on X̂* (and is the only such state). It is convenient to include this state in our study so that from now on, we assume that ρ̂1.

The dynamical rules of the SSM simplify on X̂* as follows: if nt(i) is 0 or 1, then in the transition to nt+1, a particle moves from each of the sites i + 1 and i − 1 to i, while if n(j), n(j + 1) ≥2, a particle moves from j to j + 1 or the reverse, each with probability 1/2. Since at each time step a particle must move across each bond, the parity (−1)n(i) of the stack height at each site i is conserved. Let S{0,1}Z be the space of parity sequences, define the parity mapP:X̂*S by P(n) (i) = (1 − (−1)n(i))/2, and for σS, define the parity sectorX̂σ*X̂* by X̂σ*P1({σ}) so that nX̂σ* iff, for all i, n(i) and σ(i) have the same parity.

Since for each σS the parity sector X̂σ* is invariant under the dynamics, we obtain by restriction a dynamical system on each X̂σ*. In Sec. V A, we discuss the stationary states in the even sectorX̂e*, where e is the parity sequence satisfying e(i) = 0 for all i, and in Sec. V B and  Appendix B, we show how these give rise to all the ETIS states on X̂*.

Our next result describes a family of ETIS states for the SSM in the even sector; the proof will be given shortly.

Theorem 5.2.
For eachρ̂e1, there is an ETIS stateμe(ρ̂e)onX̂e*of densityρ̂e;μe(ρ̂e)is a grand-canonical Gibbs state for the statistical-mechanical system with state spaceX̂*and one-body potential
Forρ̂e=1,μe(ρ̂e)=μ̂(2)and, hence, is ergodic but not weakly mixing. Forρ̂e>1,μe(ρ̂e)is mixing.

As we will see in Sec. V B and  Appendix B, for a full discussion of the ETIS states of the SSM on X̂*, we need to know all stationary states on X̂e*, both TI and non-TI (should any of the latter exist). We have the following conjecture:

Conjecture 5.3.

For eachρ̂e1,μe(ρ̂e)is the unique stationary state of the SSM onX̂e*with densityρ̂e.

In Sec. V B, we will discuss the ETIS states on X̂* under the assumption that Conjecture 5.3 holds, and in  Appendix B, we turn to the general case.

We begin our discussion of Theorem 5.2 with the consideration of the SSM on a ring of 2L + 1 sites, indexed by IL ≔ { − L, …, L}; the configuration space X̂e*(L) is the set of elements nZ+IL for which n(i) is even for all i and for which no two adjacent sites both have height zero. For the moment, we take a fixed number N of particles, with N even and N ≥ 2L + 2, with the corresponding configuration space X̂e*(N,L)X̂e*(L). For nX̂e*(N,L), let z(n) be the number of sites i with n(i) = 0. In a transition from nt to nt+1, the direction of particle movement across 2z(nt) bonds is determined and across the remainder is chosen randomly; moreover, a given transition can occur via at most one set of these choices unless nt = nt+1, in which case there are two possibilities [this occurs iff z(nt) = 0]. Thus, the probability P(nt, nt+1) of such a transition, if nonzero, is 2(2L+12z(nt))+δnt,nt+1. Then, a TIS state μ(N,L) is given by μ(N,L)(n)=ZN,L122z(n), with ZN,L1 a normalizing constant, since because P(n, n′) = 0 iff P(n′, n) = 0, μ(N,L) satisfies the detailed balance condition μ(N,L)(n)P(n′, n) = μ(N,L) (n′)P(n, n′). It is straightforward to check that the dynamics permits transition from any configuration in X̂e*(N,L) to any other so that μ(N,L) is the unique TIS state.

The state μ(N,L) is a Gibbs measure arising from the one-particle potential V(n) of (5.1), that is, μ(N,L)(n)=ZN,L1i=LLeV(n(i)). (One may also view μ(N,L) as a Gibbs measure on the space of all N-particle configurations, with one- and two-body hard core potentials, that is, formal potentials taking infinite values, that impose the restrictions of X̂e*(L).) In order to pass to the L, limit it is convenient to consider the grand canonical measure with fugacity ζ ≥ 0,


with Ξζ,L1 again a normalizing constant.

Lemma 5.4.

The limiting measureμ(ζ,) = limLμ(ζ,L)exists for 0 ≤ ζ < 1 and is a TIS state of density 1/(1 − ζ) for the SSM onX̂e*. Moreover,μ(0,) = μ(2)andμ(ζ,)is mixing ifζ > 1.


The case ζ = 0 follows immediately from the fact, evident from (5.2), that μ(0,L) gives equal weight to the 2L + 1 configurations in X̂e*(N,L) with ∑in(i) = 2L + 2. From now on, we assume that 0 < ζ < 1.

We can prove the existence of μ(ζ,), and also calculate many of its properties, using the standard transfer matrix formalism; we give only a sketch. Let us think of 2={(xi)i=0xi2<} as a space of column vectors, with uT denoting the transpose of the vector u, and define u, v2 by uiδi0 and v0 ≔ 0, viζi if i ≥ 1. Let T(uvT+vuT)/2+vvT; then, for n=2iX̂e*(L),
with Ξζ,L being the trace of T2L+1. T is a rank 2 operator with nonzero eigenvalues λ1 = ζ/(2(1 − ζ)) and λ2 = −ζ/(2(1 + ζ)); the eigenvector associated with λ1, the larger in magnitude, is w = (ζ/(1 + ζ))u + v so that
Thus, for m=2iZ+{K,K} and E the event that n(− K:K) = m(− K:K), we have
Taking K = 0 in (5.5), we find that
from which we find the density ρ̂(ζ)μ(ζ,)(n(0))=1/(1ζ). From (5.4) and (5.5), it follows that if f,g:X̂*R each depend only on the values of the configuration at a finite number of sites, then μ(ζ,)(fτng)Ce(λ1|λ2|)n as n, so that μ(ζ,) is mixing.
The stationarity of μ(ζ,) can be verified from the explicit formulas (5.5) and (5.6), but it is simpler to argue from the stationarity of μ(ζ,L). Take L > K > 0, suppose that A(K)X̂e*(K), and let A, respectively, A(L), be the set of nX̂e*, respectively nX̂e*(L), such that n(− K − 1:K + 1) ∈ A(K). If Q and Q(L) are the transition kernels for the SSM on X̂* and X̂*(L), respectively, then the stationarity of μ(ζ,L) implies that
Now, Q(L)(n, A(L)) depends only on n(− K − 1:K + 1) and Q(L)(n, A(L)) = Q(n′, A) if n(− K − 1:K + 1) = n′(− K − 1:K + 1) so that taking the L limit in (5.8) yields X̂*Q(n,A)μ(ζ,)(dn)=μ(ζ,)(A), the stationarity of μ(ζ,).■

Proof of Theorem 5.2.

The theorem follows immediately from Lemma 5.4 via νe(ρ̂e)=ν((ρ̂e1)/ρ̂e),).■

Remark 5.5.

There is an alternative way to describe the state μ(ζ,) (and hence also μeρe). Consider the image of μ(ζ,) under the map F:X̂*{0,1}Z defined by F(n)(j) = min{1, n(j)}, which effectively classes sites simply as occupied or empty. The image measure F*μ(ζ,) is again Gibbsian, with no interactions other than the exclusion of configurations containing adjacent holes, so that it is, after an interchange of the roles of particles and holes, the equilibrium state of the familiar nearest-neighbor hard core model. The holes in this system have effective fugacity (1 − ζ2)/(2ζ)2 (relative to a fugacity of 1 for the particles), and from (5.7), the density of holes is (1 − ζ)/2. The full state μ(ζ,) is then obtained by first conditioning F(n) = η for some η ∈ {0,1} with no adjacent holes, distributed according to F*μ(ζ,), and then distributing particles on each site j for which η(j) = 1 independently, with distribution μ{n(j) = 2i} = ζ2i−1/(1 − ζ2), i = 1, 2, ….

We now discuss the passage from stationary states of the SSM on the even sector to general high-density ETIS states, specifically, to states with ρ̂>1 as well as the special state μ(2) with ρ̂=1. By Theorem 5.1, these are precisely the ETIS states on X̂*. Let us define γ:X̂e*×SX̂* by γ(m, σ) = m + σ [with component-wise addition: (m + σ)(i) ≔ m(i) + σ(i)]. Note that for fixed σS, γ(·, σ) is a bijection of X̂e* with X̂σ*. We define the dynamics in X̂e*×S to be constant on S.

Lemma 5.6.

  • A measureμonX̂*is an ETIS state for the SSM iffμ̃γ*1μis an ETIS state onX̂e*×S.

  • Each ETIS stateμ̃of densityρ̂onX̂e*×Shas the formμ̃(dndσ)=μσ(dn)λ(dσ), whereλis an ergodic TI probability measure onSandμσ,σS, are stationary probability measures onX̂e*satisfyingμτσ = τ*μσ. Moreover, ifλhas densityκ, thenλ-almost allμσhave densityρ̂e=ρ̂κ.


  • The map γ clearly commutes with translations and with the dynamics. Thus, γ* and γ*1 carry TIS states to TIS states, and they clearly preserve extremality.

  • The form μ̃(dndσ)=μσ(dn)λ(dσ) is immediate, with λ being the probability measure on S giving the distribution of σ and μσ being the conditional probability measure on X̂e*, given σ. The stationarity of μ̃ implies the stationarity of each μσ, and the translation invariance of μ̃ yields the translation invariance of λ and the relation μτσ = τ*μσ. λ must be ergodic, since a decomposition of λ as a convex combination of TI measures would yield immediately a decomposition of μ in terms of TIS measures. Finally, since μ̃-a.s. configurations have density ρ̂, λ-a.s. each μσ must have density ρ̂e=ρ̂κ.■

Throughout the remainder of this section, we assume that Conjecture 5.3 holds. See  Appendix B for an analysis of the situation when this assumption is not valid.

Theorem 5.7.

Suppose thatμe(ρ̂e)of Theorem 5.2 are the only stationary states of the SSM onX̂e*, i.e., that Conjecture 5.3 holds. Then, the ETIS states with densityρ̂>1are precisely the statesμ(ρ̂,λ)γ*(μe(ρ̂e)×λ), withλ being an ergodic TI probability measure onSof densityκρ̂1andρ̂e=ρ̂κ.

Before giving the proof, we note an immediate consequence of this result and Theorem 2.1.

Corollary 5.8.

Under the hypotheses of Theorem 5.7, the ETIS states of the F-SSEP with densityρ > 1/2 are the statesΦϕμ(ρ̂,λ);Φϕμ(ρ̂,λ)has densityρ̂/(1+ρ̂).

Proof of Theorem 5.7.

By Lemma 5.6, it suffices to prove that the ETIS states on X̂e*×S are the states μe(ρ̂e)×λ described in the theorem. The latter are clearly TIS. If μ̃ is an ETIS state on X̂e*×S of density ρ̂, then Lemma 5.6 and Conjecture 5.3 imply that μ̃=μe(ρ̂κ)×λ. Conversely, a decomposition of a state μe(ρ̂e)×λ as described in the theorem into extremal components must, by this and the ergodicity of λ, be trivial.■

Remark 5.9.

  • The states μ(ρ̂,λ) of the SSM with ρ̂>1 are defined in Theorem 5.7; it is natural then to define also μ(1,δe)γ*(μe(ρ̂e)×δe)=μ(2), with δeM̄(S) the point mass on the zero configuration e.

  • It follows from the theorem that, whenever μ(ρ̂,λ) is defined, the density κ of the measure λ satisfies 0κmax{1ρ̂,1}. The case ρ̂=1+κ, corresponding, in the notation of the theorem, to ρ̂e=1, is of particular interest; see (c) and (d).

  • μ(ρ̂,λ) is extremal in the class of TIS states, but it may not be ergodic under translations. For example, if σS has even period p and density κ, and λ is the superposition of the point masses on σ and its translates, then if ρ̂=1+κ (i.e., if ρ̂e=1), μ(ρ̂,λ) is a superposition of two ergodic measures, these being the superpositions of the translates of n* + σ and τn* + σ, respectively. When, in general, can such non-ergodicity occur? First, if ρ̂e>1, then μe(ρ̂e)×λ, as the product of a mixing and an ergodic measure, is ergodic, and hence so is μ(ρ̂e+κ,λ). On the other hand, if ρ̂e=1, we use the fact that μe(ρ̂e)×λ will be ergodic iff the eigenvalue 1 of the translation operator in L2(X̂e*×S,μe(ρ̂e)×λ) is simple; since the translation on L2(X̂e*,μe(1)) has simple eigenvalues of ±1 and no others, we conclude that μ(ρ̂,λ) is ergodic iff the translation operator on L2(S, λ) does not have the eigenvalue −1.

  • If λ has density κ, then, μ(1+κ,λ)-a.s., each configuration n has sites with 0 or 1 particle(s) alternating with sites with 2 or 3 particles, and the dynamics carries such a configuration to the one obtained from it by the substitutions 0 → 2, 1 → 3, 2 → 0, and 3 → 1. The evolution of these configurations is thus periodic, of period 2.

We finally observe that the states μ(ρ̂,λ) for fixed ρ̂e=ρ̂κ (where as usual κ is the density of λ) form a λ-family (see Definition 2.3), which we denote F̂ρ̂e. The indexing map Ψ̂ρ̂e:LF̂ρe is given by Ψ̂ρ̂e(λ)=μ(ρ̂e+κ,λ), where we have made the identification L=M̄(S). From Corollary 5.8, then, the ETIS states of the F-SSEP with density ρ > 1/2, together with the state μ(2), form the λ-families Fρ̂e=Φ*(F̂ρ̂e).

FIG. 2.

Symbolic picture of the set of ETIS states of the SSM. The heavy black lines denote λ families; the shaded region is filled with these families. See Sec. VI for a full description.

FIG. 2.

Symbolic picture of the set of ETIS states of the SSM. The heavy black lines denote λ families; the shaded region is filled with these families. See Sec. VI for a full description.

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The results of this paper are summarized, under the assumption that Conjecture 5.3 holds, by Fig. 2, which gives a symbolic depiction of the relations among the λ-families of regular ETIS states of the SSM. The heavy black lines denote λ-families. F̂left and F̂right have been separated for visibility, but, in fact, both lie at ρ̂=1. The state μ̂(1) belongs to all three of the families F̂low, F̂left, and F̂right, and the state μ̂(2) belongs to F̂left, F̂right, and F̂(1) [see Remark 5.9(a)]. κ denotes the density of a measure λM̄(S); this variable is relevant only for the state μ̂(2) (for which κ = 0) and for states with ρ̂>1. The shaded region is filled with the λ-families F̂ρ̂e; the family for ρ̂e=1 and three other representative families (ρ̂e=r1,r2,r3) are shown.

This paper is dedicated to the memory of Freeman Dyson, friend and teacher.

The work of J.L.L. was supported, in part, by the AFOSR. J.L.L. thanks the IAS for its hospitality.

The authors have no conflicts to disclose.

Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were created or analyzed in this study.

In this appendix, we give a construction that will be used at several points in this paper. Suppose that S and T are countable alphabets, that Ŷ=SZ and Y=TZ with typical elements ζŶ and ηY, and that for each sS, we specify a finite sequence χ(s) = ts(1)…ts(k(s)) of elements of T [that is, a word of k(s) letters in the alphabet T]. Then, we define ϕ:ŶY to be the map that substitutes χ(s) for s, that is,


with χ(ζ(1)) beginning at site 1, so that ϕ(ζ)(1) = tζ(1)(1). For sS, we define Ŷs={ζŶζ(1)=s} and Ys=ϕ(Ŷs); for 0 ≤ jk(s) − 1, we set Ysj = τjYs and define ϕsj:ŶsYsj by ϕsj=τjϕŶs. From now on, we assume that the χ(s) are such that the sets Ysj are pairwise disjoint.

We call a TI measure ν̂ on Ŷregular if ν̂(k(ζ(1))) is finite, i.e., if Zν̂sSk(s)ν̂(Ŷs)<, and a TI measure ν on Yregular if it is supported on sSj=0k(s)1Ysj, the smallest translation invariant subset of TZ containing ϕ(Ŷ). Let M(Ŷ) denote the space of regular TI states on Ŷ and M(Y) denote the space of regular TI states on Y. If ν̂M(Ŷ) and νM(Y), define ν̂s=ν̂Ŷs and νs=νYs.

Theorem A.1.
Forν̂M(Ŷ), define the measureΦ(ν̂)onYby
Then, Φ is a bijection ofM(Ŷ)withM(Y), and forνM(Y),Φ1(ν)=Z̃ν1sSϕs0*1νs, whereZ̃ν=sSν(Ys).Φ(ν̂)is ergodic iffν̂is.


This is straightforward to check. The final statement follows from the fact that ν̂=cαν̂α if and only if Φ(ν̂)=cαΦ(ν̂α), where ν̂αM(Ŷ) and cα=Zν̂αcα/Zν̂.■

We now suppose that we are given dynamical rules in the spaces Ŷ and Y, that is, translation invariant Markov processes with state spaces Ŷ and Y, specified by respective TI transition kernels Q̂(ζ,A) and Q(η, B). We will say that Q̂ or Qpreserves ergodicity if ν̂Q̂ (respectively, νQ) is ergodic whenever ν̂ (respectively, ν) is; preserving regularity is defined similarly.

We next want to give a condition which will imply that the mapping Φ preserves these dynamics, i.e., that Φ(ν̂Q̂)=Φ(ν̂)Q; we will need some further notation. Let ȲŶ×Y be the set of pairs (ζ, η) such that η is a (possibly trivial) translate of ϕ(ζ), and let π̂ and π be the projections of Ȳ onto the first and second components, respectively, of Ŷ×Y.

Definition A.2.
A τ-coupling of Q̂ and Q is a Markov transition kernel Q̄ with state space Ȳ such that for (ζ,η)Ȳ, ÂŶ, and AY,
Equivalently, a Markov transition kernel Q̄ with state space Ȳ is a τ-coupling of Q̂ and Q, provided that for any Markov process (ζt, ηt) with the transition kernel Q̄, ζt and ηt are Markov processes with transition kernels Q̂ and Q, respectively.

Remark A.3.

To show that there is a τ-coupling of Q and Q̂, it suffices to find a restricted transition probability Q̄(ζ,ϕ(ζ)),, which satisfies (A3) and (A4) when η = ϕ(ζ). Q̄ can then be extended to the rest of Ȳ by setting Q̄(ζ,η),τ̄*qQ̄(ζ,ϕ(ζ)), when η = τqϕ(ζ), choosing q, when periodicity of ϕ(ζ) necessitates a choice, to be the minimal non-negative q with η = τqϕ(ζ). Here, τ̄ acts on Ȳ via τ̄(ζ,η)(ζ,τη).

Theorem A.4.

Suppose thatQandQ̂are TI Markov transition kernels onŶandY, respectively, which preserve ergodicity and regularity and for which there exists aτ-couplingQ̄. Then, for any TI stateν̂M(Ŷ)and anyn ≥ 1,Φ(ν̂Q̂n)=Φ(ν̂)Qn.

Corollary A.5.

IfQandQ̂are as in Theorem A.4, then Φ is a bijection ofMs(Ŷ)withMs(Y), i.e.,ν̂M(Ŷ)is stationary forQ̂if and only ifΦ(ν̂)is stationary forQ.

The corollary is, of course, immediate. The idea of the Proof of Theorem A.4 is taken from Refs. 10 and 12:

Proof of Theorem A.4.

It suffices to verify the result for ν̂ ergodic. Then, since Q̂ and Q preserve ergodicity, as does Φ, Φ(ν̂Q̂n) and Φ(ν̂)Qn are ergodic, so that these two measures are either equal or mutually singular. Hence, to prove their equality, it suffices to find a nonzero measure λ with λΦ(ν̂Q̂n) and λΦ(ν̂)Qn.

Let Q̄ be a τ-coupling of Q̂ and Q with state space Ȳ, as in Definition A.2, define ψ:ŶȲ by ψ(ζ) ≔ (ζ, ϕ(ζ)), and for ν̂M(Ŷ), let ν̄ψ*ν̂, so that π̂*ν̄=ν̂ and πν̄=ϕ*ν̂. Fix n ≥ 1, and let qZ be such that (ν̄Q̄n)(Cq)>0, where Cq{(ζ,η)Ȳη=τqϕ(ζ)}, and define ν̄(n,q)1Cqν̄Q̄n, νϕ*π̂*ν̄(n,q), and νπ*ν̄(n,q). We claim that (i) ν=τ*qν and that, for an appropriate constant c > 0, (ii) cνΦ(ν̂Q̂n) and (iii) cνΦ(ν̂)Qn. Since Φ(ν̂)Qn is TI, the proof is completed by taking λ = ′.

It remains to prove the claim. (i) follows from the definition of Cq. From Definition A.2, π̂*(ν̄Q̄n)=ν̂Q̂n and π*(ν̄Q̄n)=(ϕ*ν̂)Qn, and with this and (A2), we have
This verifies parts (ii) and (iii) of the claim, with cmin{Zν̂Q̂n1,Zν̂1}.■

In the remainder of this appendix, we discuss the applications we make of these results. Theorem A.1 is used in Sec. IV; the substitution maps there are denoted ϕleft and ϕright. Theorems A.1 and A.4 are used to obtain a correspondence between the stationary states of the Symmetric Stack Model (SSM) and of the Facilitated Simple Symmetric Exclusion Process (F-SSEP), a correspondence first introduced in Sec. I (see that section and Sec. II for the definition of the transition kernels Q̂ and Q for these models) and used throughout this paper. In this application, S=Z+, T={0,1}, and for nZ+, χ(n) ≔ 01n; we write X̂Z+Z and X={0,1}Z but keep the notation ϕ:X̂X for the substitution map obtained from χ. The general definition of regularity of measures given above corresponds in this case to the definition given in Sec. II, and it is clear that Q̂ and Q preserve regularity.

Lemma A.6.

Q̂andQpreserve ergodicity.


We consider Q̂ (the proof for Q is similar), and so we must show that if ν̂M̄(X̂), then ν̂Q̂ is ergodic. We define the probability space (Ω, P) by ΩX̂×{0,1}Z, Pν̂×κ, where κ is the Bernoulli measure with parameter 1/2, and write a typical element of Ω as (n, α). Then, we can introduce a concrete realization on Ω of one step of the Q̂ process, from n0 distributed as ν̂ to n1 distributed as ν̂Q̂, as follows. Recall that if n0 has a short stack on either i or i + 1, then the movement, or non-movement, of a particle across the bond ⟨i, i + 1⟩, in passing from n0 to n1, is determined by the rule given in Sec. I; we supplement this rule by requiring that if n0 has tall stacks at both i and i + 1, then a particle moves from site i to site i + 1 if α(i) = 1 and from i + 1 to i if α(i) = 0.

As the product of measures that are, respectively, ergodic and mixing under translations, P is ergodic under translations. It follows that ν̂Q̂=n1*P is the covariant image of an ergodic measure and hence is ergodic.■

Theorem A.7.

There exists aτ-couplingQ̄of the Markov transitions kernelsQ̂andQfor the SSM and F-SSEP.

As in the definition of Q̂ and Q in Sec. II, we give the transition rules for a Markov process (nt, ηt) on X̄X̂×X (see Definition A.7), leaving the specification of Q̄ as an easy exercise. By Remark A.3, it suffices to consider only the transition from (n0, η0) to (n1, η1) for η0 = ϕ(n0). As a preliminary, for nX̂, we define the map K = Kn, with K:ZZ, so that K(i) is the starting point of the word χ(ζ(i)) in the substitution (A1),

For the dynamics under Q̄, we allow n0 to evolve to n1 according to the Q̂ dynamics, and let n1 and η0 determine η1 as follows. Write K=Kn1. Then, if in passing from n0 to n1 a particle jumps from site i − 1 to site i, then in passing from η0 to η1 a particle jumps from site K(i) − 1 to site K(i), while if a particle jumps from site i to site i − 1 in passing from n0 to n1, then one jumps from site K(i) + 1 to site K(i) in passing from η0 to η1. It is straightforward to verify that then (n1,η1)X̄ and with η1 distributed according to Q(η0, ·).■

With Lemma A.6 and Theorem A.7, we can apply Corollary A.5 to obtain the correspondence of the F-SSEP and SSM stationary states. The result is summarized in Theorem 2.1.

In this appendix, we discuss, in the case where Conjecture 5.3 is not satisfied, the passage from stationary states of the SSM on the even sector X̂e* to general ETIS states of the SSM with density ρ̂>1. By Theorem 5.1, the latter all have support on X̂*; moreover, as observed in Sec. V, the stationary states on X̂* include in addition only μ̂(2). Let Nρ̂e denote the family of stationary states on X̂e* with density ρ̂e, that is, states ν for which ν-almost every nX̂e* satisfies


Let N̄ρ̂e be the extremal elements of Nρ̂e. We completely analyze the structure of ETIS states on X̂*, in terms of the states of N̄ρ̂e, in two cases: when for each ρ̂e, N̄ρ̂e contains only TI states (Theorem B.1), and when for each ρ̂e, N̄ρ̂e is countable (Theorem B.5). The first case is quite simple.

Theorem B.1.

If all stationary states onX̂e*are translation invariant, then every ETIS stateμonX̂*of densityρ̂is of the formγ*(μ* × λ), withλbeing an ergodic TI measure onSof densityκandμ*N̄ρ̂e, whereρ̂e=ρ̂κ. Conversely, every state of this form is ETIS.


If μ is an ETIS state on X̂* of density ρ̂, then Lemma 5.6 implies that μ=γ*μ̃ with μ̃(dndσ)=μσ(dn)λ(dσ) and μτσ = τ*μσ. However, if all stationary states on X̂e* are TI, then μσ = μτσ for all σ so that the ergodicity of λ implies that μσ is independent of σ, λ-a.s., and extremality of μ implies that this state, μ*, must be ETIS on X̂e*. The converse is clear.■

We now consider the possibility of non-TI stationary states on X̂e*. In the next definition, we introduce a class of stationary states on X̂e*×S, which we call basic states, and a further restriction of this class to irreducible basic states.

Definition B.2.

Let λ be an ergodic TI measure on S, let νN̄ρ̂e have period n = n(ν) under translation, and let m and q be positive integers such that n = qm.

  • A (λ, m)-partition of S is an ordered family A=Aii=0m1 of subsets of S such that ⋃iAi = S and AiAj = ∅ for 0 ≤ i < jm − 1, both up to sets of λ-measure zero, and such that the family is cyclically permuted by translation: τ(Ak) = A(k+1) modm. Translations act on such partitions via (τA)k = A(k+1) modm.

  • Let A be a (λ, m)-partition of S, and let ν(q)q1i=0q1τ*imν. Then, μ̃(λ,ν,A) is the state on X̂e*×S with μ̃(λ,ν,A)(dndσ)=μσ(ν,A)(dn)λ(dσ), where μσ(ν,A)=τ*kν(q) iff σAk, i.e.,
    μ̃(λ,ν,A) and γ*μ̃(λ,ν,A) will be called basic states.
  • The basic state μ̃(λ,ν,A) is reduced by the basic state μ̃(λ,ν,A) if A′ is a proper refinement of A; μ̃(λ,ν,A) is then called reducible, and we say also that γ*μ̃(λ,ν,A) is reducible. If μ̃(λ,ν,A) and γ*μ̃(λ,ν,A) are not reducible, then they are irreducible.

Observe that whether or not μ̃(λ,ν,A) is reducible depends only on λ, A, and n, the period of the orbit of ν under the action of τ*: μ̃(λ,ν,A) is reducible precisely when there is a (λ, m′)-partition A′ of S such that m′ divides n and A′ is a proper refinement of A. Equivalently, μ̃(λ,ν,A) is irreducible when the action of τn on A0, equipped with the invariant measure λA0, is ergodic.

We next give some simple consequences of Definition B.2.

Lemma B.3.

Letμ̃(λ,ν,A)be a basic state. Then, we have the following:

  • μ̃(λ,ν,A)is stationary.

  • μ̃(λ,τ*ν,τA)(dndσ)=μ̃(λ,ν,A)(dndσ).

  • For anyσS,τ*μσ(ν,A)=μτσ(ν,A)=μσ(ν,τ1A). In particular,μ̃(λ,ν,A)is TI. Moreover, ifλhas densityκ, thenμ̃(λ,ν,A)has densityρ̂e+κ.

  • If the basic stateμ̃(λ,ν,A)reducesμ̃(λ,ν,A), andA0Aj, thenAi=k=0p1A(ij+mk)modmfori = 0, … , m − 1, wherem = |A| andp = |A′|/|A|. Moreover,μ̃(λ,ν,A)=p1k=0p1μ̃(λ,ν,τjmkA).

  • Ifμ̃(λ,ν,A)is irreducible, then it cannot be written as a convex combination of otherμ̃(λ,ν,A); more generally, we cannot have
    withαbeing a probability measure on triplesβ = (λ′, ν′, A′), which assigns zero probability to (λ, ν, A).


(a), (b), and (c) are immediate.

(d) The first statement follows from Ak=τkA0τkAj=A(k+j)modm. For the second, it suffices to prove that μσ(ν,A)=p1k=0p1μσ(ν,τjmkA) for all σ, and this follows from the first and (B2), by straightforward rearrangement of sums.

(e) If (B3) holds, then ergodicity of λ implies that λ′ = λ α-a.s., and thus, λ-a.s.,
where μσβμσ(ν,A). Now, we can use limL(2L+1)1i=LLτ*iμσ(ν,A)=ν(n), the corresponding formula for μσ(νA), and the bounded convergence theorem to conclude from (B4) that ν(n) = ∫ν(n)α() (with n′ the period of ν′). Moreover, since ν is extremal, ν(n) is ETIS. It follows that since ν(n) is TIS, ν′ must be a translate of ν α-a.s.
Without loss of generality, then, we may assume that ν′ = ν, and with that, it suffices to show that A0A0 (because τ acts cyclically on A and all A′). Let Gi, i = 0, …, n − 1, support τ*iν, with Gi and Gj disjoint for ij. We have from (B3) that
so that for α-almost every β, μ̃β(G0×A0c)=0 and so also μ̃β(G0×(A0cA0))=0. However, for σA0, μσ(ν,A)=ν(q) (with q′ = n′/|A′|), and so
Thus, A0A0.■

Lemma B.4.

IfN̄ρeis countable for eachρ̂e1, then each ETIS state onX̂*is an irreducible basic state.


We write N̄ρ̂e={νj}jJ, with J either Z or a finite set {1, 2, …, J}, and allow the translation operator τ to act on J via ντj = τ*νj. Let J̄ denote the set of orbits in J under translation.

Now let μ be an ETIS state on X̂ of density ρ̂. Then, from Lemma 5.6, we know that μ=γ*μ̃ with μ̃(dndσ)=μσ(dn)λ(dσ), λ being ergodic, μσ being stationary, and μτσ = τ*μσ. For each σS, we have μσ=jJaσ,jνj, with coefficients aσ,j that, from translation invariance, satisfy aτσ,τj = aσ,j. Now note that if cJ̄, then Zσ(c)jcaσ,j is TI and, hence, constant λ-a.s.; from now on, we write this as Z(c). Define μσ(c) by μσ(c)(Z(c))1jcaσ,jνj and μ̃(c) by μ̃(c)(dndσ)=μσ(c)(dn)λ(dσ), so that μ̃=cJ̄Z(c)μ̃(c); since the μ̃(c) are TIS, the extremality of μ̃ implies that μ̃=μ̃(c0) for some c0J̄.

We claim that c0 must be a finite set. Otherwise, we may fix j0c0 and define f:SZ by
f satisfies f(τσ) = f(σ) + 1 so that by the translation invariance of λ, the sets f−1({k}), kZ, have equal λ-measure, a contradiction.
Thus, we are reduced to the case where c0 contains n elements, that is, if j0c, then n is the minimal period for νj0, and
We regard aσaσ,τij0i=0n1 as an element of Rn and let translations act on Rn via τ(b0, …, bn−1) = (bn−1, b0, …, bn−2) so that aτσ = τaσ. The orbit of aσ under this action is independent of translations in σ and, hence, constant, λ-a.s.; let θ denote this orbit.
|θ| is a positive integer m satisfying n = qm for some integer q. Let θ = {v0, …, vm−1}, with τvk = v(k+1) modm, let Ak ≔ {σaσ = vk}, and note that if wRm is defined by wi = qv0,i, then w is independent of σ and i=0m1wi=1. Then, from (B8), we find, using (B2), that μσ=i=0m1wiμσ(νj0,τiA). Thus,
However, since μ̃ is extremal, precisely one of the wi can be nonzero so that μ̃ is basic. It then follows from Lemma B.3 (d) that μ̃, and hence μ, is irreducible basic.■

Now, we can give the second main result of this appendix.

Theorem B.5.

IfN̄ρeis countable for eachρ̂e1, then the ETIS states onX̂*are precisely the basic irreducible states.


Lemma B.4 tells us that every ETIS state is an irreducible basic state. It follows from this that the decomposition of any irreducible basic state into ETIS components must be of the form (B3) and hence, by Lemma B.3 (e), that such a state must be ETIS.■

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