We consider the many-body time evolution of weakly interacting bosons in the mean field regime for initial coherent states. We show that bounded k-particle operators, corresponding to dependent random variables, satisfy both a law of large numbers and a central limit theorem.
We consider N weakly interacting bosons in the mean-field regime described on , the symmetric subspace of , by the Hamilton operator
with the two-body interaction potential v satisfying
for a positive constant C > 0. The mean-field regime is characterized through weak and long-range interactions of particles. Trapped Bose gases at extremely low temperatures, as prepared in the experiments, are known to relax to the ground state. The ground state of (1.1), if it exists, exhibits Bose–Einstein condensation,17 i.e., the associated ℓ-particle reduced density
converges in the trace norm to
for all , where denotes the condensate wave function, known to be the Hartree minimizer. However, we remark that the factorized state φ⊗N does not approximate the ground state due to correlations of particles.11
A. Law of large numbers
Turning to the probabilistic picture, the property of Bose–Einstein condensation (1.4) implies a law of large numbers for bounded one-particle operators.3 To be more precise, for , we denote with O(k) a bounded, self-adjoint k-particle operator on and with the multi-index
Then, we define for fixed k ≤ N the N-particle operator
acting as O(k) on particles i1, …, ik and as identity elsewhere. We consider the operator as a random variable with probability distribution determined through ψN by
where χA denotes the characteristic function of the set .
For one-particle operators, factorized states correspond to i.i.d. random variables as for any subsets and with i ≠ j,
In particular, for factorized states, Chebychef’s inequality implies a law of large numbers for the centered averaged sum,
In contrast to one-particle operators for k-particle operators with k ≥ 2, factorized states do not correspond to i.i.d. random variables. In fact, for k ≥ 2, we have
for all for which contains at least one element of . We conclude that in this case, the random variables are correlated and, thus, dependent. In contrast, whenever does not intersect with , the random variables , are independent [following from arguments similarly to (1.8)]. Consequently, for factorized states, the random variables denote a sequence of m-dependent random variables with . Still, as in Theorem 1.1, the centered averaged sum
satisfies a law of large numbers.
For factorized states, we have , and a law of large numbers follows from Theorem 1.1.
In particular, Theorem 1.1 shows that the property of condensation (1.12) implies a law of large numbers for bounded k-particle operators for fixed . Thus, Theorem 1.1 generalizes known results from Ref. 3 for bounded one-particle operators to k-particle operators with fixed . We recall that the ground state of (1.1) cannot be approximated by a factorized state; nonetheless, the condensation property (1.4) ensures that bounded k-particle operators satisfy a law of large numbers for , too.
1. Generalization to the Fock space
In order to generalize Theorem 1.1 to any Fock space vector of the bosonic Fock space , we introduce some more notation.
For any vector , we have the following identity for the operator on the N-particle sector:
where we introduced the second quantization for any integral operator O(k) on ,
Note that we can generalize the definition of the probability distribution (1.7) to the Fock space: For any , integral operator O(k) on , and , we have
On the Fock space, the k-particle reduced density associated with is given by the integral operator with kernel
It follows from a generalization of Theorem 1.1’s proof in Sec. II that for satisfying (1.12), we have for any δ > 0,
2. Dynamics
We are interested in the dynamics of initially trapped Bose gases. Removing the trap, the bosons evolve with respect to the Schrödinger equation,
with HN being the mean-field Hamiltonian given in (1.1). In the following, we consider coherent initial data, i.e., initial data of the form
where Ω denotes the vacuum of the bosonic Fock space equipped with creation and annihilation operators a*(f), a(f) for , denotes the Weyl operator, and denotes the condensate wave function. Coherent states of the form (1.20) exhibit Bose–Einstein condensation in the quantum state φ, i.e., they satisfy (1.4).
Thus, it follows from Theorem 1.1 that initially a law of large numbers holds true. The property of condensation is preserved along the many-body time evolution (Ref. 4, Theorem 3.1), i.e., the ℓ-particle reduced density associated with ψN,t satisfies
where denotes the solution to the Hartree equation,
with initial data (for further references, see, e.g., Refs. 1, 2, 7, 9, 10, 15, 22, and 23). Theorem 1.1 and (1.21) show that
satisfies a law of large numbers for positive times t > 0 too, i.e., for any δ > 0,
B. Central limit theorem
While the law of large numbers characterizes the mean of the probability distribution, fluctuations around the mean are governed through the central limit theorem. Before stating our result on a central limit theorem for fluctuations of order O(Nk−1/2), we introduce some notations. For a bounded k-particle integral operator O(k) and , we define
and furthermore, for , 0 ≤ s ≤ t, and j ∈ {1, …, k}, the function is given by
with the anti-linear operator for any , qt = 1 − |φt⟩⟨φt|, the Hartree Hamiltonian hH defined in (1.22), and the operators
(central limit theorem). For with k ≤ N, let O(k) be a self-adjoint, bounded k-particle integral operator and φt be the solution to the Hartree equation (1.22) with initial datum . Let denote the solution to the Schrödinger equation (1.19) with the initial datum of the form .
We remark that for a factorized state, we can explicitly compute the variance
where we introduced the centered k-particle operator
The last sum of the rhs of (1.30) vanishes. Furthermore, the first sum vanishes whenever does not intersect with , and for the remaining terms, we find
using the definition
with q = 1 − |φ⟩⟨φ| and (1.25). In particular, we observe that the variance scales as , and thus, we expect fluctuations to be O(Nk−1/2).
We observe that Theorem 1.2 shows that the fluctuations of the many-body dynamics scale similarly to the fluctuations of a factorized state. Moreover, for t = 0, the variance of the many-body dynamics defined in (1.29) agrees with the covariance matrix in (1.33) of a factorized state.
We remark that for k = 1, i.e., considering bounded one-particle observables, Theorem 1.2 generalizes known results3,6 to more general one-particle observables. This generalization is due to a different strategy of the Proof of Theorem 1.3 than in Refs. 3 and 6. We follow the ideas of Ref. 6; however, we directly use as a first step in Lemma 4.1 the norm approximation (4.1) of the many-body time evolution (for more details, see Sec. IV B). Furthermore, the authors of Ref. 6 proved a multivariate central limit theorem: it is shown that the expectation value of products of functions f1, …, fk of bounded, self-adjoint, and centered one-particle operators O1, …, Ok [i.e., operators of the special form (1.9)] can be approximated with the integral of f1, …, fk against a complex-valued Gaussian density.
Recently, for one-particle operators, the probability distribution’s tails were characterized through large deviation estimates,14,21 showing that
for sufficiently small , where is defined similarly to (1.26), but using the projected kernels .
Furthermore, for one-particle operators, a central limit theorem is proven for stronger particles’ interactions in the intermediate regime,19 interpolating between the mean-field and the Gross–Pitaevski regime. In the Gross–Pitaevski regime of singular particles’ interaction, a central limit theorem is proven for quantum fluctuations in the ground state,20 too.
Theorem 1.2 follows from an approximation of the random variable’s characteristic function given in the following.
We generalize ideas from Ref. 3 on a law of large numbers for bounded one-particle observables to the case of k-particle operators.
We use standard arguments from probability theory to prove Theorem 1.2 from Theorem 1.3. We follow the arguments from Ref. 6, Corollary 1.2.
A. Fluctuations around the Hartree dynamics
In the following, we consider the bosonic N-particle wave function ψN,t as an element of the bosonic Fock space with creation and annihilation operators a*(f), a(f) for . Theorem 1.3 characterizes the fluctuations around the Hartree dynamics, which are well described by the approximation of the many-body time evolution (Ref. 4, Theorem 4.1, and Ref. 6, Proposition 3.3) in the -norm,
where the limiting dynamics is given by
with the generator
Here, denotes the second quantization of an operator A on , hH(t) denotes the Hartree Hamiltonian defined in (1.22), and Kj,t denote the operators defined in (1.27). For further references, see also Refs. 8, 12, 13, 16, and 18. The generator is quadratic in creation and annihilation operators and thus (Ref. 3, Theorem 2.2) (see also Refs. 5 and 19) gives rise to a Bogoliubov dynamics, i.e., there exist bounded operators U(t; 0), V(t; 0) on such that for and the operator , we have
where for any . In particular, for the operator
from (4.4), we have
and it follows from Ref. 3, Theorem 2.2, and the subsequent remark that
B. Proof of Theorem 1.3
Proof 1.3 is split into three steps covered by Lemmas 4.1–4.3.
For the first step, Lemma 4.1, we use a strategy similar to the strategy in Refs. 19 and 20, directly the norm approximation (4.1). This allows us to consider more general k (respectively, one) particle operators than in Refs. 3 and 6 where the difference of the limiting fluctuation dynamics defined in (4.2) to the full many-body dynamics was estimated in (4.10) by Duhamel’s formula and a Gronwall estimate. The remaining steps use the same ideas as in Refs. 3 and 6.
Combining now Lemmas 4.1–4.3, we arrive at Theorem 1.3.□
S.R. would like to thank Robert Seiringer and Benedikt Stufler for helpful discussions. Funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under the ERC grant (Grant Agreement No. 694227) and under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant (Agreement No. 754411) is acknowledged.
Conflict of Interest
The author has no conflicts to disclose.
The data that support the findings of this study are available within the article.