We provide a simple extension of Bolthausen’s Morita-type proof of the replica symmetric formula [E. Bolthausen, “A Morita type proof of the replica-symmetric formula for SK,” in Statistical Mechanics of Classical and Disordered Systems, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics (Springer, Cham., 2018), pp. 63–93; arXiv:1809.07972] for the Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model and prove the replica symmetry for all (β, h) that satisfy , where . Compared to the work of Bolthausen [“A Morita type proof of the replica-symmetric formula for SK,” in Statistical Mechanics of Classical and Disordered Systems, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics (Springer, Cham., 2018), pp. 63–93; arXiv:1809.07972], the key of the argument is to apply the conditional second moment method to a suitably reduced partition function.
We study systems of N spins σi, i ∈ {1, …, N}, with values in {−1, 1} and with the Hamiltonian defined by
The interactions {gij} are i.i.d. centered Gaussians of variance 1/N for i ≠ j, and we set gii ≡ 0. β ≥ 0 denotes the inverse temperature, and h > 0 denotes the external field strength.
Equation (1.1) corresponds to the Sherrington–Kirkpatrick (SK) spin glass model,1 and we are interested in its free energy fN at high temperature, where
The mathematical understanding of the SK model has required substantial efforts until the famous Parisi formula2,3 was rigorously established by Guerra4 and Talagrand.5 Later, Panchenko6,7 gave another proof based on the ultrametricity of generic models. For a thorough introduction to the topic, we refer to Refs. 8–11.
Despite the validity of the Parisi formula, it is an interesting question to prove the replica symmetry of the SK model at high temperature, as predicted by de Almeida and Thouless.12 Replica symmetry is expected for all (β, h) that satisfy
where q denotes the unique solution of the self-consistent equation,
In both cases, denotes a standard Gaussian and E denotes the expectation over Z.
In the special case that the external field in the direction of σi is a centered Gaussian random variable, hi = hgi, for i.i.d. (independent of gij), replica symmetry has recently been shown in Ref. 13 for all (β, h) that satisfy (1.3) [in which case h in (1.3) and (1.4) is replaced by hZ′ for some independent of Z]; see also Ref. 14 for previous results in this case. For Hamiltonians HN as in (1.1) (or, more generally, Hamiltonians with a non-centered random external field), however, replica symmetry is to date only known above the AT line up to a bounded region in the (β, h)-phase diagram. This was analyzed in Ref. 15. Like Ref. 13, this analysis is based on the Parisi variational problem and we refer to Ref. 15 for the details. For previously obtained results based on the Parisi formula, see also Ref. 11, Chap. 13.
In this article, instead of analyzing the high temperature regime in view of the Parisi variational problem, we give a simple extension of Bolthausen’s argument16 and prove the replica symmetric formula for all (β, h) that satisfy
Although (1.5) is clearly stronger than condition (1.3), it already covers a fairly large region of the high temperature regime; see Fig. 1 for a schematic. It improves upon the inverse temperature range from Ref. 16, where β was assumed to be sufficiently small.
From Ref. 17, it is well-known that exists and that almost surely .
It follows from the results of Ref. 4 that the right-hand side of (1.6) provides an upper bound to the free energy for all inverse temperatures and external fields (β, h). To establish Theorem 1.1, it is, therefore, sufficient to prove that the right-hand side of (1.6) provides a lower bound to .
Note that imposing similar orthogonality restrictions on the partition function has been proved useful before for obtaining lower bounds on the free energy, such as in the TAP analysis of the spherical SK model.25
Although (1.5) already covers a comparably large region of the high temperature phase, as schematically shown in Fig. 1, it remains an open question whether the second moment argument can be extended to the full high temperature regime (1.3); see also the related comments in Ref. 16, Sec. 6.
This paper is structured as follows. In Secs. III and IV, we set up the notation and recall Bolthausen’s iterative construction of magnetization.16,24 In Sec. IV, we define the reduced partition function and compute its first and second moments. In Sec. V, we apply the conditional second moment method to prove Theorem 1.1.
In this section, we introduce the basic notation and conventions. We closely follow Ref. 16.
We usually denote vectors in by boldface or greek letters. If and , we define g(x) in the component-wise sense. By , we denote the normalized inner product
and by , we denote the induced norm. We also normalize the tensor product of two vectors so that for all ,
Given a matrix , denotes its transpose and denotes its symmetrization,
We mostly use the letters Z, Z′, Z1, Z2, etc. to denote standard Gaussian random variables independent of the disorder {gij} and independent of one another. When we average over such Gaussians, we denote the corresponding expectation by E to distinguish it from the expectation with respect to the disorder {gij}. Unless specified otherwise, we consider all Gaussians to be centered.
Finally, given two sequences of random variables that may depend on parameters such as β and h, we say that
if and only if there exist positive constants c, C > 0, which may depend on the parameters, but which are independent of N, such that for every t > 0, we have
In this section, we recall Bolthausen’s iterative construction of the solution to the TAP equations16,24 and list the properties that we will need for the Proof of Theorem 1.1. We follow here the conventions of Ref. 16, and we refer to Ref. 16, Secs. 2, 4, and 5 for the proofs of the following statements.
First of all, we define three sequences , , and . Set
where here and in the following, q denotes the unique solution of (1.4). Then, we define ψ : [0, q] → [0, q] by
and set recursively
The following lemma collects important properties of , , and .
(Ref. 24 , Lemma 2.2, Corollary 2.3, Lemma 2.4 and Ref. 16 , Lemma 2)
ψ is strictly increasing and convex in [0, q] with 0 < ψ(0) < ψ(q) = q. If (1.3) is satisfied, then q is the unique fixed point of ψ in [0, q].
The sequence is increasing and αk > 0 for every . If (1.3) is satisfied, then , and if (1.3) is satisfied with a strict inequality, the convergence is exponentially fast.
For all k ≥ 2, we have that and that . If (1.3) is true, then and, as a consequence, .
Next, we recall Bolthausen’s modified interaction matrix. We define
Assuming that g(s), ϕ(s), m(s) are defined for 1 ≤ s ≤ k, we set
and we define the σ-algebra through
Expectations with respect to are denoted by . Furthermore, we set
and we note that ϕ(k+1) is well-defined for all k if k < N (Ref. 16, Lemma 5). Finally, the modified interaction matrix g(k+1) is defined by
In particular, this means that is equal to
It is clear that forms an orthonormal sequence of vectors in , and we denote by P(k) and Q(k) the corresponding orthogonal projections in , that is,
By Ref. 16, Lemma 3, m(k) and ϕ(k) are -measurable for all , and we also have that
(Ref. 16 , Proposition 4)
- Conditionally on , g(k) and g(k−1) are Gaussian with conditional covariance, given , equal to
Conditionally on , g(k) is independent of . In particular, conditionally on , g(k) is Gaussian with the same covarianceas in (1).
- Conditionally on , the random variables ζ(k) are Gaussian with
The main result of Ref. 24 is summarized in the following proposition.
The next lemma collects a few auxiliary results that are helpful in the sequel.
[Ref. 16 , Lemmas 11, 14, and 15(b)]
For every , is unconditionally Gaussian with variance 2/N.
- For every Lipschitz continuous with |f(x)| ≤ C(1 + |x|) for some C > 0, one has for all k ≥ 2,
- For every and t > 0, it holds true that
Using Bolthausen’s magnetizations, we compute in this section the first two conditional moments of a suitably reduced partition function onto a subset S ⊂ {−1,1}N defined below. This will suffice to establish Theorem 1.1, as explained in Sec. V.
Let ɛ > 0 and be fixed. We define the set Sɛ,k ⊂ {−1,1}N through
with ϕ(s), γs from Sec. III. We define the reduced partition function by
where pfree : {−1,1}N → (0, 1) denotes the coin-tossing measure,
The following lemma records that is exponentially small in N.
We note that the constants c, C > 0 in (4.4) are independent of the realization of the disorder {gij}. Thus, a.s. in the disorder (so that ϕ(s), s = 1, …, k, and, hence, and pfree are well-defined), Sɛ,k ≠ ∅ for N large enough.
The next lemma determines the first conditional moment of the reduced partition function and is valid in the full high temperature regime (1.3).
The following lemma computes the second conditional moment of under the stronger high temperature condition (1.5).
The key difficulty in the Proof of Lemma 4.3 is to obtain a strong concentration bound on the overlap (σ, τ) ↦ ⟨σ, τ⟩ under the product measure , restricted to Sɛ,k × Sɛ,k ⊂ {−1,1}N × {−1,1}N. In our proof, the condition β2(1 − q) ≤ 1 emerges due to the restrictions on one of the spin variables, say, τ ∈ Sɛ,k. In principle, one may be able to find the optimal temperature condition by taking into account the restrictions on the other spin variable and using standard large deviation variational estimates, but an exact solution seems difficult. We hope to get back to this point in future work.
In this section, we prove Theorem 1.1 based on Lemmas 4.2 and 4.3. Before we start, let us first re-center the Hamiltonian HN appropriately, as outlined in the Introduction.
Using the notation of Sec. III, we have that
In contrast to Ref. 16, instead of centering the spins σ around m(k+1), we center the spins in around γsϕ(s) in order to produce the right cavity field h(k+1). Note that the remaining term contains automatically centered spins around (which approximately equals m(k+1)), as for s < k + 1. We, thus, write
which follows from and where we set . Hence,
Since an exact evaluation of the free energy seems rather involved, let us note here that for configurations σ ∈ Sɛ,k as defined in (4.1), instead, we have approximately . Indeed, we find that
with γs ≃ ⟨m(k+1), ϕ(s)⟩. Similarly, recall that for each s and
with under (1.3) by Lemmas 3.1 and 3.4.
Thus, we obtain the simple lower bound
so that
We have now all necessary preparations for the Proof of Theorem 1.1.
Up to minor modifications, we follow Ref. 16, Sec. 3 and we also abbreviate .
The work of H.-T.Y. was partially supported by the NSF under Grant No. DMS-1855509 and a Simons Investigator Award. The work of C.B. was partly funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy – GZ 2047/1, Projekt-ID 390685813
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were created or analyzed in this study.