We consider a gas of N bosons with interactions in the mean-field scaling regime. We review the proof of an asymptotic expansion of its low-energy spectrum, eigenstates, and dynamics, which provides corrections to Bogoliubov theory to all orders in 1/N. This is based on joint works with Petrat, Pickl, Seiringer, and Soffer. In addition, we derive a full asymptotic expansion of the ground state one-body reduced density matrix.
A. Introduction
Since the first experimental realization of Bose–Einstein condensation (BEC) in 1995, the experimental, theoretical, and mathematical investigation of systems of interacting bosons at low temperatures has become a very active field of research. In a typical experiment, the bosons are initially caught in an external trap. This situation is mathematically described by the N-body Hamiltonian
for some confining potential Vtrap and for some two-body interaction vN, acting on the Hilbert space of square integrable, permutation symmetric functions on ,
The Bose gas is then cooled down to a low-energy eigenstate of or to a superposition of such states. For simplicity, let us assume that the gas is prepared in the ground state of , i.e.,
Subsequently, the trap is switched off and the Bose gas propagates freely. Mathematically, this is described by the N-body Schrödinger equation with initial datum ,
with the N-body Hamiltonian
Given that the number of particles in such a gas is usually large, an exact (analytical or numerical) analysis of the system in the presence of interactions is, in general, impossible; an exception is the explicitly solvable Lieb–Liniger model, which describes a one-dimensional gas with delta interactions. Over the last two decades, there have been many works in the mathematical physics community devoted to a rigorous derivation of suitable approximations of the statical and dynamical properties of the gas for large N. These questions have been studied for different classes of interactions vN, in particular, for the so-called mean-field (or Hartree) regime,
describing the situation of weak and long-range interactions.
In this note, we consider interactions of the form (1.5). We present an asymptotic expansion of the low-energy spectrum and eigenstates of and of the dynamics (1.3), which makes the model fully computationally accessible to any order in 1/N. This review is based on Ref. 1 (in collaboration with Petrat and Seiringer) and Ref. 2 (in collaboration with Petrat, Pickl, and Soffer).
B. Model and main results
We consider a system of N interacting bosons in , d ≥ 1, which are described by the N-body Hamiltonian (1.1) with interactions (1.5). We impose the following assumptions on the interaction vN and the external potential Vtrap:
Define vN as in (1.5).
Let be bounded with v(−x) = v(x) and v ≢ 0.
Assume that v is of positive type, i.e., that it has a non-negative Fourier transform.
Let be measurable, locally bounded, and non-negative, and let Vtrap(x) tend to infinity as |x| → ∞.
Our first main result concerns the ground state of : We construct a norm approximation of and of its energy to any order in 1/N.
Our result extends to the low-energy excitation spectrum of and to a certain class of unbounded interaction potentials v, including the repulsive three-dimensional Coulomb potential (see Sec. II E). To leading order (a = 0), the statements (1.6) and (1.7) have been proven (for bounded interactions) by Seiringer on the torus3 and by Grech and Seiringer in the inhomogeneous setting.4 For our class of unbounded interactions, the leading order approximation was obtained by Lewin, Nam, Serfaty, and Solovej.5 The higher orders in (1.6) and (1.7) were, to the best of our knowledge, first rigorously derived in Ref. 1. Another approach was proposed by Pizzo in Refs. 6–8, who considers a Bose gas on a torus and constructs an expansion for the ground state, based on a multi-scale analysis in the number of excitations, around a product state using Feshbach maps. As a consequence of the norm approximation (1.6), one can derive an expansion of the ground state one-body reduced density matrix,
in trace norm (see Sec. II D for a proof of this statement).
Theorem 1 and Corollary 1.1 determine the ground state of to arbitrary precision. Now, we remove the confining potential Vtrap and take as initial datum for the time evolution (1.3). Since an eigenstate of is not necessarily an eigenstate of HN, this leads to some non-trivial dynamics, for which we provide an approximation in norm to any order in 1/N in our second main result.
Note that for the dynamical result, we do not require the interaction potential to be of positive type. Finally, we derive from expansion (1.10) a trace norm approximation of the time-evolved one-body reduced density matrix
to arbitrary precision.
Below, we will provide and explain the explicit formulas for the coefficients in Theorems 1 and 2 and in Corollaries 1.1 and 1.2. Note that , , , and γ1,ℓ(t) are completely independent of N. The N-body wave functions and ψN,ℓ(t) naturally depend on N; however, this N-dependence is trivial in a sense to be made precise below. In particular, the computational effort to obtain physical quantities, such as expectation values of bounded operators with respect to the (time-evolved) N-body state, does not scale with N.
Finally, let us remark that all constants C(a) grow rapidly in a. Hence, all statements are to be read as asymptotic expansions: given any order a of the approximation, one can choose N sufficiently large such that the estimates are meaningful, but we cannot simultaneously send a to infinity.
To prove the above results, we first remove the particles in the condensate from the description and focus only on the excitations from the condensate. Mathematically, this is done by conjugating the N-body Hamiltonians with a unitary map that maps from the N-body Hilbert space into a truncated Fock space, whose elements describe the excitations. The resulting operator is then expanded in the parameter , which (formally) leads to a series of the form
where the leading order term is the well-known Bogoliubov Hamiltonian. Formally, our results can be obtained by perturbation theory around to any order; however, the rigorous proofs are much more involved, mainly since all operators are unbounded and non-commutative.
This Review is organized as follows: In Sec. II, we explain the results from Ref. 1 concerning the low-energy spectrum and eigenstates and give a proof of Corollary 1.1. Section III contains the results for the dynamics obtained in Ref. 2.
We use the following notations:
The notation A ≲ B indicates that there exists a constant C > 0 such that A ≤ CB.
For k ≥ 1 and , we abbreviate x(k) ≔ (x1, ..., xk) and dx(k) ≔ dx1 ⋯ dxk.
We use the notation and .
Multi-indices are denoted as j = (j1, ..., jn) with |j| ≔ j1 + ⋯ + jn.
In this section, we consider the Hamiltonian from (1.1) and explain the asymptotic expansion of its ground state , the ground state energy , and the corresponding reduced density matrix . To keep the notation simple, we drop the superscripttrap.
A. Framework
1. Condensate
It is well known (see, e.g., Refs. 3–5 and 9) that the N-body ground state ΨN exhibits (complete asymptotic) BEC in the minimizer of the Hartree energy functional ,
For potentials v and V satisfying Assumptions 1 and 2, the minimizer φ of is unique, strictly positive, and solves the stationary Hartree equation
with the Lagrange parameter We denote by pφ and qφ the projector onto φ and its orthogonal complement, i.e.,
The minimum of is given as
Heuristically, (complete asymptotic) BEC in the state φ means that particles occupy the condensate state φ. Mathematically, this is reflected by the fact that the N-body wave function is determined by the one-body state φ in the sense of reduced densities, i.e.,
The condensate determines the leading order of the ground state energy, namely,
2. Excitations
The errors in (2.5) and (2.6) are caused by particles that are excited from the condensate due to the inter-particle interactions. To describe these excitations, we decompose ΨN as
with ⨂s being the symmetric tensor product and where denotes the orthogonal complement of φ in .5 The excitations
form a vector in the truncated (excitation) Fock space over ,
which is a subspace of the Fock space over . The creation/annihilation operators a†/a on are defined in the usual way, and we denote the second quantization in of an operator T on by dΓ(T). The number operator on is given by
The relation between ΨN and the corresponding excitation vector χ≤N is given by the unitary map
whose action is explicitly known [see Ref. 5 (Proposition 4.2)]. Conjugating HN with yields the operator
on , whose ground state is given by χ≤N. Hence, the ground state energy of ,
is precisely the -term in (2.6).
3. Excitation Hamiltonian
Making use of the explicit form of [Ref. 5 (Proposition 4.2)], we can express as
as an operator on , where we used the shorthand notation
for h as in (2.2) and where
Here, K(x1, x2) is defined as
K is the operator with kernel K(x1, x2), and W is the multiplication operator defined by
By construction, is explicitly N-dependent. To extract its contributions to each order in λN, we first extend trivially to an operator on ,
where the direct sum is with respect to the decomposition . The constant c in (2.19) will later be chosen conveniently (see Sec. II C). Similarly, we extend χ≤N to a vector as
and denote the corresponding projectors on by
A (formal) expansion of in powers of yields
for j ≥ 2, with as in (2.15). The coefficients cj and dj,ν are given as
4. Bogoliubov approximation
The leading order term in (2.22) is the well-known Bogoliubov Hamiltonian. We denote the unique ground state of and the ground state energy by
and the corresponding projectors are defined as
It is well known3–5 that the ground state χ≤N of and the ground state energy E≤N converge to χ0 and E0, respectively, i.e.,
Consequently, E0 gives the next-to-leading order term in (1.7); analogously, the leading order contribution in (1.6) is given by .
The Bogoliubov Hamiltonian is a very useful approximation of because it is much simpler than the full problem: it is quadratic in the number of creation/annihilation operators and can be diagonalized by Bogoliubov transformations.
Let us briefly recall the concept of Bogoliubov transformations. For , where denotes complex conjugation, one defines the generalized creation and annihilation operators A(F) and A†(F) as
for . An operator on such that has the same properties as F ↦ A(F), i.e., and is called a (bosonic) Bogoliubov map and can be written in block form as
If V is Hilbert–Schmidt, the Bogoliubov map can be unitarily implemented on , i.e., there exists a unitary transformation (called a Bogoliubov transformation) such that for all . This implies the transformation rule
A normalized state that can be written as
for some Bogoliubov map is called a quasi-free state. Quasi-free states have a finite expectation value of the number operator and satisfy Wick’s rule, i.e.,
for a♯ ∈ {a†, a}, , and . Here, P2n denotes the set of pairings
for the symmetric group on the set {1, 2, ..., 2n}. In particular, the ground state χ0 of is a quasi-free state,
where is the Bogoliubov transformation that diagonalizes .
B. Expansion of the ground state
To prove Theorem 1, we show that the projector from (2.21) admits a series expansion in powers of in the following sense:
The growth of the constant C(a) in the order a of the approximation can be estimated as
which we expect to be far from optimal. By means of Bogoliubov transformations, the operators can be brought into a more explicit form. For example, the first order correction is given by
where is the Bogoliubov transformation diagonalizing such that . To simplify (2.38), one notes that is a superposition of one- and three-particle states and that is particle-number preserving. Hence, can be expressed as
where the functions Θ1 and Θ3 can be retrieved by diagonalizing and computing the Bogoliubov transformation of under .
From Proposition 2.1, we deduce three consequences.
1. Ground state wave function
As an immediate consequence of Proposition 2.1, we find that
Since is a rank one projector, expansion (2.40) implies an expansion of the excitation wave function χ,
[see Ref. 1 (Appendix B) for a proof of this statement in a general Hilbert space setting]. The coefficients of the expansion are given by
For example,
for Θ1 and Θ3 as in (2.39). Finally, the coefficients ψN,ℓ in expansion (1.6) of the N-body ground state ΨN (Theorem 1) are constructed from this by inserting (2.42) into (2.7), i.e.,
The functions ψN,ℓ depend on N by construction. However, this N-dependence is trivial, since it comes only from the splitting into condensate φ and excitations χ. The coefficients χℓ in expansion (1.6) of the excitations χ are completely independent of N.
2. Ground state energy
Another consequence of Proposition 2.1 is expansion (1.7) of the ground state energy (Theorem 1). The coefficients Eℓ in (1.7) are given as
is the number of operators within the trace. This confirms the predictions of (formal) Rayleigh–Schrödinger perturbation theory. For example, the first coefficient in (2.47) simplifies to
3. Ground state reduced density
Finally, Proposition 2.1 implies an asymptotic expansion of the one-body reduced density of ΨN (Corollary 1.1). The coefficients in (1.9) are given by the trace class operators with kernels
for as in (2.24a). For example, the leading order is γ1,0 = pφ, which recovers the well-known fact that the ground state exhibits BEC with optimal rate. The first correction to this is given by
C. Strategy of proof
The first step is to express and as contour integrals around the resolvents of and , respectively, i.e.,
The contour γ is chosen such that its length is and that it encloses both the ground state energy E≤N of and the Bogoliubov ground state energy E0 but leaves the remaining spectra of and outside. Since E≤N converges to E0 as N → ∞ by (2.27), such a contour exists if the constant c in from (2.19) is chosen a finite distance away from the spectrum of . This implies that has precisely one (infinitely degenerate) additional eigenvalue c compared to . For simplicity, we place c at some finite distance below E0 (see Fig. 1).
The next step is to expand as11
with as in (2.23). The remainders , which are essentially the remainders of the Taylor series expansion of the square roots in (2.14), can be bounded above by powers of the number operator. Making use of expansion (2.54), we expand the resolvent of around the resolvent of and integrate along the contour γ, which finally yields
for as in (2.36) and where
for if k = 0 and if k = 1. To control the error terms, we estimate the operators and in terms of powers of , prove a uniform bound on moments of the number operator with respect to χ, i.e.,
and control alternating products of number operators and resolvents of by means of the estimate
To derive expansion (2.61) of the ground state energy, we observe that
and derive from this the expansion
D. Proof of corollary 1.1
To prove Corollary 1.1, one first observes that can be decomposed as
where γχ denotes the one-body reduced density matrix of χ with kernel and where is defined as
[see Ref. 2 (Sec. 3.5)]. Next, one expands the N-dependent expressions in (2.62) in powers of and estimates the remainders using (a generalized version of) Proposition 2.1. We will show this for a = 1; the higher orders follow similarly using estimates from Ref. 1.
For , (2.62) yields
In the first line, we expand , where is a function of such that for any [see Ref. 2, Sec. 5H, Eq. (5-64b)]. By parity,
and hence,
one shows as in the proof of [Ref. 1 (Theorem 1)] that . The estimate of (2.64b) works analogously. For the third line in (2.64), one notes that and that by parity, and hence,
as above, where we used that for any . Analogously, we derive the bound , making use of the fact that finite moments of with respect to χ0 and χ are bounded uniformly in N Ref. 1 [Lemmas 4.7(d) and 5.6(a)]. This concludes the proof of Corollary 1.1 by duality of compact and trace class operators. □
E. Extensions
The results proven in Ref. 1 are more general than what we have presented so far. In this section, we briefly comment on some extensions of Theorem 1.
1. Unbounded interaction potentials
One extension concerns unbounded interaction potentials, including the three-dimensional repulsive Coulomb potential. In fact, we can replace Assumption 1 by the following assumption:
In this situation, we require one additional assumption, ensuring that the N-body state exhibits complete BEC with not too many particles outside the condensate.
Under these more general assumptions, several new issues arise, at the core of which is the problem that dΓ(v) cannot be bounded by powers of alone. This affects the Proof of Proposition 2.1 at multiple points; most notably, it becomes considerably more difficult to obtain the uniform bound on moments of the number operator (2.58).
2. Excited states
The analysis in Ref. 1 extends to the low-energy eigenstates of HN, i.e., it includes all eigenstates with an energy of order one above the ground state energy. In this situation, the expansion must be done more carefully, since the excited eigenvalues of can be degenerate, and the degeneracy of eigenvalues of may change in the limit N → ∞. For instance, an eigenvalue of could be twice degenerate, with two distinct eigenvalues of such that
In this case, we expand the projector
where γ(n) is a contour around with a finite distance to the remaining spectrum of . Since γ(n) encloses both poles and of , the contour integral (2.71) gives precisely the sum of the two spectral projectors of corresponding to and .
In Ref. 1, we show that there is a constant C(a, n), which, in particular, depends on , such that
for sufficiently large N. The coefficients are defined analogously to from (2.36) but with replaced by . Note that the statement is non-trivial only for states with an energy of order one above the ground state energy because the constant C(a, n) depends on |E0|.
To state the generalization of expansion (1.7) to the low-energy spectrum of HN, we need some more notation. We denote by
the eigenvalues of HN and by the degeneracy of (we follow the convention of counting eigenvalues without multiplicity). Given an eigenvalue of , we collect the indices ν of the eigenvalues that converge to for some given n in the index set
The generalization of (1.7) to excited eigenvalues is then given by
where denotes the degeneracy of and where is defined as in (2.47) but with replaced by . The constant C(a, n) depends on .
3. Expectation values of unbounded operators
Finally Ref. 1 yields an asymptotic expansion of expectation values of self-adjoint m-body operators A(m), which are relatively bounded with respect to , i.e.,
For , the symmetrized version of A(m),
we prove that there exists a constant C(m, a) such that
for sufficiently large N. The statement extends to excited states as explained in Sec. II E 2.
The rate in (2.78) is by a factor better than the error estimate in Proposition 2.1. To see this, one considers the operator
where we have subtracted the condensate expectation value of (which is of order one). Because of this subtraction, one can show that satisfies the estimate
and Proposition 2.1 for concludes the proof.
A. Framework
We study the solutions ΨN(t) of the time-dependent N-body Schrödinger equation (1.3) generated by the Hamiltonian HN from (1.4), which describes a system of N interacting bosons without an external trapping potential. As the initial state, we take
where is the ground state of .
1. Condensate
As explained above, exhibits BEC in the Hartree minimizer φtrap, and it is well known that this property is preserved by the time evolution. More precisely,
2. Excitations
Analogously to (2.7), we decompose the time-evolved N-body state ΨN(t) into the condensate φ(t) and excitations χ≤N(t) from the condensate. The excitation vector χ≤N(t) is an element of the (truncated) excitation Fock space defined analogously to (2.9). When restricted to the time-dependent excitation Fock space , the number operator on the (time-independent) Fock space counts the number of excitations around the time-evolved condensate φ(t)⊗N. As before, the relation between ΨN(t) and χ≤N(t) is given by the (now time-dependent) unitary map defined analogously to (2.11), namely,
The evolution of the excitations is determined by the Schrödinger equation
on , generated by the excitation Hamiltonian
For convenience, we write as restriction to of a Hamiltonian on , which can be expressed, analogously to (2.14), in terms of N, , and operators , which are defined analogously14 to (2.15). Expanding the N-dependent expressions in a Taylor series yields (formally) the power series
with coefficients analogously to (2.23). Note that the operator preserves the truncation of , whereas this property is lost when truncating the expansion after finitely many terms.
3. Bogoliubov approximation
The leading order in (3.6) is the time-dependent Bogoliubov Hamiltonian, which generates the Bogoliubov time evolution,
It is well known that the solution of (3.7) approximates the solution χ≤N(t) of (3.4) to leading order, i.e.,
(see, e.g., Refs. 15 and 16). This is a very useful approximation because the time evolution generated by acts as a Bogoliubov transformation on . This means a huge simplification compared with the full N-body dynamics because it essentially reduces the N-body problem to the problem of solving a 2 × 2 matrix differential equation: the corresponding Bogoliubov map on is determined by the differential equation
Since it is a Bogoliubov transformation, the Bogoliubov time evolution preserves quasi-freeness. Hence, χ0(t) is uniquely determined by its two-point functions,
which can be computed directly from the two-point functions of χ0(0) as
Alternatively, one obtains and by solving the system of differential equations
B. Expansion of the dynamics
1. Expansion of the time-evolved wave function
With the formal ansatz
the Schrödinger equation (3.4) leads to the set of equations
Motivated by (3.15), we define iteratively
where denotes the Bogoliubov time evolution, i.e., the Bogoliubov transformation corresponding to the solution of (3.9). To prove Theorem 2, we show that these functions χℓ are the coefficients in an asymptotic expansion of χ≤N.
The growth of the constant C(a) in a can be estimated as
We do not expect this to be optimal, especially since Borel summability was shown for a comparable expansion in Ref. 18. As a consequence of Proposition 3.1, the coefficients ΨN,ℓ(t) of expansion (1.10) of ΨN(t) are given by
The higher orders χℓ(t) are completely determined by the solution χ0(t) of the Bogoliubov equation as
where we used the notation
The N-independent functions are given in terms the matrix entries Ut,s and Vt,s of the solution of (3.9) and the initial data. For example,
for as in (2.39). Here, and denote the matrix entries of the Bogoliubov map corresponding to the Bogoliubov transformation that diagonalizes . The coefficients with larger indices are constructed from this in a systematic iterative procedure. Since the general formula is very long and not particularly insightful, we refrain from stating it here and refer to Ref. 2 [Eq. (5.51)].
The higher orders χℓ(t) satisfy a generalized Wick rule for the “mixed” correlation functions,
2. Expansion of the one-body reduced density matrix
As an application of (3.17), we derive expansion (1.12) of the one-body reduced density matrix. The coefficients in (1.12) are given by the trace class operators with kernels
with and as in (2.51) and where we used the notation (3.23). For example, the leading order of the expansion is , which recovers (3.1). The next-to-leading order is given by
where the function is the solution of
Here, and are the Bogoliubov two-point functions as in (3.11), and we used the notation Tr1A ≔ ∫dzA(z, ·; z) and Tr2A ≔ ∫ dzA(·, z; z) for an operator .
C. Strategy of proof
To prove Proposition 3.1, we first show that the functions χℓ(t) defined in (3.16) are elements of by proving that
for any . To this end, we re-write χℓ(t) as
bound the operators by powers of , and make use of the fact that any finite moment of with respect to χn(0) is bounded since from (2.42). To prove (3.17), we expand in a Taylor series with remainder analogously to (2.54), prove an estimate the remainder in terms of , and make use of (3.29) to close a Gronwall argument for the function .
To prove Corollary 1.2, one decomposes analogously to (2.62) and expands it in powers of , which yields expressions containing correlation functions of χ≤N,
Finally, we show that, in a suitable sense,
where all half-integer powers of λN vanish by the generalized Wick rule (Proposition 3.2).
D. Extensions
The results proven in Ref. 2 are more general than what was stated so far, namely, they admit a larger class of initial data. It is not necessary to start the time evolution in the ground state of the trapped system (or in any low-energy eigenstate of ), but it suffices if the initial state satisfies the following assumption:
- Let , let be a Bogoliubov transformation on , and let be some orthonormal system. Define(3.35)
- For , letwhere are the kernels of some N-independent bounded operators.(3.36)
Moreover, our analysis generalizes to the case where χ0(0) is given as a linear combination of Bogoliubov transformed states with different particle numbers . It is clear that this is satisfied by any superposition of low-energy eigenstates of .
E. Related results
We conclude with a brief overview of closely related results in the literature. The first derivation of higher order corrections is due to Ginibre and Velo,18,19 who consider the classical field limit ℏ → 0 of the dynamics generated by a Hamiltonian on Fock space with coherent states as initial data. They construct a Dyson expansion of the unitary group W(t, s) in terms of the time evolution generated by the Bogoliubov Hamiltonian; moreover, they prove that the expansion is Borel summable for bounded interaction potentials.18 The main difference to our work (apart from the Fock space setting) is that the authors expand the time evolution operator W(t, s) in a perturbation series (and not the wave function). In contrast, we derive an expansion of the time-evolved wave function for a specific, physically relevant choice of initial data. This simplifies the approximation since fewer terms are required at a given order of the approximation because the state is expanded simultaneously with the Hamiltonian.
Another approach to higher order corrections in the mean-field regime in the N-body setting was proposed by Paul and Pulvirenti.20 In that work, the authors approach the problem from a kinetic theory perspective and consider the dynamics of the reduced density matrices of the N-body state. Their approach is formally similar to ours, since Bogoliubov theory in the sense of linearization of the Hartree equation is used for the expansion and an a-dependent but N-independent number of operations is required for the construction. In comparison, the main advantage of our approach is that the coefficients χℓ in our approximation are completely independent of N.
Finally, a similar result in the N-body setting was obtained in a joint work with Pavlović, Pickl, and Soffer21 In this paper, we expand the N-body time evolution in a Dyson series comparable to (3.16) but with one crucial difference: instead of using the Bogoliubov time evolution, the expansion is in terms of an auxiliary time evolution on , whose generator has a quadratic structure comparable to the Bogoliubov Hamiltonian (sometimes called the particle number preserving Bogoliubov Hamiltonian).
Unfortunately, this auxiliary time evolution is a rather inaccessible object, which implicitly still depends on N. In particular, it is not clear to what extent computations are less complex with respect to the time evolution than with respect to the full N-body problem. This problem was the original motivation for the work,2 where we modified the construction precisely such as to make the approximations completely N-independent and accessible to computations. Eventually, this also led to Ref. 1, which was partially intended as a rigorous motivation of the assumptions on the initial data in Ref. 2.
There are several open questions related to the results presented here. First, it would be interesting to generalize the dynamical analysis (Theorem 2) to the class of unbounded interaction potentials considered in Sec. II E 1 for the static problem, which, in particular, includes the Coulomb potential.
In addition, one can attempt to push the analysis to singular interactions of the type
for some bounded and compactly supported interaction potential v, where β is a scaling parameter interpolating from the Hartree (β = 0) to the Gross–Pitaevskii regime (β = 1). We expect the analysis to become harder with increasing β, mainly because of the emergence of an N-dependent short-scale correlation structure. Whereas new ideas are needed to cope with the extremely singular Gross–Pitaevskii regime, we expect our analysis to extend to a certain range of positive β.
Another interesting open problem is proving Borel summability of the asymptotic series in Theorems 1 and 2, at least for bounded interaction potentials. This property was established in Ref. 18 for the corresponding dynamical problem on Fock space described in Sec. III E; hence, we conjecture that it should hold true also in the N-body setting, at least for bounded interaction potentials. As our current estimates of the growth of the error C(a) in the parameter a are insufficient, new ideas are needed to improve this.
Finally, we expect our asymptotic expansions to be useful in answering various open problems related to the mean-field Bose gas. For instance, one should be able to derive effective interactions between the quasi-particles as discussed in Ref. 22 and to prove corrections to the central limit theorem obtained in Ref. 23.
The author thanks Nataša Pavlović, Sören Petrat, Peter Pickl, Robert Seiringer, and Avy Soffer for the collaboration on Refs. 1, 2 and 21. Funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Marie Skℓodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 754411 is gratefully acknowledged.
Conflict of Interest
The author has no conflicts to disclose.
Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were created or analyzed in this study.
For technical reasons, we split , where , and expand only . To keep the notation simple, we will ignore this subtlety for the sketch of the proof. All details can be found in Ref. 1.
To obtain the time-dependent operators from (2.15), one replaces φ by φ(t), h by hφ(t), μ by μφ(t), and K1 by with .