We study spin and super-modular categories systematically as inspired by fermionic topological phases of matter, which are always fermion parity enriched and modelled by spin topological quantum field theories at low energy. We formulate a 16-fold way conjecture for the minimal modular extensions of super-modular categories to spin modular categories, which is a categorical formulation of gauging the fermion parity. We investigate general properties of super-modular categories such as fermions in twisted Drinfeld doubles, Verlinde formulas for naive quotients, and explicit extensions of PSU(2)4m+2 with an eye towards a classification of the low-rank cases.

The most important class of topological phases of matter is two-dimensional electron liquids which exhibit the fractional quantum Hall effect (see Ref. 31 and references therein). Usually fractional quantum Hall liquids are modelled by Witten-Chern-Simons topological quantum field theories (TQFTs) at low energy based on bosonization such as flux attachment. But subtle effects due to the fermionic nature of electrons are better modelled by refined theories of TQFTs (or unitary modular categories) such as spin TQFTs (or fermionic modular categories).3,21,35 In this paper, we study a refinement of unitary modular categories to spin modular categories4,35 and their local sectors—super-modular categories.5,13,26,38

Let f denote a fermion in a fermionic topological phase of matter and 1 be the ground state of an even number of fermions. Then in fermion systems like the fractional quantum Hall liquids, f cannot be distinguished topologically from 1 as anyons, so in the low energy effective theory we would have f𝟏. We would refer to this mathematical identification f𝟏 as the condensation of fermions. This line of thinking leads to a mathematical model as follows: the local sector of a fermionic topological phase of matter will be modelled by a super-modular category B—a unitary pre-modular category such that every non-trivial transparent simple object is isomorphic to the fermion f. To add the twisted or defect sector associated with fermion parity, we will extend the super-modular category B to a unitary modular category C with the smallest possible dimension DC2=2DB2. Such a unitary modular category has a distinguished fermion f and will be called a spin modular category. We will also say that C covers the super-modular category B. If the fermion f in C is condensed, then we obtain a fermionic quotient Q of C. But an abstract theory of such fermionic modular categories Q has not been developed. Given a super-modular category B, it is open whether or not there will always be a covering spin modular category. If a covering theory exists, then it is not unique. One physical implication is that a super-modular category alone is not enough to characterize a fermionic topological order, which is always fermion parity enriched. We need the full spin modular category to classify fermionic topological orders such as fermionic fractional quantum Hall states.35 In this paper, we study the lifting of super-modular categories to their spin covers.

Fermion systems have a fermion number operator (−1)F which leads to the fermion parity: eigenstates of (−1)F with eigenvalue +1 are states with an even number of fermions and eigenstates of (−1)F with eigenvalue −1 are states with an odd number of fermions. This fermion parity is like a 2-symmetry in many ways, but it is not strictly a symmetry because fermion parity cannot be broken. Nevertheless, we can consider the gauging of the fermion parity (compare with Refs. 2 and 8). In our model, the gaugings of the fermion parity are the minimal extensions of the super-modular category B to its covering spin modular categories C. We conjecture that a minimal modular extension always exists, and there are exactly 16 such minimal extensions of super-modular categories. We will refer to this conjecture as the 16-fold way Conjecture 3.14. We prove that if there is one minimal extension, then there are exactly 16 up to Witt equivalence. A stronger result25 (Theorem 5.3) replaces the Witt equivalence by ribbon equivalence. Therefore, the difficulty in resolving the 16-fold way conjecture lies in the existence of at least one minimal extension. We analyze explicitly the minimal modular extensions of the super-modular categories PSU(2)4m+2,m0 using a new construction called zesting. Zesting applies to more general settings and is our main technical contribution. Given a modular closure using zesting, we can construct eight new closures each one with a different central charge.

The contents of this paper are as follows. In Section II, we discuss basic properties of spin modular categories and describe explicitly fermions in symmetric fusion categories and twisted Drinfeld doubles. In Section III, we formulate the 16-fold way conjecture. We provide support for the conjecture by proving the 16-fold way for Witt classes given existence and analyzing explicitly the 16-fold way for PSU(2)4m+2,m0. Finally, in Section IV, we discuss spin TQFTs.

We will work with unitary categories over the complex numbers in this paper due to our application to topological phases of matter. Many results can be generalized easily to the non-unitary setting and ground fields other than . Spin modular categories without unitarity were first studied in Ref. 4.

Let B be a unitary ribbon fusion category (URFC) and ΠB the set of isomorphism classes of simple objects of B, called the label set. A URFC is also called a unitary pre-modular category or a unitary braided fusion category. Given a label αΠB, we will use Xα to denote a representative object with label α. In general, it is important to distinguish between labels and the representative simple objects in their classes. But sometimes, we will use α for both the label and a simple object in the class α. A chosen unit of B will be denoted by 1 and its label by 0. Tensor product of objects will sometimes be written simply as multiplication.

Given a URFC B, let dα=dim(Xα) and θα be the quantum dimension and twist of the label α, respectively. The entries of the unnormalized S-matrix will be sij, and the normalized S-matrix is s=sD, where D2=dim(B)=αΠBdα2. The braiding of two objects X, Y will be denoted by cX,Y. When XY is simple, then cX,YcY,X is λXYIdXY for some scalar λXY. If Xi, Xj and XiXj are all simple, then λij=sijdidj.

Definition 2.1.

  • A fermion in a URFC is a simple object f such that f2 = 1 and θf=1.

  • A spin modular category is a pair (C,f), where C is a unitary modular category (UMC), and f is a fixed fermion.

Remark 2.2.

If X is an invertible object in a URFC B, then cX,X=θXIdXX, see, for example, Ref. 24 (Appendix E.3). An equivalent definition of a fermion in a URFC B is an object f such that f2 = 1 and cf,f = −1. Note that this definition makes sense in an arbitrary unitary braided fusion category.

Recall that a braided fusion category (C,c) is called symmetric if cY,XcX,Y=IdXY for all X,YC.

The fusion category Rep(G) of complex finite-dimensional representations of a finite group G with the canonical braiding cX,Y(xy)=yx is an example of a symmetric tensor category called a Tannakian fusion category. More general symmetric fusion categories are constructed as the category of representations of a finite super-group. A finite super-group is a pair (G, z), where G is a finite group and z is a central element of order 2. An irreducible representation of G is odd if z acts as the scalar −1 and is even if z acts as the identity. If the degree of a simple object X is denoted by |X|{0,1}, then the braiding of two simple objects X and Y is

The category Rep(G) with the braiding c is called a super-Tannakian category, and denoted by Rep(G,z). Any (pseudo-)unitary fusion category has a unique pivotal spherical structure so that dα>0 for all simple objects α. With respect to this choice, we have θV=IdV for any odd simple VRep(G,z), so that Rep(G,z) is Tannakian exactly when z = 1. By Ref. 11 (Corollary 0.8), every symmetric fusion category is equivalent to a super-Tannakian (possibly Tannakian) category. A key example of a unitary super-Tannakian category is sVec, the category of super-vector spaces, which has ssVec=(1111) and TsVec=(1001).

Remark 2.3.

In the literature, sVec usually refers to the symmetric fusion category. There are two possible pivotal spherical structures that render sVec a symmetric ribbon category: one gives the unitary version we study and the other has trivial twists but the non-trivial simple object has dimension −1. For us, sVec will always be the unitary symmetric ribbon category.

Proposition 2.4.

A symmetric fusion categoryCadmits a fermion if and only if it is of the formRep(G)sVec.


By Remark 2.2, Tannakian categories do not admit fermions. Fermions in a super-Tannakian category are in one-to-one correspondence with group homomorphisms χ:G{1,1} such that χ(z)=1. Thus, if a super group (G, z) admits a fermion, then GG/z×/2. It follows that Rep(G/z)sVecRep(G,z) as symmetric fusion categories.

Remark 2.5.

There are unitary non-Tannakian symmetric categories that do not admit a fermion, i.e., not of the form Rep(G)sVec. One example is the super-Tannakian category Rep(4,2), in which there is a pair of dual simple objects with twist θ=1, while the other non-trivial object is a boson.

Let G be a finite group and ωZ3(G,U(1)). Define


for all a,x,yG. Since ω is a 3-cocycle, we have


for all a,x,y,zG. Therefore, for any aG the restriction βa|CG(a) is a 2-cocycle.

Let us recall the description of the UMC Rep(Dω(G))—the category of representations of the twisted Drinfeld double defined by Dijkgraaf, Pasquier, and Roche in Ref. 12 (Section 3.2).

An object is a G-graded finite-dimensional Hilbert space H=kGHk and a twisted G-action, :GU(H) such that

  • σHk=Hσk,

  • σ(τhk)=βk(σ,τ)(στ)hk

  • eh=h,

for all σ,τ,kG,hkHk. Morphisms in the category are linear maps that preserve the grading and the twisted action, i.e., a linear map f:HH is a morphism if

  • f(Hk)Hk,

  • f(σh)=σf(h),

for all σ,kG and hH.

The monoidal structure on Rep(Dω(G)) is defined as follows: let H and H be objects in Rep(Dω(G)), then the tensor product of Hilbert spaces HH is an object in Rep(Dω(G)) with G-grading (HH)k=x,yG:xy=kHxHy and twisted G-action

for all σ,x,yG,hxHx, and hyHy.

Now, for H, H, and H objects in Rep(Dω(G)), the associativity constraint

for the monoidal structure ⊗ is defined by

for all x,,y,zG, hxHx, hyHy, and hzHz.

The unit object ¯ is defined as the one-dimensional Hilbert space graded only at the unit element eG, endowed with trivial G-action.

Finally, for H and H objects in Rep(Dω(G)), the braiding is defined by

for all x,yG, hxHx, and hyHy.

The invertible objects in Rep(Dω(G)) can be parametrized as follows. If zZ(G) then βz(,)Z2(G,U(1)). Define Zω(G) as those zZ(G) such that βz(,) is a 2-coboundary. Then there exists an η:GU(1) such that η(σ)η(τ)η(στ)=βz(σ,τ) for all σ,τG. There is a correspondence between invertible objects in Rep(Dω(G)) and pairs (η,z) where zZω(G) and η is as above. The tensor product is given by (η,z)(η,z)=(γ()(z,z)ηη,zz). In fact, by Ref. 27 (Propsition 5.3), the group S of invertible objects of Rep(Dω(G)) fits into the exact sequence

where G^ is the group of linear characters of G.

Proposition 2.6.

There is a correspondence between fermions inRep(Dω(G))and pairs(η,z), whereη:GU(1)and

  • zZ(G)of order two,

  • η(σ)η(τ)η(στ)=βz(σ,τ)for allσ,τG,

  • γz(x,z)η(x)2=1for allxG,

  • η(z)=1.


It follows easily from the definition of Rep(Dω(G)).

If ω = 1, then fermions in Rep(D(G)) correspond just with pairs (χ,z), where χ:G{1,1} and zG a central element of order two such that χ(z)=1. Then as in Proposition 2.4, GG¯×z, where G¯:=G/z and Rep(D(G))Rep(D(G¯))Rep(D(2)).

If ω is not a coboundary and zG is a central element of order two, we would like to know if there is η:GU(1) such that (η,z) is a fermion.

By (d) and (c) of Proposition 2.6 if Rep(Dω(G)) has a fermion, then ω(z, z, z) = 1. Thus, the first obstruction is that ω(z, z, z) = 1 or equivalently that the restriction of ω to z is trivial.

The second obstruction is that the cohomology class of βz(,)Z2(G,U(1)) vanishes. Let η:GU(1) such that δG(η)=βz(,), then (η,z) represents an invertible object in Rep(Dω(G)) and βz(,z)η()2:GU(1) is a linear character. The character βz(,z)η()2 can be seen as an element in Z2(2,Hom(G,U(1))). Its cohomology class is zero if and only if there is a linear character μ:GU(1) such that μ2=βz(,z)η()2, and in this case (ημ1,z) defines an invertible object in Rep(Dω(G)) of order two.

Now, if (η,z) and (η,z) are two invertible objects of order two, βz(,z)ηη:G{1,1} is a bicharacter, that is, the set of equivalence classes of invertible objects of order two of the form (η,z) with z fixed is a torsor over Hom(G,{1,1}).

Finally (recall that ω(z, z, z) = 1) if (η,z) is an invertible object of order two, then η(z){1,1}. If η(z)=1, the pair (η,z) defines a boson and if there exists χ:G{1,1} with χ(z)=1 the pair (χη,z) is a fermion.

Example 2.7.
Let G be the finite group SL(2,𝔽5). Then the center Z(G)={±I} and we have the exact sequence
Note that PSL(2,𝔽5) is isomorphic to the simple group A5. Then Rep(G,z) is super-Tannakian, and the even part of Rep(G,z) is equivalent to Rep(A5) as braided monoidal categories. Since G is a perfect group, Rep(G) has no linear characters and hence Rep(G,z) has no fermions. Moreover, every simple object of Rep(G,z) is self-dual.

By Ref. 27 (Propsition 5.2), for any ωZ3(G,U(1)), the group of invertible objects of the modular category C=Rep(Dω(G)) is isomorphic to 2. In particular, C has a unique nontrivial invertible object X, and the subcategory G, generated by the invertible simple objects of C, is equivalent to Vect(Z(G),ω) as fusion categories. Then, by Ref. 27 (Theorem 5.5), the ribbon subcategory G is modular if and only if the restriction of ω on Z(G) is not a coboundary. Since G is the binary icosahedral group, H3(G,U(1))120. In particular, G is a periodic group (cf. Ref. 6 (Chap. XII, 11)), and so the restriction map res:H3(G,U(1))H3(Z(G),U(1)) is surjective. Since Z(G)2, res(ω2) is trivial for any ωH3(G,U(1)). Therefore, the restriction of ω on Z(G) is a coboundary if and only if the order of the cohomology class ω of ω in H3(G, U(1)) is a multiple of 8.

Suppose ω is a representative of ωH3(G,U(1)) with 8ord(ω), and let D be the centralizer of G in C. Then, by Ref. 27 (Theorem 5.5), GD. If 4ord(ω), then G is equivalent to sVec (cf. Ref. 27 (p. 243)) and D is a super-modular category. Moreover, C is the modular closure of D. If 4ord(ω), then G is Tannakian.

Example 2.8.

Let G be a non-abelian group of order eight (dihedral or quaternions) and zZ(G) the non trivial central element. By Proposition 2.4, the symmetric category Rep(G,z) does not have fermions. Note that the two-dimensional simple representation of G is a self-dual object with twist θ=1.

Let C0 be a cyclic subgroup of H3(G, U(1)) of maximal order n. Then H3(G,U(1))=C0C1 for some subgroup C1 of H3(G, U(1)). In fact, n = 4 if G is the dihedral group and n = 8 if G is the quaternion group.

Similar to the preceding example, whether or not Rep(Dω(G)) admits a ribbon subcategory equivalent to the semion or sVec is determined by the order of the coset ωC1 in H3(G, U(1))/C1, where ωH3(G,U(1)) denotes the cohomology class of ω. The modular category Rep(Dω(G)) admits a semion modular subcategory if and only if ord(ωC1)=n. The super vector space sVec is a ribbon subcategory of Rep(Dω(G)) if and only if ord(ωC1)=n/2 (cf. Ref. 20 (Table 2)). Since the group of invertible objects is isomorphic to 23, if Rep(Dω(G)) admits a ribbon subcategory equivalent to the semion or sVec, there are exactly four such subcategories.

Example 2.9.

Let ωZ3(2,U(1)), given by ω(1,1,1)=1 and π:42 the non-trivial epimorphism. Define ωZ3(4,U(1)) by ω=π*(ω). If we define η±:4U(1),η±(1)=η±(3)=±i,η(2)=1, the pairs (η±,2) define two fermions in Rep(Dω(4)). Note that unlike the case ω = 1, the existence of a fermion over z does not imply that the exact sequence 0zGQ1 splits.

The presence of a fermion in a URFC implies several useful properties.

Proposition 2.10.

Let f be a fermion in a URFCB, then

  • tensoring with f induces an action of2on the equivalence classes of simple objects,

  • for any labelα, sf,α=ϵαdα, whereϵα=±1(equivalently,cf,αcα,f=ϵαIdαf). Moreover, ϵf=1,

  • θfα=ϵαθα,

  • sfα,j=ϵjsα,j,

  • ϵfα=ϵα. In general, if the fusion coefficientNijk0, then ϵiϵjϵk=1.

The proof is left as an exercise. We remark that the sign ϵα has appeared before under the name monodromy charge.16,39 Using the signs ϵi of labels, we define a 2-grading (on simple objects) as follows: a simple object Xi has a trivial grading or is in the local or trivial or even sectorB0 if ϵi=1; otherwise, it has a non-trivial grading or is in the twisted or defect or odd sectorB1. Let I0 be the subset of ΠB consisting of all labels in the trivial sector B0 and I1 all labels in the defect sector B1.

Proposition 2.11.
Let(C,f)be a spin modular category, then
  • ΠC=I0I1, andfI0.

  • The tensor product respects the2-grading, C=C0C1. In particular, the action of f onCbypreserves the2-grading, and hence induces an action on I0and I1.

  • If a simple objectαis fixed by f thenαC1is a defect object. In particular, the action of f restricted to I0is fixed-point free.

  • If a simple objectαis fixed by f, then for anyjI1, we havesαj=0. Ifsαj0, thenjI0.

  • Let I be a set of representatives of the orbits of the f-action on I0, andIf=I0I. Partition the defect labelsI1=I1nI1finto non-fixed points and fixed points of the f-action, respectively. If the normalized S-matrix ofCis written in a4×4block form indexed by I, If, I1n, I1f, then three of the 16 blocks are 0, i.e., s decomposes as follows:

  • (vi)

    fα*=(fα)*, i.e., f is compatible with duality or charge conjugation.


  • (i):

    Obvious from the definition.

  • (ii):

    Obvious from (v) of Proposition 2.10.

  • (iii):

    By (iii) of Proposition 2.10, we have θα=θfα=ϵαθα. Hence ϵα=1.

  • (iv):

    By (iv) of Proposition 2.10, we have sα,j=ϵjsα,j. So if j is in the defect sector, then sα,j=0. But if sα,j0, then ϵj=1, i.e., j is in the trivial sector.

  • (v) and (vi):


Given a spin modular category (C,f), then C=C0C1, where Ci,i=0,1 are the trivial and defect sectors, respectively. Condensing f results in a quotient category Q of C. The quotient category Q encodes topological properties of the fermion system such as the ground state degeneracy of the system on the torus. In the quotient, “the fermion f is condensed” because it is identified with the ground state represented by the tensor unit 1. Naive fusion rules for Q can be obtained by identifying objects in the orbits of the f-action as in Definition 2.12. This idea goes back at least to Müger:29 in his Proposition/Definition 2.15, he obtains a tensor category from an idempotent completion of the category of Γ-modules in C for an algebra Γ. In order to get a (linear) tensor category, he (implicitly) assumes that Γ is commutative, whereas our algebra object 𝟏f is not, so we do not obtain a fusion category (as in Example 2.17). It is an interesting question to formalize the quotient Q categorically, see Ref. 42 for some progress. This lack of a tensor structure, a braiding, or a twist makes Q unwieldy to work with. Instead we will focus on some closely related categories: the two-fold covering theory(C,f) of Q, the trivial sector C0C (for which C is also a 2-fold covering in a different sense), and the fermionic quotient Q0 of C0. The latter two reductions are motivated as follows: (1) in physical applications, sometimes we discard the defect sector C1 because the defect objects are not local with respect to the fermion f and (2) the quotient Q0 is better behaved than Q (see Proposition 2.13).

Definition 2.12

(See Ref. 29 Proposition/Definition 2.15). Given a spin modular category (C,f), the object 𝟏f has a unique structure of an algebra (see the proof of Theorem 6.5 in Ref. 23): it is isomorphic to the (non-commutative) twisted group algebra ω[2]. The following quotient Q is called the fermionic quotient of C. The objects of Q are the same as C. For two objects x, y in Q, HomQ(x,y)=HomC(x,y(𝟏f)). Other structures such as the braiding of C will induce structures on Q. The fermionic modular quotientQ0 of C0 is defined analogously.

Let [Ik], k = 0, 1 be the orbit space of Ik under the induced action of the fermion f. Elements of [Ik] are equivalence classes of labels in Ik, so the corresponding class of iΠC will be denoted by [i]. The label set of the fermionic quotient Q is [I0][I1], whereas the fermionic modular quotient Q0 has a label set [I0]. Given labels [i], [j], [k], choose i, j, k in ΠC covering [i], [j], [k]. Then the naive fusion rules are N[i][j][k]=Nijk+Nijfk=dimHom(XiXj,Xk(𝟏f)).

Define Dk2=iIkdi2,k=0,1.

Proposition 2.13.
Let(C,f)be a spin modular category. Then
  • D02=D12.

  • di = dfi. Therefore, the quantum dimensions of labels descend to [Ik], k = 0, 1.

  • The braiding satisfies

Therefore, pure braidings are well defined on [I0], but ill-defined on [I1]. It follows that the S-matrix ofCdescends to a well-defined matrix indexed by [I0] but does not descend to [I1].
  • (iv)

    The T-matrix ofCdescends to a well-defined matrix indexed by [I1]. Although twists{θi}do not descend to [I0], double twists do descend to [I0].


  • By unitarity of the S-matrix, jIs0,jsf,j¯=0. Since sf,j=ϵjdj, jIs0,jsf,j¯=jIϵjdj2=0. The desired identity follows because jIϵjdj2=D02D12.

  • We have dfi = dfdi = di.

  • The first equation follows from funtoriality of the braiding and Proposition 2.3(ii), and the second equation follows from the first.

  • Follows from (iii) of Proposition 2.3.

By Proposition 2.13, we can define an S-matrix labeled by [I0]. To normalize correctly, we set [s][i],[j] = 2si,j for any i,jI0. Let s=(sij),i,j[I0], i.e., s = 2sII. Notice that s is symmetric since sII appears on the diagonal of the S-matrix of C. If we set [D]2=i[I0]di2, then [D]2=14D2=12D02.

Theorem 2.14.

Given a spin modular category(C,f),

  • the matrix [s] is unitary,

  • the Verlinde formula holds, i.e.,N[i][j][k]=r[I0][s]i,r[s]j,r[s]k,r¯[s]0,rfor any[i],[j],[k][I0].

  • Given i,jI0, we have kIsikskj¯=δij, and kIsif,kskj¯=kIϵksikskj¯=δif,j. If ji,fi, then kI0sikskj¯=kI1sikskj¯=0. Otherwise, we may assume j=ifi. Then kI0sikski¯=kI1siksk¯ and kI0sikski¯=12. Since each k[I0] is covered by 2 in I0, we have k[I0]sikskj¯=14. It follows that k[I0][s]ik[s]kj¯=δij.

  • For any i,j,kI0, we have

Consider the same formulas for Nijfk. For the first term rI0si,rsj,rsfk,r¯s0,r=rI0ϵrsi,rsj,rsk,r¯σ0,r=rI0si,rsj,rsk,r¯s0,r. For the second term rI1si,rsj,rsfk,r¯s0,r=rI0ϵrsi,rsj,rsk,r¯s0,r=rI1si,rsj,rsk,r¯s0,r. Therefore,Nijk+Nijfk=2rI0si,rsj,rsk,r¯s0,r=2(rI0si,rsj,rsk,r¯s0,r+rI0si,frsj,frsk,fr¯s0,r)=4r[I0]si,rsj,rsk,r¯s0,r,which is the desired Verlinde formula.

A modular category gives rise to a unitary representation of the mapping class groups of the torus T2, which is isomorphic to SL(2,). A general quotient Q of a spin modular category C is not a modular category, so we do not expect the existence of a representation of SL(2,).

However, observe that Q0, despite having no complete categorical description, has some of the data of a modular category: Q0 has (naive) fusion rules and a unitary S-matrix obeying the Verlinde formula. Moreover, the (normalized) S-matrix s = 2sII and squared T-matrix T2 are well defined, and s4 = I. A natural question to ask is if s and T2 combine to give a representation of a subgroup of SL(2,).

The subgroup Γθ of SL(2,) generated by 𝔰=(0110) and 𝔱2=(1201) is isomorphic to the modular subgroup Γ0(2) consisting of matrices in SL(2,) that are upper triangular modulo 2, via conjugation by (1102). Projectively, the images of u and v are independent so that an abstract group Γθ/(±I) is generated by 𝔰,𝔱2 satisfying 𝔰2=1. Therefore we have

Theorem 2.15.

The assignments𝔰s and 𝔱2T2define a projective representation of the groupΓθwhich does not come from a representation ofPSL(2,)if the fermionic modular quotientQ0is not of rank = 1.

We remark that s2 and T are well defined on [I1], but since s2 is the charge conjugation (permutation) matrix, this representation is not so interesting.

Spin modular categories that model fermionic quantum Hall states have well-defined fractional electric charges for anyons, i.e., another n,n3 grading beside the 2 grading. When a spin modular category C comes from representations of an N = 2 super conformal field theory, the sectors Ck,k=0,1 are the Neveu-Schwartz (NS) and Ramond (R) sectors, respectively.

Example 2.16.

Moore-Read theory is the leading candidate for the fractional quantum Hall liquids at filling fraction ν=52. The spin modular category of Moore-Read theory is Ising×8 with the fermion f=ψ4. The trivial NS sector consists of {𝟏i,ψi} for i = even and {σi} for i = odd. Somewhat surprisingly, the rank = 6 fermionic modular quotient theory can be given the structure of a linear monoidal category (see Ref. 5 (Appendix A.1.25)) with labels {𝟏,ψ,σ,σ¯,α,α¯}, where 𝟏,ψ are self-dual, σ,σ¯ are dual to each other, and so are α,α¯. All fusion rules will follow from the following ones and obvious identities such as 𝟏x=x,xy=yx,xy¯=yx¯:

  • ψ2=1,αα¯=1,σσ¯=1+ψ,

  • α2=ψ,α¯2=ψ,σ2=α+α¯,σ¯2=α+α¯,

  • ψσ=σ,ψσ¯=σ¯,ψα=α¯,ψα¯=α,

  • ασ=σ¯,ασ¯=σ.

If the labels are ordered as 𝟏,σ,ψ,α,σ¯,α¯, then the S-matrix is
Since this set of fusion rules comes from the subquotient Q0 of a spin modular category, we expect there is a realization by a unitary fusion category without braidings. Actually, the above fusion rules cannot be realized by any braided fusion category.5 

Example 2.17.

Consider the spin modular category SU(2)6. The label set is I = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and 6 is the fermion. Then I0 = {0, 2, 4, 6}, I1 = {1, 3, 5}, [I0] = {0, 2}, and [I1] = {1, 3}. SU(2)6 is not graded for any n,n3.

Let X0 = 1, X2 = x and define the fusion rules for the quotient as in (2.2), then we have

It is known32 that there are no fusion categories of rank = 2 with fusion rules x2 = 1 + 2x, so [I0] cannot be the label set of a fusion category. But there is a fermionic realization of the rank = 2 category {1, x} with x2 = 1 + 2x using solutions of pentagons with Grassmann numbers.7 

The S-matrix as defined above is

Note although Verlinde formulas do give rise to the above fusion rules, this unitary matrix is not the modular s-matrix of any rank = 2 modular category.

Example 2.18.

Laughlin fractional quantum Hall states at filling fraction ν=1Q, Q = odd, have Q different anyons labeled by r=0,1,,Q1. Note Q = 1 is an integer quantum Hall state. The conformal weight of anyon r is hr=r22Q.

The covering spin modular category is the abelian UMC Z4Q labeled by a=0,1,,4Q1. The twist of the object a is θa=a28Q. Its charge is qa=a2Q. The fermion corresponds to f = 2Q. The double braiding of i, j is λij=e2πiij4Q=sij. It follows that si,f=(1)i, hence I0 consists of all even labels, while I1 are the odd labels.

We end this section with the following:

Question 2.19.

Given a spin modular category (C,f), are the following true?

  • The fermion f has no fixed points if and only ifNijkNijfk=0for all i, j, k.

  • If f has no fixed points, then(C,f)has an,n3grading.

Let B be a braided fusion category and DB a fusion subcategory. The Müger centralizer CB(D) of D in B is the fusion subcategory generated by YOb(B) such that cY,XcX,Y=IdXY for any X in D. The Müger center of B is the symmetric fusion subcategory Z2(B):=CB(B). The objects of Z2(B) are called transparent, and we sometimes use the shorthand D for CB(D) when no confusion arises.

Definition 3.1.

A URFC B is called super-modular if its Müger center Z2(B)sVec, i.e., every non-trivial transparent simple object is isomorphic to the same fermion.

Without the unitarity and sphericity assumptions, braided fusion categories with Müger center sVec (as a symmetric fusion category) are called slightly degenerate modular categories in Ref. 13.

The trivial sector C0 of a spin modular category (C,f) is a super-modular category. It is not known if all super-modular categories arise this way and we conjecture that it is indeed so and provide evidence in this section. Most of the results in Sec. II proved for the trivial sector C0 of a spin modular category (C,f) can be proved directly for super-modular categories.

If C is a UMC, then sVecC is super-modular. If BsVecC with C modular, we will say B is split super-modular and otherwise non-split super-modular. Observe that a super-modular category is split if, and only if, it is 2-graded with the corresponding trivial component modular. In particular sVec is a split super-modular category since Vec is modular.

Theorem 3.2.

Let (C,f) be a spin modular category and C0 be the associated super-modular subcategory. Then the following are equivalent

  • C0is split super-modular.

  • C0contains a modular subcategory of dimensiondim(C0)/2.

  • Ccontains a modular subcategory of dimension four that contains f.


Obviously (i) implies (ii).

Assume (ii). Let DC0 be a modular category with dim(C0)=2dim(D). Since DC and C is modular, it follows from Ref. 28 (Theorem 4.2) that C=DCC(D), where CC(D) is modular and
Since DC0, we have that f=CC(C0)CC(D). Hence (ii) implies (iii).
Assume (iii). Let AC be a modular subcategory with fA. Then C=CC(A)A and CC(A)C0. Since CC(A)fC0 and
we have that C0=CC(A)f. Hence C0 is split super-modular.

Let G be a finite group and ωZ3(G,*). Recall the definition of βx(y,z) given in Equation (2.2).

Definition 3.3.
(Ref. 30) Let H, K be normal subgroups of G that centralize each other. An ω-bicharacter is a function B:K×H× such that
for all s,xK, y,zH.
An ω-bicharacter B is called G-invariant if
for all x,yG, hH, kK.

We recall the classification of fusion subcategories of Rep(Dω(G)) given in Ref. 30 (Theorem 1.2). The fusion subcategories of Rep(Dω(G)) are in bijection with triples (K, H, B) where K and H are normal subgroups of G centralizing each other and B:K×H* is a G-invariant ω-bicharacter. The fusion subcategory associated with a triple (K, H, B) will be denoted as S(K,H,B).

Remark 3.4.

Some results from loc. cit. that we will need are the following:

  • The dimension of S(K,H,B) is |K|[G: H] (see Ref. 30 (Lemma 5.9)).

  • S(K,H,B)S(K,H,B) if and only if KK,HH and B|K×H=B|K×H (see Ref. 30 (Proposition 6.1)).

  • S(K,H,B) is modular if and only if HK = G and the symmetric bicharacter BBop|(KH)×(KH) is nondegenerate (see Ref. 30 (Proposition 6.7)).

Recall that by Proposition 2.6 fermions in Rep(Dω(G)) are in correspondence with pairs (η,z), where z is the central element of order two and η:G* is a map satisfying some conditions, see loc. cit. Applying Theorem 3.2, the following proposition provides necessary and sufficient group-theoretical conditions in order that a super-modular category obtained from a spin modular twisted Drinfeld double be non-split.

Proposition 3.5.

Let f be a fermion inRep(Dω(G))with associated data(η,z). The modular subcategories ofRep(Dω(G))of dimension 4 containing f correspond to

  • subgroupsHGsuch thatG=H×z. The modular category associated with H isS(z,H,Bη), whereBη(z,x)=η(x)for allxH;

  • pairs (K, B), whereKGis a central subgroup of order four containing z andB:K×G*is a G-invariantω-bicharacter such that

    • η(x)=B(z,x),for allxG,

    • the symmetric bicharacterBBop:K×KU(1)is nondegenerate.

The modular category associated with (H, B) isS(H,G,B).


Let fRep(Dω(G)) be a fermion with associated data (η,z), see Proposition 2.6. The fusion subcategory generated by f corresponds to f=S(z,G,Bη), where Bη(z,x)=η(x) for all xG.

Let S(K,H,B) be a modular subcategory of Rep(Dω(G)) of dimension 4 containing f. Using the results cited in Remark 3.4 we have

  • |K|[G: H] = 4,

  • fK,

  • KH = G.

The conditions (a) and (b) imply that there are only two possibilities

  • K=z and [G: H] = 2.

  • H = G and K is a central subgroup of order four.

In the case that K=z and [G: H] = 2. Condition (c) implies that if zH, then GH×K.

The following is a structure theorem for unitary ribbon fusion categories B. Transparent objects of B form a symmetric fusion subcategory B. By a theorem of Deligne, every symmetric fusion category is equivalent to the representation category of a pair (G, z), where G is a finite group and z is the central element of G of order 2 (see Ref. 33). B is Tannakian if and only if z = 1. Recall that a ribbon fusion category with a non-Tannakian Müger center need not have a transparent fermion (Proposition 2.4).

Lemma 3.6.

(Ref. 38) (Theorem 2) There is a Tannakian subcategory S𝑅𝑒𝑝(G) of a URFC B such that the de-equivariantization BG is either modular or super-modular BT.

It follows that if BG is not modular, there is an exact sequence: 1Rep(G)BBT1, where BT is super-modular. So a URFC is a twisted product of a Tannakian category and a super-modular category, therefore, a “braided” equivariantization of a super-modular category.

Proposition 3.7.

Let(B,f)be a super-modular category and*:G¯Autbr(B)an action by a finite group G such that the restriction of the G-action tofis trivial. Then the equivariantizationBGis a pre-modular category withZ2(BG)=Rep(G)sVec. Moreover, every pre-modular category with a transparent fermion is constructed in this way.


That BG has the desired properties follows from the definition of equivariantization. To prove every pre-modular category with a transparent fermion is constructed in this way, let D be a braided fusion category and fZ2(D) a transparent fermion. By Proposition 2.4, Z2(D)=Rep(G)sVec as braided fusion categories. Then the algebra O(G) of functions on G is a commutative algebra in Z2(D)D. The category DG of left O(G)-modules in D is a braided fusion category, called the de-equivariantization of D by Rep(G), see Ref. 13 for more details. Moreover, the free module functor DDG,YO(G)Y is a surjective braided functor. Hence DG is a super-modular category with fermion object O(G)f.

By Ref. 13 (Theorem 4.4), equivariantization and de-equivariantization are mutually inverse processes. The group G acts on O(G) (by right translations), viewed as an algebra in Rep(G). Then G acts on the super-modular category DG. In particular, the action of G on the transparent fermion O(G)fDG is trivial.

Example 3.8.

Let (B,f) be a non-split super-modular category and F:BB a non-trivial braided autoequivalence such that F(f)f. If F has order n, it defines a non trivial group homomorphism from n to the group of braided automorphisms of B. This group of homomorphisms lifts to a categorical action of n on B if and only if a certain third cohomology class O(F)H3(n,Aut(IdB)) is zero, see Ref. 17 (Theorem 5.5 and Corollary 5.6). Since H3(,Aut(IdB))=0, even if O(F)0, there is a group epimorphism p:mn such that p*(O(F))=0. Thus the group m acts non-trivially on B. By Proposition 3.7, the equivariantization Bm is a premodular category with Z2(Bm)=Rep(m)sVec.

The S and T matrices of a super-modular category have the following special form:

Theorem 3.9.

IfBis super-modular, thensB=S^ssVecandTB=T^TsVecfor some invertible matricesS^andT^.

Suppose B is super-modular with fermion f. Since B=sVec, we have sX,f=dX for all simple X. Moreover, there is a (non-canonical) partition of the simple objects into two sets: X0=𝟏,X1,,Xr,fX0=f,fX1,,fXr, since XfX for any X. The balancing equation gives us
Thus θX=θfX, and TC=T^TsVec. Now we just need to show that sX,X=sfX,fX=sX,fX for all simple objects X so that sB=S^ssVec. Fix X, and suppose that XX*=YAY for some (multi-)set A. This implies that fXX*=YAfY, and fY is simple. Now sX,X=1θX2YAdYθY. Computing
Since f is transparent, we also have sfX,fX=sX,X.

The following is an immediate consequence:

Corollary 3.10.
IfBis a super modular category

Quantum groups at roots of unity yield unitary modular categories via “purification” of representation categories (see Ref. 41 (Section XI.6) and Ref. 36). By taking subcategories, we obtain several non-split super-modular categories.

The modular category SU(2)4m+2 obtained as a semisimple subquotient of the category of representations of the quantum group Uq𝔰𝔩2 at q=eπi/(4m+4) has rank 4m + 3, with simple objects labeled X0=𝟏,X1,,X4m+2, (cf. Ref. 1 (Example 3.3.22)). The S- and T-matrices are given by

si,j=sin((i+1)(j+1)π/(4m+4))sin(π/(4m+4)) and tj,j=eπi(j2+2j)/(8m+8). The object X4m+2 is the only non-trivial invertible object and hence the universal grading group of SU(2)4m+2 is 2.

Lemma 3.11.

The subcategory, PSU(2)4m+2, of SU(2)4m+2generated by the 2m + 2 simple objects with even labelsX0=𝟏,X2,,X4m+2is non-split super-modular.


We must show that the Müger center of PSU(2)4m+2 is isomorphic to sVec. Since the Müger center is always a symmetric (and hence integral) category, we first observe that the only non-trivial object with integral dimension is X4m+2, in fact dim(X4m+2)=1. It is routine to check that s4m+2,2j=dim(X2j) and that θ4m+2=eπi(4m+2)(4m+4)/(8m+8)=1. To see that PSU(2)4m+2 is non-split super-modular observe that if C were a modular subcategory of PSU(2)4m+2 with rank m + 1 then SU(2)4m+2 would factor as a Deligne product of two modular categories. But m + 1 does not divide 4m + 3, so this is impossible.

Observe that for m = 0 we recover sVec=PSU(2)2.

A 2-parameter family of non-split super-modular categories can be obtained as subcategories of SO(N)r for N, r both odd, i.e., the modular category obtained from Uq𝔰𝔬N with q=eπi2(r+N2). Let PSO(N)r be the subcategory with simple objects labeled by the highest weights of SO(N)r with integer entries. Identifying SU(2)4m+2 with SO(3)2m+1, the examples above can be made to fit into this larger family. Setting N = 2s + 1 and r = 2m + 1 we compute the rank of SO(2s + 1)2m+1 to be 3s+4ms+m(s+ms), while the rank of PSO(2s + 1)2m+1 is 2(s+ms) (here one uses the combinatorial methods described in Ref. 36). The object f in PSO(2s + 1)2m+1 labelled by the weight vector rλ1=(r,0,,0) is a fermion, and generates the Müger center of PSO(2s + 1)2m+1, which can be explicitly shown as in the PSU(2)4m+2 case. To see that PSO(2s + 1)2m+1 cannot be split super-modular, observe that 1/2 the rank of PSO(2s + 1)2m+1 does not divide the rank of SO(2s + 1)2m+1, so PSO(2s + 1)2m+1 cannot factor as sVecC for some modular category C.

Definition 3.12.

  • Let B be a URFC. A modular category CB is called a minimal modular extension or modular closure of B if DC2=DB2DB2.

  • Two modular extensions C1B and C2B are equivalent if there is a braided equivalence F:C1C2 such that F|B=IdB.

A minimal modular extension of a super-modular category B is a spin modular category (C,f) with the fermion f being the transparent one in B.

1. Counterexamples to the modular closure conjecture

We recall from Ref. 28.

Conjecture 3.13.

LetBbe a URFC category, then there exist a UMCCand a full and faithful tensor functorI:BCsuch thatDC2=DB2DB2.

Müger’s modular closure conjecture as above in full generality does not hold. Unpublished counterexamples due to Drinfeld exist.15 A general method for constructing counterexamples is the following:

Let G be a finite group acting by braided-automorphisms on a modular category B, ρ:BGBAutbr(B). Then BG is again braided and its Müger center is Rep(G). Now suppose that there exists a minimal modular extension BGM, then the de-equivariantization MG is a faithful G-crossed modular category that corresponds to a map BGBPic(B) and it is a lifting of the G-action on B. In other words, BG admits a minimal modular extension if and only if ρ admits a gauging. One can compute the obstruction explicitly in some cases. For instance, if B=VecA, and the modular structure is given by a bicharacter, then the obstruction is the cup product.8,14

Drinfeld proved that the obstructions in the following cases are nonzero:

  • G=(2×2), B=Sem, αH2(G,2) correspond to the Heisenberg group.

  • G=p×p, B=Vecp with the canonical modular structure αH2(22,2) corresponding to extensions non-isomorphic to the Heisenberg group.

A super-modular category models the states in the local sector of a fermionic topological phase of matter. In physics, gauging the fermion parity should result in modular closures of super-modular categories by adding the twisted sectors. In two spatial dimensions, gauging the fermion parity seems to be un-obstructed.

Conjecture 3.14.

Let B be super-modular. ThenBhas precisely 16 minimal unitary modular extensions up to ribbon equivalence.

In fact, in Ref. 25 it is shown that if B has one minimal modular extension then it has precisely 16.

Lemma 3.15.

SupposeBis super-modular andCis a minimal modular extension ofB. ThenCis faithfully2-graded withC0=B.


Since sVecC and C is modular, C is faithfully 2-graded, with a trivial component C0=sVec. Since B=sVec, we have BC0. Since dim(B)=dim(C0), the proof is complete.

The following result due to Kitaev24 is the 16-fold way for free fermions:

Proposition 3.16.

sVec has precisely 16 inequivalent minimal unitary modular closures SO(N)1for1N16, where N = 1 denotes the Ising theory and N = 2 the U(1)4-cyclic modular category. They are distinguished by their multiplicative central charges, which aree2πiν/16for1ν=N16.

In what follows, we will denote SO(N)1 by Sν with ν=N. Kitaev’s result immediately implies that Conjecture 3.14 holds for split super-modular categories.

Corollary 3.17.

IfCis modular, thenCsVechas precisely 16 inequivalent minimal modular closures.


Clearly if Sν is a minimal modular closure of sVec, then CSν is a minimal modular closure of CsVec. On the other hand, if D is a minimal modular closure of CsVec, then DCCD(C) with CD(C) by Ref. 28 (Theorem 4.2). Thus CD(C) is a minimal modular closure of sVec and hence DCSν for some Sν.

The Witt equivalence for modular categories and the Witt group W are defined in Ref. 9 (Section 5.1). The super-Witt equivalence and the super-Witt group sW are defined in Ref. 10 (Section 5.1). The following two Theorems 3.18 and 3.19 imply that if a super-modular category has one minimal modular extension then it has 16 up to Witt equivalence (cf. Ref. 25 (Theorem 5.3)).

Theorem 3.18.

Let B be a super-modular category with a minimal modular extension C and transparent fermion f. Furthermore, let e be a generator for sVec and Sν and Sμ two inequivalent minimal modular extensions of sVec. Then

  • (f,e)CSνgenerates a Tannakian subcategory,ERep(2).

  • Cν:=[(CSν)E]0is a minimal modular extension ofB, with multiplicative central charge the same as that ofCSν.

  • CμandCνare Witt inequivalent, and hence inequivalent.

It follows immediately from the definition of the Deligne product that CSν is modular and that (f, e) generates a Tannakian subcategory, ERep(2). In particular (CSν)E is 2-crossed braided with a modular trivial component Cν by Ref. 13 (Proposition 4.56(i)). Applying Proposition 4.26 and Corollary 4.28 of Ref. 13, we find that dim(Cν)=dim(C). By Ref. 8, the multiplicative central charge can be computed as ξ(Cν)=ξ(CSν), which is ξ(C)eπiν/8. So to prove (ii), it remains to show that B is a ribbon subcategory of Cν. By Ref. 13 (Proposition 4.56(ii)), Cν=(E)2, while the definition of E gives
where C1 and (Cν)1 are the odd gradings of C and Cν, respectively. Since (BsVec)2=B and the de-equivariantization respects the grading, (ii) follows.

Finally, suppose Sμ is a minimal modular extension of sVec that is inequivalent to Sν. Then Sμ and Sν have distinct (multiplicative) central charges. So, by Ref. 13 (Remark 6.17), it follows that Cν and Cμ have inequivalent central charges. Thus (iii) follows from Ref. 9 (Lemma 5.27).

Theorem 3.19.

If B is super-modular, then every minimal modular closure ofBis Witt-equivalent to one of the extensions obtained in Theorem 3.18.

Let C be a minimal modular closure of B. Then Witt class [C]ω is sent to the super-Witt class [CsVec]sW under the canonical homomorphism g:WsW defined in Ref. 10 (Section 5.3). By Ref. 10 (Proposition 5.14), we know that the kernel of g consists of the Witt classes represented by modular closures of sVec. So by Theorem 3.18(iii), it suffices to show that CsVec and B are super-Witt equivalent. To this end, let ECsVec be the Tannakian category described in the previous theorem. By Ref. 10 (Proposition 5.3),
Finally, by Ref. 13 (Proposition 4.56(ii)), we have

1. G-grading of modular categories

It was proved in Ref. 19 (Theorem 3.9) that any fusion category C is naturally graded by a group U(C), called the universal grading group of C, and the adjoint subcategory Cad (generated by all subobjects of X*X, for all X) is the trivial component of this grading. Moreover, any other faithful grading of C arises from a quotient of U(C)19 (Corollary 3.7).

For any abelian group A, let A^ denote the abelian group of linear complex characters. For a braided fusion category, there is group homomorphism ϕ:U(C)G(C)^, roughly defined as follows: For gG(C) and iIrr(C), the double braiding ci,gcg,i is an isomorphism on the simple object gi, and hence a scalar map ϕ(i,g)Idgi. It can be shown that for each i, ϕ(i,) is a character (and is related to the monodromy charge of Refs. 16 and 39). Therefore we obtain a multiplicative map ϕ:K0(C)G(C)^ and this map induces a group homomorphism ϕ:U(C)G(C)^, which is bijective if C is modular19 (Theorem 6.2).

2. Zesting

Let C be a modular category and BG(C) a subgroup. Thus, the composition of the restriction map G(C)^B^ with the isomorphism ϕ:U(C)G(C)^ defines a B^-grading of C, where C0 is the fusion subcategory generated by {XiIrr(C):cXi,bcb,Xi=1,bB}, that is, C0=CC(B) the centralizer of B in C. Note that G(C0)={aG(C):ca,bcb,a=1,bB}. In particular, if B=G(C), A is symmetric.

Each aG(C0) defines a C0-bimodule equivalence La:CσCσ,XaX, with natural isomorphism ca,VIdX:La(VX)VLa(X), for all σB^.

Let AG(C0) be a subgroup such that the pointed fusion subcategory of C0 generated by A is symmetric. Thus, we can assume that the braiding on A is defined by a symmetric bicharacter c:A×A{1,1}.

Given αZ2(B^,A), we define a new tensor product ¯α:C×CC as

By Ref. 8 (Proposition 9) the obstruction to the commutativity of the pentagonal diagram of this new tensor product is given by the cohomology class of the following 4-cocycle O4(α,c)Z4(B^,U(1)):

that is, O4(α,c)=αcα (cup product).

Since α is a 2-cocycle, we can assume the innocuous condition

for all σ,τ,ρB^. Assume that there is ωC3(B^,U(1)) such that δ(ω)=O4(α,c), thus the isomorphisms

are such that the natural isomorphisms


define an associator with respect to ¯α and we get a new B^-graded fusion category

that we will call a zesting of C. In the case that α1, then ωZ3(B^,U(1)) is just a 3-cocycle and C(1,ω) is called a twisting.

3. Zested extensions of a super-modular category

Let B be a super-modular category and (C,c) a modular closure of B. Continuing with the notation of Subsection III F 2, take A=B={𝟏,f}2, where fB is the fermion object. We will identify A, B, and B^ with 2={0,1}. Let c:A×A{1,1} be the non-trivial symmetric bicharacter, that is, c(f, f) = −1. Since H2(B^,A)=H2(2,2)2,


represents the unique non-trivial cohomology class. The fourth obstruction in this case is given by the 4-cocycle

If we define

δ(ω)=O4(α), thus the zesting C(α,ω) has associator


where σ,τ,ρB^.

Theorem 3.20.
Let(C,c)be a modular closure of a super-modular category(B,f).
  • Letχ:2×22be the non-trivial bicharacter. Withαandωfixed as above, the zestingC(α,ω)with the natural isomorphism

defines a modular closureCα:=(C(α,ω),cα)B, inequivalent to(C,c)B.
  • (ii)

    The S and T matrices of(C(α,ω),cα)are

for allXσCσ,XτCτ,σ,τ2.
  • (iii)

    The ruleCCαdefines a free action of8on the set of equivalence classes of modular closures ofB.

It is straightforward to check the commutativity of the hexagon diagrams. By definition Cα is a braided 2-extension of B. We only need to see the formulas of the new S and T matrices, since they imply that Cα is modular. Let X,YC1 be defect objects, then
taking the quantum trace we get sX,Yα=isX,Y. Using that for any pre-modular category with X a simple object θXdX=Tr(cX,X), we have that θXα=Tr(cX,Xα)/dX=eπi/4θX for XC1.

It clear from the definition of Cα that applying the zesting procedure to C eight times returns C. We only need to check that the action is transitive, which is accomplished by showing that the multiplicative central charge ξ(Cα) of Cα is eπi/4ξ(C).

By Corollary 3.10, the multiplicative central charge of a modular closure of B is
Since the multiplicative central charge is an invariant of pre-modular categories, the elements in the 8-orbit of C are not equivalent modular closures of B.

Theorem 3.21.

The 16 inequivalent Witt classes of modular closures of the super-modular category PSU(2)4m+2have representatives which can be constructed explicitly. For m = 0, there are exactly 16 modular closures up to ribbon equivalence.

1. Modular closures via Theorem 3.18

Let C=SU(2)4m+2 be the (natural) minimal modular closure of PSU(2)4m+2. We first apply the construction of Theorem 3.18 to C to generate 16 inequivalent minimal modular closures of PSU(2)4m+2. Since the multiplicative central charge of SU(2)4m+2 is e3(2m+1)πi/(8m+8), the central charges of these minimal modular closures are e(6+ν)m+(3+ν)8m+8πi, where 1ν16.

First consider one of the eight Ising theories Ij. We denote the objects by 𝟏,σ,e=ψ. These 8 theories are distinguished by θσ=eπiν/8, where ν=2j+1 with 0j7.

The associated modular closure [(CIj)2]0 of B=PSU(2)4m+2 is the trivial component of the 2-de-equivariantization of CIj, where the Tannakian category E:=Rep(2) appears as the subcategory generated by (f, e). By Ref. 13, this is (E)2. To compute the simple objects of E, we look for pairs (Xi,z)CIj so that

Looking at the respective S-matrices, we find that E has objects

  • (X2i, 1), (X2i, e) for 0i2m+1 and

  • (X2i+1,σ) for 0i2m.

Now to compute the simple objects in (E)2, we look at the tensor action of (f, e) on E. Under the forgetful functor F:(E)2E, we have

  • (X2i, 1) + (X4m+2−2i, e) for 0im,

  • (X2i, e) + (X4m+2−2i, 1) for 0im,

  • (X2i+1,σ)+(X4m+22i1,σ) for 0i(m1), and

  • (X2m+1,σ).

The first three types above come from simple objects in (E)2, whereas the last object is the image of a sum of 2 simple objects Y1 and Y2 of equal dimensions. Therefore the rank of (E)2 is 3m + 4.

The first 2(m + 1) simple objects in (E)2 coming from (X2i, 1) and (X2i, e) for simple X2iB obviously have dimension dim(X2i) and form the subcategory [(E)2]0B. The m + 2 simple objects in the odd sector [(E)2]1 have dimensions 2dim(X2i+1) (m simple objects) and 22dim(X2m+1) (2 objects).

Now let us consider [(CA)2]0, where A is one of the 8 abelian (pointed) minimal modular closures of sVec. Explicit realizations of such A can be obtained from (see Ref. 37) the following: (1) Deligne products of the rank 2 semion modular category or its complex conjugate (4 theories), ( 2) the 4 modular category and its conjugate, (3) the toric code SO(16)1, or (4) the 1 fermion 2×2 theory SO(8)1. We continue to label our chosen fermion by e and the other two non-trivial objects by a and b. In this case, a similar calculation gives simple objects in E,

  • (X2i, 1), (X2i, e) for 0i2m+1 and

  • (X2i+1, a), (X2i+1, b) for 0i2m.

In this case, the tensor action is fixed-point free so we obtain

  • (X2i, 1) + (X4m+2−2i, e) for 0im,

  • (X2i, e) + (X4m+2−2i, 1) for 0im,

  • (X2i+1, a) + (X4m+2−2i−1, b) for 0i(m1) and m+1i2m+1, and

  • (X2m+1, a) + (X2m+1, b).

We see that the rank of [(CA)2]0 is 4m + 3, as expected.

2. Explicit data and realizations for modular closures of PSU(2)4m+2

The 16 minimal modular closures of PSU(2)4m+2 can all be constructed from quantum groups. We record the S- and T-matrices as they have a fairly simple form. We group the modular closures into two classes by their ranks: 3m + 4 and 4m + 3. Notice that for m = 1 these two cases coincide, so that the constructions below only give 8 theories: indeed SU(2)6SO(3)3. However, we still obtain 16 distinct quantum group constructions because PSU(2)6 is equivalent (by a non-trivial outer automorphism) to its complex conjugate: by taking the complex conjugates of each of the 8 theories constructed (twice) below, we obtain a full complement of 16 modular closures.

The data for the 8 modular closures obtained from Ising categories are given in terms of those of the modular category SO(2m + 1)2 of rank 3m + 4. The subcategory PSO(2m + 1)3 generated by the objects labeled by integer weights λm can be shown to be equivalent to PSU(2)¯4m+2 (i.e., the complex conjugate of PSU(2)4m+2), with rank 2m + 2. The other component (with respect to the 2 grading) has rank m + 2 and with simple objects labeled by weights μ(12,,12)+m.

Let S and T be the S- and T-matrices of SO(2m + 1)3, and let ξ=e2πiα/8 be any 8th root of unity. The 8 rank 3m + 4 minimal modularizations of PSU(2)4m+3 have the following data:


The multiplicative central charges for these theories are ξe3m(2m+1)πi/(8m+8). Although the categories SO(2m + 1)3 have been studied (see Ref. 18), explicit modular data do not seem to be available. Direct computation of the data (for example, by antisymmetrizations of quantum characters over their corresponding Weyl group) is possible but cumbersome. For the reader’s convenience (and posterity), we provide explicit formulae for S and T.

For a fixed m, define χ(i,j)=sin((i+1)(j+1)π4m+4)sin(π4m+4). Next define the following matrices:

  • Ai,j:=χ(2i,2j) for 0i,j2m+1, so A is (2m+2)×(2m+2),

  • Bk,1=Bk,2=12χ(2k,2m+1) for 0k2m+1, so B is (2m+2)×2,

  • Ci,j:=2χ(2i,2j+1) for 0i2m+1 and 0jm1, so C is (2m+2)×m,

  • Di,j:=m+12(1)i+jsin(π4m+4) for 0i,j1, so D is 2×2.

Now set

Define q=eπi8m+8. The diagonal matrix T has entries

Here the ordering of the simple objects is such that the first 2m + 2 are the objects in PSO(2m+1)3PSU(2)4m+2, i.e., the objects labeled by integral 𝔰𝔬2m+1 weights, with corresponding S-matrix equal to A. In particular the 2m + 2nd object is the fermion f. The objects corresponding to the columns of B are the two objects in the non-trivial sector that are not fixed under tensoring with the fermion f, and the remaining m are each f-fixed.

For calibration, we point out that for m = 0 we obtain the toric code modular category.

These 8 categories can be constructed explicitly as follows:

  • The construction of SO(2m + 1)3 from Uq𝔰𝔬2m+1 with q=eπi/(4m+4) depends on the choice of a square root of q, and the associativity constraints of each of these can be modified by a 2-twist (see Ref. 40) giving the four categories with ξ4=1 above.

  • By zesting the 4 theories above (see Section IV), we obtain 4 new non-self-dual categories corresponding to ξ4=1, see Theorem 3.20.

Again, let ξ=e2πi/8 be any 8th root of unity. The 8th rank 4m + 3 minimal modularizations of PSU(2)4m+2 have the following data:


The multiplicative central charges for these theories are ξe3(2m+1)πi/(8m+8). These categories can be realized as follows:

  • SU(2)4m+2 is obtained from Uq𝔰𝔩2 with q=eπi/(4m+4) by choosing the square root of q with the smallest positive angle with the x-axis. The other choice provides a distinct category. The associativity constraints of these categories can be twisted in two ways using Ref. 22 to obtain a total of 4 categories. These correspond to ξ4=1.

  • By zesting the 4 theories above (see Section IV), we obtain the 4 non-self-dual modular categories, corresponding to ξ4=1, cf. Section III.15. Alternatively, we can use the results of Ref. 34 (Theorem 5.1) to see that PSU(2)4m+2 and the “mirror” category to PSU(4m + 2)2 are equivalent to ribbon categories. Since SU(4m + 2)2 is obviously a minimal modular extension of PSU(4m + 2)2, we can proceed as above to find 4 distinct versions: two for the choice of a (square) root of q and another two from the two Kazhdan-Wenzl twists that preserve PSU(4m + 2)2.

In this section, given a supermodular category B with a modular closure C, we construct seven other modular closures using the graphical calculus for C. Another, more general, approach would be to apply results of Ref. 25 and Definition/Proposition 2.15 in Ref. 29 directly to compute categorical data for all sixteen modular closures. That approach, however, requires explicit computation of idempotent completions; the approach considered here provides computational simplicity at the cost of some generality.

Let C be a 2-graded unitary modular category over , with Grothendieck semiring R, containing a pointed object e of order two in C.

The object e generates a subcategory equivalent to a braided fusion category to Rep(2) or sVec. Since dim(e)=1, we have ce,e=θeIdee, with θe=±1 depending on if e is a boson or fermion.

Let C0 and C1 denote the trivial and nontrivial gradings of C, respectively. An object or morphism is even (respectively, odd) if it lies in C0 (respectively, C1). Every object xOb(C) is (isomorphic to) a direct sum of even and odd objects. Given two such even-odd direct sum decompositions x=x0x1 and y=y0y1, every f:xy decomposes uniquely as f=f0f1, where f0:x0y0 and f1:x1y1.

There is a bifunctor of categories :C×CC which acts on simple objects x1,x2Ob(C) as follows:

The operation of on even and odd morphisms is defined by

The functor gives (isomorphism classes of) objects in C a +-based semiring structure R.

It is convenient to distinguish instances of e which are introduced by the operator from other instances by referring to them as gluing objects.

Let α be the associator of C, λ and ρ the triangle isomorphisms, and c the braiding.

Fix two constants l,r. For each triple of simple objects a,b,cOb(C), define the map βa,b,c:(ab)ca(bc) as follows. Note that here and in the rest of this section we use the composition of arrows’ convention, so that fg has domain dom(fg)=dom(f).

  • If at most one of a, b, c is odd, βa,b,c=αa,b,c.

  • If c alone is even, βa,b,c=αae,b,c.

  • If a alone is even,
  • If b alone is even,
  • If a, b, c are all odd,

One may interpret the definition pictorially by applying a factor of r (respectively, r−1) whenever a gluing object is slid to the right (respectively, left) over an odd object due to reassociation.

Extend these definitions to all triples of objects via direct sum decompositions.

Then (C,,β,λ,ρ) is a monoidal category, if l and r are nonzero, β is natural with respect to morphisms, λ and ρ are natural isomorphisms λx:𝟏xx and ρx:x𝟏x satisfying the triangle axioms (it is well-known that such morphisms always exist if the other conditions in the definition can be satisfied), and for all a,b,c,dC, the following coherence property holds:


Naturality of β with respect to morphisms f:ab follows from the naturality of associativity α and c with respect to morphisms; the constants on either side of the naturality equation cancel by a parity argument. Furthermore, by the coherence property and naturality of the braiding c over α, the validity of each instance of Equation (4.1) is determined entirely by the following:

  • the values of l and r,

  • the domain and range (equal on both sides of each equation),

  • in the case of four odd objects, the braiding of the two gluing objects.

The powers of l and r which occur on each side of Equation (4.1), as well as the number of instances of ce,e, depend only on the parity of the objects. If not all of a, b, c, d are odd, the only possible relation on r and l is that l2 = l, obtained in the odd-even-even-odd case. Thus we set l = 1.

If all of a, b, c, d are odd, then

In this case, the right hand side of the coherence equation differs from the left in which it has a factor of r2 and an exchange ce,e of the two gluing objects. Since ce,e=θeIdee, we obtain the following:

Lemma 4.1.

LetC=(Ob(C),,β,λ,ρ). When l = 1 andr2=θe, Cis a monoidal category.

Note that there is a canonical isomorphism RR. If C is skeletal, then C and C have isomorphic Grothendieck rings and identical associators, except that the odd-odd-odd associators in C differ from those in C by a factor of r2θe2=θe. One consequence is that if θe=1, then CC, and otherwise applying the construction twice gives CC. Furthermore, when θe=1, one finds that C is equivalent to what would result from C if the other choice of sign for r were made.

It is less clear whether or not additional equivalences exist. Ultimately, we will obtain eight modular categories, the non-equivalence of which is shown by the central charge, and at the level of fusion categories, no such invariant exists. As our interest is in the modular structure, we do not attempt to completely specify equivalences at the level of fusion categories.

Let xOb(C) be simple. Let

Define the maps evx:xx𝟏 and coevx:𝟏xx such that if x is even we have coevx=coevx and evx=evx, and if x is odd,

See Figure 1. Factors of r again algebraically count the crossings of gluing strands over odd strands. This feature will persist throughout the construction.

FIG. 1.

The birth and death on odd x in C.

FIG. 1.

The birth and death on odd x in C.

Close modal

We have

by standard graphical calculus techniques, since the morphism coevece*,eeve evaluates to θe and there is a factor of r−1 from βx,x,x1. See Figure 2.

FIG. 2.

Figures for the rigidity equations.

FIG. 2.

Figures for the rigidity equations.

Close modal

Along similar lines,

since the factor of r in βx,x,x cancels the constant in coevx. See Figure 2.

Thus C is rigid.

Clearly C is a fusion category with fusion subcategory (C0,|C0,α|C0,λ|C0,ρ|C0).

Let f be a composition of identity-tensored reassociations β on a product x1xn of even or odd objects xi. In terms of C, f is some power rk of r times a composition of identity-tensored maps α and instances of c. In the strict picture calculus for C, f is represented, up to a factor rk, by a braiding of the n tensored objects xiC with at most n2 gluing objects. The braiding satisfies the following properties:

  • xi braid trivially with each other.

  • At each stage of the composition (before or after an instance of β), each pair of gluing objects is separated by an odd object xi.

  • The number of gluing objects is always half the number of odd xi, rounded down.

The following proposition asserts that any picture satisfying the above properties represents a well-defined morphism in C.

Proposition 4.2.

Let Xebe a multiset of even objects inCand Xoa multiset of odd objects inC. Letx1o1x2on1xnbe a formal string, withn2, satisfying the following conditions:

  • {x1,,xn}is the multiset union of Xeand Xo,

  • each oiis eitheror,

  • appears|Xo|2times,

  • ifj>iandoi=oj=, then for somei<kj, xkXo.

Then the following hold:

  • There exists an association of the operators such that oi= if and only if both arguments of oi are odd.

  • Any sequence of (identity-tensored)βinstances connecting two such associations consists of a sequence of mapsαand braidings of the gluing objects over xi, multiplied byθek, where k is the sign of the permutation of the gluing objects among themselves.

  • Any two such associations are connected by a sequence ofβinstances which trivially permute the gluing objects.


First, suppose that Xe is empty.

By a simple counting argument, there is a pair (oi, oi+1) such that exactly one of oi and oi+1 is . Associate to obtain (xixi+1)xi+2 or xi(xi+1xi+2), which is odd in either case, and induct on n. This proves (i) when Xe is empty.

If Xe is not empty, partially associate the string so that it forms a product of maximal substrings sj subject to the following conditions:

  • No sj contains .

  • Each sj contains exactly one element of Xo, with multiplicity.

Tensor products within each sj involve only, and one may reduce to the previous case. This proves (i).

The braiding induced in the picture calculus for C is trivial unless there is a reassociation βa,b,c, where a and c are odd and b contains two or more elements, counted with multiplicity, of Xo. Then b=b1b2 for some b1 and b2. In the picture calculus for C, βa,b,c moves the gluing object over the strands of b, rightward if b is odd and leftward if b is even.

By associativity, one may replace βa,b,c with
In terms of the picture calculus for C, this has the following effects. If b1 and b2 are not both odd, the braiding of the gluing object over the strands of b is replaced by braidings in the same direction over b1 and b2 individually, and the power of r is not changed. If b1 and b2 are both odd, the rightward braiding of the gluing object over b1b2=b1eb2 is replaced with rightward braidings over b1 and b2, along with a factor r2=θe. The new picture calculus diagram differs topologically from the old in which a single crossing of gluing objects has been replaced by Idee.

Repeating this process until one obtains a sequence of identity tensored maps βai,bi,ci such that each bi contains at most one element of Xo, one obtains (ii) and (iii).

Note the following:

  • By the penultimate paragraph of the previous proof, in the C-picture calculus, each braiding of a gluing object over an odd strand may be assumed to result from a single odd-odd-odd instance of β. A morphism in C inherits, for each such braiding, a factor of r or r−1 when the braiding is ce,x or ce,x1, respectively. Thus one may represent reassociativity morphisms in C in the (strict) picture calculus for C by adopting the convention that for each ce,x involving a gluing object one multiplies by a factor of r and inversely. Under this convention, any two reassociations with the same picture calculus representations for the domain and codomain become equal.

  • If a tensored object xi happens to be isomorphic to e, but is not introduced as part of an instance of , it does not induce a factor of r when it braids with odd objects.

  • We have not shown that there is always a sequence of reassociations in which odd-odd-odd instances of β do not occur. Underlying reassociations in C may move the gluing objects. However, there is a way to do it such that the resulting braiding is trivial, and in this case the factors of r all cancel.

  • The braiding of gluing objects with elements of C is not natural with respect to picture morphisms. If x and y are strict (i.e., formal) tensor products of even and odd objects, and f:xy is a picture morphism such that x×y has 2 mod 4 odd strands, then ce,xf=fce,y by a crossing counting argument. For this reason, gluing objects must be distinguished from non-gluing instances of the same object.

Let ϕ be the pivotal structure on C. For any object xOb(C), we have

The above-defined rigidity structure on C defines a dual functor . We show pivotality using the picture calculus as follows.

Let f:abc be a morphism, with a and b odd. Thus c is even. One may compute the “picture double dual’’ f of f (or, similarly, any fusion-category-level picture morphism) as follows:

  • Draw the usual picture double dual morphism, ignoring gluing objects except as they appear in births, deaths, the domain of f, and the domain of f. See Figure 3.

  • Connect the gluing objects in any desired way, consistent with the positioning rules. See Figure 4 and its caption for an example.

  • Apply the crossing rules to obtain the appropriate constant factor. In the case of Figure 4, the factor is r2=θe.

FIG. 3.

An incomplete picture morphism. The gluing strands terminating at the black dots need to be connected to other strands in order to define a composition. Different compositions may result, but any two give the same morphism up to crossing factors.

FIG. 3.

An incomplete picture morphism. The gluing strands terminating at the black dots need to be connected to other strands in order to define a composition. Different compositions may result, but any two give the same morphism up to crossing factors.

Close modal
FIG. 4.

One way to connect the gluing objects. The constant factor is r2=θe since a gluing object crosses an odd object in each of evcoev and in eva. If you do not like the presence of births, deaths, and pivotal isomorphisms on the gluing objects, connect the gluing objects for the domains of f** and f along a straight line path and verify that after accounting for constant factors the same morphism results.

FIG. 4.

One way to connect the gluing objects. The constant factor is r2=θe since a gluing object crosses an odd object in each of evcoev and in eva. If you do not like the presence of births, deaths, and pivotal isomorphisms on the gluing objects, connect the gluing objects for the domains of f** and f along a straight line path and verify that after accounting for constant factors the same morphism results.

Close modal

For each simple object x, define ϕx:xx such that

For odd x, the inverse of this map is

See Figure 5.

FIG. 5.

The pivotal structure for odd x in C.

FIG. 5.

The pivotal structure for odd x in C.

Close modal

In a fusion category, the double dual functor F is always isomorphic to the identity as a non-monoidal functor (in a skeletal category, rigidity and semisimplicity imply that the double dual is the identity on the nose). In this case, for any morphism f:xy, it is clear that

by standard picture calculus techniques (in particular, pivotal structure properties of ϕ in C and removing loops).

It remains to show that ϕ satisfies the monoidal condition

This is done in the usual picture calculus way: Let c=ab, g:abc, g=Idab, and let F be the double dual functor on C. It is easy to verify that F2(a,b)=g. Breaking up c into its simple object decomposition and applying compatibility of the direct sum with the tensor product, one has that ϕ is a pivotal category if for all objects a and b, simple objects c, and morphisms f:abc, we have the following:

This again holds by picture calculus techniques: the case where a,b, and c are all even follows directly by pivotality in C, and the case where a and b have opposite parity follows by arguments similar to the above.

Thus the maps ϕ give C a pivotal structure.

Figure 6 shows that under this structure, the left and right quantum dimensions of odd objects x in C are equal to the corresponding dimensions in C. Thus C is a spherical category with ϕ a spherical pivotal structure.

FIG. 6.

The left and right quantum dimensions in C are equal.

FIG. 6.

The left and right quantum dimensions in C are equal.

Close modal

For this section, we will need some information from the unitary and modular structure of C. Additionally, we now assume that C is the modular closure of a supermodular category, and thus θe=1.

Lemma 4.3.

Let x be an odd object inC. Thense,x=dx.

For any simple object y,
Thus we must have
By assumption, if y is even, the braiding is symmetric, and se,y=1. In order for C to be modular, there must be at least one odd simple object x0 such that se,x0=dx0. But then
Since C is unitary and Nx,x0c is nonzero only when c is even, se,c=dc, se,x must be negative.

For each pair of objects x, y in C, and constant b, define cx,y:xyyx such that

Then c gives a braiding if and only if it is natural and satisfies the hexagon equations. Naturality follows by semisimplicity since c is an isomorphism and is compatible with direct sums, properties it inherits from c. The hexagon equations hold if and only if the following two conditions hold for all simple objects x, y, z, w and morphisms f:xyω:

  • βx,y,z1(fIdz)cω,z=(Idxcy,z)βx,z,y1(cx,zIdy)βz,x,y(Idzf),

  • βz,x,y(Idzf)cz,ω=(cz,xIdy)βx,z,y(Idxcz,y)βx,y,z1(fIdz).

Writing out the definitions in terms of , α and c, one finds that if at least one of x, y, or z is even, these equations both follow from naturality properties in the original category and cancelling factors b.

If x, y, and z are all odd, in the first equation, after applying picture calculus operations one obtains r = b2, so we must have b a square root of r. In the second equation, we obtain r−1 on the left hand side, b2 again on the right hand side, and the morphisms differ by a full twist of the gluing object around z. Since Hom(ez,ez) is one-dimensional,

Thus the second equation holds if and only if

Since b2 = r and r2=θe=1, the braid equations are satisfied.

Here we describe the S- and T-matrices for C.

Twists for even objects have the same value as in C. The picture for the odd twist is shown in Figure 7. Then

Let x and y be simple objects in C. If either is even, sx,y=sx,y. Otherwise, sx,y is given in Figure 8. The evaluation is then

FIG. 7.

The twist of odd x in C.

FIG. 7.

The twist of odd x in C.

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FIG. 8.

The S-matrix entry for odd objects x and y.

FIG. 8.

The S-matrix entry for odd objects x and y.

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Proposition 4.4.

(Ob(C),,β,λ,ρ,c,θ)is a modular category.


Follows immediately by Theorem 3.20.

The results in this paper were mostly obtained while all authors except the third were at the American Institute of Mathematics during August 10-14, 2015, participating in a SQuaRE. We would like to thank AIM for their hospitality and encouragement. C. Galindo was partially supported by the FAPA funds from vicerrectoria de investigaciones de la Universidad de los Andes, S.-H. Ng by NSF Grant No. DMS-1501179, J. Plavnik by NSF Grant No. DMS-1410144, CONICET, ANPCyT, and Secyt-UNC, E. Rowell by NSF Grant Nos. DMS-1108725 and DMS-1410144, and Z. Wang by NSF Grant Nos. DMS-1108736 and 1411212. Z.W. thanks N. Read for an earlier collaboration on a related topic35 in which some of the materials in this paper were discussed. PNNL Information Release: PNNL-SA-117223. The research described in this paper was, in part, conducted under the Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program at PNNL, a multi-program national laboratory operated by Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy.

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