We investigate the spectrum of the self-similar Laplacian, which generates the so-called “pq random walk” on the integer half-line ℤ+. Using the method of spectral decimation, we prove that the spectral type of the Laplacian is singularly continuous whenever . This serves as a toy model for generating singularly continuous spectrum, which can be generalized to more complicated settings. We hope it will provide more insight into Fibonacci-type and other weakly self-similar models.
Several models of one-dimensional discrete Schrödinger operators have been proved to exhibit purely singular continuous spectrum; see for instance Refs. 7, 40, and 56. In this brief paper, we consider a particular family of self-similar Laplacians Δp on the integer half-line ℤ+, parametrized by p ∈ (0, 1). The parameter p plays the role of the transition probability of a symmetrizable random walk. From the physical point of view, changing p corresponds to changing the contrast ratio of the fractal media. From the mathematical point of view, these Laplacians arise from the study of the unit interval endowed with a fractal measure and were first addressed by the second author in Ref. 63 in the context of spectral zeta functions; see also the related work.27 In this context, the parameter p determines the resistance and measure scaling of the fractal space. In particular, we obtain a simple one-parameter family of models for which the spectral dimension ds of Δp (see Remark 4) varies continuously,
It will be explained that when , we recover the classical one-dimensional Laplacian with ds = 1. We can also take the direct product of any number of these fractal intervals to construct a fractal of a higher dimension. For instance, a fractal with topological dimension 4 and spectral dimension 2 can be obtained by taking the direct product of 4 one-dimensional intervals, each equipped with a fractal Laplacian Δp with , or equivalently, .
The key question addressed in this paper concerns the spectral type of the fractal Laplacian Δp. Related questions about wave propagation on this fractal, viz., the modes of convergence of discrete wave solutions to the fractal wave solution, were studied in Refs. 6 and 16. For recent physics results, theoretical and experimental, see Refs. 1–3, 28, 44, and 61 and references therein. In general, weakly self-similar fractal systems are related to quasicrystals. Although we do not discuss this relation, the reader can find explanations in Refs. 12, 13, 19, 20, and 44 and references therein. Our long-term motivation comes from the fact that many problems of fractal nature appear in quantum gravity (e.g., Refs. 5, 30, 34, 43, and 51), but the related mathematical physics (e.g., Refs. 17, 31, 32, 36–39, 47, 49, 52, 53, 59, and 60) is not sufficiently developed to approach these problems, mainly because it is hard to tackle problems of fractal geometry and spectral analysis simultaneously. Hence analyzing a straightforward fractal model, such as the one described in this paper, may be of special interest.
Our result is relatively simple because of the minimality of our model, but it relies upon spectral decimation (or spectral similarity)8,45 and its connection with the Julia set of a rational function. Parallel ideas have also appeared in the proofs of singularly continuous spectrum for Fibonacci Hamiltonians on ℤ (see Refs. 21–26 and 46 and references therein), as well as the relation between Julia sets and Jacobi matrices (see Refs. 10, 11, 14, and 15). We hope that the methods outlined in this paper can be generalized to more complicated settings.
The pq-model on ℤ+ is defined as follows. Let p ∈ (0, 1) and q = 1 − p. For each x ∈ ℤ+∖{0}, let m(x) be the largest natural number m such that 3m divides x. Then for all functions f on ℤ+, we set
Observe that the Laplacian Δp generates a nearest neighbor “pq random walk” on ℤ+ as shown in Figure 1.
Transition probabilities in the pq random walk. Here p ∈ (0, 1) and q = 1 − p.
If , we recover the symmetric simple random walk on the half-line with reflection at the origin, and , the classical one-dimensional Laplacian, is self-adjoint on ℓ2(ℤ+). If , Δp is not self-adjoint on ℓ2(ℤ+). That said, we can identify the symmetrizing measure for Δp using the theory of Markov chains (see, e.g., Ref. 29, Ch. 1). One can readily verify that Δp generates an irreducible Markov chain on ℤ+ whose transition probabilities satisfy p(x, y) = 0 whenever , i.e., it is a birth-and-death chain. As a result, one can explicitly compute the invariant measure π by iteratively solving the equation . Moreover, the reversibility condition π(x) p(x, y) = π(y) p(y, x) holds for every x, y ∈ ℤ+, which implies that Δp is symmetric with respect to π. In our example, π coincides with the discretization of the fractal measure described in Refs. 6 and 63 (π is a σ-finite but not finite measure on ℤ+).
Our main result is as follows.
If , the Laplacian Δp, regarded as an operator on either ℓ2(ℤ+) or L2(ℤ+, π), has purely singularly continuous spectrum. The spectrum is the Julia set of the polynomial R(z) in (3.4), which is a topological Cantor set of Lebesgue measure zero.
It is well-known that the spectrum of , the classical one-dimensional Laplacian on ℤ+, is the interval [0, 2] and is absolutely continuous. So in a sense, there is a “phase transition” in the spectral type of Δp as p varies through , going from a singular spectrum to an absolutely continuous spectrum and back to a singular spectrum.
We note that, following now standard techniques for the so-called Sturmian potentials (see Refs. 13 and 18–20), one can hope to extend this result to two-sided models on ℤ. However, there is a technical difficulty in the fact that the density of the symmetrizing measure π on ℤ+ with respect to the counting measure is not bounded from above and below.
The classical notion of spectral dimension ds is introduced in Ref. 4 for discrete Laplacians on infinite graphs and in Refs. 42 and 43 for the corresponding continuous Laplacians on compact Dirichlet metric spaces. We note that not all authors agree with this notion of ds; see Ref. 57 for a detailed discussion.
In the context of our paper, the spectral dimension ds is understood as follows. Take the sequence of Laplacians Δp restricted to the segment [0, 3m]∩ℤ+. One can estimate the lowest non-zero eigenvalue of Δp by the inverse composition powers R−∘m(2), which behave, up to a constant, as . Here R(z) is the spectral decimation function given in (3.4), and . The spectral dimension is then given by , where M stands for the rate of volume growth between successive fractal approximations. In our case M = 3, so we recover (1.1). This method of calculating the spectral dimension of a self-similar Laplacian which admits spectral decimation is discussed in Refs. 22, 33, 62, and 63.
Throughout the section, ρ(A) and σ(A) stands for the resolvent set and the spectrum of an operator A, respectively.
A. Spectral decimation
We briefly review the necessary ingredients from spectral decimation that will be used in the proof. Spectral decimation originated from Refs. 12 and 50 and was implemented on the Sierpinski gasket in Refs. 33, 54, and 62 and on post-critically finite fractals in Ref. 55. Here we follow Ref. 45, Definition 2.1 (see also Ref. 8 for more information). Let and be Hilbert spaces, and H (respectively, H0) be operators on (respectively, ). We say that H is spectrally similar to H0 with functions φ0, φ1 : ρ(H) → ℂ if there exists a (partial) isometry such that
whenever both sides are defined.
For concreteness, we will specialize spectral similarity to the case where is a closed subspace of , and U∗ ≕ P0 is the orthogonal projection from to . Let be the orthogonal complement of in , and P1 = I − P0 be the orthogonal projection from to . Define , , , and by , , , and . In other words, H has the following block structure with respect to the representation :
According to Ref. 45, Corollary 3.4, without loss of generality, we may assume that φ0 and φ1 are defined on ρ(Q). Then by Ref. 45, Definition 3.5, we introduce the exceptional set of the spectrally similar operators H and H0 as follows:
Let R(z) = φ1(z)/φ0(z) whenever φ0(z) ≠ 0.
The key result we need is
Let H be spectrally similar to H0 on and z ∉ 𝔈(H, H0). Then
R(z) ∈ ρ(H0) if and only if z ∈ ρ(H).
R(z) is an eigenvalue of H0 if and only if z is an eigenvalue of H. Moreover, there is a one-to-one map f0 ↦ f = f0 − (Q − z)−1Xf0 from the eigenspace of H0 corresponding to R(z) onto the eigenspace of H corresponding to z.
B. Spectral decimation for Δp
We now apply the above framework to the operator Δp on ℓ2(ℤ+). Here we put ℋ = ℓ2(ℤ+) and ℋ0 = ℓ2(3ℤ+). Then
is the orthogonal projection defined by
Moreover, following the idea of Bellissard [Ref. 12, p. 125], we can define a dilation operator, D : ℓ2(3ℤ+) → ℓ2(ℤ+),
and it co-isometric adjoint, D : ℓ2(ℤ+) → ℓ2(3ℤ+),
L2(ℤ+, π). Then we define the operator on ℓ2(3ℤ+) to be
Note that, by definition, is isometrically equivalent to Δp.
In what follows, one of the key observations is that the invariant measure π satisfies the relation π(x) = π(3x) for all x ∈ ℤ+, which allows us to use the same definitions in L2(ℤ+, π).
Proposition 5 was essentially proved in Refs. 6 and 63. It follows from taking the Schur complement of Δp with respect to the block corresponding to projection of functions onto ℤ+∖(3ℤ+). For the reader’s convenience, we give a self-contained proof in the Appendix.
Next, we identify the exceptional set of Δp and . Note that φ0(z) ≠ 0 for all z ∈ ℂ. As for the operator , (2.1) yields
for each x ∈ ℤ+. This means that Q, as a matrix with respect to the natural basis of delta functions on ℤ+∖3ℤ+, is a block diagonal matrix consisting of 2 × 2 blocks,
From this it is easy to deduce that σ(Q) = {1 + p, 1 − p}. Thus .
The next result is a direct consequence of Proposition 5.
Suppose z ∉ {1 + p, 1 − p}. Then
if and only if z ∈ ρ(Δp).
R(z) is an eigenvalue of if and only if z is an eigenvalue of Δp. Furthermore, there is an injection from the eigenspace of with eigenvalue R(z) to the eigenspace of Δp with eigenvalue z, given by u+ ↦ u, u(x) = u+(3x).
Actually we can say more. Due to the self-similarity of the Laplacian Δp, has the same spectrum as Δp, and in fact they are isomorphic as bounded symmetrizable operators. This observation combined with Proposition 7 leads to
Suppose z ∉ {1 + p, 1 − p}. Then
R(z) ∈ ρ(Δp) if and only if z ∈ ρ(Δp).
R(z) is an eigenvalue of Δp if and only if z is an eigenvalue of Δp.
It remains to resolve the status of the exceptional points.
1 ± p ∈ σ(Δp).
The graph of the cubic polynomial R(z) associated with the Laplacian Δp.
We now recall some facts from complex dynamics (see, e.g., Ref. 48, Sec. 4). The Fatou set of a nonconstant holomorphic function g on the Riemann sphere is the domain in which the family of iterates {g∘n}n converges uniformly on compact subsets. The complement of the Fatou set in is the Julia set . Both and are fully invariant under g: that is, and . Moreover, is a closed subset of .
For the spectral decimation function R in (3.4), we have the following characterization of the Julia set , which is standard in complex dynamics (see Ref. 48).
The Julia set of the cubic polynomial map R in (3.4) is contained in [0, 2]. If , . If , is a Cantor set of Lebesgue measure zero.
By Ref. 48, Lemma 4.6, because they are repulsive fixed points of R.
Next we show . Let z ∈ σ(Δp). By (3.6), R∘n(z) ∈ σ(Δp) for all n ∈ ℤ+. Since σ(Δp) is compact (and hence bounded) and the only attracting fixed point of R is ∞, it follows that z cannot be in the Fatou set (which contains the basin of attraction of ∞ and is thus unbounded in ℂ). So .□
It is instructive to compare the proof above with the proof of Ref. 45, Theorem 5.8, which relates the spectrum of the Laplacian on a symmetric self-similar graph to the Julia set of the corresponding spectral decimation function. We summarize the main differences between the two proofs.
In the proof above, we first took advantage of the condition R(𝔈) ⊂ σ(Δp) and deduced the full invariance of σ(Δp) under R. To prove , we identified a point in and used the full invariance. To prove , we used the full invariance and the fact that ∞ is the only attracting fixed point of R.
In the proof of Ref. 45, Theorem 5.8, the setting was more general, and in particular, it does not always hold that the spectrum σ(Δ) is fully invariant under the corresponding spectral decimation function RΔ. To prove , the authors used the fact that , as well as the fact that 0 is not an isolated eigenvalue of Δ. The proof of the other inclusion, (where is defined therein), follows from a standard argument in complex dynamics.
C. The main proof
We now have all the ingredients to prove Theorem 1.
First of all, Proposition 10 and Theorem 11 together imply that when , Δp has no absolutely continuous spectrum. So we turn to the point spectrum of Δp. Theorem 11 says that it suffices to consider points in .
Next, if we take which is not a preimage of a fixed point of R, then by the definition and the basic properties of the Julia set, the sequence of iterates {R∘n(z)}n does not have a limit. From the eigenfunction statement in Proposition 7 and (3.9), fz(3n) = 1 − R∘n(z). Hence is divergent, which means that fz ∉ ℓ2(ℤ+). This proves that Δp has no point spectrum.
We conclude that σ(Δp) has purely singularly continuous spectrum. The rest of Theorem 1 follows from Proposition 10 and Theorem 11.□
All the preceding arguments still hold, except that we need to check that none of the formal eigenfunctions are in L2(ℤ+, π). By the self-similarity of the invariant measure π, it is direct to verify that π(3n) are identical for all n ∈ ℤ+. Upon replacing in the previous proof by , we see that the lack of square summability of eigenfunctions in ℓ2(ℤ+) also holds true in L2(ℤ+, π).□
As a consequence of the proof, neither of the exceptional points 1 ± p is an eigenvalue of Δp. This distinguishes the pq-model on ℤ+ from most of the other models which admit spectral decimation (see Refs. 8, 9, 41, and 55), such as the infinite Sierpinski gasket,62 where there are exceptional points which are eigenvalues of the corresponding Laplacian.
A substantial part of this work was completed and presented at the workshop “Spectral Properties of Quasicrystals via Analysis, Dynamics, and Geometric Measure Theory” at the Casa Matemática Oaxaca (CMO). We thank the Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery, and the organizers and participants for their support. We are especially grateful to D. Damanik and A. Gorodetski for many insightful remarks and suggestions. Research partially supported by NSF No. DMS-1262929.
Let us divide ℤ+ into two disjoint subspaces 3ℤ+ and ℤ+∖3ℤ+. Then for z ∈ ℂ, the operator Δp − z acting on functions on ℤ+ can be represented in block matrix form,
The Schur complement S(z) of Δp − z with respect to the block corresponding to functions on ℤ+∖3ℤ+ is then given by
We claim that this equals as an operator acting on functions on 3ℤ+. More formally, we consider the matrices of operators with respect to the natural basis of delta functions on ℤ+.
To compute S(z), let us observe that I0 − z is a diagonal matrix with all diagonal elements equal to 1 − z; has nonzero matrix elements , (respectively, −p) and (respectively, −q) if 3−m(3x)(3x) ≡ 1(mod3) (respectively, if 3−m(3x)(3x) ≡ 2(mod3) ); X has nonzero matrix elements X(3x, 3x ± 1) = − q for all x ∈ ℤ+; and Q − z is a block diagonal matrix consisting of 2 × 2 blocks,
Since Q − z is block diagonal, it is easy to see that it has an inverse (Q − z)−1 whenever z ∉ {1 − p, 1 + p}. (Q − z)−1 is a block diagonal matrix consisting of 2 × 2 blocks,
After some algebra, we verify that has all diagonal elements equal to and off-diagonal elements,
Therefore has all diagonal elements equal to φ0(z)[1 − R(z)] and off-diagonal elements in the (3x, 3y)-entry. This proves the claim. Since Δp − z is invertible if and only if both Q − z and the Schur complement are invertible, the claim implies Proposition 5.