We consider a specific Hamiltonian formulation of the Teleparallel Equivalent of General Relativity, where the canonical variables are expressed by means of differential forms. We show that some “position” variables of this formulation can be always gauge-transformed to zero. In this gauge the constraints of the theory become simpler, and the other “position” variables acquire a nice geometric interpretation that allows for an alternative, clearer form of the constraints. Based on these results we derive some exact solutions to the constraints.
In Ref. 12 we assumed that and that the orientation of Σ is induced by the orientation of in the following way: suppose (xi) is a (local) coordinate system on Σ and . Then (t, xi) is a coordinate system on . If (t, xi) is compatible with the orientation of , then (xi) is compatible with the orientation of Σ.
The curve (3.1) is smooth in the sense that for every point y ∈ Σ the corresponding curve , where a(λ)y is the value of a(λ) at y, is smooth.
The initial condition makes sense if λ1 < 0 < λ2 in (3.1), which can be assumed without loss of generality.
The original lemma in Ref. 23 is formulated in terms of a general Banach space rather than a finite dimensional vector space.
Note that our convention is to use (δIJ) to raise lower indices I, J, K, …. But if ξI = 0, then (δIJ) are the components of the metric inverse (dual) to q in the coframe (θI). Therefore the formulas (6.1) holds true.