We study the stochastic growth process in discrete time xi+1 = (1 + μi)xi with the growth rate proportional to the exponential of an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (O–U) process dZt = −γZtdt + σdWt sampled on a grid of uniformly spaced times with time step τ. Using large deviation theory, we compute the asymptotic growth rate (Lyapunov exponent) . We show that this limit exists, under appropriate scaling of the O–U parameters, and is expressed as the solution of a variational problem. The asymptotic growth rate is equal to the thermodynamical pressure of a one-dimensional lattice gas with attractive exponential potentials. For Zt, a stationary O–U process of the lattice gas coincides with a model considered previously by Kac and Helfand. We derive upper and lower bounds on λ. In the large mean-reversion limit γnτ ≫ 1, the two bounds converge and the growth rate is given by a lattice version of the van der Waals equation of state. The predictions are tested against numerical simulations of the stochastic growth model.
We denote here and in the rest of this section by the variables denoted as (α, γ) in Ref. 10.
Kac and Helfand10 express this result in terms of a reduced temperature parameter .