Isochrone potentials are spherically symmetric potentials within which a particle orbits with a radial period that is independent of its angular momentum. Whereas all previous results on isochrone mechanics have been established using classical analysis and geometry, in this article, we revisit the isochrone problem of motion using tools from Hamiltonian dynamical systems. In particular, we (1) solve the problem of motion using a well-adapted set of angle-action coordinates and generalize the notion of eccentric anomaly to all isochrone orbits, and (2) we construct the Birkhoff normal form for a particle orbiting a generic radial potential and examine its Birkhoff invariants to prove that the class of isochrone potentials is in correspondence with parabolas in the plane. Along the way, several fundamental results of celestial mechanics, such as the Bertrand theorem or the Kepler equation and laws, are obtained as special cases of more general properties characterizing isochrone mechanics.
Formulas (2.3) are true, in general, and explicit formulas such as the rhs of (2.2) are not necessary to derive (2.3) from . Fundamentally, this can be understood from the fact that, locally around the equilibrium (circular orbit), the pair (H, t) itself defines symplectic coordinates (see Ref. 26 for more details).
There is a subtlety in the case a2 < 0, since then the function is decreasing. This is resolved by keeping track of sign(a2) = sign(b), which results in the ±|b| in (2.17).
We focus on elliptic equilibria since we want to describe a periodic motion of the particle.
In the general case , then , and accordingly, the Birkhoff invariants and are linear and bilinear forms, respectively.
In the 4D phase space, this change of variable is rendered symplectic by changing the angle accordingly. For example, the mapping (x, θ, px, Λ) ↦ [x − xc(Λ), , , Λ] is symplectic if we take .
We would also need to change the angle to ensure symplecticity in the 4D phase space.