The quantum oscillator and Kepler-Coulomb problems in d-dimensional spaces with constant curvature are analyzed from several viewpoints. In a deformed supersymmetric framework, the corresponding nonlinear potentials are shown to exhibit a deformed shape invariance property. By using the point canonical transformation method, the two deformed Schrödinger equations are mapped onto conventional ones corresponding to some shape-invariant potentials, whose rational extensions are well known. The inverse point canonical transformations then provide some rational extensions of the oscillator and Kepler-Coulomb potentials in curved space. The oscillator on the sphere and the Kepler-Coulomb potential in a hyperbolic space are studied in detail and their extensions are proved to be consistent with already known ones in Euclidean space. The partnership between nonextended and extended potentials is interpreted in a deformed supersymmetric framework. Those extended potentials that are isospectral to some nonextended ones are shown to display deformed shape invariance, which in the Kepler-Coulomb case is enlarged by also translating the degree of the polynomial arising in the rational part denominator.
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October 2016
Research Article|
October 03 2016
Quantum oscillator and Kepler–Coulomb problems in curved spaces: Deformed shape invariance, point canonical transformations, and rational extensions
E-mail address: [email protected]
J. Math. Phys. 57, 102101 (2016)
Article history
April 29 2016
September 14 2016
C. Quesne; Quantum oscillator and Kepler–Coulomb problems in curved spaces: Deformed shape invariance, point canonical transformations, and rational extensions. J. Math. Phys. 1 October 2016; 57 (10): 102101.
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