Degradable quantum channels are among the only channels whose quantum and private classical capacities are known. As such, determining the structure of these channels is a pressing open question in quantum information theory. We give a comprehensive review of what is currently known about the structure of degradable quantum channels, including a number of new results as well as alternate proofs of some known results. In the case of qubits, we provide a complete characterization of all degradable channels with two dimensional output, give a new proof that a qubit channel with two Kraus operators is either degradable or anti-degradable, and present a complete description of anti-degradable unital qubit channels with a new proof. For higher output dimensions we explore the relationship between the output and environment dimensions ( and , respectively) of degradable channels. For several broad classes of channels we show that they can be modeled with an environment that is “small” in the sense of . Such channels include all those with qubit or qutrit output, those that map some pure state to an output with full rank, and all those which can be represented using simultaneously diagonal Kraus operators, even in a non-orthogonal basis. Perhaps surprisingly, we also present examples of degradable channels with “large” environments, in the sense that the minimal dimension . Indeed, one can have . These examples can also be used to give a negative answer to the question of whether additivity of the coherent information is helpful for establishing additivity for the Holevo capacity of a pair of channels. In the case of channels with diagonal Kraus operators, we describe the subclasses that are complements of entanglement breaking channels. We also obtain a number of results for channels in the convex hull of conjugations with generalized Pauli matrices. However, a number of open questions remain about these channels and the more general case of random unitary channels.
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October 2008
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October 08 2008
The structure of degradable quantum channels
Toby S. Cubitt;
Toby S. Cubitt
1Department of Mathematics,
University of Bristol
, University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TW, United Kingdom
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Mary Beth Ruskai;
Mary Beth Ruskai
2Department of Mathematics,
Tufts University
, Medford, Massachusetts 02155, USA
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Graeme Smith
Graeme Smith
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
, Yorktown Heights, New York 10598, USA
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Electronic mail: [email protected].
Electronic mail: [email protected].
Electronic addresses: [email protected] and [email protected].
J. Math. Phys. 49, 102104 (2008)
Article history
February 25 2008
June 07 2008
Toby S. Cubitt, Mary Beth Ruskai, Graeme Smith; The structure of degradable quantum channels. J. Math. Phys. 1 October 2008; 49 (10): 102104.
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