Finsler and Lagrange spaces can be equivalently represented as almost Kähler manifolds endowed with a metric compatible canonical distinguished connection structure generalizing the Levi-Civita connection. The goal of this paper is to perform a natural Fedosov-type deformation quantization of such geometries. All constructions are canonically derived for regular Lagrangians and/or fundamental Finsler functions on tangent bundles.
For coordinates on , when indices run values , we get also coordinates on if not all fiber coordinates vanish; in brief, we shall write .
Proofs consist of straightforward computations.
For simplicity, in this work, we shall omit left labels in formulas if it will not result in ambiguities; we shall use boldface indices for spaces and objects provided or adapted to an -connection structure.
We contract horizontal and vertical indices following the rule is ; is ; is .
This formula is a nonholonomic analog, for our conventions, with inverse sign, of formula (2.9) from Ref. 21.
It should be noted that formulas (20)–(24) can be written for any metric and metric compatible connection , , on , provided with arbitrary connection (we have to omit hats and labels ). It is a more sophisticated problem to define such constructions for Finsler geometries with the so-called Chern connection which are metric noncompatible (Ref. 51). For applications in standard models of physics, we chose the variants of Lagrange-Finsler spaces defined by metric compatible connections, see discussion in Ref. 13.