As is well known, the binomial theorem is a classical mathematical relation that can be straightforwardly proved by induction or through a Taylor expansion, albeit it remains valid as long as [A,B]=0. In order to generalize such an important equation to cases where [A,B]≠0, an algebraic approach based on Cauchy’s integral theorem in conjunction with the Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff series is presented that allows a partial extension of the binomial theorem when the commutator [A,B]=c, where c is a constant. Some useful applications of the new proposed generalized binomial formula, such as energy eigenvalues and matrix elements of power, exponential, Gaussian, and arbitrary f(x̂) functions in the one‐dimensional harmonic oscillator representation are given. The results here obtained prove to be consistent in comparison to other analytical methods.
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February 1989
Research Article|
February 01 1989
The generalization of the binomial theorem
J. Morales;
J. Morales
Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, Investigación Básica de Procesos, Apartado Postal 14‐805 07730, Mexico D. F., Mexico
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A. Flores‐Riveros
A. Flores‐Riveros
Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, Investigación Básica de Procesos, Apartado Postal 14‐805 07730, Mexico D. F., Mexico
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J. Math. Phys. 30, 393–397 (1989)
Article history
May 24 1988
September 07 1988
J. Morales, A. Flores‐Riveros; The generalization of the binomial theorem. J. Math. Phys. 1 February 1989; 30 (2): 393–397.
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