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Path-integral calculation of the third dielectric virial coefficient of noble gases
Mixed halide bulk perovskite triplet sensitizers: Interplay between band alignment, mid-gap traps, and phonons
2020 JCP Emerging Investigator Special Collection
In Special Collection:
2020 JCP Emerging Investigators Special Collection
Michele Ceriotti; Lasse Jensen; David E. Manolopoulos; Todd J. Martinez; Angelos Michaelides; Jennifer P. Ogilvie; David R. Reichman; Qiang Shi; John E. Straub; Carlos Vega; Lai-Sheng Wang; Emily Weiss; Xiaoyang Zhu; Jennifer L. Stein; Tianquan Lian
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 230401 (2021)
Fast quasi-centroid molecular dynamics
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 231101 (2021)
Theoretical Methods and Algorithms
Path-integral calculation of the third dielectric virial coefficient of noble gases
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234103 (2021)
An efficient implementation of the NEVPT2 and CASPT2 methods avoiding higher-order density matrices
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234104 (2021)
Computing vibrational energy levels by solving linear equations using a tensor method with an imposed rank
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234105 (2021)
Simulation of adiabatic quantum computing for molecular ground states
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234106 (2021)
Multicomponent MP4 and the inclusion of triple excitations in multicomponent many-body methods
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234108 (2021)
Multi-objective optimization for retinal photoisomerization models with respect to experimental observables
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234109 (2021)
Nonequilibrium self-assembly of multiple stored targets in a dimer-based system
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234113 (2021)
Advanced Experimental Techniques
Single-particle studies on plasmon enhanced photoluminescence of monolayer MoS2 by gold nanoparticles of different shapes
In Special Collection:
The Ever-Expanding Optics of Single-Molecules and Nanoparticles
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234201 (2021)
High-Q plasmonic nanowire-on-mirror resonators by atomically smooth single-crystalline silver flakes
In Special Collection:
The Ever-Expanding Optics of Single-Molecules and Nanoparticles
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234202 (2021)
Atoms, Molecules, and Clusters
Inter-anion chalcogen bonds: Are they anti-electrostatic in nature?
In Special Collection:
Nature of the Chemical Bond
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234302 (2021)
Structural rearrangement of Ag60 nanocluster endowing different luminescence performances
In Special Collection:
From Atom-Precise Nanoclusters to Superatom Materials
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234303 (2021)
Ultrafast sorting: Excimeric π–π stacking distinguishes pyrene-N-methylacetamide isomers on the ultrafast time scale
Krishnayan Basuroy; Jose de J. Velazquez-Garcia; Darina Storozhuk; David J. Gosztola; Sreevidya Thekku Veedu; Simone Techert
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234304 (2021)
Vacuum ultraviolet photoexcitation and photofragment spectroscopic studies of 14N15N between 109000 and 117500 cm−1
In Special Collection:
2021 JCP Emerging Investigators Special Collection
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234305 (2021)
Impact of surface nanostructure and wettability on interfacial ice physics
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234307 (2021)
Liquids, Glasses, and Crystals
Structural, mechanical, and vibrational properties of particulate physical gels
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234502 (2021)
Materials, Surfaces, and Interfaces
Modulating optical properties and interfacial electron transfer of CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals via indium ion and chlorine ion co-doping
In Special Collection:
Transport of Charge and Energy in Low-Dimensional Materials
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234701 (2021)
A first-principles study of hydrogen surface coverage on δ-Pu (100), (111), and (110) surfaces
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234702 (2021)
Beyond single crystals: Imaging rubrene polymorphism across crystalline batches through lattice phonon Raman microscopy
In Special Collection:
Chemical Imaging
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234703 (2021)
Reinvestigating oxygen adsorption on Ag(111) by using strongly constrained and appropriately normed semi-local density functional with the revised Vydrov van Voorhis van der Waals force correction
In Special Collection:
Beyond GGA Total Energies for Solids and Surfaces
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234704 (2021)
Quantum quench and coherent–incoherent dynamics of Ising chains interacting with dissipative baths
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234705 (2021)
Mixed halide bulk perovskite triplet sensitizers: Interplay between band alignment, mid-gap traps, and phonons
In Special Collection:
2021 JCP Emerging Investigators Special Collection
JCP Editors' Choice 2021
Alexander S. Bieber; Zachary A. VanOrman; Hayley K. Drozdick; Rachel Weiss; Sarah Wieghold; Lea Nienhaus
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234706 (2021)
Proton dynamics in water confined at the interface of the graphene–MXene heterostructure
In Special Collection:
The Chemical Physics of the Electrode-Electrolyte Interface
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234707 (2021)
Polymers and Soft Matter
Correlated escape of active particles across a potential barrier
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234902 (2021)
Molecular motion activated by residual stress in a glassy polymer thin film
In Special Collection:
Slow Dynamics
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 234903 (2021)
DeePMD-kit v2: A software package for deep potential models
Jinzhe Zeng, Duo Zhang, et al.
CREST—A program for the exploration of low-energy molecular chemical space
Philipp Pracht, Stefan Grimme, et al.
Dielectric profile at the Pt(111)/water interface
Jia-Xin Zhu, Jun Cheng, et al.