Electronic friction and Langevin dynamics is a popular mixed quantum–classical method for simulating the nonadiabatic dynamics of molecules interacting with metal surfaces, as it can be computationally more efficient than fully quantum approaches. In this work, we extend the theory of electronic friction within the hierarchical equations of motion formalism to models with a position-dependent metal–molecule coupling. We show that the addition of a position-dependent metal–molecule coupling adds new contributions to the electronic friction and other forces, which are highly relevant for many physical processes. Our expressions for the electronic forces within the Langevin equation are valid both in and out of equilibrium and for molecular models containing strong interactions. We demonstrate the approach by applying it to different models of interest.
Investigating the dynamics of molecules interacting with metal surfaces is a crucial task for understanding many phenomena in physics and chemistry. This broad research area describes a plethora of scenarios, such as the scattering of molecules off surfaces1–4 or chemical reactions and catalytic processes.5–7 When multiple surfaces are considered, moreover, this also includes nonequilibrium transport in molecular nanojunctions.8–13
However, simulating the dynamics of such systems is a challenging task. One must not only describe the interaction between the molecule and the metal surfaces accurately, but also the interaction between the electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom (DOFs) within the molecule itself. In the context of molecular nanojunctions, for example, the electronic–vibrational interaction can lead to interesting transport phenomena such as current rectification, negative differential resistance, and current induced bond rupture.14–22 Due to the continuum of electronic states within the metal surfaces, such electronic–vibrational interactions often result in highly nonadiabatic dynamics that requires treatment beyond the Born–Oppenheimer approximation.
Although the most accurate approaches, such as the hierarchical equations of motion (HEOM)23–28 and the multilayer multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree method,29–31 treat all DOFs quantum mechanically, they can be numerically costly. This can occur especially in regimes where one needs a large vibrational basis, such as for heavy molecules or large-amplitude vibrational motion. To circumvent this problem, one can use a mixed quantum–classical method, in which vibrational DOFs within the molecule are treated classically while influenced by quantum mechanical electronic DOFs, both in the molecule and the surfaces. Beyond numerical efficiency, such treatments have the additional benefit that they often give valuable insight into the electronic forces acting on the molecular vibrations.32,33 This information can be especially insightful in the context of vibrational instabilities34–36 and can be difficult to extract from a fully quantum mechanical description of the system. Within the family of such mixed quantum–classical approaches, popular methods include Ehrenfest dynamics,16,35,37–45 surface hopping,46–49 and Langevin dynamics.50–62
Within the Langevin dynamics approach, one first calculates the electronic friction and other forces via some quantum mechanical method, which, given the complexity of molecular models, is a nontrivial task. Many approaches to calculating electronic friction have been developed, such as using first-principles calculations,55 path integrals,63,64 scattering theory,51 nonequilibrium Green’s functions (NEGFs),56 and quantum master equations.54,65 In this context, we have developed the HEOM-LD approach, which combines the numerically exact HEOM method with Langevin dynamics (LD).66,67 Since the HEOM method allows for numerically exact simulation of systems with strong metal–molecule interactions, non-Markovian effects in the surfaces, and strong electron–electron or electronic–vibrational interactions within the molecule, it is a particularly promising approach for calculating electronic friction.
So far, however, the HEOM-LD approach has incorporated the electronic–vibrational coupling only within the molecule itself, neglecting any metal–molecule coupling that depends on the position of vibrational coordinates, which can strongly influence the vibronic dynamics. Natural examples include scattering1,3,4 and desorption2,16,17,68 processes at metal surfaces, where the metal–molecule coupling depends sensitively on the distance to the surface. Additionally, in the context of transport through molecular nanojunctions, position-dependent metal–molecule couplings are crucial in understanding vibrational instabilities69 and quantum shuttling.70,71 We note that there exist other expressions for the electronic friction of systems with position-dependent metal–molecule coupling, both for noninteracting53 and interacting59,60 systems. Practical calculations for interacting systems, however, often rely on further approximations, such as a mean-field approach. The expression obtained via HEOM, while formally identical to that found, for example, in Ref. 59, has the benefit of being easily computationally accessible, even for interacting systems. For this reason, in this paper, we extend the HEOM-LD approach to systems with a position-dependent metal–molecule coupling.
While our approach is able to describe molecules interacting with metal surfaces in general, we specifically focus on molecular junctions for the examples that we show in this paper later on. By comparing the electronic friction calculated via HEOM to that calculated via NEGFs, which can be used for noninteracting systems, we verify the updated HEOM approach. Following this, we calculate the electronic friction of an interacting vibronic model via HEOM. Here, we demonstrate the usefulness of our extended approach since the HEOM remains numerically exact even for interacting systems.
The paper is structured as follows. In Sec. II, we introduce a general model of a molecule interacting with metal surfaces. In Sec. III, we give a short overview of the HEOM approach. Following this, in Sec. IV, we generalize the HEOM approach to electronic friction to systems with position-dependent metal–molecule couplings. In Sec. V, we apply the approach to different models of molecular nanojunctions.
Since we have to differentiate between classically and quantum mechanically treated coordinates and momenta, we will explicitly denote the vectors of position and momentum operators as and , while their classical counterparts will be denoted by x and p. Moreover, in this work, we use units where e = ℏ = 1.
There are a variety of methods to circumvent this issue and to describe the influence of the metal on the molecule, some of which have already been mentioned in the introduction. In this work, we use the numerically exact HEOM approach based on the Feynman–Vernon influence functional. Here, we only give a short overview over the HEOM for the sake of comprehensibility of the derivations and calculations in this paper. For a more detailed description and derivation of the HEOM, we refer to Refs. 23, 25, 28, 75, and 76, and the recent review of Tanimura.77
The main idea of the HEOM approach is to describe the dynamics of the molecular density matrix as coupled to so-called auxiliary density operators (ADOs) of different tiers, . In this formalism, the zeroth tier ADO corresponds to the molecular density matrix, ρ(0) = ρmol, while higher tier ADOs contain information about metal–molecule interactions and non-Markovian effects in the metal surfaces.28 The ADOs are connected by a hierarchy of first-order coupled differential equations.
It is often more efficient to use mixed quantum–classical approaches, in which the vibrational DOFs of the molecule are treated classically, as influenced by quantum mechanical electronic DOFs. In this section, we will show how to obtain such a mixed quantum–classical description.
A. Partial Wigner transform
B. Wigner-transformed HEOM
In this section, we apply the partial Wigner transform to Eq. (17), deriving an analog to the quantum–classical Liouville equation in the HEOM formalism. The Wigner-transformed HEOM for the case of a position-independent metal–molecule coupling has already been introduced in Ref. 66, with similar discussions for bosonic reservoirs also in Ref. 77. The focus in this section, therefore, will be on how the inclusion of position-dependent affects the partial Wigner transform with respect to the vibrational DOFs.
C. Time evolution of the phase-space probability density and Fokker–Planck equation
Although we now have an expression for time evolution of the PSPD in terms of the HEOM formalism, it is still in the form of a quantum–classical Liouville equation. In order for electronic friction to appear, we need to further apply a limit of weak nonadiabaticity, which we do by assuming a timescale separation between fast electronic relaxation and slow vibrational dynamics. In the following, we explore the effects of such an assumption.
In this section, we apply the extended HEOM-LD formalism introduced in Sec. IV C to several example scenarios, investigating how the inclusion of a position-dependent metal–molecule coupling affects the electronic forces entering the Langevin dynamics. Although the extended HEOM-LD approach is applicable to the general problem of molecules interacting with metal surfaces, we will consider the specific scenario of charge transport through a molecular nanojunction, in which we have two metal surfaces, the left, α = L, and right, α = R, leads. These can either be held at equilibrium, such that the chemical potentials and temperatures of both leads are equal, or driven out of equilibrium via a voltage bias, Φ = μL − μR, applied symmetrically around the Fermi level, which is always set to zero, ɛF = 0, such that μL = −μR = eΦ/2.
The first scenario is nonequilibrium transport in a simple vibronic model, in which the molecule contains a single electronic level linearly coupled to a single harmonic vibrational mode. The second system introduces a strong electronic–vibrational interaction, such that the molecular model contains a single electronic level coupled linearly to both a low-frequency mode, which is treated classically via Langevin dynamics, and a high-frequency mode, which must be treated quantum mechanically alongside the electronic DOFs within the HEOM. For both systems, we will first investigate adiabatic and nonadiabatic effects at equilibrium before discussing the nonequilibrium situation.
A. Simple vibronic model
To help identify the specific effect of the position-dependent metal–molecule coupling, we first investigate the electronic forces of a constant coupling, . Although similar systems have already been analyzed previously, for the sake of self-completeness, we will introduce the main features of the electronic forces, starting in the equilibrium situation, Φ = 0 V.
To investigate the nonadiabatic effects, we turn to Fig. 1(b), which shows the electronic friction for this system calculated via NEGFs as well as the HEOM-LD approach. The friction shows a peak at , as the friction represents a nonadiabatic correction to the adiabatic force, and it is exactly at this position that there is an avoided crossing in Uad(x). In particular, the friction describes the relaxation of the vibrational mode via coupling to electron–hole pairs (EHPs), in that electrons may transfer from a lead to the molecule, absorb energy from the vibrational mode, and transfer back to a higher energetic state in the lead. At equilibrium, such processes are resonant exactly at the position where the electronic level crosses the chemical potential, .
Figure 3(a) shows the potential energy surfaces for the vibronic model with the position-dependent metal–molecule coupling from Eq. (61). As in the constant coupling case, Uad(x) displays an avoided crossing at . However, in the vicinity of x = 0, two minima appear, which originate from gα(x). First, we note that the contribution to the adiabatic force arising from the metal–molecule coupling, , is proportional to the spatial derivative of the metal–molecule couplings, .
At x = 0, both and reach their extrema. Since this is close to the point at which the energy level crosses the Fermi level of the leads, any change in the vibrational coordinate at this point is accompanied by a strong change in the electronic occupancy. Therefore, in the vicinity of x = 0, the contribution to the adiabatic force from the metal–molecule coupling is maximized. Hence, the classical vibrational DOF will move away from these positions in either a positive or negative direction to positions where the forces acting on it are minimized, which is why there are two minima close to x = 0.
This contribution also manifests itself in the electronic friction and correlation function, shown in Figs. 3(b) and 4. First, we note in Fig. 3(b) that the electronic forces calculated from the HEOM and NEGFs methods still match exactly, even with the addition of a position-dependent metal–molecule coupling. We also note that the fluctuation–dissipation theorem is still satisfied because Φ = 0 V. To understand the behavior of these forces, we turn to Fig. 4, which plots the full friction, γ(x), as well as the contributions from the molecular Hamiltonian, γmol(x), the metal–molecule interaction, γmet–mol(x), and the friction for a constant metal–molecule coupling from the previous model, γc(x).
As in the constant coupling case, the full electronic friction also displays a peak at , which originates from the same EHP creation processes that were discussed in Fig. 1(b). However, there is now an additional side peak at a point that we will name xmm, which arises directly from the position dependency of the metal–molecule coupling. To understand the origin of this side peak, we consider the individual contributions to the total friction. First, we note that γmol(x) also contains a side peak at xmm and does not just reproduce the friction in the constant coupling case. Although γmol(x) does not depend explicitly on the metal–molecule coupling, it depends on it implicitly via , which is the origin of this side peak. At position xmm, the metal–molecule couplings are changing rapidly and the molecular electronic energy is close to the Fermi level, such that is also changing rapidly. When one includes the γmet–mol(x) contribution, which has a peak at xmm, we recover the total friction. From a physical point of view, electronic friction represents a nonadiabatic vibrational relaxation process via coupling to EHP creation. Such processes are dominant at points where and are large, as these are points in space at which electrons can easily jump back and forth between metal and molecule.
This discussion also helps to connect the HEOM-LD expression for the electronic friction to previous expressions, such as that shown for noninteracting electronic systems from NEGFs. In Eq. (56), for example, the friction comprises four terms: two that contain only or , and two cross terms. In the HEOM-LD expression, although it appears there are only two components to the electronic friction, these cross terms are contained within and .
This can be explained considering the specific form of the metal–molecule coupling for this system. At xmm, the metal–molecule couplings are equal and the electronic level sits well within the bias window, such that the electronic level is half filled. From Fig. 2, we see that a small positive displacement in x reduces the coupling to the left lead while increasing the coupling to the right lead. Given the direction of the voltage bias, the molecule immediately decharges. Similarly, a small negative displacement results in coupling only to the left lead, such that the molecule immediately charges. These two features combine for a new set of EHP creation processes, which manifest as a large .
Finally in this subsection, we note that the fluctuation–dissipation theorem is broken out of equilibrium, such that γ(x) ≠ D(x)/kBT. While friction describes vibrational relaxation via coupling to EHP creation, the stochastic force and, therefore, its correlation function describe vibrational excitation not only via coupling to EHP relaxation but also to the electric current. For this reason, D(x) displays a broad peak between and , as for these coordinates the electronic level is within the bias window and there is a nonzero electric current. For most of this coordinate range, D(x)/kBT > γ(x), which is a symptom of Joule heating. Around xmm, however, the strong peak in the friction is larger than the corresponding peak in the correlation function of the stochastic force, indicating that the vibrational relaxation processes at this point outweigh the heating originating from the electric current.
B. Interacting vibronic model
Such a model can describe a situation where a molecule is coupled not only to the electrodes but also to a high-frequency cavity mode,60 or a molecule with multiple modes operating on different timescales coupled to the transport.67 For example, one could consider a molecular nanojunction consisting of a large molecule with a small side group attached to it. The center-of-mass motion is slow due to the large effective mass, while the frequency of the side group bond is much higher.
To connect with the noninteracting models considered in Sec. V A, we again choose the metal–molecule coupling given in Eq. (61). Furthermore, in this subsection, we use a bandwidth of Wα = 10 eV and set the electronic energy, ϵ0, such that the energy after small polaron shift is , which is the same as in Sec. V A. To ensure that the timescale separation assumption is satisfied, we choose ωqu = 300 meV = 10 ωcl and λqu = 550 meV. All other parameters are the same as in Subsection V A.
We consider first the equilibrium case, Φ = 0 V. Figure 6(a) shows the potential energy surfaces of the neutral state, Ug(x), charged state, Uc(x), and the adiabatic potential, Uad(x) for this system. We observe that the addition of a quantum vibrational mode for this system barely influences the adiabatic potential. In contrast, the nonadiabatic forces are strongly influenced by the addition of a quantum vibrational mode, which can be seen in Fig. 6(b), which shows the friction and the correlation function for this system.
We note that the fluctuation–dissipation theorem from Eq. (60) is also fulfilled for the interacting system. Again, we observe the double peak structure of the friction, which can be explained in the same way as for the noninteracting model in Subsection V A. The peak at is at the position where the electronic level crosses the chemical potential. In contrast, the second peak originates from the position dependency of the metal–molecule coupling. Here, at xc, the spatial derivatives of the metal–molecule couplings reach their extrema, resulting in the peak in the friction at this position.
We note that the electronic friction of the interacting system in Fig. 6(b) is significantly larger than the electronic friction of the noninteracting system for the entire range of vibrational coordinates [cf. Fig. 3(b)]. Even at equilibrium, the exchange of quanta with the high-frequency mode allows additional lead electrons to transfer to the molecular junction, absorb vibrational energy from the classical mode, and transfer back to a higher energetic state in the leads. Therefore, the addition of a quantum vibrational mode greatly enhances the number of EHP creation processes, resulting in a larger electronic friction for the interacting system compared to the noninteracting system.15,66
However, while for the interacting system the peak at xc in Fig. 6(b) has a smaller value than the peak at xμ, for the corresponding peaks in the noninteracting system in Fig. 3(b) the opposite is true and can be explained as in the following. The enhancement of the electron–hole pair creation process is especially dominant in the vicinity of xμ, where the electronic level crosses the chemical potential. Therefore, it influences the friction at xμ more than at xmm. Hence, for the interacting system in Fig. 6(b), the peak in the friction at around xmm is less pronounced compared to the peak at around xμ, in contrast to the noninteracting case in Fig. 3(b).
We now consider the nonequilibrium case and apply a bias voltage Φ = 1 V to the leads. Figure 7 shows the friction and the correlation function for the interacting system. Out of equilibrium, the peak in the friction in Fig. 6(b) at xμ splits into two peaks at and . Again, we observe that the peak in the friction close to xmm is significantly more pronounced in comparison to the other peaks than in the equilibrium situation. This can be explained in the same way as in Subsection V A, considering the specific form of the metal–molecule coupling for this system.
In this work, we extended the theory of electronic friction within the HEOM formalism to systems with a position-dependent metal–molecule coupling. The incorporation of such couplings is critical for a realistic description of many scenarios, such as reaction dynamics at metal surfaces, quantum shuttling, and vibrational instabilities in molecular nanojunctions. Consequently, the updated theory represents one of the most general mixed quantum–classical approaches to the nonadiabatic dynamics of molecules interacting with metal surfaces currently available.
Generally, our theory showed that incorporating a position-dependent metal–molecule coupling adds extra terms to the adiabatic contribution to the mean force, the electronic friction, and the correlation function of the stochastic force. We next demonstrated that such extra terms can critically affect both the adiabatic and nonadiabatic forces. We first applied the updated HEOM-LD approach to a nonequilibrium charge transport through a simple vibronic system containing a harmonic vibrational mode linearly coupled to an electronic level. Since the electronic part of this system is noninteracting, we were also able to compare our updated theory with electronic friction obtained from NEGFs, verifying our extended approach. We next demonstrated the power of the HEOM-LD approach by calculating the electronic forces of an interacting two-mode system, where one of the modes was treated classically and the other quantum mechanically.
In both scenarios, we demonstrated that incorporating a position-dependent metal–molecule coupling significantly affects the electronic forces at positions where the spatial derivatives of the metal–molecule couplings reach their extrema. This was particularly relevant for the electronic friction and stochastic force, which are critical for understanding nonadiabatic processes at metal surfaces. Beyond the reduced models considered here, we foresee great applicability of the updated HEOM-LD approach to more realistic models, as the HEOM treats the quantum mechanical part of the problem in a numerically exact manner, while the Langevin dynamics is capable of handling anharmonic vibrational degrees of freedom with nonlinear electronic–vibrational interactions.
This work was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through Research Unit FOR5099. S.L.R. acknowledges the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for support via a research fellowship. Moreover, the authors acknowledge Riley Preston for helpful discussions. Furthermore, support by the state of Baden-Württemberg through bwHPC and the DFG through Grant No. INST 40/575-1 FUGG (JUSTUS 2 cluster) is gratefully acknowledged.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
Author Contributions
Martin Mäck: Conceptualization (equal); Data curation (equal); Formal analysis (equal); Investigation (equal); Methodology (equal); Software (supporting); Validation (lead); Visualization (lead); Writing – original draft (lead); Writing – review & editing (equal). Michael Thoss: Conceptualization (equal); Formal analysis (supporting); Funding acquisition (lead); Methodology (supporting); Project administration (lead); Resources (lead); Supervision (lead); Writing – review & editing (equal). Samuel L. Rudge: Conceptualization (equal); Data curation (equal); Formal analysis (equal); Investigation (equal); Methodology (equal); Software (lead); Supervision (equal); Validation (supporting); Visualization (supporting); Writing – original draft (supporting); Writing – review & editing (equal).
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
In the following, we show a detailed derivation of the time evolution of the PSPD from Eq. (39) in terms of the HEOM. We follow a similar procedure as in Ref. 25 and compare the time evolution of the molecular density matrix with the time evolution of the zeroth tier ADO. In contrast to Ref. 25, however, we consider the time evolution of the Wigner-transformed operators.
In the following, we show that by assuming a timescale separation between the dynamics of classical and quantum DOFs, the time evolution of the PSPD in Eq. (39) is given by a Fokker–Planck equation.