In this paper, we analyze the properties of the recently proposed real-time equation-of-motion coupled-cluster (RT-EOM-CC) cumulant Green’s function approach [Rehr et al., J. Chem. Phys. 152, 174113 (2020)]. We specifically focus on identifying the limitations of the original time-dependent coupled cluster (TDCC) ansatz and propose an enhanced double TDCC ansatz, ensuring the exactness in the expansion limit. In addition, we introduce a practical cluster-analysis-based approach for characterizing the peaks in the computed spectral function from the RT-EOM-CC cumulant Green’s function approach, which is particularly useful for the assignments of satellite peaks when many-body effects dominate the spectra. Our preliminary numerical tests focus on reproducing, approximating, and characterizing the exact impurity Green’s function of the three-site and four-site single impurity Anderson models using the RT-EOM-CC cumulant Green’s function approach. The numerical tests allow us to have a direct comparison between the RT-EOM-CC cumulant Green’s function approach and other Green’s function approaches in the numerical exact limit.
Attosecond laser pulses exhibit a broad spectral range and relatively high intensity, pioneering ultrafast research, such as delayed photoemission,1–3 electronic response to sudden ionization,4–6 charge localization and transfer in molecules,7,8 autoionization absorption,9 and conductivity control in dielectrics,10 to name a few. Typically, in instantaneous processes lasting up to a few femtoseconds, the electronic dynamics can be considered free from nuclear motion, allowing theoretical treatments to focus solely on solving the time-dependent electronic Schrödinger equation within the Born–Oppenheimer approximation, which directly corresponds to experimental setups. Various time-dependent electronic structure methods have been developed in both the frequency and time domains. For example, real-time time-dependent density functional theory,11 including its extensions treating the relativistic effects12 and above-ionization core-level excitations,13 often demonstrates a reasonable balance between computational efficiency and accuracy. Nevertheless, for dynamics of the electronic excited states that feature strong electron correlation and often involve multiple configurations, multi-configurational time-dependent Hartree–Fock methods14–16 or active space self-consistent field methods17–21 can be employed for higher accuracy, albeit with very demanding computational costs. Alternative high-level approaches that exhibit modest polynomial scaling with the capability of systematic improvement in accuracy usually focus on time-dependent coupled cluster (TDCC) theory.22–24 Previous efforts have demonstrated the capability of the TDCC formulation in identifying excitation energy,25 (including computing core-excitation spectra26) computing linear response properties,23 spectral functions,27 and linear absorption spectra in ultraviolet and x-ray energy regimes,28–31 including the incorporation of relativistic wave functions,32 finite temperature and non-equilibrium formalism,33,34 reduced scaling schemes,35 and adaptive numerical integration.36 Remarkably, in addition to electronic dynamics, TDCC theory also applies to nuclear dynamics37–39 and vibrational states or dynamics.40–43
On the other hand, a Green’s function (GF) approach44 is often employed to treat electron correlation in excited electronic states. Electron correlation is crucial for determining and characterizing the quasiparticle (QP) and satellite peaks observed in, for example, x-ray photoemission spectra (XPS). To effectively capture this correlation in excited states, various theoretical approaches have incorporated the Green’s function formulation. These include perturbative treatments,45–47 algebraic diagrammatic construction,48–51 dynamical mean-field theory,52,53 GW approximations,54–57 and ground state coupled cluster theory.58–65
Combining TDCC theory with Green’s function formalism, Schönhammer and Gunnarsson have demonstrated the computation of the core-hole Green’s function from the phase factors of the TDCC wave function.27 Building on their formulation, we have recently developed a real-time equation-of-motion coupled cluster (RT-EOM-CC) cumulant GF approach,66–70 in which the Green’s function formulation adopts an exponential cumulant form to build up correlation in excited states, analogous to ground state coupled cluster theory. Technically, the cumulant is obtained by solving coupled ordinary differential equations (ODEs) of the TDCC amplitudes, providing higher-order vertex corrections to the one-particle self-energy compared to the traditional cumulant approximation44,61,71 and the stochastic vertex approximation.72 The numerical results have shown the applications of our RT-EOM-CC cumulant GF approach in reproducing the XPS of small-to-medium molecules described by moderate basis sets.68–70 With heterogeneous parallel implementation and tensor algebraic techniques, large scale RT-EOM-CC simulations become feasible.73
While advancing toward larger-scale RT-EOM-CC simulations to resolve the many-body effects in the spectroscopy of more complex molecular systems, another fundamental aspect to consider is the exactness of the introduced TDCC ansatz in the computation of Green’s functions and its alignment with the actual many-body physical picture of electron transitions. Our previous RT-EOM-CC results in computing spectral functions associated with QP and satellites, when compared to other theoretical approaches, show great agreement with experimental results. For instance, within the single and double excitation manifold, RT-EOM-CC results for some small molecules seemed more accurate than those obtained with CCGF using the modest basis set.68–70 However, in weakly correlated scenarios within a single reference framework, the one-particle Green’s function computed by using the CCGF approach can be exact in the expansion limit. Even though the original TDCC ansatz in the RT-EOM-CC approach27 theoretically allows for “exact” (N − 1)-particle dynamics at the full (N − 1)-particle expansion limit, the ansatz did not explicitly account for the influence of correlations in the N-particle space. Therefore, it remains unclear whether the exact one-particle Green’s function, which corresponds to scenarios involving changes in particle number, can be achieved using this same ansatz in the RT-EOM-CC framework. In this paper, by explicitly considering both the N and (N − 1) particle spaces in the RT-EOM-CC cumulant GF approach, we examine the quality of the previous TDCC ansatz and propose a new enhanced TDCC ansatz and its approximations that features the double CC formulation and are capable of incorporating different Fock spaces without modifying the Hamiltonian. We then analyze the impact of different ansätze on the computed Green’s functions. Moreover, we propose a scheme for addressing the component analysis of Green’s function computed by using the RT-EOM-CC approach, which provides a powerful tool for characterization and peak assignment of the computed spectral functions. Our preliminary numerical test focuses on the single-impurity Anderson model (SIAM) with a limited number of bath sites, where high-level theoretical results and exact solutions can be obtained to test the performance and determine the exact limits of our proposed TDCC ansätze in RT-EOM-CC simulations.
A. One-particle Green’s function
B. Time-dependent equation-of-motion coupled cluster ansatz
C. Time-dependent double coupled cluster ansatz
It is worth noting that the dCC ansatz (17) involves the product of two exponential operators, leading to double similarity transformation (21) in solving the EOMs (19) and (20). The double similarity transformation can potentially increase the non-linearity and leads to instability in the numerical propagation, thereby deteriorating the performance of the ODE integrator. In practical implementation, since the first similarity transformation, is time-independent, it can be computed upfront in the N-particle space before the time propagation in the (N − 1)-particle space, with the computational cost paid for constructing . Alternatively, the construction of can be entirely avoided by employing approximate ansätze that combine the product of two exponential operators into one.
In subsequent tests, we focus on the three-site and four-site SIAM configurations, setting Nb = 4, μc = −1.5 a.u., Vi = 0.5 a.u. ∀i, and μd,i ∈ [−1.0, 1.0] a.u. For the three-site SIAM, we employ the RT-EOM-CCSD approach with the two TDCC ansätze described in Sec. II to compute the one-particle Green’s function under three Coulomb interactions, U ∈ {1.0, 2.0, 3.0} a.u. The purpose was to study how the RT-EOM-CCSD approach with different ansätze behaves under different on-site correlation levels and compare it to the exact solution. The exact one-particle Green’s function were obtained by Eq. (1) employing the exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian. For the four-site SIAM, we employ the RT-EOM-CCSDT approach with the two TDCC ansätze to compute the one-particle Green’s function with the on-site Columb interaction U = 3.0 a.u. to study the performance difference between the two TDCC ansäzte in the RT-EOM-CC simulation with increased theoretical level.
In all the RT-EOM-CC simulations, the N-electron CC operators were obtained from converged CC ground state calculations with the convergence criteria of the energy change being less than 10−6 a.u. and the norm of the CC amplitude change being less than 10−7. The Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg approach, RK45, and its implementation in SciPy86 were used to numerically solve the ODEs (12) and (20) for obtaining with t ∈ [0, 250] a.u., unless otherwise mentioned.
A. Energy fluctuations of (N − 1)-electron states
B. computed by using different RT-EOM-CC approaches
We then proceed to examine the computed from the different RT-EOM-CC approaches presented in the previous section. Figure 4 shows the impurity Green’s function of the three-site SIAM, computed using the previous and present RT-EOM-CCSD approaches, where the previous approach employs the CC ansatz (10) and the approximation , while the present approach employs the dCC ansatz (17) and represents using the Λ-CC formulation. For comparison, the exact curves, computed by Eq. (1) and through exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian, are also provided. As shown in Fig. 4, the present RT-EOM-CCSD approach that employs dCC ansatz (17) successfully reproduces the exact curves regardless of the strength of the Coulomb interaction. On the other hand, the previous RT-EOM-CCSD approach accurately reproduces the exact curve only when the Coulomb interaction is relatively small [e.g., U = 1.0 a.u., as shown in Fig. 4(a)]. However, when the Coulomb interaction is stronger, as shown in Figs. 4(b) and 4(c), the spectral function computed by the previous RT-EOM-CCSD approach captures only the main (quasiparticle) peak and misses some satellite peaks. The performance difference between two RT-EOM-CC approaches is also reflected in the numerical difference in the renormalization constant Z of the computed spectral functions. The Z value, which lies between zero and one, is often used to quantify the strength of the main peak in the computed spectral function, with Z → 0 indicating stronger many-body interactions that lead to more significant satellite features and Z → 1 indicating weaker interactions. As shown by the Z values in Fig. 4, the discrepancy in Z between the two RT-EOM-CCSD approaches increases as the Coulombic interaction strength increases, from ΔZ = ‖ZdCC − ZCC‖ ≈ 0.01 when U = 1.0 a.u. to ΔZ ≈ 0.07 when U = 2.0 a.u. and ΔZ ≈ 0.27 when U = 3.0 a.u., underscoring the necessity of employing the present RT-EOM-CC approach in more strongly correlated cases.
The detailed comparison of the computed spectral functions using various RT-EOM-CCSD approaches, employing different ansätze and approximations, is shown in Fig. 5 for the three-site SIAM. Notably, two differences exist between the RT-EOM-CC approaches described in Secs. II B and II C: the TDCC ansätze and the inclusion of the overlap function. The latter difference hinges on whether the approximation of the left eigenvector, , is applied. Notably, with this approximation, the renormalization constant Z is either too high (Z = 0.91 using the CC ansatz) or too low (Z = 0.35 using the dCC ansatz) compared to the exact value (Z = 0.64). To closely examine the effect of these two factors, three additional approximations are also shown in Fig. 5. It is observed that for the RT-EOM-CCSD approach with the dCC ansatz, the computed spectral functions (orange and purple curves) are relatively insensitive to the inclusion of the approximation, . In particular, the differences between two computed spectral functions lie only lies in the slightly varied intensities of the quasiparticle peaks and an insignificant artificial satellite between [0.5,1.0] a.u. On the other hand, the spectral functions obtained with the RT-EOM-CCSd approaches using approximated dCC ansätze and the explicit Λ-CC formulation of exhibit the dependence on the truncation level in the BCH expansion. As indicated by the green and red curves shown in Fig. 5, employing the dCC-1 ansatz results in the omission of one satellite between 2.5 and 3.0 a.u. missing in the computed spectral function, whereas including the single commutator in the truncated BCH expansion, i.e., the dCC-2 ansatz, reproduces this missing peak and improves the overall agreement with respect to the exact spectral functions.
To evaluate the impact of the overlap function on the computed Green’s function, we plot and its Fourier transform in Fig. 6. As shown, the real part of oscillates around 0.3, while the imaginary part oscillates around 0.0 over the simulation time (up to 250 a.u.). Therefore, neglecting in the Green’s function calculation, essentially assuming , results in a rough approximation (especially in more correlated scenarios). After incorporating Eq. (24) into Eq. (22), the Fourier transform of takes a convoluted form, where both the real and imaginary parts of the Fourier transform of begin to influence the spectral function, accounting for correlations in the initial state missing in the original Fock reference. Figure 6(b) shows the shifted Fourier transform of , where the frequency shift corresponds to the position of the quasi-particle peak, ωQP ≈ −0.5308 a.u., in the computed spectral function (see Fig. 5). This shifted Fourier transform, , aligns the peak positions with those in the computed spectral function (e.g., the purple peaks shown in Fig. 5).
The performance difference between the two versions of the RT-EOM-CC approaches is also shown in Fig. 7 for computing of the four-site SIAM, incorporating up to triple excitations within the RT-EOM-CC framework. As shown in Fig. 7(a), the spectral function computed by the RT-EOM-CCSDT approach using the dCC ansatz (17) and the Λ-CC formulation of reproduces the exact solution. On the other hand, the RT-EOM-CCSDT approach that employs the CC ansatz (10) combined with the approximation locates only the main peak below 0.5 a.u., with predicted satellites either missing or redshifted relative to the exact solution. Figure 7(b) compares the spectral function computed using the current RT-EOM-CCSDT approach with the dCC ansatz against those computed by the CC-GF approaches, including the CCSD-GF and CCSDT-GF methods. Here, the CC-GF values are obtained by substituting the CC left and right wave functions, and , for ⟨Ψ(N)| and |Ψ(N)⟩ in Eq. (1), respectively. For all the spectral functions computed by the RT-EOM-CC and CC-GF approaches, the ground state is obtained through the CCSDTQ calculation. The spectral functions computed by all three methods closely align with the exact solution, and the renormalization constants, Z, of the main peak are consistent with the exact value of 0.44. In particular, the CCSDT-GF and RT-EOM-CCSDT with the dCC ansatz (17), both offering essentially exact treatments of the four-site SIAM, accurately reproduce the exact solution in terms of peak positions and amplitudes.
C. Component analysis of
Finally, we demonstrate the component analysis on the of the three-site SIAM employing the approach described in Appendixes D and E. This analysis involves the decomposition of two terms, and A(t), and the convolution of their Fourier transform in the frequency domain contributes to both the main peaks and satellites of . Specially, for A(t), according to Eq. (D10), the decomposition is fundamentally an analysis of exp(−iD(t)t) or D(t). Figure 8 shows the time evolution of D(t) and its components, as detailed in Eqs. (D13) and (D16). The shifted Fourier transforms of the time evolutions of these components reproduce the RT-EOM-CCSD spectral function using ansatz (17), as indicated by the orange curve shown in Fig. 5. Notably, only two excitations—−0 → 4 and 3 → 1—along with the removal of the electron at the spin-orbital No. 1, contribute to both the main and satellite peaks in a convoluted manner, attributed to the exponential operation on dn(t). Regarding , the analysis is directly conducted through the cluster analysis described in Eqs. (D3)–(D6). It is worth mentioning that in the long time limit, if A(t) is approximated only by the main peak [i.e., only one term in the expansion (E2)], then the component analysis of can be approximately performed through the component analysis of , with the results shown in Fig. 9. As shown, in addition to the quasi-particle peak at ∼−0.53 a.u., the leading excitations contributing to the main and satellite peaks include single excitations such as 0 → 4 (across all peak positions), 2 → 4, 3 → 1, and 3 → 5 (mainly at satellite positions between 1 and 3 a.u.), as well as the double excitation 0, 3 → 1, 4 (at satellite positions between 1 and 3 a.u.).
In this paper, we have analyzed and examined a series of TDCC ansätze in the RT-EOM-CC simulations for computing the one-particle Green’s function. Unlike the previous CC ansatz used in RT-EOM-CC simulations, we introduced a new ansatz that features a double CC form—the product of the exponential CC operators from N and (N − 1)-particle spaces. Preliminary analysis and simulations on simple SIAMs demonstrate that, compared to the previous ansatz, the new dCC ansatz is capable of approaching the exact limit by incorporating hole-mediated higher order excitations in the (N − 1)-electron CC exponential operator and by using small time steps. By employing the BCH expansion of the new dCC ansatz and truncating at different commutator levels, we have also introduced some approximate TDCC ansätze to the RT-EOM-CC simulations. The approximate ansätze feature a single exponential algebraic structure that potentially balances the complexity of implementation with accuracy. In addition, we have formalized a recipe for analyzing the components of the computed Green’s function in RT-EOM-CC simulations, paving the way for larger-scale and efficient implementations and detailed spectral function analysis for complex molecular systems in the near future. Future work will focus on incorporating the double-unitary CC ansätze85 into the RT-EOM-CC framework, extending RT-EOM-CC to compute the nonequilibrium Green’s function,33,34 and improving numerical aspects including more stable ODE integrator87 and robust interpolation and extrapolation techniques.88,89
This material was based upon the work supported by the “Transferring exascale computational chemistry to cloud computing environment and emerging hardware technologies (TEC4)” project, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, the Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences (under Grant No. FWP 82037). B.P. also acknowledges the support from the Early Career Research Program by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, under Grant No. FWP 83466. F.D.V. and J.J.R. acknowledge the support from the Center for Scalable Predictive methods for Excitations and Correlated phenomena (SPEC), which is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE), Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences as part of the Computational Chemical Sciences (CCS) program at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) under Grant No. FWP 70942. B.P. thanks Dr. Niri Govind for the fruitful discussion during the preparation of this manuscript.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
Author Contributions
Bo Peng: Conceptualization (lead); Data curation (lead); Formal analysis (lead); Funding acquisition (lead); Investigation (lead); Methodology (lead); Project administration (lead); Resources (lead); Software (lead); Supervision (lead); Validation (lead); Visualization (lead); Writing – original draft (lead); Writing – review & editing (lead). Himadri Pathak: Formal analysis (supporting); Funding acquisition (supporting); Validation (supporting); Writing – review & editing (supporting). Ajay Panyala: Funding acquisition (supporting); Resources (supporting); Software (supporting). Fernando D. Vila: Formal analysis (supporting); Funding acquisition (supporting); Supervision (supporting); Validation (supporting); Writing – review & editing (supporting). John J. Rehr: Formal analysis (supporting); Funding acquisition (supporting); Supervision (supporting); Validation (supporting); Writing – review & editing (supporting). Karol Kowalski: Formal analysis (supporting); Funding acquisition (supporting); Methodology (supporting); Project administration (supporting); Supervision (supporting); Validation (supporting); Writing – review & editing (supporting).
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
The time-averaged curves shown in Figs. 3(b)–3(d) exhibit a slightly different convergence performance between the ansätze (10) and (17) toward the stationary (N − 1)-electron CC energies. It is worth noting that, although the dCC ansatz (17) provides a more physically intuitive pathway offering a potentially better-informed starting point for the (N − 1)-particle correlated state, particularly in ionization scenarios where particle numbers change, the interaction between T(N) and T(N−1) introduces additional nonlinear behaviors. These behaviors could hinder the convergence of the average energy toward the stationary (N − 1)-electron CC energies. In essence, the ansatz that exhibits greater overlap with the dominant eigenstates of the Hamiltonian, typically low-energy states such as the ground state and low-lying excited states, will converge more rapidly in terms of time-averaged energies. For instance, for the three-site SIAM, Fig. 10 compared the overlaps between the (N − 1)-electron ground state of the Hamiltonian and the time-dependent (N − 1)-electron correlated states derived from both CC and dCC ansätze at different on-site interaction U. As can be seen, for U = 3.0 a.u. the simpler CC ansatz (10) leads to a larger overlap with the ground state, implying a slightly faster convergence for the time-averaged CC energies. When U decreases, the difference between the two ansätze in terms of the overlap becomes smaller.