We present a framework for simulating the open dynamics of spin–boson systems by combining variational non-Gaussian states with a quantum trajectories approach. We apply this method to a generic spin–boson Hamiltonian that has both Tavis–Cummings and Holstein type couplings and which has broad applications to a variety of quantum simulation platforms, polaritonic physics, and quantum chemistry. Additionally, we discuss how the recently developed truncated Wigner approximation for open quantum systems can be applied to the same Hamiltonian. We benchmark the performance of both methods and identify the regimes where each method is best suited. Finally, we discuss strategies to improve each technique.
Advances in the control of quantum systems over the past decade have led to the development of a wide variety of different platforms for investigating almost coherent quantum dynamics. However, in the absence of robust fault-tolerant operations, studies of these platforms must contend with various sources of noise induced by couplings to an environment. Moreover, these noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ1) devices can often be arbitrarily controlled, opening possibilities of creating states far out of equilibrium. In light of this, understanding the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of open quantum many-body systems has become of great interest, e.g., for understanding and realizing a quantum advantage in the NISQ era.
A particularly challenging class of problems arises for systems containing both spin and bosonic degrees of freedom with an (even locally) unbounded Hilbert space, applicable to quantum simulation and computation platforms ranging from superconducting circuits to trapped ions,2–16 to paradigmatic problems in impurity physics,17,18 quantum chemistry,19 or polaritonic chemistry.20 The ubiquity and complexity of spin–boson Hamiltonians have led to the development of various techniques for their study and characterization. These include methods for the bosonic space, namely path integral techniques,21–24 effective Hamiltonian formulation,25–28 or lightcone conformal truncation used predominantly in high-energy physics,29–31 as well as methods such as non-equilibrium Monte Carlo or tensor networks,32–34 which have allowed for the simulation of (open) out-of-equilibrium dynamics of quantum many-body systems,35–48 also in large-system scenarios. However, these methods are often constrained to one-dimensional setups, closed systems, a mesoscopic number of particles, or a combination thereof.
The number and breadth of the aforementioned approaches illustrate that no single method can tackle the range of systems described by spin–boson type Hamiltonians or even the full parameter space of a specific model. As such, it is important to pinpoint the strengths and shortcomings of each method. In this work, we undertake a comparative study between two methods: (i) the time-dependent variational ansatz using non-Gaussian states (NGS)49,50 and (ii) the truncated Wigner approximation (TWA) combined with its generalization to discrete spaces, discrete truncated Wigner approximation (DTWA). Figures 1(a) and 1(b) show a schematic of each method. These methods may allow us to circumvent some of the aforementioned limitations49–53 and have recently been generalized to open quantum systems.54–61 Analyzing fundamental quantum effects in macroscopic limits can thus be enabled with NGS and TWA approaches.
In NGS, one exploits the continuous variable structure of bosonic states to build a time-dependent variational wave function ansatz of non-Gaussian states. Here, we specifically use a superposition of squeezed displaced bosonic states, which converges to the true wave function due to the over-completeness of the set of coherent states. Since each state in the superposition is Gaussian, much of the previously developed machinery for Gaussian states can be reutilized. This method has been successfully applied to studies of systems ranging from the Kondo impurity problem,62 central spin,63 spin-Holstein models,64 Bose and Fermi polarons,65–67 and (sub/super) Ohmic spin–boson model.68 We also note that the closely related Davydov state ansatz has been applied in the studies of molecular crystals and polaritonic physics.69–75
TWA is a semi-classical approach that factorizes the phase space functions (Weyl symbols) that describe a quantum observable in the phase space representation. As such, TWA is reminiscent of a product-state mean-field ansatz on Hilbert space. Like the latter, TWA allows one to treat systems with very large sizes [ particles] while still capturing some essential quantum features such as spin-squeezing or entanglement.51,76–80 TWA can be easily adapted to systems with both bosonic and discrete degrees of freedom, combining sampling strategies from continuous81 and discrete Wigner functions.51–53
Here, we consider the open and closed dynamics of a spin–boson Hamiltonian featuring multiple spins coupled to a discrete set of bosonic modes via Holstein and Tavis–Cummings couplings, thus ensuring the broad applicability of our results. We begin by introducing the two methods: the variational NGS method using the formulation introduced in Ref. 68 is discussed in Sec. II. We extend the method to open quantum systems using the quantum trajectories method in Sec. III. We discuss TWA with its discrete variant DTWA for closed and open systems in Sec. IV. In Sec. V, we introduce the Holstein–Tavis–Cummings spin–boson Hamiltonian, which we use to compare both methods over a range of parameters. Finally, in Sec. VI, we summarize our findings and discuss how each method can be improved to increase its accuracy and/or applicability both in terms of systems to which they can be applied and also in terms of the observables that can be accessed.
The set of all coherent states forms an over-complete basis for the bosonic Hilbert space. Therefore, in the limit Np → ∞, the NGS ansatz |ψ⟩, even without squeezing , approaches the true wave function |Ψ⟩. The inclusion of diagonal squeezing in our formalism, Eq. (2), is intended to enhance the descriptive power of the ansatz at finite Np. However, in Fig. 2 and Sec. V, we show that for the systems studied in this work, a superposition of coherent states (i.e., = 0) for reasonable Np is typically sufficient to describe the relevant physics. One could further generalize the Gaussian unitary to instead of Eq. (2), where and is a symmetric matrix.49,50 However, we find that this significantly complicates all subsequent manipulations while not substantially reducing the Np required to capture the relevant features of the systems studied in this work.
In the supplementary material, we prove that J2 = −1 for the NGS ansatz, both in the case of a superposition of displaced squeezed states and a superposition of coherent states (supplementary material).
A. Analytic expressions for energies and energy gradients
Having introduced the NGS ansatz in Eq. (1) and its equations of motion in Eq. (4), we now show how to obtain analytic expressions for the two crucial ingredients to the equations of motion: the energy gradients ∂μE and the geometric structures g, ω.
Consider a generic spin–boson Hamiltonian. Any such Hamiltonian can be cast in the form H = ∑(Hs ⊗ Hb), where Hs describes the spin degrees of freedom and Hb describes the bosonic degrees of freedom and can be decomposed into monomials of bosonic operators as .
B. Tangent vectors and the overlap matrix
The calculation involving many modes and a superposition of squeezed-displaced states now reduces to calculating the tangent vector of a single-mode Gaussian state for a single Gaussian, i.e., . We proceed as follows: (i) using the disentangled forms of the displacement and squeezing operators, we normal order such that only a† operators remain, which (ii) enables us to obtain concise analytic expressions for the tangent vectors of , and (iii) obtain expressions for the general NGS ansatz and outline the computation of the overlap matrix ωμν.
Note that further simplification of the terms with creation operators in Eq. (18) in the form of and is not possible as we imposed that must act directly on the vacuum to obtain the simplified version of in Eq. (15).
Equations (18a)–(18d) are simple analytic expressions for the single mode tangent vectors of . When combined with Eq. (12), we can, therefore, construct all the tangent vectors for any σ, p, and k.
Computing tangent vector overlaps to construct geometric structures. Having obtained the tangent vectors, we finally briefly comment on the calculation of the overlap matrix ⟨vμ|vν⟩, which is used to construct the metric gμν and symplectic form ωμν. We note that due to Eq. (12), the overlap between two tangent vectors ⟨vμ|vν⟩ can be written as a product of single-mode overlaps. Each single-mode overlap can be evaluated using the expressions in Eq. (18) and applying Eq. (10) to evaluate expectation values of the type .
Example: Quantum anharmonic oscillator As an example of the results of the above-mentioned machinery and to illustrate the role of squeezing in the ansatz, we use Eq. (4) and solve for the dynamics of a simple anharmonic oscillator, .87–90 Results for the strong coupling regime setting ω = μ = 1 are shown in Fig. 2 with Np = 4. We observe that the ansatz containing squeezing (dashed blue line) has a better agreement with the actual state |Ψ⟩ (solid black line, obtained from the exact numerical solution of the Schrödinger equation) than the ansatz without squeezing (dashed orange line). While this observation always depends on the specific system being studied, we observe that for many applications in this work, the improvement in accuracy from including squeezing comes at the expense of additional computational resources. Motivated by this, for the remainder of this article our results utilize the NGS ansatz of a superposition of (many-mode) coherent states.
To extend the NGS machinery to open dynamics, there are several options available. For instance, in Ref. 55, which in turn builds on the developments in Ref. 54, an ansatz for the density matrix was developed. This was then used to formulate the master equation and find the corresponding equations of motion governed by the Lindbladian.
Here, we discuss how the ansatz introduced previously, in Eq. (1), can be used within the quantum trajectories framework. In Sec. III A, we recall the basic formulation of the quantum trajectories approach before formulating equations of motion for the effective non-Hermitian Hamiltonian in Sec. III B. We give a recipe for how to formulate the action of quantum jumps within the NGS ansatz in Sec. III C, and we finally discuss the relevant issues related to the implementation of the equations of motion in Sec. III D. To elucidate the formalism, we provide specific examples throughout this section. Our examples are motivated by typical sources of decoherence in spin–boson quantum simulation platforms governed by Hamiltonians of the form that will be introduced in Sec. V.
A. Quantum trajectories
Our key contribution is to perform both (i) and (ii) using NGS. The details of the quantum trajectories method and a step-by-step description of its implementation can be found in Ref. 47.
B. Equations of motion for non-Hermitian Hamiltonians
Finally, we provide a simple example of non-Hermitian dynamics using NGS and the equations of motion in Eq. (27) by computing the evolution of the coherent state ansatz for Nb = 1 mode under Heff = ξ(a + a†) − (i/2)κa†a. Since the Hamiltonian is a Gaussian operator, if the initial state of interest can be accurately described by the NGS ansatz with Np coherent states, NGS is exact in that it captures precisely the dynamics at all times also with Np coherent states. The results for an Np = 2 initial state and a comparison against exact numerics are shown in Fig. 3, depicting perfect agreement as expected.
C. Quantum jumps
We will now incorporate the action of a quantum jump cm in the NGS formalism. After each quantum jump, the wave function may (i) remain in the variational manifold or (ii) leave it. We discuss these two possibilities using the examples of single particle loss and gain, respectively. We have chosen these two processes as they are often the dominant sources of single particle decoherence in a variety of systems.
1. Jumps inside the manifold
It is important to note that our results rely on the coherent state being the eigenstate of the jump operator considered earlier. Therefore, for any other state, e.g., the squeezed coherent state |α, ζ⟩, the single-particle loss jump operator will take the state out of the variational manifold. This will be a more generic scenario for most jump operators. In Sec. III C 2, we describe how to deal with such situations.
2. Jumps outside the manifold
If the state after the jump is not within the variational manifold, we project it back to the manifold by maximizing its fidelity with the variational ansatz. To do so, we use gradient descent (GD) as an efficient numerical procedure. We note that while simulated annealing (SA) finds a global extremum of a function in the asymptotic limit of infinitely slow cooling rate, we find that in all cases studied in this work, the performance of GD is comparable to that of SA (the infidelity difference between the post-jump variational state found by each of the two methods is ≲ 10−3), with the advantage that GD is typically significantly faster.
In the case of Np = 1, with , , Eq. (40) is maximized for and for the amplitude of , which is the solution to . For instance, if α = 0, , cf. Fig. 4(a), and similarly for α ≠ 0, cf. Fig. 4(b). The starting point of the GD search is denoted by the red cross and the maximum of the numerically found maximum of the overlap, Eq. (40), by the white cross. We remark that the achievable fidelity after projecting back to the manifold is strongly dependent on the jump operator and the number of coherent states. For instance, for the case shown in Fig. 4(a), the state after the jump is a Fock state |1⟩. As such, after projecting it back to a single coherent state, its fidelity is given by with n = 1 and .
In the case of the NGS ansatz with Np > 1, the optimization landscape becomes more complex. In Figs. 4(c) and 4(d), for Np = 1 (blue), Np = 2 (orange), and Np = 3 (green), we use Eq. (39) and plot the difference in optimized fidelities , with the optimization performed by GD with backtracking and bounded SA . We consider two quantum jumps, (c) single-particle gain c = a† and (d) momentum kicks c = x = a + a†. Our choice of single-particle gain is motivated by its relevance to many spin–boson systems (see Secs. V and VI), while the momentum kick jump plays a crucial role in laser cooling large ion crystals.98 We generate 103 initial (pre-jump) random states |ψ⟩. As the generic variational starting state to be optimized, for GD we use the pre-jump state |ψ⟩, while for the SA we seed a random starting state whose coefficients [see Eq. (38)] are drawn from a uniform unit distribution . We set a sufficiently slow SA cooling rate such that the algorithm converges to the same local maxima irrespective of the randomly chosen starting point. For all the studied cases, the fidelities of the states obtained by the two numerical optimizers agree within ≲10−3.
D. Time evolution
The phase space picture of quantum mechanics provides alternative means to simulate and analyze the quantum many-body dynamics in systems with mixed spin and bosonic degrees of freedom, in particular in a semi-classical framework known as the truncated Wigner approximation (TWA).81 The Wigner–Weyl transform maps Hilbert space operators O of a quantum system to functions of classical phase space variables, known as Weyl symbols OW. The Weyl symbol corresponding to the density matrix is known as the Wigner function and provides a full ensemble description of arbitrary quantum states in terms of a (potentially negative) quasi-probability distribution.
A general Wigner–Weyl transform can be defined using the framework of phase point operators.99 For example, considering particles in 1D with positions x and momenta p, operators for each point in phase space define the Wigner–Weyl transformation via and vice versa . Given a proper orthonormal definition of phase point operators,99 for any state ρ and any observable Q, expectation values can be evaluated from the Wigner function via ⟨Q⟩ = ∫dxdp QW(x, p)W(x, p). Equivalent constructions can be made for spin phase spaces, either using spin–boson mappings (suitable for large spin scenarios),81 using spherical coordinate representations of spins A(θ, ϕ),59 or for phase spaces using only a discrete set of points.99
Closed-system time-evolution equations of motion can be obtained by Wigner–Weyl transforming the Heisenberg equations of motion, which leads to the exact quantum dynamics for Weyl symbols being governed by , using the Weyl symbol of the Hamiltonian HW, and the Moyal bracket defined as {QW, HW} = 2QW sin(Λ/2)HW, with Λ the symplectic operator (with ℏ ≡ 1) . Expanding the sine function in the Moyal bracket at the lowest order is known as TWA and leads to a classical evolution of Weyl symbols , where {⋅,⋅}P now denotes the classical Poisson bracket. The Poisson bracket ensures that the Weyl symbols for any complex observable will always factorize into phase space variables and, therefore, in TWA it suffices to only compute the classical evolution of the phase space variables.53 This makes TWA a very practical and efficient numerical method for the case of a positive initial Wigner function: Random positions and momenta can be sampled from the Wigner function and evolved in parallel using classical equations of motion, giving xη(t) and pη(t) for trajectory η. Expectation values in TWA are then statistically approximated by , using ntraj trajectories.
Importantly, for small-spin systems, and in particular for spin-1/2 models as considered here, TWA can be drastically improved when using a sampling of the initial Wigner function using only a discrete set of initial phase points.51 Considering a system consisting of a single spin-1/2 described by the Pauli operators , we define the corresponding phase space variables as . One can then define discrete Wigner functions, which are only defined for the eight different discrete points . For example, taking a state of Ns spin-1/2 particles of the form , it is straightforward to show that any possible observable can be exactly described by sampling each spin from a discrete Wigner function with only non-zero values of . Correspondingly, the state |↑⟩i is exactly described by the discrete distribution with non-zero elements .
Furthermore, it can be shown in general that equivalent discrete sampling strategies can lead to exact quantum state descriptions for general discrete D-level systems and for eigenstates of general spin-S operators, in the sense that the measurement statistics for any observable can be exactly reproduced from sampling the Wigner function.53 Discrete sampling in combination with classical evolution is known as (generalized) discrete truncated Wigner approximation, (G)DTWA.51,53 Classical equations of motion for the spin-variables can be derived by Wigner–Weyl transforming the Heisenberg equations of motion while factorizing the Weyl symbols into the phase space variables. (G)DTWA has been shown to capture quantum features in spin-model dynamics in several theory settings77,79,100–102 and in comparison with experiments.76,78,103,104
In Ref. 59, it was shown that for open spin-1/2 models, it is convenient to work with flattened Wigner functions of the form . The equations of motion for an open system can then be found by deriving correspondence rules (reminiscent of Bopp representations for bosonic systems81), i.e., rules for mapping terms such as Xiρi, ρiXi, or with Pauli operators to the phase space, which leads to terms incorporating the four linearly independent differential operations acting on χ(θi, ϕi). It can be shown that the resulting EOMs lead to standard Fokker–Planck equations. This is only valid, without further approximations, for systems of non-interacting spins or if the initial state is a large coherent spin state. In these scenarios, the dynamics are given by the solution to the Fokker–Planck equations. Rather than solving these equations directly, we solve the corresponding Itô stochastic differential equations and average the relevant expectation values over many trajectories.93
The dynamics of the Holstein–Tavis–Cummings model, in particular in the presence of disorder, have importance, e.g., in the field of polaritonic chemistry.105 It has been previously studied using a matrix product state method33 and also using a similar non-Gaussian state framework to the one discussed here.71 By tuning the relative strength of the various terms, this Hamiltonian can be reduced to spin–boson Hamiltonians applicable, e.g., to trapped ion quantum simulators, impurity models, and quantum chemistry. The relative strength of g, λ, and ν allows us to go from the weak coupling regime between the spin and bosonic degrees of freedom to a model governed by a Tavis–Cummings type interaction to a Holstein coupling or a combination thereof. We schematically illustrate the performance of the two numerical methods in each of these regimes in Fig. 5(a).
Furthermore, we investigate how both methods perform in the presence of sources of decoherence. In this case, we are interested in the evolution of the density matrix ρ as described by the Lindblad master equation given in Eq. (20). We study open dynamics with the following types of Lindblad jump operators:
Cavity decay (rate κ): .
Single spin decay (rate γ): .
Collective spin decay (rate Γ): .
We summarize the performance of the two methods in the presence of these decoherence sources schematically in Fig. 5(b).
A. Details of NGS and TWA simulations
For the NGS simulations, we employ the NGS ansatz with Nb = 2Ns + 1 modes. We include cavity decay at strength γ using the simple parameter update prescription outlined in Sec. V. Note that, as a consequence of the HP mapping, the ansatz is not well-suited to some scenarios. For example, there is no spin–spin coupling when evolving under only Hdis, so an unentangled initial state will evolve as a tensor product of single spins, each requiring Np = 3. The number of coherent states therefore scales exponentially in the number of spins, . This limitation could potentially be mitigated by modifying the ansatz to be a superposition of squeezed displaced Fock states.55
The initial state used for all NGS simulations includes a small amount of randomness for each variational parameter to break the degeneracy of the Gaussian states. We draw random values from a uniform distribution between (0, 10−4). We find that this is sufficient to ensure each Gaussian state in the superposition evolves independently while preserving extremely small infidelity with the true initial state, , as seen in Fig. S1 of the supplementary material.
B. Closed system dynamics
In this section, we compare the performance of the two numerical methods. We consider a system with Ns = 3 spins, the corresponding three phonon modes, and one cavity mode. For this system size and suitable initial states and Hamiltonian parameters, choosing a moderate Fock state truncation allows us to compare our results to exact numerics. Our initial state is spins polarized up, the vibrational modes in the vacuum, and the cavity in a coherent state, . Note that, in contrast to Ref. 71, our initial state is a superposition of several excitation manifolds, precluding further simplifications to the ansatz.
For all closed dynamics simulations, we set Δ = 0. For evolution under the Holstein–Tavis–Cummings model in Eq. (47), we find that while both methods are generally able to capture the short time dynamics, at later times they outperform one another in different parameter regimes. We summarize our findings in Fig. 5(a), where we qualitatively depict the performance for different parameter regimes in the absence of decoherence. More detailed dynamics for each regime are plotted in Figs. 6–9, with the first and second rows of each figure showing dynamics without and with disorder ϵ, respectively.
We begin in the weak coupling regime g = λ = 0.1, shown in Fig. 6. Here, the dynamics is slow on the considered time-scale. In both the disorder-free (first row) and disordered (second row) settings, NGS and TWA accurately capture the small fluctuations of the vibrational modes at all times. Both methods also capture the initial spin relaxation; however, NGS misses the revival time. TWA’s ability to capture the first oscillation appears universally in all of the parameter regimes considered in this work. This behavior can be understood as follows: due to our choice of a factorisable initial state with a corresponding positive semi-definite Wigner function, the TWA sampling is able to reproduce the initial state and the mean-field and low order correlations that are generated during the short-time dynamics.
A generic feature of TWA is that when extending into the medium-to-long-time dynamics, the potential buildup of higher order correlations is not captured by the method. While this is not visible in Fig. 6, it can be seen clearly in the figures corresponding to the regimes discussed below.
The second regime we consider is the strong spin–vibrational coupling λ ≫ g, shown in Fig. 7. Here, we expect NGS to perform well, as NGS is exact with any coherent state number Np for HH. In the disorder-free regime (top row), although NGS with Np = 12 does not fully capture the dynamics at late times, it does outperform TWA, which majorly underestimates the spin decay. In this case, the lack of disorder is challenging for our NGS ansatz: each spin evolves identically, requiring the superposition of coherent states to be factored into a product. This symmetry is broken when introducing disorder (second row), and we see that NGS captures accurately the dynamics for all considered times, including the initial decay and then revival of ⟨Sz⟩. For TWA, although the numerics match better for the vibrational dynamics in the presence of disorder, this is primarily a consequence of the fact that the disorder causes the Holstein interactions to dominate, and the spin and cavity dynamics continue to disagree with the exact solution.
Third, we move to the strong spin–cavity coupling regime, g ≫ λ, shown in Fig. 8. After accurately capturing the first oscillation, the TWA spin dynamics equilibrate about ⟨Sz⟩∼0, unlike the exact dynamics which, although they do oscillate about ⟨Sz⟩∼0, exhibit persistent oscillations with magnitude ⟨Sz⟩∼1/2. Similarly, NGS with Np = 4 coherent states fails to capture any of the spin, vibration, or cavity dynamics. This is unsurprising because, in this regime where the Tavis–Cummings term dominates, we expect the number of coherent states required to scale as , as each spin must be described using Np = 3 coherent states. Although increasing Np would eventually improve the accuracy, we found that increasing it up to Np ≲ 16 did not provide a substantial increase in accuracy while increasing the computational cost. In principle, TWA does not suffer from the same problem. However, if one needs to access higher order correlations with TWA, the introduction of higher order cumulants and the BBGKY hierarchy may become necessary. This poses an analogous problem to the number of Gaussian states in the ansatz: an exponentially increasing number of equations and potential numerical instabilities.108
Fourth, we consider the strong spin–cavity and spin–vibration regime λ = g = 1, shown in Fig. 9. Without disorder, both methods struggle to capture the dynamics at late times, although TWA in particular is able to capture qualitative features with reasonable accuracy. Introducing disorder breaks the collective nature of the spins, enabling both methods to more accurately track the dynamics. TWA is able to qualitatively reproduce the periodic peaks in the spin and cavity dynamics at even later times than NGS. Both methods correctly obtain the vibrational dynamics.
Finally, we note that an advantage of NGS is the accessibility of the wave function. This means that any desired quantity, including entanglement entropy, can be computed. Furthermore, for small systems, strict performance measures such as fidelity can be easily computed. These are shown in the supplementary material for the four different coupling regimes (g, λ) considered in Figs. 6–9. The analogous plots for TWA cannot be generated.
C. Open system dynamics
1. Holstein Tavis–Cummings
Next, we introduce decoherence to our simulations. Figures 10 and 11 show the spin and bosonic dynamics for Ns = 3 in the presence of cavity loss a at strengths κ = g (Fig. 10) and κ = 10g (Fig. 11), and in the regime λ ≫ g, where NGS provides more accurate predictions in the closed setting (cf. Fig. 7). In the top row we set the disorder ϵ = 0, while the bottom row shows the dynamics in the presence of disorder, . Although exact dynamics were accessible for a closed system of this size, obtaining exact numerics in the open dynamics setting is challenging. In the supplementary material, we compare the two methods against exact numerics for a smaller system of Ns = 1. (supplementary material)
For these parameters, we find that, perhaps unsurprisingly, NGS continues to perform well in both κ = g and κ = 10g decoherence regimes. In the weaker decay limit shown in Fig. 10, NGS and TWA agree only at short times. The under and over-estimation of spin–cavity dynamics by TWA in the non-disordered and disordered systems, respectively, is consistent with the behavior of TWA in the closed system (see Fig. 7). In the large decay limit shown in Fig. 11, NGS and TWA are in reasonable agreement with one another for the spin dynamics and in near total agreement for the vibrational and cavity dynamics. Both show fast decay of the cavity to the vacuum and remarkably both capture small oscillatory dynamics at late times with excellent agreement. Physically, both methods demonstrate that strong cavity decay stabilizes the spin dynamics, which we attribute to the reduction of the effective Tavis–Cummings coupling strength and the prevention of the buildup of correlations in the system between the spins, as well as spin–boson correlations, due to the loss of cavity excitations.
2. Tavis–Cummings
Next, we consider the effect of spin decay. We set ϵ, λ = 0 in Hamiltonian (47) such that evolution is only under HTC and include collective spin decay at rate Γ. We set Δ = 1 and g = 0.1. Within the TWA formalism, we treat the dynamics using two methods. First, we continue to treat the system as a collection of individual spins, as described in Sec. IV. In Fig. 12, we plot the resulting dynamics, where TWA (CD) refers to implementing this sampling in the presence of collective spin decay at and . TWA (SSD) uses the same sampling, but the decay mechanism is single spin at the corresponding rate. The agreement between the two and the disagreement with exact numerics (EXA) indicate that treating the spins individually with either of these two methods is inadequate to simulate collective spin decay.
Our results using this approach, including collective spin decay, are shown in Fig. 12 in the lines labeled as TWA (HP) and NGS (HP). In the weak spin decay limit , both NGS (HP) and TWA (HP) are in excellent agreement with the exact numerics (EXA). NGS in particular captures the cavity dynamics with little error, while the error bars on the spin dynamics are still somewhat large due to our use of relatively few trajectories, ntraj = 40. In the large decay limit , both NGS and TWA correctly capture the rapid spin decay until νt ∼5. Beyond this point, the first order Taylor series expansion of the HP mapping breaks down as highly excited Fock states are populated. One can potentially circumvent this issue by simulating collective spin decay, as was performed in Ref. 80 with DTWA. There, the spins were collectively coupled to a single cavity whose cavity loss was much stronger than the collective spin–cavity coupling, resulting in effective collective spin decay and without the utilization of the HP mapping. Comparing the performance of these approaches in different parameter regimes and for different models, e.g., for more complex forms of collective spin decay, represents an interesting future direction.
Summary and conclusions: In this work, we presented a non-Gaussian variational ansatz approach to studying the dynamics of open quantum systems composed of spin and bosonic degrees of freedom. While several other works in recent years have utilized NGS to study the time evolution of open quantum systems, previous efforts have focused on developing an equivalent ansatz for the density matrix and simulating the Lindblad equations. Here, we utilized the quantum trajectories method, allowing us to take advantage of the previously developed machinery and analytic expressions obtained for real- and imaginary-time dynamics.
In addition to providing a comprehensive overview of this method, we performed extensive numerical simulations over a broad range of parameters of a spin–boson Hamiltonian [Eq. (47)] with Tavis–Cummings (TC) and Holstein couplings, which is applicable to a broad range of quantum simulation platforms as well as problems of interest in quantum chemistry, atomic physics, and condensed matter theory. We compared the performance of NGS with a method using the truncated Wigner approximation for systems with mixed bosonic and spin degrees of freedom, extended to open quantum systems following the approach in Ref. 59.
In the absence of decoherence, our findings are as follows: for strong TC coupling, TWA is the more accurate method, while for strong Holstein couplings, NGS is the better choice. When neither term dominates, for both weak and strong coupling regimes, TWA captures the short-time dynamics, while NGS generally displays the correct qualitative behavior, even at late times. After introducing spin disorder, the performance of NGS typically improves, while for TWA the vibrational dynamics match the exact dynamics better, which is attributable to the fact that disorder causes the Holstein interaction to dominate.
For open quantum dynamics, we focused on the regime where the Holstein term dominates and considered the effect of cavity loss. At weak decay rates, the NGS continues to perform well. TWA improves as the cavity decay rate increases due to the loss of quantum correlations, with both NGS and TWA showing excellent agreement. In the presence of collective spin decay, we considered the TC model only, finding that in the limit of small collective decay, both methods perform well when using a Holstein–Primakoff transformation for the large spin. In the limit of large collective decay, NGS and TWA both only capture the short time dynamics, as the Holstein–Primakoff transformation is no longer accurate at later times. Using TWA, we were able to also treat each spin individually. However, TWA does not capture the collective nature of the decay, with the results closely matching the effect of single spin decay.
Further considerations should also be made when deciding between the two methods. Although the NGS ansatz can be made less computationally demanding by reducing the number Np of coherent states, in general, TWA methods are easier to implement and require fewer computational resources. The resource requirement and the complexity of NGS are offset by the advantages that it is a controlled approximation and gives access to the wave function, allowing one to access any observable, including higher-order correlations. The TWA framework needs to be amended if one hopes to capture these correlations accurately. A potential strategy to remedy this can be to use a cluster TWA approach.109 There, several sub-system parts are grouped into a single (discrete or continuous) large sub-system that, provided a proper sampling strategy, follows the fully exact quantum evolution, while correlations between clusters are approximated in TWA. Such approaches allow to use the cluster size as a controllable parameter to enhance the simulation toward the exact one.
Outlook: The extension of NGS to open quantum systems using the quantum trajectories formulation that we presented in this work is perhaps the most natural pathway. For Hermitian jump operators, an alternative approach and a simple extension of this work would be to instead solve the stochastic partial differential equations that result from the unraveling of the master equation. Furthermore, one could explore the impact of the chosen unraveling on the performance of the NGS method at a fixed Np, as it has been shown that this choice can have a large effect on the entanglement buildup in the trajectory.110,111
Another limitation of the present formulation is that the spin states in Eq. (1) are exact and span the full spin Hilbert space of dimension , thus limiting the use of the ansatz to a handful of spins unless approximations such as the large Ns expansion in the Holstein–Primakoff mapping used in Sec. V C 2 are invoked. On the one hand, studies using a fermionic Gaussian state representation of spins have been performed,112 and these might be combined in principle in a straightforward way with the NGS ansatz for bosons.49 On the other hand, it would be highly interesting to combine the NGS ansatz with other variational techniques highly suitable for the spins such as tensor network based approaches.39–41 Furthermore, similar to the present comparison between NGS and TWA, it would be beneficial to apply the here-presented non-Gaussian ansatz to the study of other systems, which might be challenging to simulate otherwise. These include, for instance, purely bosonic models, such as the Bose–Hubbard model, with disorder and on non-regular lattices.113 Such extensive studies will allow for a comparison between our approach and the corresponding master equation approach based on extending the ansatz of Eq. (1) to density matrices.54,55
Finally, we note that a particular promising application field of the methodologies introduced here could be in the emerging field of polaritonic chemistry.114–117 Recent experiments have demonstrated that large collective strong cavity couplings (e.g., ) can be functionalized to modify chemical reactivity. A theoretical understanding for such modifications is currently centered around the question of how a delocalized polaritonic state can play a role in changing chemistry on the single-molecule level as local amplitudes of collective polaritons vanish in the thermodynamic limit. In spin–boson approximations to the problems, in particular for the disordered Holstein–Tavis–Cummings105 model that we studied here, it was recently discovered that the interplay of disorder and collective cavity couplings can give rise to robust local quantum effects in the large-N limit in the form of non-Gaussian distributions of the nuclear coordinate.33 Using matrix product state methods, it was possible to push simulations to systems with 160 effective molecules, but in particular the TWA approach discussed here would allow access to much larger systems. Typical parameter regimes discussed here are well covered by the TWA approach (e.g., the typical parameters from Ref. 33 correspond to λ ∼ 0.1ν and g ≪ ν) and, therefore, hint to a general applicability of the method in the relevant regime. Furthermore, the TWA approach can be straightforwardly adapted to simulate nuclear dynamics not only on harmonic but also arbitrary potential energy surfaces, while the NGS ansatz using the machinery presented here can also model anharmonic Hamiltonian terms. In the future, this may allow for the analysis of quantum effects in realistic chemical reaction models, even in a macroscopic limit.
In the supplementary material, we show that the tangent space of the variational manifold for the NGS ansatz is a Kähler manifold and benchmark NGS and TWA against exact numerics for a single spin Ns = 1.
A.S.N., B.G., L.J.B., and J.M. are supported by the Dutch Research Council (NWO/OCW) as part of the Quantum Software Consortium program (Project No. 024.003.037), Quantum Delta NL (Project No. NGF.1582.22.030), and ENW-XL grant (Project No. OCENW.XL21.XL21.122). J.M. was partly supported by a Proof-of-Concept grant through the Innovation Exchange Amsterdam (IXA) and the NWO Take-off Phase 1 grant (Project No. 20593). J.T.Y. is supported by the NWO Talent Program (Project No. VI.Veni.222.312), which is (partly) financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). J.S. is supported by the Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute QMat, as part of the ITI 2021–2028 program of the University of Strasbourg, CNRS and Inserm, and was supported by IdEx Unistra (Grant No. ANR-10-IDEX-0002), SFRI STRAT’US project (Grant No. ANR-20-SFRI-0012), and EUR QMAT Grant No. ANR-17-EURE-0024 under the framework of the French Investments for the Future Program. The work was supported by the CNRS through the EMERGENCE@INC2024 project DINOPARC and by the French National Research Agency under the Investments of the Future Program Project No. ANR-21-ESRE-0032 (aQCess).
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
Author Contributions
Liam J. Bond: Conceptualization (equal); Data curation (equal); Investigation (lead); Methodology (equal); Software (equal); Writing – original draft (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal). Bas Gerritsen: Conceptualization (equal); Data curation (equal); Investigation (equal); Methodology (equal); Software (equal); Writing – original draft (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal). Jiří Minář: Conceptualization (equal); Methodology (equal); Supervision (lead); Writing – original draft (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal). Jeremy T. Young: Conceptualization (equal); Methodology (equal); Supervision (supporting); Writing – original draft (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal). Johannes Schachenmayer: Conceptualization (equal); Methodology (equal); Supervision (supporting); Writing – review & editing (equal). Arghavan Safavi-Naini: Conceptualization (equal); Methodology (equal); Supervision (lead); Writing – original draft (equal); Writing – review & editing (equal).
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
The number of spin configurations in the present ansatz scales exponentially with the number of spins and is the bottleneck in the use of the ansatz in Eq. (1) for many spins. Addressing this issue, such as combining the non-Gaussian ansatz for the bosonic modes with tensor-network techniques for spins, is a matter of future work. We discuss an alternative approach, namely using the Holstein–Primakoff representation of the spins, in Sec. V C 2.
A remark is that instead of the Dirac–Frenkel variational principle, one could employ the Lagrangian or McLachlan ones. Importantly, these coincide in that they yield the same equations of motion if the tangent space of the variational manifold is a Kähler space.
In the numerical implementation of NGS, we observe that for certain initial states the equations of motion become numerically unstable, which we attribute to the singularity of the metric g and the associated need to perform a pseudoinverse instead of the inverse in the evaluation of G = g−1. Dealing with this issue is a matter of current and future work.