The elastic behavior of nematics is commonly described in terms of the three so-called bulk deformation modes, i.e., splay, twist, and bend. However, the elastic free energy contains also other terms, often denoted as saddle–splay and splay–bend, which contribute, for instance, in confined systems. The role of such terms is controversial, partly because of the difficulty of their experimental determination. The saddle–splay (K24) and splay–bend (K13) elastic constants remain elusive also for theories; indeed, even the possibility of obtaining unambiguous microscopic expressions for these quantities has been questioned. Here, within the framework of Onsager theory with Parsons–Lee correction, we obtain microscopic estimates of the deformation free energy density of hard rod nematics in the presence of different director deformations. In the limit of a slowly changing director, these are directly compared with the macroscopic elastic free energy density. Within the same framework, we derive also closed microscopic expressions for all elastic coefficients of rodlike nematics. We find that the saddle–splay constant K24 is larger than both K11 and K22 over a wide range of particle lengths and densities. Moreover, the K13 contribution comes out to be crucial for the consistency of the results obtained from the analysis of the microscopic deformation free energy density calculated for variants of the splay deformation.
Given its form as a total derivative, the saddle–splay mode does not enter the Euler–Lagrange equations for fixed boundary conditions; however, in principle, it can contribute to the energy through boundary conditions at the surface. It has the effect of renormalizing the surface anchoring, and the difficulty of disentangling the two contributions, together with the negligible role of the saddle–splay term for strong anchoring, are reasons why this mode is often neglected. However, it can have significant implications in complex geometries, such as stripes, cylinders, droplets, or hybrid aligned cells, through the coupling to the local curvature.8 The stability of the uniform nematic phase requires that each of the bulk elastic constants is positive, whereas the saddle–splay constant must satisfy the inequalities 0 < K24 < min(K11, K22).7 In particular, K22 − K24 < 0 would promote a double twist deformation, as in blue phases.9
In a recent reformulation of nematic elasticity,10 based on a mathematical construction proposed in Ref. 11, the director gradients are decomposed into four modes: in addition to splay, twist, and bend, there is a fourth mode, denoted as Δ, which is directly related to K24. Thus, a form of the free energy density is proposed, with the saddle–splay contribution explicitly regarded as a bulk term.
Bulk elastic constants can be measured by independently exciting the relative modes, through a suitable use of sample geometry, boundary conditions and external fields.15 On the contrary, surface-like constants are generally evaluated by the analysis of relatively complex director configurations using a certain model. This is one reason why it is difficult to obtain accurate estimates; indeed, very few data are available for thermotropic liquid crystals, and in general, they are affected by a considerable uncertainty. For PCH7 positive, K13, comparable with the bulk constants, was determined in hybrid nematic cells,16 whereas for 5CB K13 ≈ −0.20K11 was inferred from analysis of the periodicity of the strip domain phase of a hybrid aligned nematic film with azimuthally degenerate boundary conditions.4 For the saddle–splay constant K24 some more data, yet rather controversial, are available. K24 of some thermotropic liquid crystals was obtained from the analysis of spontaneously modulated structures in hybrid aligned nematic layers4,17 or from nuclear magnetic resonance3,18–20 and optical polarizing microscopy5 in systems confined to submicrometer cavities. Despite some discrepancies between the reported data, values comparable in magnitude to the bulk constants were estimated for 5CB, 8CB, and E7. More recently, a new route for measuring K24 was proposed, based on the use of combined topographic and chemical surface patterning to create saddle–splay distortions: K24 ≈ 0.5K22 was estimated for 5CB and for 8CB.21 Further support to relatively high values of the saddle–splay constant of 5CB comes from studies of the equilibrium configuration of the nematic director in confined systems: K24 ≈ K2222 was inferred from the formation of doubly twisted configurations in toroidal droplets, whereas K24 ≈ 0.7K11 was estimated from the analysis of the radial to bipolar ordering transition, induced by endotoxin in spherical droplets.23 Particularly impressive in this respect are the results obtained for chromonics, i.e., water solutions of plank-like aromatic molecules with charged substituents in the periphery, which self-assemble into columnar stacks and beyond a certain concentration form liquid crystal phases.24 Disodium cromoglycate (DSCG) and Sunset Yellow (SSY), two well-studied representatives of this class of liquid crystals, were found to adopt an escaped twist configuration, typical of blue phases,9 when confined in cylindrical capillaries with degenerate planar boundary conditions25–27 and in cylindrical shells.28 This was surprising because the molecules are achiral and could only be explained by invoking a stabilization due to the saddle–splay contribution to the free energy. Particularly high K24 values were inferred from the analysis of the director configurations in these systems: K24/K22 = 27.525 and 3.2529,30 for SSY, K24/K22 = 7.527,28 for DSCG.
Molecular theories and simulations, which in principle could provide independent insights on the relation between the various elastic constants and their dependence on the molecular structure and interactions, have devoted scarce attention to surface-like elasticity. Within molecular theories, expressions for elastic constants of nematics are obtained from the free energy in the presence of director deformations, which are generally analyzed through Taylor expansion of the director as a function of position. Early estimates of both the bulk and the surface-like elastic constants were provided by Nehring and Saupe, based on anisotropic dispersion interactions (with implicitly isotropic short-range repulsions),31 and the relationships K11:K22:K33:K13 = 5:11:5:−6 were obtained, together with very small positive K24. Remarkably, the very possibility of unambiguously defining K13 and K24 from a microscopic theory was questioned.32 This objection was discussed in a subsequent study,33 where the surface-like elastic constants of a Gay–Berne fluid were evaluated using density functional theory. K13 and K24 close to K22/2 were predicted, and the discrepancy from previous results31,34 was ascribed to the fact that in previous studies the pair potential favored end-to-end over side-by-side alignment. Moreover, the results could be affected by the level of approximation adopted in the theory, first of all the truncation at the second rank orientational order parameter in the series expansion of the single particle density, which leads to K33 = K11. In Ref. 35, dealing again with a Gay–Berne system, order parameters up to fourth rank were retained in the spherical harmonics expansion of the direct correlation function, which was calculated from molecular dynamics data for the pair correlation function of the nematic phase by solving the Ornstein–Zernicke equation, rather than from a simple isotropic liquid approximation. At variance with the previous study, K24 close to K22 and small negative K13 were obtained, the latter almost an order of magnitude smaller, in absolute value, than the bulk constants. The surface-like elastic constants were found to be more sensitive to details of the pair correlation function than the bulk ones. Finally, in Ref. 36, an atomistic model that can be seen as an extension of the Maier–Saupe potential was used for some typical thermotropic systems. The prediction was K24 > K22 for PAA, and K24 ≈ K22 for 5CB and 8CB, whereas K13 was found to be small and positive for PAA, small and negative for 5CB and even more negative for 8CB. The strong dependence on the molecular structure suggests possible roles of the molecular stiffness and biaxiality, which increase on going from 8CB to PAA. Recently, numerical estimates of the saddle–splay elastic constant were provided by molecular dynamics simulations. For Gay–Berne particles, K24 ≈ K22 was obtained,37 whereas for an atomistic model of 5CB, K24 between 1.5 and 2.5 pN, smaller than K22, was found.38
The scenario is confusing: the magnitude of the surface-like elastic constants remains unclear and there is no insight into their dependence on the thermodynamic parameters and the microscopic structure of materials. This is quite different from the case of the bulk elastic constants, whose behavior is rather well understood, not only in conventional nematics, which typically exhibit K22 < K11 < K33, but also in less conventional systems.39–41 Recently,42 we addressed the question of unambiguous determination of the saddle–splay elastic constant in the framework of Onsager–Straley theory43,44 for hard rodlike particles. K24 and the three bulk elastic constants were calculated from the profile of the deformation free energy as a function of the deformation wavenumber, for a double twist distortion and for the standard splay, twist, and bend modes, respectively: K24 > K22 was found, which implies an intrinsic tendency to twist.
Here, we extend the approach proposed in Ref. 42 to other deformation modes, which allow us to obtain estimates also for the splay–bend constant K13. Moreover, we derive explicit expressions for all the elastic constants using a second-order Taylor expansion of the singlet orientational distribution function (ODF). We then report numerical estimates of the full set of elastic constants for tangent hard sphere rods (THSRs) with different aspect ratios and over a wide range of densities.
This paper is organized as follows. Section II is devoted to the theoretical development: first the deformation modes are defined using continuum theory; then, a microscopic expression for the deformation free energy density is obtained, and finally, expressions for elastic constants are derived. Section III is dedicated to the numerical implementation of the theoretical expressions. In Sec. IV, we report the results of the different calculations and finally, in Sec. V, we summarize the conclusions of our study.
A. Macroscopic deformation analysis
Deformation name (d) . | . | . |
Splay (S) | K11/2 | |
Twist (T) | [sin(qRY), 0, cos(qRY)] | K22/2 |
Bend (B) | K33/2 | |
Δ deformation (Δ) | 2K24 | |
Double twist (DT) | 2(K22 − K24) | |
Generalized | 2[K11 + (2 − w)K13 − K24]a | |
double splay (DS) |
Deformation name (d) . | . | . |
Splay (S) | K11/2 | |
Twist (T) | [sin(qRY), 0, cos(qRY)] | K22/2 |
Bend (B) | K33/2 | |
Δ deformation (Δ) | 2K24 | |
Double twist (DT) | 2(K22 − K24) | |
Generalized | 2[K11 + (2 − w)K13 − K24]a | |
double splay (DS) |
The combination for the case w = 1 reported here differs from the one in Ref. 10 because there the K13 term was not included in the macroscopic free energy density expression.
B. Microscopic free energy density of deformation
C. Explicit expressions for the elastic constants
A. Model details
The geometrical volume v0 of a particle, used to calculate the packing fraction ϕ = ρv0 of the system, is simply the sum of the volumes of the hard spheres: v0 = Mπσ3/6. The effective volume, employed in the evaluation of the Parsons–Lee coefficient η [Eq. (9)] was calculated as the volume enclosed by the tessellated surface defined by a sphere of radius equal to 0.5 σ rolling over the particle;50 a density of vertices on the surface equal to 1000 σ−2 was adopted. The results for the three particle types are reported in Table III.
B. Calculation of integrals
In this work, we are concerned with the calculation of two main type of integrals: free energy densities in presence of a certain deformation [Eq. (8)] and generalized excluded volumes in the form of Eq. (19) orientationally averaged over undeformed ODFs, as required, for instance, in Eq. (20).
For the first type of integral, we adopt a simple Monte Carlo scheme consisting of (i) generation of uniformly distributed random orientations for particles A and B over the unitary sphere and of a uniformly distributed random position for the center of mass of particle B inside a sphere of radius equal to Mσ (particle A’s center of mass is fixed at the origin); (ii) check for overlap between the two particles, i.e., check if the Mayer function eAB is different from zero; (iii) if the particles do overlap, evaluate the two ODFs inside the integral. The final values of are obtained as simple averages over all the evaluations performed in the previous steps. For all the calculations reported in Figs. 3 and 4, the number of steps employed to obtain convergence is NMC = 1012.
Generalized excluded volume integrals over R in the form of Eq. (19) are calculated in spherical coordinates, R = [R, Θ, Φ]. Integration is performed analytically on the radius R and by numerical quadrature over the polar angle Θ and the azimuthal angle Φ. This is repeated on a 4-indexes discrete grid of angles {αA, βA, αB, βB} defining orientations of the two uniaxial particles, and . The results are then stored into matrices that can be efficiently employed for the evaluation of orientational averages in the form of Eq. (17) at different values of the orienting strength parameter c. For all polar angles (Θ, βA, βB), the Gauss–Legendre quadrature scheme is employed, whereas a Gauss–Chebyshev quadrature is used for azimuthal angles (Φ, αA, αB).51
C. Isotropic–nematic coexistence and equilibrium order parameter
At a certain thermodynamic condition, i.e., for a fixed value of the number density ρ, the equilibrium ODF is obtained by minimizing the total free energy density of the undeformed system, . According to our ansatz, the ODF [Eq. (6)] depends on a single parameter, c, which has to be varied in order to obtain the minimum au for a certain ρ value. In this way, a unique relation between the orienting strength c and the number density ρ is established, c = c(ρ). Practically, this is obtained by applying the Nelder–Mead simplex algorithm52 implemented in Matlab53 on the sum of Eqs. (7) and (8) for the undeformed system, whose integrals are evaluated with the quadrature procedure outlined in Subsection III B.
D. Calculations for the contour plots of the average excluded volume
The spatially resolved contributions to the average excluded volume, ⟨E1⟩, shown in the plots of Fig. 5 for deformations of cylindrical symmetry are calculated as follows: (i) the XZ plane is discretized into a square grid of mesh size b; (ii) the orientational average of the Mayer function eAB is evaluated in each cell by sampling the orientations of the particles A (fixed at the origin, see Fig. 2) and B (with its c.m. at the center of the current cell) from their ODFs [Eq. (5)]; (iii) each cell value is scaled by a factor equal to the distance from the Z axis so that the total excluded volume would be obtained by simply summing over all cells and multiplying by b2π. Calculations are performed for fixed values of the c and q parameters (q = 0 for the undeformed system).
A. Microscopic free energy density for different deformations
Figures 3 and 4(a) show the deformation free energy density [Eq. (10)] as a function of the wavenumber q, calculated for different distortions of the nematic phase of THSRs with M = 12, at volume fraction ϕ = 0.282. In all cases the calculated points were fitted (R2 > 0.99) to a parabolic function and from the coefficients the bulk and surface-like elastic constants were evaluated (see Table I). Figure 3 shows for splay, twist, bend, Δ, and double twist deformations, whose curvatures provide K11 = 1.54 kBTσ−1, K22 = 0.60 kBTσ−1, K33 = 20.18 kBTσ−1, and K24 = 2.17 kBTσ−1.
Interestingly, K24 is larger than K22, which is confirmed by direct calculation of the difference K22 − K24 from the curvature of the deformation free energy density for double twist deformation.
Figure 4(a) shows the deformation free energy as a function of the wavenumber q for generalized splayed director fields, corresponding to values of w (see Table I) ranging from −1 to 2.5 in steps of 0.5. We can see that the deformations have different costs and, in particular, we can observe a change in curvature between w = 1.5 and w = 2. The coefficients obtained from the parabolic fitting in q of these data are reported in Fig. 4(b). From the linear fitting of such coefficients as a function of w according to the expression reported in Table I, we obtain K13 = 3.29 kBTσ−1. Thus, the saddle–splay constant turns out to be higher than all the other elastic coefficients but K33. Even more important is that the inclusion of the splay–bend term in the elastic free energy, which is ignored by first-order theories, is needed to consistently distinguish the results of microscopic calculations for different variants of the generalized double splay.
A final comment is required by the negative curvatures observed in Fig. 3 for double twist and in Fig. 4(a) for generalized double splay with w = 2 (dashed line), which derive from K24 > K22 and K24 > K11, respectively (in the latter case there is no K13 contribution). This points to a local instability of uniform uniaxial order w.r.t such deformations. Given the form of the interparticle potential [Eq. (28)], the phenomenon has an entropic origin: it is driven by the decrease of excluded volume between a pair of rods fluctuating around a local director, in the presence of these deformations. This is illustrated by the contour plots in Fig. 5, which show the point-by-point difference between the average excluded volume for two THSRs in the presence of a double twist (a) or a generalized double splay with w = 2 (b) director field w.r.t. the same quantity but in a uniform director. In the case of double twist, there is a decrease of average excluded volume for any relative position of the particles, with a more pronounced effect when their c.m.s are close to each other. On the contrary, for generalized double splay, the overall effect comes from the competition between two counteracting tendencies: when the moving particle is in the region where the director field lines diverge, the probability of overlap is higher than in a uniform director, whereas the opposite occurs when the particle is in the zone of converging lines. The latter contribution is stronger than the former; hence, the overall free energy density change is negative; this means that the distortion entails an entropic gain, which translates into a negative value of the corresponding elastic constants combination, (K11 − K24).
B. Elastic constants dependence on density and aspect ratio
Figures 6 and 7 show the elastic constants as a function of the packing fraction ϕ for THSRs with M = 6, 12, 24. Calculations were performed using Eqs. (20)–(22), (24), and (26), which are computationally advantageous over the calculation of deformation free energy density profiles described in Subsection IV A. The results obtained by the two methods coincide within numerical errors, as illustrated by the asterisks in the plots for the case M = 12. For K13, we show also the values calculated according to Eq. (27), which are practically superimposed to those obtained from Eq. (26). For ease of visualization, the bend constants of all systems have been collected in the same plot, together with the corresponding S order parameters.
As expected, with increasing particle length the isotropic–nematic transition occurs at lower ϕ and the bend constant increases dramatically, whereas the other two bulk constants, which are both smaller than K33 and obey K22 < K11, are much less sensitive to the aspect ratio. What is more interesting, because much less known, is the behavior of the two surface-like constants: analogously to the bulk ones, they increase with increasing density and at any density they are higher than both K11 and K22, irrespective of the aspect ratio of the particles.
The main novelties of the present work can be summarized as follows:
We have presented a general formulation of Onsager theory for hard rod nematics that allows us to calculate the deformation free energy density for any arbitrary director field, without necessarily introducing the customary approximation of long wavelength distortions. The only assumption is a constant value of the nematic order parameter S, which might be relaxed in future, more general approaches.
From the analysis of Δ and double twist deformations, we obtain consistent estimates of the saddle–splay constant K24. This result is intriguing because it implies an intrinsic tendency of hard rods towards double twist, i.e., towards spontaneous breaking of the mirror symmetry.42 For the same systems, we find also K24 > K11, but this result could be questionable, since the inequality would be reversed if the additional contribution to the splay constant coming from density-director coupling was taken into account.
The splay–bend contribution, which is missing in first order elastic theories, turns out to be crucial to explain the difference between the (microscopic) deformation free energy density calculated for variants of double splay, and the K13 constant is found to be higher than all the other constants but the bend one.
We have obtained also explicit expressions for the full set of elastic constants and the results are in agreement with those obtained from direct analysis of the microscopic deformation free energy densities outlined in (i), in the limit of long wavelength deformations. Calculations for rods over a wide range of thermodynamic conditions confirm that K24 > K22 and large K13 are general results, irrespective of aspect ratio and density.
The capability to obtain estimates of the full set of elastic constants is especially valuable for predicting and interpreting liquid crystal configurations in confined and structured geometries. In the future, it will be interesting to extend the approach, which here has been implemented for hard rods, to other forms of the interaction potential. In particular, it will be worth investigating whether the tendency towards spontaneous twist, associated with K24 > K22, is a distinct character of excluded volume interactions or a more general property, and how it is affected by features of the mesogenic particles, such as their shape and flexibility.
We would like to thank Professor Kostas Daoulas, Professor Jonathan Selinger, Professor Tim Sluckin, and Professor Epifanio Virga for enlightening discussions and an anonymous reviewer for insightful suggestions. We acknowledge the CAPRI Initiative (Calcolo ad Alte Prestazioni per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione, University of Padova Strategic Research Infrastructure Grant No. 2017) for HPC resources and technical support, and the contribution of the COST Action Grant No. CA17139. D.R. gratefully acknowledges Fondazione CARIPARO for funding his Ph.D. scholarship.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
Author Contributions
Davide Revignas: Conceptualization (equal); Data curation (equal); Formal analysis (equal); Investigation (equal); Methodology (equal); Software (equal); Validation (equal); Writing – original draft (equal). Alberta Ferrarini: Conceptualization (equal); Funding acquisition (lead); Methodology (equal); Resources (equal); Supervision (lead); Writing – review & editing (equal).
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Changes of variables of the form of Eq. (A3) were sometimes employed to calculate the bulk elastic constants, and for this case we numerically verified the invariance of the results.