The simulation of polymer solutions often requires the development of methods that accurately include hydrodynamic interactions. Resolution on the atomistic scale is too computationally expensive to cover mesoscopic time and length scales on which the interesting polymer phenomena are observed. Therefore, coarse-graining methods have to be applied. In this work, the solvent is simulated using the well-established multi-particle collision dynamics scheme, and for the polymer, different coarse-graining methods are employed and compared against the monomer resolved Kremer–Grest model by their resulting diffusion coefficients. This research builds on previous work [Ruiz-Franco et al., J. Chem. Phys. 151, 074902 (2019)], in which star polymers and linear chains in a solvent were simulated and two different coarse-graining methods were developed, in order to increase computational efficiency. The present work extends this approach to ring polymers and seeks to refine one of the authors’ proposed model: the penetrable soft colloid model. It was found that both proposed models are not well suited to ring polymers; however, the introduction of a factor to the PSC model delivers satisfying results for the diffusion behavior by regulating the interaction intensity with the solvent.
In the last decades, computer simulations have become a powerful tool to understand physical principles of soft matter systems, such as colloidal suspensions and polymeric fluids. Conventional simulations of polymers at the atomistic level using full-atom molecular dynamics are limited in terms of length scales (typically nanometer) as well as time scales (typically microseconds). In order to overcome such limitations, several coarse-grained methods have been developed to capture the dynamics at mesoscopic scales while neglecting the behavior at the atomistic level. For example, for polymers, these strategies involve the substitution of interactions on the atomistic level by effective interaction potentials between coarse-grained segments of a polymer. A nowadays widely used approach approximates the polymer by a chain of spherical beads connected by springs.1 An important example is the well-known Kremer–Grest model2 that connects adjacent beads by nonlinear springs and bead-bead repulsion is modeled as a truncated Lennard-Jones potential, also known as the Weeks–Chandler–Anderson (WCA) potential.3 In these approaches, the solvent is often taken into account in an effective way. In the simplest case, it acts as a local heat bath that transmits uncorrelated stochastic forces onto the beads where the strength of these forces depends not only on temperature but on the bead size and the fluid viscosity.
However, such a simplified procedure neglects solvent-induced non-local effects that appear as hydrodynamic interactions between different beads. While equilibrium properties do not depend on capturing hydrodynamic interactions, for example, the dynamics of polymers under non-equilibrium conditions often involve fluid flow, such as in phoretic transport,4 polymers under shear,5 or in the presence of external forces.6 In order to keep the computational expenses of resolving hydrodynamic interactions reasonable, the hydrodynamic interactions can be treated by another level of coarse-graining, such as by Stokesian dynamics,7 the Lattice Boltzmann (LB) method,8 Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD),9 or Multiparticle collision dynamics (MPCD).10,11
In particular, MPCD, which had first been introduced by Malevanets and Kapral more than 20 years ago,12 has since been widely used for the numerical simulation of complex fluids at the nano- and the micrometer scale. Examples include simulations of polymers,13–19 colloids,20–22 microswimmers,23–25 and biological cells.26 The MPCD method models the solvent by effective coarse-grained fluid particles that perform alternating streaming and collision steps, where momentum is conserved locally, and it thus approximates solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations and includes thermal fluctuations.11 Polymer dynamics is usually efficiently coupled to the solvent in the collision step.
Performing simulations of the bead-resolved polymer dynamics, with or without the presence of the explicit MPCD solvent, can become very time-consuming, in particular, when modeling large semidilute suspensions or polymer melts. Therefore, there has been great interest in finding even stronger levels of coarse-graining of polymers. In these approaches typically star polymers or dendrimers are treated as effective soft colloids,27 where the multitude of configurations is averaged out and individual polymers interact with each other only via an effective pair potential,28 instead of the monomer-resolved interactions.
While the aforementioned approaches using effective potentials are usually applied in equilibrium conditions, where fluid flow and hydrodynamic interactions can be neglected, recently Ruiz-Franco et al. investigated how linear and star polymers can be coarse grained as effective colloids and how they can be coupled to an MPCD fluid,29 allowing for incorporating hydrodynamic effects in the system. The authors introduced two different methods for describing linear polymers and star polymers as soft colloids in an MPCD fluid, which they validate against the fully monomer-resolved model (MRM) for polymers. The first method models the polymer as a rigidly connected distribution of monomers, which captures the real polymer density distribution obtained from the MRM. This method, also termed effective monomer model (EMM), had been proven to work well for linear polymers. The second method considers the polymer as a single penetrable soft colloid (PSC), where the solvent particles are allowed to penetrate the colloid with a certain probability, which is again related to the monomer density obtained from the MRM. This methods works particularly well for star polymers.29
In this work, we extend the works from Ruiz-Franco et al.29 to ring polymers. Recently, there has been a great interest in understanding the dynamics and structural properties of ring polymer solutions,30–32 in particular, because of their importance in biological systems, such as chromatin organization.33 In previous studies, monomer-resolved models of ring polymers had been coupled to an MPCD fluid,34–36 and in particular the importance of hydrodynamic flows for ring polymers out of equilibrium had been demonstrated.36 We first introduce the methods, such as MPCD, the MRM, and the coarse-grained models developed in Ref. 29 (see Sec. II). We then introduce two modifications of the PSC model that we apply, in addition to the other model, to ring polymers. In Sec. III, we show our results on comparing the diffusive motion obtained of the effective descriptions of ring polymers for the different coarse-grained soft colloid models. We provide summary and conclusion in Sec. IV.
In this section, we introduce several methods to simulate a polymer in an MPCD solvent. Each method uses a different level of coarse-graining.
A. Multi-particle collision dynamics (MPCD)
B. Monomer-resolved model (MRM) for polymers
The parameters of the polymer and for the MD should be in accordance with the solvent and MPCD specific values. For this work, a time step of hMD = 0.002τ was selected. MD steps and MPCD steps have to be alternated correctly such that the time is synchronized. Hence, the MD algorithm has to be performed h/hMD = 50 times for each MPCD step. Also, the monomer mass should be roughly equal to the total solvent mass per cell;38 hence, we set M = 10m. This ensures that both the embedded object and the solvent influence each other equally. In this work, a ring polymer with N = 100 monomers in a cubic box using periodic boundary conditions was chosen for all simulations.
We initialize the ring polymer as a regular polygon in 2D. The results of the MD-MPCD simulations are averaged over 400 independent runs, where each run consists of 5 × 105 MD steps of pre-equilibration without solvent, by which a typical equilibrium conformation for the polymer is produced, and 5 × 104 MPCD steps both for equilibration and for the actual simulation. Note: Only the MRM needs time for equilibration. The subsequent coarse-grained models do not need equilibration due to their inherent coarse-grained nature.
C. Effective monomer model (EMM)
The effective monomer model (EMM) is a coarse-grained model for polymers, which was introduced by Ruiz-Franco et al.29 The principle behind this model is to keep the polymer as monomer resolved for the interaction with the solvent, but remove internal interactions between the monomers. By integrating out the fluctuation degrees of freedom, the EMM describes a rigid but soft object and can be categorized between a polymer and a colloid. Therefore, we will refer to the coarse-grained polymers also using the term “colloid.”
To continue with initializing the effective polymer, a uniform random number is drawn for each of the cells and compared to the value of the volume density ρmon(rcell)σ3 at the distance rcell of the cell’s center to the simulation box center. If , we insert a monomer at the center of the respective cell. At the end, we have a number of monomers Neff equal to the number of successful insertions with expectation value . Figure 1 shows an example configuration generated through this process.
Example configuration after initialization for the effective monomer model (EMM). The figure shows a projection on the xy-plane of the 3D-colloid.
Example configuration after initialization for the effective monomer model (EMM). The figure shows a projection on the xy-plane of the 3D-colloid.
Instead of undergoing molecular dynamics following the intermolecular potentials as described for the MRM (Sec. II B), the colloid moves as a rigid body and keeps its monomer configuration fixed over the course of the simulation. Consequently, the EMM neglects the angular momentum of the polymer. The colloid displacement, and with it all effective monomers, is ballistic in the same way as for the solvent particles following Eq. (1) and uses its center-of-mass velocity for the ballistic movement.
Ruiz-Franco et al.29 suggested that after calculating the new center-of-mass velocity, the effective monomer velocities should follow such that each monomer has the same velocity, which is the center-of-mass velocity , before the next collision step. If we observe the colloid temperature, however, we find that this balancing makes the colloid cooler compared to the thermostated solvent. This is because the momentum exchange occurs through the effective monomers with mass Mmon as opposed to the entire colloid with mass M = NeffMmon. Through matching the velocities of the monomers with the center-of-mass velocity, however, they are no longer Maxwell–Boltzmann distributed and their temperature is on average comparably lower. Even after a collision with the thermostated solvent particles, the temperature has not adjusted sufficiently fast before the next averaging of the velocities occurs. For this reason, after a collision, the individual monomer velocities are kept for the next collision in this work. The average velocity is only used for the colloid displacement. Figure 2 shows the difference in temperature for both methods.
Temperature development of the EMM polymer, with initial velocity . (a) Temperature development of the EMM polymer if the individual effective monomer velocities are averaged with each other before each collision step. The temperature fluctuates around an average value far lower than 1 (kBT < 1). (b) Temperature development of the EMM polymer if the individual effective monomer velocities are kept between collision steps. The temperature fluctuates well around 1 (kBT = 1).
Temperature development of the EMM polymer, with initial velocity . (a) Temperature development of the EMM polymer if the individual effective monomer velocities are averaged with each other before each collision step. The temperature fluctuates around an average value far lower than 1 (kBT < 1). (b) Temperature development of the EMM polymer if the individual effective monomer velocities are kept between collision steps. The temperature fluctuates well around 1 (kBT = 1).
The monomer configuration is not redrawn during the simulation process, but colloid dynamics are evaluated by averaging over a sample size of 300 fixed rigid body configurations instead, with each run consisting of 5 × 104 MPCD steps.
D. Penetrable soft colloid model (PSC)
The penetrable soft colloid model (PSC) was also introduced by Ruiz-Franco et al.29 In this coarse-grained model, the monomer resolution is removed, and instead the polymer is depicted as one single spherical colloid that is to a certain extent penetrable for solvent molecules. Movement of the solvent particles inside the colloid leads to interaction between the two, where the colloid itself acts as one rigid particle with no internal interaction.
Scattering of the solvent particle by the PSC. Case 1: The solvent trial movement would be only partially inside the colloid, hence the particle is scattered at the colloid surface. Case 2: The solvent trial movement would be fully inside the colloid; therefore, scattering happens at the halfway point.
Scattering of the solvent particle by the PSC. Case 1: The solvent trial movement would be only partially inside the colloid, hence the particle is scattered at the colloid surface. Case 2: The solvent trial movement would be fully inside the colloid; therefore, scattering happens at the halfway point.
It turns out that neither of the two models developed by Ruiz-Franco et al.29 deliver satisfying diffusion coefficients compared to the MRM for a ring polymer (see Table I in Sec. III B for results). While the EMM works well for linear chains and the PSC is able to capture star polymers, ring polymers require the development of a different model. Therefore, we introduce two new coarse-graining models to test against the MRM for ring polymers: the PSC model with ellipsoidal shape (EPSC) and the PSC model with increased interaction factor (PSC-f).
The summarized results regarding polymer diffusion for all employed models. In this table, nsim expresses the number of independent simulations that were used to form the average value. The standard deviation of the sample mean is used as an uncertainty measure.
Model . | nsim . | Dl/D0 . | RH/a . | D/D0 . |
MRM | 400 | 0.001 28 ± 0.000 06 | 4.29 | 0.001 73 |
EMM | 300 | 0.001 15 ± 0.000 06 | 4.64 | 0.001 60 |
PSC | 400 | 0.007 02 ± 0.000 32 | 0.99 | 0.007 48 |
EPSC | 300 | 0.006 30 ± 0.000 30 | 1.10 | 0.006 56 |
PSC-f (th.)a | 400 | 0.001 91 ± 0.000 09 | 3.14 | 0.002 36 |
PSC-f (emp.)b | 400 | 0.001 32 ± 0.000 06 | 4.19 | 0.001 77 |
Model . | nsim . | Dl/D0 . | RH/a . | D/D0 . |
MRM | 400 | 0.001 28 ± 0.000 06 | 4.29 | 0.001 73 |
EMM | 300 | 0.001 15 ± 0.000 06 | 4.64 | 0.001 60 |
PSC | 400 | 0.007 02 ± 0.000 32 | 0.99 | 0.007 48 |
EPSC | 300 | 0.006 30 ± 0.000 30 | 1.10 | 0.006 56 |
PSC-f (th.)a | 400 | 0.001 91 ± 0.000 09 | 3.14 | 0.002 36 |
PSC-f (emp.)b | 400 | 0.001 32 ± 0.000 06 | 4.19 | 0.001 77 |
PSC-f whose factor was calculated from theoretical considerations.
PSC-f whose factor was empirically approximated.
E. PSC model with ellipsoidal shape (EPSC)
Within the standard PSC model we have approximated the ring polymer to a spherical shape. While this may be reasonable for star polymers or polymers in a collapsed state due to bad solvent conditions, for ring polymers or linear chain polymers in good solvent conditions, an ellipsoidal shape poses a much more appropriate choice. Considering that the gyration tensor obtained from the MRM suggests an ellipsoid with an aspect ratio of λ1/λ3 ≈ 3 for our ring polymer, this can hardly be considered an approximately spherical shape. The EPSC is a refined version of the PSC discussed in Sec. II D, which does not assume spherical shapes but allows the polymer to be approximated by an ellipsoid with any set of three length parameters {a, b, c} that represent its extension along the three principal axes. It is known that the diffusion coefficient of ellipsoids is smaller than that of spheres with the same volume.44 This indicates that an ellipsoidal colloid could close the gap between discrepancies in the measured diffusion coefficients between the MRM and the standard PSC model.
1. Parameterizing the EPSC
Because of the anisotropy of the colloid, its orientation is tracked over time. Hence, we define a rotation matrix that we use to track the orientation of the colloid. is updated every step using its angular velocity .
2. EPSC movement and coupling to the solvent
In principal, the EPSC is simulated in the same way as the spherical PSC. Each time step consists of three steps: EPSC ballistic movement, solvent particles ballistic movement with colloid interaction, and the multi-particle collision between the solvent particles.
For the ellipsoid, the normal unit vector at the scattering point (xs, , zs) is generally not parallel to the scattering vector .
For the ellipsoid, the normal unit vector at the scattering point (xs, , zs) is generally not parallel to the scattering vector .
The third step, which is the multi-particle collision among solvent particles, is performed the same way as if there was no solute present. The EPSC dynamics is evaluated by averaging over a sample size of 300 independent runs of 5 × 104 MPCD steps each.
F. PSC model with increased interaction factor (PSC-f)
If the theoretical diffusion coefficient is known, or it can be acquired by a simulation following the MRM algorithm (as described in Sec. II B), it is possible to adjust the acceptance probability pacc(r1 → r2) of the PSC algorithm in such a way that the desired diffusion coefficient is enforced. The algorithm of the PSC-f is based on the standard PSC algorithm. The only difference is in the calculation of the Monte Carlo acceptance probability pacc(r1 → r2) and consequences arising from that.
r2 ≤ r1 and points outwards,
r2 ≤ r1 and points outwards,
r1 < r2 and points inwards,
r1 < r2 and points inwards, with probability: .
In this section, we present results for the monomer and solvent density profiles and calculate the diffusion coefficient of the ring polymer within the different models.
A. Monomer and solvent density profiles
Radial monomer density distribution from the MRM with MPCD, and fit function according to Eq. (41) of a ring polymer embedded in an MPCD solvent.
Radial monomer density distribution from the MRM with MPCD, and fit function according to Eq. (41) of a ring polymer embedded in an MPCD solvent.
From the monomer density function and using Eq. (16), we obtain the theoretical solvent density profile. Considering time for equilibration, the actual radial distribution of the solvent particles is compared with the theoretical distribution for all soft colloid models. The solvent density function in the original PSC and the PSC-f can be seen in Fig. 6. By introducing the Monte Carlo acceptance probability for solvent movement in the PSC models, the colloid creates an excluded volume, which enables a more realistic solvent density distribution. This is a feature that is not inherent to the MRM or the EMM because, in the standard MPCD model, there is no excluded volume for solvent particles.1 As shown in Fig. 6, the desired solvent density distribution is achieved with the PSC. Introducing an increased interaction factor in the PSC-f keeps this feature if the acceptance rules are properly executed.
The actual radial solvent density distribution (green histogram) compared to the theoretical function (black line) in (a) the PSC model and (b) the PSC-f model. At small r/σ, there are higher fluctuations due to the smaller volume elements dV. At r/σ = 8, the solvent is almost at bulk density, which is depicted by the dashed line at ρsol(r)σ3 = 1.
The actual radial solvent density distribution (green histogram) compared to the theoretical function (black line) in (a) the PSC model and (b) the PSC-f model. At small r/σ, there are higher fluctuations due to the smaller volume elements dV. At r/σ = 8, the solvent is almost at bulk density, which is depicted by the dashed line at ρsol(r)σ3 = 1.
B. Diffusion constant
The mean squared-displacement (MSD = ) of all presented models over time. The gray continuous line shows a linear curve to indicate the diffusive regime. All lines that are parallel to that curve are of diffusive behavior. The PSC-f is shown with both, the theoretically calculated factor [PSC-f (th.)], and the factor we tuned empirically [PSC-f (emp.)].
The mean squared-displacement (MSD = ) of all presented models over time. The gray continuous line shows a linear curve to indicate the diffusive regime. All lines that are parallel to that curve are of diffusive behavior. The PSC-f is shown with both, the theoretically calculated factor [PSC-f (th.)], and the factor we tuned empirically [PSC-f (emp.)].
When we calculate the ratio between radius of gyration and hydrodynamic radius, we can further validate the accuracy of our methods. Literature suggests a ratio of RG/RH = 1.2533 for Gaussian ring polymers.50 Using the MRM, we find a ratio of RG/RH = 1.25, which is in excellent agreement with the theoretical value.
Neither the EMM nor the PSC model from Ruiz-Franco et al.29 are able to adequately reproduce the long-time diffusion constant of the ring polymer. Adapting the PSC model by enabling not only spherically shaped colloids but general ellipsoids (EPSC) does not significantly improve the diffusion behavior for ring polymers either, despite the fact that they have rather large aspect ratios a/c ≈ 3. On the other hand, introducing a factor to the PSC’s Monte Carlo acceptance probability (PSC-f), thus freely increasing interaction, provides the desired results and slows down the diffusion coefficient such that it matches the MRM. An advantage of this method is that it offers a lot of freedom since the factor can be chosen anywhere between 0 < f ≤ 1. As a result, the diffusion coefficient can be decreased arbitrarily within range while maintaining the desired solvent density profile. A disadvantage of this method is that the target diffusion coefficient has to be known, and the factor has to be approximated empirically.
The reason why the PSC model as proposed by Ruiz-Franco et al.29 does not work well for ring polymers lies most likely in the fact that it relies on the solvent density gradient to control the probability of interaction. Compared to that, interaction in the monomer-resolved model is better resembling the dependence on absolute solvent density. The reason why this model works for star polymers but not for linear chains and rings is probably that star polymers have a steeper monomer density function, and hence a higher solvent density gradient overall. As a result they possess higher interaction probabilities and consequently a slower diffusion.
For future work, it would be interesting to investigate the different coarse-grained models using varying degrees of polymerization N. Furthermore, testing the several coarse-grained models on many-polymer-systems would be the natural next step in this analysis.
We would like to acknowledge the Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC) for providing us with the computational resources that were necessary to perform our simulations.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
Author Contributions
Lisa Sappl: Data curation (lead); Formal analysis (lead); Investigation (equal); Methodology (lead); Software (lead); Validation (lead); Visualization (lead); Writing – original draft (lead). Christos N. Likos: Conceptualization (lead); Formal analysis (equal); Funding acquisition (lead); Investigation (equal); Project administration (lead); Resources (lead); Supervision (equal); Validation (supporting); Writing – review & editing (lead). Andreas Zöttl: Formal analysis (equal); Investigation (equal); Methodology (supporting); Supervision (equal); Writing – original draft (supporting); Writing – review & editing (lead).
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.