The adiabatic I.P. of Si2H6 obtained by a photoionization mass spectrometric study at two temperatures is 9.74±0.02 eV. The first fragment, Si2H+4, initially appears with a shallow slope at ≤10.04±0.02 eV, and with a much steeper slope at ≤10.81±0.02 eV. It is argued that the initial onset corresponds to formation of H2SiSiH+2, while the steeper onset is attributed to formation of H3SiSiH+. The second fragment, Si2H5, has an appearance potential of ≤11.59±0.02 eV (11.41±0.03 is a probable value). Successive decomposition leads to Si2H+2 (from Si2H+4 ) and Si2H+3 (from Si2H+5 ). The photoion yield curve for Si2H+3 also displays shallow and steep onsets. Upper limits for the appearance potentials can be readily extracted, but the true thermochemical onsets are less well defined. Heats of formation (or upper limits) are presented for each of these species. For Si2H+6, Si2H+5, and Si2H+4, the experimental values are in good agreement with recent ab initio calculations. For the daughter species, the experimental values exceed the calculated ones, as expected.
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15 August 1991
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August 15 1991
Photoionization mass spectrometric study of Si2H6
B. Ruscic;
B. Ruscic
Chemistry Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439
Search for other works by this author on:
J. Berkowitz
J. Berkowitz
Chemistry Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439
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J. Chem. Phys. 95, 2407–2415 (1991)
Article history
February 13 1991
May 09 1991
B. Ruscic, J. Berkowitz; Photoionization mass spectrometric study of Si2H6. J. Chem. Phys. 15 August 1991; 95 (4): 2407–2415.
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