A method for accurate and efficient local density functional calculations (LDF) on molecules is described and presented with results. The method, Dmol for short, uses fast convergent three‐dimensional numerical integrations to calculate the matrix elements occurring in the Ritz variation method. The flexibility of the integration technique opens the way to use the most efficient variational basis sets. A practical choice of numerical basis sets is shown with a built‐in capability to reach the LDF dissociation limit exactly. Dmol includes also an efficient, exact approach for calculating the electrostatic potential. Results on small molecules illustrate present accuracy and error properties of the method. Computational effort for this method grows to leading order with the cube of the molecule size. Except for the solution of an algebraic eigenvalue problem the method can be refined to quadratic growth for large molecules.
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1 January 1990
Research Article|
January 01 1990
An all‐electron numerical method for solving the local density functional for polyatomic molecules
B. Delley
B. Delley
Paul Scherrer Institut c/o Laboratories RCA, Badenerstrasse 569, CH‐8048 Zürich, Switzerland
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J. Chem. Phys. 92, 508–517 (1990)
Article history
June 26 1989
September 05 1989
B. Delley; An all‐electron numerical method for solving the local density functional for polyatomic molecules. J. Chem. Phys. 1 January 1990; 92 (1): 508–517. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.458452
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