Potential energy surfaces have been calculated for the four lowest electronic states of Na (3 2S, 3 2P)+H2(1Σ+g) by means of the RHF–SCF and PNO–CEPA methods. For the so‐called quenching process of Na (3 2P) by H2 at low initial translational energies (E–VRT energy transfer) the energetically most favorable path occurs in C2v symmetry, since—at intermediate Na–H2 separation—the ? 2B2 potential energy surface is attractive. From the CEPA calculations, the crossing point of minimal energy between the ? 2A1 and ? 2B2 surfaces is obtained at Rc = 3.57 a.u. and rc = 2.17 a.u. with an energy difference to the asymptotic limit (R = ∞, r = re) of −0.06 eV. It is thus classically accessible without any initial translational energy, but at low initial translational energies (∼0.1 eV) quenching will be efficient only for arrangements of collision partners close to C2v symmetry. There is little indication of an avoiding crossing with an ionic intermediate correlating asymptotically with Na+ and H2− as was assumed in previous discussions of the quenching process. The dependence of the total quenching cross sections on the initial translational energy is discussed by means of the ’’absorbing sphere’’ model, taking the initial zero‐point vibrational energy of the hydrogen molecule into account. New experimental data of the product channel distribution in H2 for center‐of‐mass forward scattering are presented. The final vibrational states v′ = 3, 2, 1, and 0 of H2 are populated to about 26%, 61%, 13%, and 0%, respectively. The observed distributions in H2 (and D2) may be rationalized by simple dynamic considerations on the basis of the calculated surfaces.
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1 December 1981
Research Article|
December 01 1981
Collisions of excited Na atoms with H2 molecules. I. Ab initio potential energy surfaces and qualitative discussion of the quenching process
Peter Botschwina;
Peter Botschwina
Fachbereich Chemie der Universität Kaiserslautern, D‐6750 Kaiserslautern, Federal Republic of Germany
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Wilfried Meyer;
Wilfried Meyer
Fachbereich Chemie der Universität Kaiserslautern, D‐6750 Kaiserslautern, Federal Republic of Germany
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Ingolf V. Hertel;
Ingolf V. Hertel
Fachbereich Physik der Freien Universität Berlin, D‐1000 Berlin 33, Federal Republic of Germany
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W. Reiland
W. Reiland
Fachbereich Physik der Freien Universität Berlin, D‐1000 Berlin 33, Federal Republic of Germany
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J. Chem. Phys. 75, 5438–5448 (1981)
Peter Botschwina, Wilfried Meyer, Ingolf V. Hertel, W. Reiland; Collisions of excited Na atoms with H2 molecules. I. Ab initio potential energy surfaces and qualitative discussion of the quenching process. J. Chem. Phys. 1 December 1981; 75 (11): 5438–5448. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.441945
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