By a modification of a previous method of quantum mechanical perturbation expansion, the Ursell‐Mayer function f(R) is obtained in the form 1 + f(R) = exp(−ΔE)(1 + βU1 + β2U2 + ⋯) where ΔE is the Heitler‐London energy and Un is at least of order 2n in the Coulomb interaction energy of the pair of molecules. The Un's depend on electron overlap integrals and distorted charge distributions. When electron overlap and charge distribution distortion are neglected the Un's become products of long range dispersion interaction potentials. Furthermore when the effect of nonlinear polarizabilities is neglected one obtains . The results are restricted to temperatures sufficiently low compared to the excitation energies of the two molecules.
C. Bloch, Studies in Statistical Mechanics, edited by J. de Boer and G. E. Uhlenbeck (Interscience, New York, 1965), Vol. 3, Sec. A, Chap. 2.
H. Margenau and N. R. Kestner, Theory of Intermolecular Forces (Pergamon, New York, 1969).
A. Ben‐Shaul, thesis, 1971 (unpublished).
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