In the limit of small trial moves the Metropolis Monte Carlo algorithm is equivalent to gradient descent on the energy function in the presence of Gaussian white noise. This observation was originally used to demonstrate a correspondence between Metropolis Monte Carlo moves of model molecules and overdamped Langevin dynamics, but it also applies in the context of training a neural network: making small random changes to the weights of a neural network, accepted with the Metropolis probability, with the loss function playing the role of energy, has the same effect as training by explicit gradient descent in the presence of Gaussian white noise. We explore this correspondence in the context of a simple recurrent neural network. We also explore regimes in which this correspondence breaks down, where the gradient of the loss function becomes very large or small. In these regimes the Metropolis algorithm can still effect training, and so can be used as a probe of the loss function of a neural network in regimes in which gradient descent struggles. We also show that training can be accelerated by making purposely-designed Monte Carlo trial moves of neural-network weights.
For strong, short-ranged potentials the required value of σ may be too small to be convenient, in which case we need to make collective Monte Carlo moves in order to approximate a realistic dynamics.45
The difference in speed does not scale linearly with the number of weights N, however, as is sometimes stated.